Ahh, gotcha. Would you mind sharing your scum read? Both you and Sylencia have now mentioned that you have a scum read of some sort, and both of you seem to feel the need to hide it. Any reason you're holding back?
Newbie Mini Mafia XXXII - Page 24
Forum Index > TL Mafia |
United States935 Posts
Ahh, gotcha. Would you mind sharing your scum read? Both you and Sylencia have now mentioned that you have a scum read of some sort, and both of you seem to feel the need to hide it. Any reason you're holding back? | ||
Australia1154 Posts
the evidence considered for the case will only be from before that post (or there abouts) | ||
Australia1154 Posts
On December 05 2012 10:57 Rad wrote: @jidolboy Ahh, gotcha. Would you mind sharing your scum read? Both you and Sylencia have now mentioned that you have a scum read of some sort, and both of you seem to feel the need to hide it. Any reason you're holding back? That would be the case. I am sorry I will not be answering more questions that are put after that post either. What I need to do is finish reading the thread from before that post. | ||
Mr. Cheesecake
United States3756 Posts
On December 04 2012 11:14 Oatsmaster wrote: bad town play is contridictions/180s everywhere. Scum play is subtle 180s and weird logic/ cases Oats does this exactly Firstly, he's Paranoid: On December 04 2012 11:43 Oatsmaster wrote: And its a fucking stupid idea to lynch me for my play last game. Now stop discussing it. Why so serious all of a sudden? On December 04 2012 23:47 Oatsmaster wrote: LOL I am town, what do you mean pretend? I am getting peoples opinions of issues like policy lynch, changing of meta and that helps me to define reads on players, If people dont talk, then I cant read them . Feels the need to tell us that he's totes town. "What do you mean pretend I'm town... Gawsh I am actually town!" On December 04 2012 22:53 Oatsmaster wrote: I would probably tell you to l2play or something? Scum want to cause confusion and make sure the town cant function as well. I really dont know what I will do if I was scum :/ He's implying that he's not scum, again. Notice the wording: Idk what I WILL do if I was scum. Seems odd. 180 on mindset, 180 on a read On December 05 2012 00:24 Oatsmaster wrote: I automatically assume everyone is town, then get scumreads. Actually, that's how scum think. Because they know everyone is town, they work on getting false scumreads. Town are naturally suspicious of everybody. I know Oats sure was last game. Seems like a 180 on the mindset. On December 05 2012 00:30 Oatsmaster wrote: No, I wasnt providing advice on how he could look more town, I was giving a suggestion on more effective/accurate ways to win the game as town. If he is scum, it doesnt matter. I am concerned that he is scum. HOWEVER, it doesnt really affect much BECAUSE if you know that someone is scum, you just ignore them. Currently I have a slight town read on yamato, however he seems to be acting differently as opposed to last game. Probably because he wants to improve like me, but you never know. Wait, what does that mean? Oh, so you have a town read on Yamato... On December 05 2012 01:05 Oatsmaster wrote: Im leaning town on CC, he seems his normal logical self. Im null on Axle, his questions are odd but maybe thats just his playstyle. Im leaning slightly scum on yamato and kickstart Kickstart goes into a discussion on whether lynching lurkers is good which is unnecessary at the start of the game because who knows, we might not have lurkers. Then he jokes around for a while and suddenly FoS yamato on badgering Axle. Like what kind of reasoning is that? Yamato + Show Spoiler + On December 04 2012 23:42 yamato77 wrote: My strategy this game is far more aggressive than it was the previous game at the beginning. If I am town, my main objective day 1, especially early, is to provoke discussion and responses. The more information I can garner from people, the stronger my reads on them can become. Up to that point, only Axle had seemed to willingly ignore me so I went after him. People that don't want to give up information are either scum or blue, because they both have something to hide. I suppose I assumed that Axle was doing this intentionally but it seems like he was ignoring me rather absentmindedly. What my focus now has become is why you have started to throw suspicion around on players who are looking into people's play early. A lot of your posting this game has been about "this looks suspicious" or something of that nature. Everything can "look suspicious" from a town POV, but you feel the need to say it a lot. Why? he only questioned axle then Unvoted him for unclear reasons.. 30 minutes later, a 180 on Yamato. He explains this by simply "Oh, I was going through his filter and found some scummy stuff." I don't buy it. Looks like ya dun goofed right thar sonny boy. Then there's the Kickstart case I won't link it, but talk about using "weird logic / cases" Basically, to sum up the case, his vote hinges on the fact that Kickstart wants to lynch lurkers (null), his FoS on Yamato (null), and that he wants to get information from other people first... But isn't that what he's been doing this entire game? All he's done is ask little questions here or there. The first 3 pages of his filter is a bunch of useless chit chat, a few questions about reads and some answers. Idkgotboreddecidedtomakeacaseandthenpostedit | ||
Mr. Cheesecake
United States3756 Posts
On December 05 2012 10:56 AxleGreaser wrote: + Show Spoiler + On December 05 2012 09:17 AxleGreaser wrote: I had an idea last night before I went to bed. But as I was still not quite awake enough I slept on it to see if today it felt wrong. It still reads feels the same as it did last night. those in the spotlight? getting the game they deserve. Interested in particularly hearing from Sylencia. I have not checked but it might be hard to do that. So anyway i will poke around the thread, for a while I was going to suggest the auspicious time of 12:00 here in oz but I want until 1.00 here in oz which 1:45 from this post. It would be pleasant if at that time we had some kind of quorum. Either that or if no one is here at that time I will speak to thin air just the same. real soon now i will present a case that I believe solves the game it solves the game in the sense that it solves it for my win condition. In my win condition everybody who is on my team wins. btw that would be you, as in anyone and everyone who read this post. ----- I have strong technical hunch that some people cant as sometimes when I open multiple windows here the game looks different. I have not tried to verify that so I could be wrong. If thats wrong or you don't understand just ignore it. Not sure if Stephen Hawking or homeless man atm. Interested to hear this solution >.> | ||
Mr. Cheesecake
United States3756 Posts
Scum wouldn't be going full retard mode, arms flailing and all. Too risky. | ||
Canada39 Posts
First with regards to Yam Man, I have a bit of town read on him based mainly on the way he has been approaching the game by asking questions, even if they have been aggressive. This style of play seems to be harsh but information driven town play since it is actually creating an environment where conversation can actually move forward. This should be obvious given the fact we are still talking about it. If his move against Axle was scum motivated, to what end? He would possibly get Axle lynched and then be cast into immediate suspicion on D2, since he would called out for pushing a mis-lynch. This question oriented play style promotes clarity of peoples intentions, which is ultimate of town's goals In contrast, all of Dickstart's actions have seemed to be aimed towards stalling the game. First, and I've made this point a couple of times, his wishy washy approach to pointing FoS on Yam Man did not help players understand the possible intentions. The fact that he put suspicion on Yam without trying to ask Yam why he acted the way he did does not provide information from Yam on whether he is scum or not. Kick did not ask for Yam's opinion on the accusation and instead attempted to get our reads on Yam without really committing to his own. Why would a town do this? This seems like a very scummy play, trying to get a case on player moving the conversation forward without actually providing any strong evidence on why that player is scum and fishing for scum reads from the rest of town to get that player lynched. As for his case: On December 04 2012 15:59 Kickstart wrote: Right, I know it is early in the game but I am just going to throw this out there and try to make it as comprehensive as I can to try and get some real conversation going. So far I have some suspicions on Yamato and Rad. (I will also note that as an aside that Rad defended Yamato against one of my questions but association cases are bad day 1, just interesting that there are two people I find suspicious and one is defending the other.) Yamato77 As I have stated before, I find Yamato's incessant policy talk a bit suspicious and that was the first thing to draw my attention to him. I have to look at it and see what his possible intentions could be. As town, policy talk is ok to start with, but I think it is best to say what needs to be said and not dwell on it much, where as scum would try and drown the thread with as much policy talk as possible as it is really unlikely to gain any useful information from it. Taking a look at Yamato's filter shows that most of it is policy talk and then he has an exchange with Axl. Now on his points against Axl I am in agreement. Axl is posting way too much in the way of "I am a noob and everyone else here is better than me" and things of that sort, and I too expect this to end. But I am not sure if the way Yamato reacted to this is town oriented. I can't help but feel that from a town perspective, someone would be a bit more helpful and not putting so much pressure on him and then throwing a vote on him when he doesn't respond. To elaborate a bit: So far Axl is putting out this vibe of being a noobie. Now I won't say town or scum because he is not doing a great job of answering questions and is really posting way too much about how noobie he thinks he is. To me, a town would look at this and react by first encouraging Axl but then pushing him slightly. A good example would be to give some support but to remind him that he needs to just post what he is thinking and why for the sake of town clarity. Here is my post directed at Axl: I gave as much support as I could but I also made it clear that it is important for Axl to post what he is thinking and why; and note that other players reacted in much the same way as I did. Now look at the way Yamato reacts to Axl: This is almost the exact opposite reaction that I and pretty much everyone else in the thread have displayed in regards to Axl. Yamato is being really aggressive (I used the term badgering earlier). He doesn't see that there is a timid first timer and try and be encouraging but productive, he instead seems to try and take this opportunity to attack and throw his vote onto a noobie town. Here he attacks Yam's use of pressure, which as I've already stated, seems to be more of a town play than scum. Also, going after weaker noobs is more indicative of a town looking for answers, and a scum player would be more focused on targeting noobs who were playing scummily. Kick also gives HIMSELF as an example of proper treatment of confused noobs, which basically says "Hey, guys look at what a good town I am!! I'm not picking on poor defenseless Axle, and anyone who does is clearly scum!" This is a shit argument since it only says that players who play nice are town and players who are jerks are clearly scum, and by the way, Kick plays nice and thus must be town. I fear it comes from a mischievous scum looking to get a mislynch on a semi-suspicious player than from a concerned town and so I'm going to go ahead and ##Vote Kickstart | ||
Australia1154 Posts
On December 04 2012 21:43 AxleGreaser wrote: This post contains content on its own so that does not get lost in the last one. The last post drew a conclusion from a ridiculous small amount of data. That is not all the data it is based on just all that was quoted. A lesson I learned along time ago when dealing with potential liars is never show all your cards to them. The majority of people here are town. I, state that, I think my optimal play is to show a large fraction of what I know. [........] Finally, hence Importantly I do not reach final conclusions no matter what the English implies. | ||
Canada7089 Posts
##Vote: Promethelax | ||
Mr. Cheesecake
United States3756 Posts
On December 05 2012 11:31 Promethelax wrote: All votes must be in the proper format to be counted that format is: ##Vote: Promethelax I'll lynch this guy. | ||
United States1941 Posts
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Mr. Cheesecake
United States3756 Posts
Sooo we're going with homeless then? | ||
United States1941 Posts
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United States935 Posts
Great case Axle /clap Fully support it. | ||
Mr. Cheesecake
United States3756 Posts
On December 05 2012 11:35 Kickstart wrote: Yep, I officially don't give a shit about this game at this point unless I see something that really changes my mind. Most everyone has gone full retard mode. I'm only partially retarded atm. I defended you, brah! | ||
Mr. Cheesecake
United States3756 Posts
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Canada932 Posts
Ahh, gotcha. Would you mind sharing your scum read? Both you and Sylencia have now mentioned that you have a scum read of some sort, and both of you seem to feel the need to hide it. Any reason you're holding back? Well, technically I have no legitimate or even decent proof of them plus as I said, I'm trusting my gut feeling so that is why I am holding back to finger pointing right now. If you really want to know, I guess PM me? (I'm guessing PM is allowed?) | ||
United States1941 Posts
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United States935 Posts
PMing NOT allowed jidol, don't do it ^^ | ||
Canada932 Posts
On December 05 2012 11:39 Rad wrote: @jidolboy PMing NOT allowed jidol, don't do it ^^ Ahh Ok! Sorry I read the rules but it only said about not PMing about your roles to other people or when you died :p | ||
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