United Kingdom36156 Posts
On April 11 2013 05:59 Smancer wrote:Wait, how are you going to shoot Raven Show nested quote +On April 08 2013 22:07 Rainbows wrote: I shot him last night. Scum probably thought i would and RBd me. If Raven were town I'd probably have been allowed to shoot him and they just nk me instead. Or maybe they just want to push my lynch today.
You used your shot didn't you? Maybe I am confused: If Vig is rollblocked and tries to shoot someone, does he still have a shot to use later?
Read the OP
On April 11 2013 06:00 Rainbows wrote:Show nested quote +On April 11 2013 05:59 Warent wrote: How convenient that you will survive and Rainbow as well
@Smancer, I agree, but the night events must be considered as well.
Good night. Good to know you're scum, ty.
Good lord.
United States379 Posts
On April 11 2013 05:58 Obzy wrote:Smancer - you quote that I should play to win. I rather believe I have actively been trying to help town win. You are pointing out my words, and ignoring my actions. I fail to see how my claim is remotely important as a topic of discussion, unless you think that my play before claiming looked scummy enough that the claim itself places suspicion on me. I have already given my opinion on the Raven vs Rainbows discourse - several times, actually. And the vote counts from Warent, who accused me so now I'm fairly 100% certain that he is scum, are not necessarily something I think require discussion since they are a statement of facts rather than good insight as to why they matter, but I will indulge your curiosity, despite thinking you're likely a second scum. My input on the vote counts: Show nested quote +Day one lynch: TheRavensname (1) Rainbows Rainbows (2) Warent, TheRavensName jrkirby (2) JarJarDrinks, nobodywonder jampidampi (4) Smancer, Obzy, Fishgle, Moloch JarJarDrinks (3) Saraf, jrkirby, jampidampi Specifically, I guess I'll note the thing I noticed but am not certain about: Jarjar had 3 votes here, and all three voters on him were town, while four voters were on other targets. This sort of makes me worry that Jarjar is more likely to be town, since mafia wouldn't've felt comfortable with the end of the lynch if he was scum. /shrug although he's still scummy.
I just want to make sure you aren't TRYING to die.
I know you are being active. But both of us has had our focus go every which way over the last 2 days. Lets be active but try to stay on one or two topics. Not jump around so much. We really need to narrow it down and focus on just a couple of things.
Me fakeclaiming medic trying to save a fakeclaiming vigi is stupid, but you were obviously being sarcastic ^_^;
Warent, I already explained why I claimed. I quoted it for you awhile ago, in fact. Power roles are distributed randomly - but that doesn't mean what you are implying it does - it means that power roles are randomly distributed amongst townies. It's not like the host just flipped a coin for each one to decide whether or not it should be in the game. I mean, according to the rules, there "theoretically" could be multiple of a role, but that's not going to be the case lol. Smancer had made a list of posts from Jampi he didn't like as early as here, + Show Spoiler +On April 06 2013 07:30 Smancer wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 06:12 Fishgle wrote:
I too want to see some discussion about jampidampi. He's been jumping in and out, questioning people, but not really providing any opinions. Rather noncommital. Not only that, but he himself states people should be actively scumhunting, and doesn't do it himself. I don't like it. ] You actually have a really good point. Looking at his filter it is terrible. Almost every single post is posing a question to someone rather than actually contributing. I mean literally every single one is what do you think about X? Look at this: + Show Spoiler +On April 05 2013 15:52 jampidampi wrote:
Does Rainbows behaviour make him scum in your eyes? On April 05 2013 14:05 jampidampi wrote: In what way do you like Obzy?
On April 05 2013 14:20 jampidampi wrote:
Moloch, in this post you calling Rainbows scum in a noncommital way (bolded by me). Do you think he is actually scummy for that post? On April 05 2013 14:38 jampidampi wrote:
By that way, you are voting Rainbows. What makes hi scummy? On April 05 2013 14:54 jampidampi wrote: While Rainbows post does generate discussion, do you think it was a good way to start discussion?
On April 05 2013 15:30 jampidampi wrote:
Fishgle, does your post mean that you are going to sleep? Your posts so far have all been reagrding Rainbows. Any other opinions? On April 05 2013 16:08 jampidampi wrote: Warent, do you have opinions on someone not named Rainbows? and it was Fish that pointed this out, not me, as far as I remember. (Maybe I did, dunno - but I think you're implying I definitively gave Smancer the idea, and I don't remember this being the case.) I think you are probably trying to distance yourself from Smancer right now, given that mere hours ago you said that replacing yourself with Rainbows in your scumteam looked good, and now you're appealing to him against me.
On April 11 2013 05:59 Warent wrote: How convenient that you will survive and Rainbow as well.
@Smancer, I agree, but the night events must be considered as well.
Good night.
Obzy please tell me you didn't miss this.
United States379 Posts
I am heading out of work now, be back in an hour or two.
Smancer even if I am trying to die - which sure would be nice lol - ...w/e. + Show Spoiler +
I would rather discuss Warent. I feel like by deciding to pick on my medic claim when I have been active throughout the entire game and begun attacking him directly, he is basically claiming scum. The claim was stupid. I should not have claimed at that point. Didn't consult the coaches, didn't really consider that it would be better to claim to get myself off hypothetical annoying scumteams until today at 4:58 or so instead of really early, but apparently he's now going to let me live and somehow try to also blame (or distance himself, depending) Rainbows for this at the same time, thinking to himself "Well, OBVIOUSLY there is only one blue, I will build a fake case off this. It's "Random distribution", after all."
It doesn't even say it's random distribution! >.> It says "The game is inherently balanced for both sides depending on the types and numbers of roles that appear." Not random at all!
Hm, I jumped around a little, allow me to clarify - again - I'm posting a little hastily today hehe.
My claim was stupid, I should have held onto it for longer for obvious reasons. I think he is claiming scum because attacking me is fucking idiotic from a town perspective, and his logic sucks, and he's also lying.
On April 11 2013 06:14 Obzy wrote: Hm, I jumped around a little, allow me to clarify - again - I'm posting a little hastily today hehe.
My claim was stupid, I should have held onto it for longer for obvious reasons. I think he is claiming scum because attacking me is fucking idiotic from a town perspective, and his logic sucks, and he's also lying.
Welcome to my world, Obzy. Now you know how I've felt this entire game.
I didn't miss it Rainbows, but it is so depressing that he implies I'm going to live tonight that I'm largely unable to form words.
Also, if they leave me alive, I guess I get to be a claimed medic and try to make saves every night, and if I land even one then town gets an entire extra lynch unless you get your shot off and hit a townie. Idiots. They're likely going to kill me tonight unless they think they can mislynch me, apparently, because my role is strong, and they can't roleblock both of us. If you get your shot off, then I don't need to get saves off if you miss - It'd be 4-3 then, and you're confirmed. If they roleblock me and you get a shot off and I claim roleblocked, then whoever else claims a RB is scum. Etc etc, in conclusion,
I think they're still going to kill me tonight, and if they don't, then this is some sort of personal hell \o/
Oh. I'm not going to save you Rainbows, by the way, because if you get killed, it makes me breathe a sigh of relief and simplifies things considerably. When I can see your role name in blue, I will feel so much enormously better about a large portion of this game. At this time, Warent is 100% scum IMHO, and it will take a miracle for me to not vote him. Like literally there would have to be a ray of light fall upon my car in the middle of a storm as i drive home and fucking jesus would levitate down and gently rest his hand on my car's side-view mirror as I stop, stupified, and say "Please don't lynch Warent." - in perfect english, mind you - and then fly away surrounded by doves and a choir of angels
If that doesn't happen I'm voting Warent. You never know, though!
I'm going to do some work now! I probably won't post until I get home in two and a half hours! If I die, farewell everybody and I will welcome back my sanity! -_-
Alright, warent's implication that obzy and rainbows have a giant fake-claiming conspiracy is a bit too much. Hell, i'm extremely paranoid, but not that much. Two fake claims? If neither of them are telling the truth, then where are our real blues? Are any of you reading this blue? If obzy doesn't get killed tonight, and someone else reveals blue tomorrow, then i'll be willing to vote either rainbows or obzy. But right now, nope. Sorry, warrent. Doesn't make sense. You're trying to push a false conspiracy too far.
obzy, yesterday i was going to tell you that night is a bad time to claim doctor (i had a long post written out explaining why it was bad xD), but i didn't want to sound like an ass. I agree, i don't think there's any way that they're going to let you live now.
I think warent is trying to mislead us all by telling us to vote for one of the 4 guys who did the mislynch day 1. I think that day1 all of us that voted for a mislynch (me, obsy, moloch, smancer) are town. We just voted badly, mafia didn't even need to associate itself with the kill, and is now trying to push a lynch on us.
So with this in mind, and looking at the votes: The saraf kill makes more logical sense. Scum was trying to set us up for a jarjar kill day 2. [jarjar's votes were (3) Saraf jrkirby, jampidampi] But then jarjar finally stopped lurking and made a giant post against jrkirby. Look how quickly nobodywonder jumped out of the woodwork to join in on that lynch. Mafia thought that we would still be going after jarjar if jrkirby got mislynched (which we aren't, too much, even though we should be) and allowed jrkirby to die. So... possibly Warent + nobodywonder + rainbows/raven scumteam? It sounds kind of sketchy but with how well we have been killing ourselves off this game it might be possible that mafia has been mostly uninvolved directly with the kills.
Does that make any sense?
On April 11 2013 07:27 Fishgle wrote: Alright, warent's implication that obzy and rainbows have a giant fake-claiming conspiracy is a bit too much. Hell, i'm extremely paranoid, but not that much. Two fake claims? If neither of them are telling the truth, then where are our real blues? Are any of you reading this blue? If obzy doesn't get killed tonight, and someone else reveals blue tomorrow, then i'll be willing to vote either rainbows or obzy. But right now, nope. Sorry, warrent. Doesn't make sense. You're trying to push a false conspiracy too far.
obzy, yesterday i was going to tell you that night is a bad time to claim doctor (i had a long post written out explaining why it was bad xD), but i didn't want to sound like an ass. I agree, i don't think there's any way that they're going to let you live now.
I think warent is trying to mislead us all by telling us to vote for one of the 4 guys who did the mislynch day 1. I think that day1 all of us that voted for a mislynch (me, obsy, moloch, smancer) are town. We just voted badly, mafia didn't even need to associate itself with the kill, and is now trying to push a lynch on us.
So with this in mind, and looking at the votes: The saraf kill makes more logical sense. Scum was trying to set us up for a jarjar kill day 2. [jarjar's votes were (3) Saraf jrkirby, jampidampi] But then jarjar finally stopped lurking and made a giant post against jrkirby. Look how quickly nobodywonder jumped out of the woodwork to join in on that lynch. Mafia thought that we would still be going after jarjar if jrkirby got mislynched (which we aren't, too much, even though we should be) and allowed jrkirby to die. So... possibly Warent + nobodywonder + rainbows/raven scumteam? It sounds kind of sketchy but with how well we have been killing ourselves off this game it might be possible that mafia has been mostly uninvolved directly with the kills.
Does that make any sense?
Sense made.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
Day 3 Maybe a hole this big would fit one of our fatties.
marvellosity sat at his desk, looking slender as ever. Unexpectedly, Obzy walked through the door.
"What an unexpected surprise" smiled marvellosity.
"Well, yes, ah" mumbled Obzy. "Mmf."
marvellosity shrugged and pressed one of the many slender buttons in front of him. An enormous trapdoor befitting of Obzy's enormous size opened up below the fattie.
With that he was gone, not to be seen again.
Obzy, the Techie, was killed!
You have just under 48 hours to decide your lynch!
Warent is scum.
My best guess for scumteam is Warent / NW / TRN.
##Vote: Warent
I believe Fishgle and Moloch are town, for now. Moloch PM'd me a picture of pizza once and it was awesome (illegal, I know, but he did not know, and it was epic).
Everyone else has been pushing townies into the ground this game. It's time that you start listening to me. If you're still paranoid I'm fakeclaiming - I'm not. I haven't been pushing a mafia agenda this entire game. Causing confusion? It's the scum that were blowing everything out of proportion and irrational townies doing much the same. I'm blue. Uncontested. And that's all I've ever claimed. At some point you townies in the crowd -- whether you like it or not -- must begin to understand.
People can claim my play was 'bad' or 'stupid' as town. It was. Emotions -- they get in the way of things. Mafia is an emotional game, we saw it with Obzy tonight when he begged to get shot and claimed Doctor. I was an emotional mess day 1. Since then, I've tunneled likely scum, and the thread has bashed me for not being productive while they go off and lynch themselves a greenie. I made no effort to stop them -- that I will confess -- because at some points I really didn't care anymore. I say, be productive TODAY. Lynch scum. Lynch Warent, and together we will find his buddies and purge them from this land.
I don't intend to sit idly by while scum win this game. If they do -- good job, you blew my small D1 shitstorm into a blinding cloud of diarrhea by the end.
Friends, townies, citzens of TL, lend me your ears -- and your votes. All townies must be on scum today, or we lose.
Actually, it's 8 players left. 3 v 5. We can afford one more townie dying by NK. Whoever they kill, even if it's me, would give us great information. There is no reason to not go to a no-lynch.
##Vote: No-lynch
Obzy claim did not make sense from a town perspective. Why? He just gave up the doctor. How the hell is that town motivated?
I provided reason why it wasn't a terrible move from a scum perspective.
Simple as that.
On April 11 2013 12:46 Rainbows wrote: Actually, it's 8 players left. 3 v 5. We can afford one more townie dying by NK. Whoever they kill, even if it's me, would give us great information. There is no reason to not go to a no-lynch.
##Vote: No-lynch
At first this sounded idiotic, but it is actually the best idea at the moment.
If we mislynch today, we've lost since tomorrow it will be 3v3. If we don't lynch until tomorrow, we have a better chance to hit scum (3/6 instead of 3/7 - not including yourself).
Either way, if we miss a single lynch, we've lost. This way we just make our chances slightly better.
##Vote: No Lynch
The counterargument for not lynching today would go something like this:
If we don't lynch today, and do hit scum tomorrow, the scenario goes something like this: (Morning = at the time of day post, Evening = at the time of night post) (Tomorrow) Morning: 3v4 Evening: 2v4 Morning: 2v3 IF we miss this lynch as well, we lose, but if we hit then Evening: 1v3 Morning: 1v2 We have to hit this lynch exactly as well.
So, the obvious downside of waiting until tomorrow is that town would have to hit every single lynch until all the scum are dead.
Possible scenario if we hit a lynch today: (Tomorrow) Morning: 2v4 Here, we would be in the same situation we are now. We could either wait for a day to get better odds, and a mislynch would lose the game. If we wait, we're back in the 'must hit every lynch' stage, and if we don't wait (and get another lynch), we have the option of waiting (but not mislynching) the next day. Evening A: 2v4; Evening B: 1v4; Evening C: 2v3 (loss) Morning A: 2v3; Morning B: 1v3; Evening A1: 1v3; Evening A2: 2v3 (Loss); Evening B1: 0v3 (Win); Evening B2: 1v2 (Loss) Morning A1a: 1v2; Evening: Either loss or win.
If we don't lynch today, our odds to hit scum go up to 50% hit tomorrow. If we lynch today (and hit), tomorrow we can choose to not lynch and our chance from tomorrow we go from 2v4 to 2v3 which increases our chance to hit from 33% to 40%. If we wait two days to not lynch, our odds of hitting a scum at random go from 25% to 33%. Each day we don't use our no-lynch option (given we survive), the benefit of not lynching goes down.
The only downside to this is that we'll probably lose Rainbows tonight, and it feels like he gets the best reads on people.