Public Profile for AxleGreaser
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AxleGreaser's Public Profile:
This is not a cat. (According to skip anyway)
Its the same shape as cat, but it is easy to tell the difference as it is not evil, and cats are evil.
To all good cats: Goodmorning Vietnam
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.":- GBS.
"..., for man is the only animal of which I am thoroughly and cravenly afraid.":- GBS.
"People think they know all these things about other people, and if you ask them why they think they know that, it'd be hard for them to be convincing.":- ES
"There are no Turtles Anywhere": Ponder Stibbons
"I have seen myself in still calm pool, and I have heard a donkey bray": JJF
"When you look into a still calm pool, it is not the pool that looks back.":- Axle
Love the smell of roasted <insert name here> in the morning. :- Aptly Adapted
This space uinintentionally left blank. :- GEB
Playing history...
Played 6 : Lost 5
All Games
Links to games with IMO usable meta.
I Swear this is normal(yeah right:) Scum (Win)
Aperture Mafia 2 Ep 2 : Town (Loss)
Normally you'd like to compare that to a town games, you also could try noir, but really Aperture is better, although next time probably wont be the same, as that just does not seem like a good idea any more.
+ Show Spoiler [Images] +
This is not a cat. (According to skip anyway)
Its the same shape as cat, but it is easy to tell the difference as it is not evil, and cats are evil.
puppy picture
black dog []
Emptiness []
Eagle []
Salt []
Its the same shape as cat, but it is easy to tell the difference as it is not evil, and cats are evil.
To all good cats: Goodmorning Vietnam
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.":- GBS.
"..., for man is the only animal of which I am thoroughly and cravenly afraid.":- GBS.
"People think they know all these things about other people, and if you ask them why they think they know that, it'd be hard for them to be convincing.":- ES
"There are no Turtles Anywhere": Ponder Stibbons
"I have seen myself in still calm pool, and I have heard a donkey bray": JJF
"When you look into a still calm pool, it is not the pool that looks back.":- Axle
Love the smell of roasted <insert name here> in the morning. :- Aptly Adapted
This space uinintentionally left blank. :- GEB
Playing history...
Played 6 : Lost 5
Actual game list
Game : Apparent Faction : outcome
Splat 1 : Startled rabbit : double loss
Splat 2 : Loose Cannon : perspective.
Noir : Irate dog owner : Dead: nk=n1!
Ego : ooops : Lynched D1.
There endeth the noobs games
Swear : try hard : RIP Skip dont trip
Aperture : VT : various
All Games
Links to games with IMO usable meta.
I Swear this is normal(yeah right:) Scum (Win)
Aperture Mafia 2 Ep 2 : Town (Loss)
Normally you'd like to compare that to a town games, you also could try noir, but really Aperture is better, although next time probably wont be the same, as that just does not seem like a good idea any more.
+ Show Spoiler [Images] +
This is not a cat. (According to skip anyway)
Its the same shape as cat, but it is easy to tell the difference as it is not evil, and cats are evil.
puppy picture
black dog []
Emptiness []
Eagle []
Salt []