On July 23 2012 10:30 Mattchew wrote:Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 10:24 gonzaw wrote:On July 23 2012 10:17 Mattchew wrote:On July 23 2012 10:14 Probulous wrote:I noted this earlier but I think I should come back to it On July 16 2012 17:59 Palmar wrote: As an alternative, sinani is trolling and taking part in dumb discussion so I'd be fine with killing him. is remarkably similar to this On February 13 2012 17:49 Palmar wrote: I think we should murder sinani206. At worst nothing of value will have been lost. From Werewolves where he was scum and successfully pushed for sinani's lynch. His efforts into labelling QBertz as sinani seem way over the top, especially that QBertz sounds nothing like sinani (could be roleplaying but I find it hard to believe QBertz is sinani). he actually thought sinani was scum that game (there were 2 scum teams) Mattchew, why exactly do you think Katina is scum? I agree that she's likely scum, but I want to see your reasoning for it. I said it before using a WBG quote on how to quote her. I think she is accusing people for things other people (or herself) are doing. I don't think a lot of the things in her cases are logical and she was told by wbg (in advice to improve her scum play) to make more cases on more people, which I think she's forced out this game.
I take it you agree with what I posted about her then?
Anyways Mattchew, what about austin/supersoft/Zealos? If Katina isn't today's lynch, who would you lynch?
I'd like marv's opinions as well, he has been pretty silent lately as far as I've read.
On July 16 2012 21:19 Palmar wrote: This is of course assuming the analyst isn't terrible, but I'm not. He obviously believes he is an amazing analyst so where is his analysis, let's take a look.
On July 16 2012 22:12 Palmar wrote: note to self: sandroba confirmed scum. In response to this
On July 16 2012 22:07 sandroba wrote: Right I read through everything. I want to kill blazinghand. Smart people that disagree please post reasons! So wrong on both accounts here. What about this
On July 17 2012 02:17 Palmar wrote: I agree with BlazingHand let's kill syllogism. Nice catch supersoft.
Probably wrong as well. So next is MZ who could be scum, let's see the case
On July 17 2012 22:49 Palmar wrote: MZ is one of my stronger scum suspicions. The main reason is the fact that he spent a lot of time chasing after opinions from me.
Now, asking people questions is generally good, but MZ has played with me enough times to understand that if I'm not going to answer something, I just don't. Nothing he can do can change that. If I'm intent on trolling, I will troll, and you can't do shit about it. He should be familiar with my personality now, so while someone like syllo just assumed I was trolling and ignored the issue, MZ kept harping on about getting me to respond.
Why would he do this? Not only is it an excellent way to contribute without ever risking contributing anything, because he was never going to get an answer for me, it's also a good set up for a later attack on me. Not a normal palmar case. Where is the vehemence and fire and passion. Note how passive the bolded is. This is a case meant to fail. + Show Spoiler [Passive pushes for MZ lynch] +On July 17 2012 23:26 Palmar wrote: But between lynching kurumi, and preferably killing MZ too, you have some time if you're town. On July 18 2012 00:52 Palmar wrote: I have no problem with kurumi nuking rol as I already explained. And I don't think BH will flip scum. If you want to lynch someone else, MZ would be my first choice. On July 18 2012 05:32 Palmar wrote: I also have no intention of lynching you right now, I want to lynch Kurumi, MZ, maybe gonzaw. I can only kill one guy a day On July 18 2012 05:35 Palmar wrote: regarding GGQ, he's super lurky when he's scum, but he kinda is as town too. It's not a bad call to lynch him based on his day 1 posting right now, but I'd prefer MZ On July 18 2012 07:35 Palmar wrote: Can we kill MZ instead pls? On July 18 2012 07:43 Palmar wrote: for emphasis ##Vote Meapak
Then I post my initial case on Gonzaw and suddenly
On July 18 2012 09:37 Palmar wrote: gonzaw is scum, you are correct. one million dollars for you bro.
On July 18 2012 22:42 Palmar wrote: gonzaw is still 100% scum. So is meapak, and I'm pretty sure by now foolishness is one too.
On July 22 2012 00:47 Palmar wrote: if you can shoot tonight kill foolishness, syllo, katina, BM, zealos etc
Palmar is known for his analysis which he clearly states in the early game. He is then wrong about Sandroba and BH straight away. Then when he pushes MZ he posts a case that is weak as shit and then never actually pushes it. He even pleads for us to vote MZ but never forces the issue, despite it being clear that we were looking for targets. His language is passive and nonconfrontational. Then when I post my case on Gonzaw suddenly Gonzaw is the flavour of the month and not MZ, despite his constant pleas to vote off MZ. Ok, maybe Gonzw was a more feasible lynch but why is his shoot to kill list devoid of his target he was pushing all Day 1? I'll tell you why because he realised that MZ is probably the other Executive.
On July 23 2012 09:43 Probulous wrote:slOosh doesn't mention Foolishness at all until after the Day 1 lynch and then only comments on him. It's weird because he never discusses other cases or other targets. Anyway, his Night 1 opinion was clear. Show nested quote +On July 20 2012 11:46 slOosh wrote: On Foolishness: many people (including sandroba!) think he is scum and I'm not seeing it. I'd have preferred if focused his energies on someone other than BM (opposed to other vets I would like better reads on such as Palmar, syllogism), but that's alignment null. So I've looked into BM to determine legitimacy of his read, which I find myself agreeing with and I'm surprised that BM has been so easily dismissed because people are hunting execs, because 1) mafia is mafia, so dismissing it purely on "hunt execs" makes no sense, and 2) to think an exec couldn't pretend to own his minion's power is a dangerous oversight. I think BM is trolling mafia as I don't see any town interest in his posts, opposed to Chezinu who is trolling but has a few posts in which he shows critical thought / town insights. So here he has a townish read on Fool who he then follows with his case on BM ( Klicky). So nothing here indicating suspicion of Foolishness at all. Strangely he say Chez is trolling (excuse to ignore) but in a townie way. Ok, maybe that is a throw away line but then Show nested quote +On July 21 2012 01:45 slOosh wrote: Chezinu has been spouting a lot of nonsense, and the fact BM expects me to take such claims as serious and valid makes no sense, nor does it logically follow that my reads are flawed due to this. I merely said that a few posts of his seem insightful, but to take every post of his seriously is nonsense. Show nested quote +On July 21 2012 15:36 slOosh wrote: Does Chezinu actually have confirmed powers or not? I've started off ok ignoring him but he has begun to seriously hamper thread legibility. Which just makes people even less likely to read Chez. If you think Chez is town, why make excuses not to read his filter? Then comes this in his claim Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 14:05 slOosh wrote: Prob is it clear from your role name what your ability is? Because from a minion perspective, the knowledge of someone's role is hard to use - even if you knew someone was blue you can only submit the name to CEO kill list, and outting something like that isn't a town thing to do in the first place. But I also thought he was some sort of messenger role? How is this information useful to town? Knowing my entire role is only beneficial to mafia. Even if my role name suggests a mafia role, the fact that I have proven I have a role that has been useful to town should make it clear I am not mafia. Why is outing a role name not in town's benefit? I can tell you that my role name sounds like a mafia role but Chez took the time to examine my filter, to question me and to evaluate whether I am mafia based on my play. The fact that I think he is town because he didn't out me should be enough. Especially for someone who thinks Chez is town. Note slOosh is not calling Chez scum but he is insinuating that I shouldn't trust him. I also find his statement that minions knowing blue roles is not useful for scum completely out of place. Correct me if I am wrong but a CEO who gets a list full of blues is going to be happier than if it was full of greens. Here is some more muck throwing at Chez Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 15:04 slOosh wrote: Couldn't believe I'd pick up such an idea from Chezinu so I did some digging. So slOosh - Why is it that despite never mentioning anything negative about Foolishness AND agreeing with his case on BM you apparently shot him? Your point about VE arguing with Foolishness makes little sense because Bugs argued with Foolishness on night 1 but you completely ignored that.
- Why, despite thinking Chez is townie, do all your mentions of him discredit his posts and provide excuses for not reading his filter?
Note: I have disregarded the claim because well, it is a claim and others are providing insight into that.
My point with VE was that he exposed Foolishness' contradiction, which held a lot of weight because my town read on him rested on my agreement with his BM case - that he wasn't wasting his time screwing around.
On July 22 2012 06:27 VisceraEyes wrote: Yesterday when we were lynching Kurumi, you took the following actions:
Berate thread for discussing D3 lynch Build case on BM
In what way do those actions indicate that your intension is, as you claim, to focus the thread on lynching BH D3? Up to that point the majority of what I saw against Foolishness was meta reads from all the vets who knew each other, not something strong enough that I would shoot on - yet the line of questioning showed that he would so easily drop his BM case in a situation where the question where the lynch options were on equal ground, i.e. not an issue of consolidation.
The point I was bringing up with Chezinu was that BM was pushing me on really flimsy grounds.
On July 21 2012 01:45 slOosh wrote:Concerning Bill Murray: Show nested quote +On July 20 2012 18:23 Bill Murray wrote:SLOOSH WROTE: On Foolishness: many people (including sandroba!) think he is scum and I'm not seeing it. I'd have preferred if focused his energies on someone other than BM (opposed to other vets I would like better reads on such as Palmar, syllogism), but that's alignment null. So I've looked into BM to determine legitimacy of his read, which I find myself agreeing with and I'm surprised that BM has been so easily dismissed because people are hunting execs, because 1) mafia is mafia, so dismissing it purely on "hunt execs" makes no sense, and 2) to think an exec couldn't pretend to own his minion's power is a dangerous oversight. I think BM is trolling mafia as I don't see any town interest in his posts, opposed to Chezinu who is trolling but has a few posts in which he shows critical thought / town insights. Chezinu is town power role I am also town power role your reads are shit here Chezinu has been spouting a lot of nonsense, and the fact BM expects me to take such claims as serious and valid makes no sense, nor does it logically follow that my reads are flawed due to this. I merely said that a few posts of his seem insightful, but to take every post of his seriously is nonsense. BM has shown that he has power / contact with someone with the power.Yet the logical conclusion isn't that these people are cleared - there are minions who can have powers or execs who can disguise themselves with these said powers. BM is demeaning my reads on nonexistent grounds. He blaming me for not seriously considering all of Chezinu's claims which is ridiculous, and demeans my reads on that alone. I never thought Chezinu was town; when I said a couple of his posts seemed insightful I was drawing a contrast that even he was putting in some effort, whereas Bill Murray had shown no insight and no interest in the game. If I ever threw muck at his name it was unintentional dismissal of an intentionally abstruse person who was making it difficult to read the thread.
In light of the recent events however, it has become clear that Chezinu is someone worth focusing on due to his abilities, which is why I said
On July 22 2012 14:05 slOosh wrote:Probulous I'm assuming is some sort of kingmaker (?) - and he made VE king to lynch BH. Prob has also said that Chezinu is some sort of rolecop: Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 10:47 Probulous wrote: Time to read that Ole foolish filter. I don't think Chez is scum. He worked out my role but never outed it. I think he can check the names of roles because he correctly emphasised the first three letters of mine to me and only me. Prob is it clear from your role name what your ability is? Because from a minion perspective, the knowledge of someone's role is hard to use - even if you knew someone was blue you can only submit the name to CEO kill list, and outting something like that isn't a town thing to do in the first place. But I also thought he was some sort of messenger role? Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 03:23 VisceraEyes wrote:On July 22 2012 02:20 Palmar wrote: I haven't caught up since last night. Did Chez ever claim messenger role? The way Chez does, yes. And he sent me a message so... I forgot who said it (was quite recently) that scum and town may have mirror/similar abilities. Sandroba was a clear instance of a town messenger - use ability to find out scum. Chezinu or whoever is sending seems like they are sending messages of confusion (house of Chezinu etc.). In any case I still have to do more rereading & filtering in light of the new information influx. I doubt one person could have multiple abilities like so, which is why I asked for confirmation in case I misunderstood something.
As for the concerns of my role's plausibility: that's what I got. I can't shoot unless mafia haven't died in 1.5 cycles. If it's a really weird / unlikely role, I can't help it. It's what I got.
On July 23 2012 10:41 slOosh wrote:Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 09:43 Probulous wrote:slOosh doesn't mention Foolishness at all until after the Day 1 lynch and then only comments on him. It's weird because he never discusses other cases or other targets. Anyway, his Night 1 opinion was clear. On July 20 2012 11:46 slOosh wrote: On Foolishness: many people (including sandroba!) think he is scum and I'm not seeing it. I'd have preferred if focused his energies on someone other than BM (opposed to other vets I would like better reads on such as Palmar, syllogism), but that's alignment null. So I've looked into BM to determine legitimacy of his read, which I find myself agreeing with and I'm surprised that BM has been so easily dismissed because people are hunting execs, because 1) mafia is mafia, so dismissing it purely on "hunt execs" makes no sense, and 2) to think an exec couldn't pretend to own his minion's power is a dangerous oversight. I think BM is trolling mafia as I don't see any town interest in his posts, opposed to Chezinu who is trolling but has a few posts in which he shows critical thought / town insights. So here he has a townish read on Fool who he then follows with his case on BM ( Klicky). So nothing here indicating suspicion of Foolishness at all. Strangely he say Chez is trolling (excuse to ignore) but in a townie way. Ok, maybe that is a throw away line but then On July 21 2012 01:45 slOosh wrote: Chezinu has been spouting a lot of nonsense, and the fact BM expects me to take such claims as serious and valid makes no sense, nor does it logically follow that my reads are flawed due to this. I merely said that a few posts of his seem insightful, but to take every post of his seriously is nonsense. On July 21 2012 15:36 slOosh wrote: Does Chezinu actually have confirmed powers or not? I've started off ok ignoring him but he has begun to seriously hamper thread legibility. Which just makes people even less likely to read Chez. If you think Chez is town, why make excuses not to read his filter? Then comes this in his claim On July 22 2012 14:05 slOosh wrote: Prob is it clear from your role name what your ability is? Because from a minion perspective, the knowledge of someone's role is hard to use - even if you knew someone was blue you can only submit the name to CEO kill list, and outting something like that isn't a town thing to do in the first place. But I also thought he was some sort of messenger role? How is this information useful to town? Knowing my entire role is only beneficial to mafia. Even if my role name suggests a mafia role, the fact that I have proven I have a role that has been useful to town should make it clear I am not mafia. Why is outing a role name not in town's benefit? I can tell you that my role name sounds like a mafia role but Chez took the time to examine my filter, to question me and to evaluate whether I am mafia based on my play. The fact that I think he is town because he didn't out me should be enough. Especially for someone who thinks Chez is town. Note slOosh is not calling Chez scum but he is insinuating that I shouldn't trust him. I also find his statement that minions knowing blue roles is not useful for scum completely out of place. Correct me if I am wrong but a CEO who gets a list full of blues is going to be happier than if it was full of greens. Here is some more muck throwing at Chez On July 22 2012 15:04 slOosh wrote: Couldn't believe I'd pick up such an idea from Chezinu so I did some digging. So slOosh - Why is it that despite never mentioning anything negative about Foolishness AND agreeing with his case on BM you apparently shot him? Your point about VE arguing with Foolishness makes little sense because Bugs argued with Foolishness on night 1 but you completely ignored that.
- Why, despite thinking Chez is townie, do all your mentions of him discredit his posts and provide excuses for not reading his filter?
Note: I have disregarded the claim because well, it is a claim and others are providing insight into that. My point with VE was that he exposed Foolishness' contradiction, which held a lot of weight because my town read on him rested on my agreement with his BM case - that he wasn't wasting his time screwing around. Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 06:27 VisceraEyes wrote: Yesterday when we were lynching Kurumi, you took the following actions:
Berate thread for discussing D3 lynch Build case on BM
In what way do those actions indicate that your intension is, as you claim, to focus the thread on lynching BH D3? Up to that point the majority of what I saw against Foolishness was meta reads from all the vets who knew each other, not something strong enough that I would shoot on - yet the line of questioning showed that he would so easily drop his BM case in a situation where the question where the lynch options were on equal ground, i.e. not an issue of consolidation.
The point I was bringing up with Chezinu was that BM was pushing me on really flimsy grounds. Show nested quote +On July 21 2012 01:45 slOosh wrote:Concerning Bill Murray: On July 20 2012 18:23 Bill Murray wrote:SLOOSH WROTE: On Foolishness: many people (including sandroba!) think he is scum and I'm not seeing it. I'd have preferred if focused his energies on someone other than BM (opposed to other vets I would like better reads on such as Palmar, syllogism), but that's alignment null. So I've looked into BM to determine legitimacy of his read, which I find myself agreeing with and I'm surprised that BM has been so easily dismissed because people are hunting execs, because 1) mafia is mafia, so dismissing it purely on "hunt execs" makes no sense, and 2) to think an exec couldn't pretend to own his minion's power is a dangerous oversight. I think BM is trolling mafia as I don't see any town interest in his posts, opposed to Chezinu who is trolling but has a few posts in which he shows critical thought / town insights. Chezinu is town power role I am also town power role your reads are shit here Chezinu has been spouting a lot of nonsense, and the fact BM expects me to take such claims as serious and valid makes no sense, nor does it logically follow that my reads are flawed due to this. I merely said that a few posts of his seem insightful, but to take every post of his seriously is nonsense. BM has shown that he has power / contact with someone with the power.Yet the logical conclusion isn't that these people are cleared - there are minions who can have powers or execs who can disguise themselves with these said powers. BM is demeaning my reads on nonexistent grounds. He blaming me for not seriously considering all of Chezinu's claims which is ridiculous, and demeans my reads on that alone. I never thought Chezinu was town; when I said a couple of his posts seemed insightful I was drawing a contrast that even he was putting in some effort, whereas Bill Murray had shown no insight and no interest in the game. If I ever threw muck at his name it was unintentional dismissal of an intentionally abstruse person who was making it difficult to read the thread. In light of the recent events however, it has become clear that Chezinu is someone worth focusing on due to his abilities, which is why I said Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 14:05 slOosh wrote:Probulous I'm assuming is some sort of kingmaker (?) - and he made VE king to lynch BH. Prob has also said that Chezinu is some sort of rolecop: On July 22 2012 10:47 Probulous wrote: Time to read that Ole foolish filter. I don't think Chez is scum. He worked out my role but never outed it. I think he can check the names of roles because he correctly emphasised the first three letters of mine to me and only me. Prob is it clear from your role name what your ability is? Because from a minion perspective, the knowledge of someone's role is hard to use - even if you knew someone was blue you can only submit the name to CEO kill list, and outting something like that isn't a town thing to do in the first place. But I also thought he was some sort of messenger role? On July 22 2012 03:23 VisceraEyes wrote:On July 22 2012 02:20 Palmar wrote: I haven't caught up since last night. Did Chez ever claim messenger role? The way Chez does, yes. And he sent me a message so... I forgot who said it (was quite recently) that scum and town may have mirror/similar abilities. Sandroba was a clear instance of a town messenger - use ability to find out scum. Chezinu or whoever is sending seems like they are sending messages of confusion (house of Chezinu etc.). In any case I still have to do more rereading & filtering in light of the new information influx. I doubt one person could have multiple abilities like so, which is why I asked for confirmation in case I misunderstood something.
As for the concerns of my role's plausibility: that's what I got. I can't shoot unless mafia haven't died in 1.5 cycles. If it's a really weird / unlikely role, I can't help it. It's what I got. If he was going to lie why not say 1 cycle till he can fire for more believability? 1.5 cycles sounds more legit to me in this crazy setup. You can wifom it if you want but at best it is a null tell. Anyway we have 2 great targets in Zealos and palmar. Let's make sure one of them gets lynched
On July 23 2012 10:10 Probulous wrote:Show nested quote +Like I said, if he was scum, why wouldn't he just claim "vig that can shoot from N2 onwards" or something? It doesn't make sense for him to fake-claim that as scum. Because that isn't strange is it  It's quite simple really. slOosh realised he was on the wrong end of the Foolishness thing and so decided to save his bacon with a claim. Problem is that he had to find an excuse not to shoot Kurumi night 1 so he made up a delay thing. Then when people quetioned his use of the word delay he had to make up something that explained it. There is no difference between his claim and a night 2 vig. They are both weird and don't make sense. Foolishness flipped the CEO - no-one knew his identity! Why would I make such a claim up on the spot when I know that both town and scum could easily make the same mistake and continue to fly under everyone's radar, yet doing what I did would not hide, but expose the seemingly contradiction in my stance with Foolishness?
On July 23 2012 10:23 gonzaw wrote:Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 10:04 Probulous wrote: Ok you two, what do you think about Foolishness going balls to the wall against Syllo and BM but not Palmar. Regarding Foolishness's Actions: On July 22 2012 12:15 Probulous wrote: Palmar is interesting because he (Fool) was dead set on him being town but then changed later in the first day and into day 2 suggesting he got some new "news". Given his tunneling of Syllo who is town, I suspect BM received similar treatment. Compare the difference between his behaviour around Palmar and around Syllo, BM. The vehemence of his defense versus the pussy cat attack suggests he doesn't really want to lynch Palmar. I don't think Foo' ever said he wanted to lynch Palmar or even implied it.
On July 21 2012 01:49 Foolishness wrote: It's fine to discuss potential lynch targets, the issue is that it is day two and literally every player has been accused. There's absolutely zero focus. One page people are talking about Zealos, 3 pages later it's about Chezinu. With so many cases it's hard to tell who is actually trying to make a case (townies) and who's just fueling the fire (mafia). From what I can see though the people of interest in this regard are Blazinghand (should be obvious by now), marvellosity, and HiroPro. supersoft, Mattchew, Probulous, Palmar and yourself are somewhat guilty but not to the same extent.
On July 21 2012 03:21 Foolishness wrote: Sloosh, HiroPro, Bill Murray, MZ, austin, syllogism, GGQ, yourself, Kurumi, Mattchew, marvellosity, risk,nuke, Qbertz, Palmar, and Zealos.
On July 22 2012 02:32 Foolishness wrote: Palmar - number of pages in filter by start of day 3 by game
Mafia iGrok's Normal - 2.8 Emergency Mini - replaced in and had less than 1 page of filter Liar game - 3.5 Werewolves - 2.5
Town PYP redux - 3 JubJub - 4.2 Resistance 2 - 7 pages by start of Mission 3 Arkham City - 11.5 Mafia L - 3 pages at end of day 1 (he was lynched) Election Mafia - 9 pages under hydra with syllogism.
This game you have barely made it to page 4....hmmm....
All soft accusations against him. Considering his absolute defense of Palmar Day 1, I consider this an accusation. My whole point is that he went out of his way to distance himself from his early defense without outright pushing Palmar like he did Syllo and BM.
Foolishness was discredited basically from the get-go, I don't think anyone ever took his cases seriously, I know I didn't (with his BM case at least). I did. I took his original Syllo case very seriously. Are you reading the thread?
Prob, what do you think of Katina or Zealos, and why would you want to lynch Palmar instead of any of them? Because I think he is more likely scum than those two. Zealos could be Zealos, could be town, could be scum. I mean Kurumi flipped town and we know Zealos wasn't reading the thread. Katina, right now is townie to me. I will always go back and reread but right now neither are deserving of the lynch. Both you guys have been absent and we have just killed two scum, but instead of trying to read carefully and see where we are coming from you jump into the thread with different targets and try to derail the lynch. Why? You don't present evidence for Palmar being town. Just that Palmar is Palmar.
On July 23 2012 10:48 slOosh wrote:Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 10:10 Probulous wrote:Like I said, if he was scum, why wouldn't he just claim "vig that can shoot from N2 onwards" or something? It doesn't make sense for him to fake-claim that as scum. Because that isn't strange is it  It's quite simple really. slOosh realised he was on the wrong end of the Foolishness thing and so decided to save his bacon with a claim. Problem is that he had to find an excuse not to shoot Kurumi night 1 so he made up a delay thing. Then when people quetioned his use of the word delay he had to make up something that explained it. There is no difference between his claim and a night 2 vig. They are both weird and don't make sense. Foolishness flipped the CEO - no-one knew his identity! Why would I make such a claim up on the spot when I know that both town and scum could easily make the same mistake and continue to fly under everyone's radar, yet doing what I did would not hide, but expose the seemingly contradiction in my stance with Foolishness? I agree that your choice to claim is strange. I just think your play up till this point does not match with your claim. So either you changed 180 degrees with no mention in the thread, or you are lying to put yourself back on towns` side.
It doesn't matter right now as I am intent on lynching Palmar. You can redeem yourself in my eyes by providing some insight into layabout, Gonzaw and Palmar. I know you are good at finding inconsistencies and motivations, help me out here.
On July 23 2012 09:54 gonzaw wrote:lol when I saw Foo' flip CEO it made my day :D I was very surprised about BH though, I really thought he was town. About sloosh/supersoft:I don't see any reason for sloosh to fake-claim he shot Foo' as scum if he wasn't the one that actually shot him. I don't really see a reason for supersoft to fake-claim that either, unless he wanted to push a misslynch on sloosh. We need to be sure about it, supersoft has been acting shady all game and this "contradiction" here doesn't sit well with me. Can both of you get confirmation that vigs waste their bullets if they shoot the same target?If there is scum between them he'll have to fake that info, and depending on what they claims we can get a confirmed scum between them. I don't really see the "I can only shoot 1.5 cycles after scum aren't dead" thing suspicious...since it's too odd to claim as scum. Wouldn't it just be better for him to fake-claim regular vig as scum? Or a vig that can only start shooting from N2 onwards or something? Claiming something weird like that will only catch attention, as will fake-claiming that vig shot from the get-go.
Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 09:25 Katina wrote: Okay, went through some filters and found a few people who I think are Mafia.
Gonzaw: I noticed that in the two pages of his filter he complains a lot about the how much chaos is in the thread but yet he does nothing about it. Instead Gonzaw often goes off and comes back eventually posts something then gone again. He talks a lot about other players in the game but never hard pushes anyone. Gonzaw makes long posts that basically ramble on certain player and by the end I have forgotten what I have read. He tries to look useful with his posts but in the end they are just taking up space. He throws doubt around the town and takes off when he has done his job. I'm aware that he said he was away this weekend and can't be here to properly defend himself.
Layabout: He has two pages of filter as well. I think he is Mafia, something erks me about his filter this game. He mentions gonzaw early on and casts a vote on him for close to no reason. He didn't push his read on gonzaw and doesn't say anything about him after that. Instead he shifts his attention onto other people liks (Palmar, Kurumi, etc) and casts his vote on Kurumi. Now he's on Zealos. It seems that he is just going with the flow.
Meapak: Picks on easy targets for the most part. The only one he hard pushs is rastaban who hasn't been too active this game. He makes for an easy target. Meapak continues to push rastaban when it's clear that no one is going to go for it. His Mafia list is pretty meh, As I said the only hard read he has been pushing is rastaban to try and make it look like he's scum hunting so he doesn't draw too much suspicion.
risk.nuke: Doesn't have much in his filter. He starts off by agreeing with BH in the begining but then turns on him when BH starts taking fire. He sheep's along with bugs on his case against austin and jumps on board with Kurumi. The only case he has posted has been on BH, then he never follows up with it. Instead he goes on to post about me and Zealos being Mafia because he aren't suspicious of each other. He hasn't contributed anything useful to the town and doesn't seem to care that much. Did you read the thread Katina? I already explained why I was posting like that on D1. Some of the things you say don't make sense, you accuse me of things (I didn't do) when you've done them yourself. Here: Show nested quote + I noticed that in the two pages of his filter he complains a lot about the how much chaos is in the thread but yet he does nothing about it I didn't complain there was "much chaos"; I complained there was a lot to read and didn't have time to do it (albeit you could make the case "much to read"=="spam"=="chaos", but that's not what I was pointing out at the time). Also, the thing you accuse ME of doing is the EXACT SAME THING you have been doing this game: Show nested quote +On July 18 2012 06:44 Katina wrote: Geez, the thread is all over the place and so are the votes. Instead of focusing on one person to lynch there are several people being pushed for today's lynch.
There is no way there will be a Foolishness or a Sandroba lynch today. Syllogism, or Blazinghand is most likely at this point maybe Austin (depends on everyone else) Since WBG is pushing him pretty hard right now. Kurumi is getting nuked so that's a done deal. I feel like lots of people are trying to throw doubt around last minute here. Once night hits these people should be looked at (EX: austin, marv)
Right now both Syllogism and Blazinghand is near the top of my suspicion list and these two are the main candidates for lynch today. Blazinghand hasn't been around in for a bit while Syllogism has been here trying to defend himself and push his suspicions of Foolishness (Who is also scummy to me) I would like to give Syllo another day and see what happens. So I will be voting for Blazhinghand today. I'm sure enough about austin yet to consider him a lynch candidate today I will wait and see what happens later on.
##Unvote Kurumi ##Vote Blazinghand
Depending on his flip and who dies during the night hopefully we will have a more organized D2. Show nested quote +On July 19 2012 02:13 Katina wrote: A no lynch huh? That's really pathetic town.
Syllogism don't you think to go after me and say I don't care because I wasn't around at lynch time. That says absolutely nothing about my alignment. You have done nothing but gone after people who think you are Mafia.
Within the last 8 hours people were bringing up random cases about numerous people for example:
WBG: brought in his case about austin. Really bugs? You should know better than that. Your behavoir has caused me to think you are Mafia. All the other games I have played in with you when it comes to lynch time you settle on a certain person and are incredibly stubborn to change your mind especially when theres risk of a no- lynch (I can vouch for this since I have tried numerous times to get you off my back and you didn't budge) Your votes were all over the place instead of trying to take charge and keep the thread focused like you usually do when you are town.
BM: You have been pretty absent for most of D1 then you come in before the lynch and try to stir things up even more (I didn't think that was even possible) You basically sheeped everyone, your votes moved all over the place as well between gonzaw and BH. I can't get a read on you because of your blatant lack of posting (until right before the deadline)
sandroba: I can say the same about you that I said to WBG. You switched your votes around so much as well and you really should know better. From what I know about your play is when you think someone is Mafia you are deadset on killing them. Much like bugs when he's town. You have accused probably 8 people this game of being Mafia D1.... That's not like you.
Mattchew: I will be post a case on you later. I'm pretty sure that you are Mafia. I still think Palmar is Mafia as well.
BH: I don't know why people are so wishy - washy about him. He's pretty scummy in his play. He never freaks out this much when he's about to die except when he's Mafia. Show nested quote +On July 19 2012 02:59 Katina wrote: Syllogism you are making close to no sense right now. I have my read on Foolishness and I will give it to you once I am 1--% percent sure of it. Right now I am only 85% sure of his alignment.
This whole thread has been basically nit picking and calling each other out on stupid things instead of working as an actual town and killing the Mafia like it should be. I thought this was a game for "skilled" people not a game for little bitchy whiners. Show nested quote +On July 20 2012 11:10 Katina wrote: This thread is so messy it's not even funny. Here's what needs to happen:
Keep your votes on Kurumi. We are not going to spend the last day bringing up new candidates (Like Zealos) and throw the thread into complete chaos again then end up with another no lynch. There's hard evidence on Kurumi right now, let's not forget that. We will see what his flip is then go from therw. When D3 hits THEN will we start voting for other people who are Mafia. (Mattchew, Palmar, Foolishness, Blazinghand, etc)
There has been roughly ten pages since I looked at the thread this morning and all the content in those pages say close to nothing about anything. It's all a bunch of derp and twerp that is continuing to keep the thread horrible cluttered and disorganized. I'm surprised to see that the veteran players (who are usually good at keep direction for the town) are sitting around doing nothing or contributing to the chaos as well. If this continues then this game will be fast and resulting in a for sure Mafia victory. Every time ever since D1 you make a post getting angry about how much "chaos and confusion" there is in town, yet you are the one that does nothing about it. You just complained, yet the only thing you did was post useless lists about "people that need to die" that serve no purpose, and accuse people over and over and over. Every post of yours is just "we need to kill Foolishnesh" or "we need to kill BH". Yes, Katina is scum, the more I read her filter the more I'm convinced about it. When she's active she doesn't participate in any discussion. Every time she posts she's aggressive against someone, and restates reads she had long ago and doesn't add anything new. Katina keeps posting these lists of "people that need to die" that don't add anything new, specially since they are constantly changing and she doesn't really explain why she changes them at all. + Show Spoiler +On July 18 2012 09:26 Katina wrote: bugs, you should really know better than to try to switch the vote train off of two people who were discussed at in length. You have caused a shitstorm now, and the votes aren't any better than they were 24 hours ago. The people voting for austin at this point:
supersoft wherebugsgo Bill Murray sandroba syllogism risk.nuke gonzaw
Looks like a pretty good mafia list. I wouldn't mind 4 or 5 of you dying. On July 19 2012 12:20 Katina wrote:Show nested quote +On July 19 2012 10:21 Meapak_Ziphh wrote: I have had my vote stolen for the entire cycle.
Also I really don't like the idea of not killing kurumi today. The last thing we need to do is give up an easy scum kill. It doesn't matter if your vote was stolen, just vote. Why would we give up an easy kill? It will narrow down the scum count, that's what we need to win as town. If Kurumi doesn't die people are just going to derp around and be unfocused because he IS still alive. With him dead that's one less distraction and we can focus on the other scum such as: Mattchew Foolishness Palmar Blazinghand Syllogism Bill Murrary On July 22 2012 04:29 Katina wrote: Lynch those who are scummy. Don't worry about lynching the executives right now. We haven't killed one Mafia yet. Our focus needs to be on that right now. Not making speculations and picking someone we think "could be" a executive. I would imagine that all the minions have the powers anyway since executives have the authority to communicate messages. Wouldn't make sense for them to have anymore powers.
We need to lynch into this group:
Foolishness Palmar Mattchew Blazinghand Syllogism BM All these players are playing poorly this game and aren't playing according to their town Meta's in previous games. All these people are normally focused and organized when they scum hunt. (BM aside) There's gaurenteed Mafia in there, I'm certain of it. Again, don't worry about the executives. Just lynch Mafia, that's all that matters. There's too much worry about the messages being sent amongest the Mafia. As I have said before there is no way to know who's what on the chain of command. So it's pointless and a distraction to be worrying about this. On July 22 2012 09:33 Katina wrote: I doubt Palmar is an executive, he has been lazy this game. He has to make some big posts to keep suspicion off of him. He's most likely a minion but it really doesn't matter. The CEO is dead. All that is left is to pick the others off. Here's my list now after looking over some filters.
Palmar Blazinghand Meapkak risk.nuke Layabout gonzaw Possibly Mattchew (I can't tell if he's scum or just playing really badly this game) She never explained why syllo and BM are not suddenly on her "to-kill" list, and every time she makes a "case" against someone new and adds them to the list, thinking that's the only thing she has to do to contribute and "prevent town chaos". I don't think a town Katina would act like this at all. She's just throwing suspicions around every time she posts ignoring everything else that's happening, which actually adds to the chaos she herself keeps "complaining" about in 80% of her posts. Pre-Edit:Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 09:13 Katina wrote: I don't think I believe sloosh's claim. He doesn't say much all game then comes in when foolishness dies and claims he killed him. I'm more inclined to believe supersoft. sloosh made it on my Mafia list. I think VE is probably town and Mattchew might be as well just extremely misguided same goes for rastaban. Palmar needs to be lynched today then one of the following next:
Sloosh Meapak Gonzaw Layabout risk.nuke Really? Another list? About Palmar:I don't agree with this lynch at all. This lynch is based on him "being Executive because of balance issues" and because "Foo defended him without reason". I also Palmar is most likely town. Here is his filter this game: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=349678&user=87086Here is his filter from iGrok's game: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=341558&user=87086In iGrok's game he did stay to his "town aggressive Palmar" game on D1, but however as you can see from D2 onwards he stopped giving a shit about the game and just trolled from then on. I don't see that this game. In D2 he even started to be active and give his reads and reasoning behind them, even more so than in D1, and that's not how scum Palmar plays, he's putting much more effort this game than when he's scum. About Zealos:He's scum as well. He hasn't contributed AT ALL ever since D2. His few posts ever since have just been "hi I'm not scum" and nothing else. Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 04:43 Zealos wrote:Well, that was weird. As far as I can see, I'd like a BH lynch. It's almost as if he claimed scum earlier, as VE mentioned, On July 22 2012 04:35 Blazinghand wrote: I mean, if our thought is "sandro can't be trusted" I'd see why we're not lynching Zealos, but... we're also not lynching sandro? It just seems to me that between Sandro, Zealos, and Palmar we should totally be able to find a non-me lynch today and he's very happy to just push hard on the easy target so far. As for me - I'm not mafia, deal with it. Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 23:33 Zealos wrote:On July 22 2012 12:05 rastaban wrote:On July 22 2012 11:54 HiroPro wrote: BTW guys, notice the awesome role that Zealos claimed (along with the whole nonsense he had with his reads and the sandroba PM that he failed to bring to the thread)? It should be almost certain that he is mafia at this point. Who was it, VE I think, who even said Vt would be enough. Over compensation. Lynch Zealos You mean because BH had a fakeclaim of vanilla town!?! What a shocking surprise. He wanted my role, so I have it to him. Even if I have been useless thus far, the evidence for me as a mafia player is pretty poor. Only two posts he made since then and they are completely useless He was outed by sandro on D2 as well, yet it seems everybody ignores that
I'm down with a Katina, austin or Zealos lynch right now, I'm not too sure on supersoft (because of the claim) until we can confirm their claims. I'd like people's thoughts on Katina and austin before voting. Actually fuck it, here: ##Vote: ZealosIf anybody is "confirmed scum" by now it's him. I'll change my vote to consolidate later on austin/Katina/etc if necessary I like your case on Katina, it makes sense, and I think that she would be a strong lynch today. I voted austin day1 as he seemed the most scummy at the time, and not a great deal has changed with him, so although I would be happy for him to die, I would much prefer a katina lynch. As for the case on me, its wrong, sorry to disappoint. :3
Actually, no, I've changed my mind on a reread. That case on katina isn't very strong at all. Her calls for a less chaotic town are justified, and she's goes about asking for them in a towny way imo. The posts you quote aren't her making the town cluttered, it's her asking for a less cluttered thread, so I don't really know what purpose they serve tbqh.
And when you say that "A town katina wouldn't act like this" it's very vague and doesn't really mean anything to me. If you can show examples from other games with her as town where she acts very differently then it is a different matter, but just throwing things out doesn't make a great deal of sense to me.
I misread you hard last game slOosh, likewise I'm sure. Your claim is...the same as two other peoples'. One of you is going to die tomorrow. Which one is it going to be? Take a guess?
On July 23 2012 11:12 VisceraEyes wrote: I misread you hard last game slOosh, likewise I'm sure. Your claim is...the same as two other peoples'. One of you is going to die tomorrow. Which one is it going to be? Take a guess?
Master VE, I hope the hat fits.
Would you have any aversion to lynching Palmar? Oh and what do you make of Gonzaw and layabout...
On July 18 2012 12:32 Probulous wrote:Show nested quote +On July 18 2012 06:44 Katina wrote: There is no way there will be a Foolishness or a Sandroba lynch today. Syllogism, or Blazinghand is most likely at this point maybe Austin (depends on everyone else)...Right now both Syllogism and Blazinghand is near the top of my suspicion list and these two are the main candidates for lynch today. Blazinghand hasn't been around in for a bit while Syllogism has been here trying to defend himself and push his suspicions of Foolishness (Who is also scummy to me) I would like to give Syllo another day and see what happens. So I will be voting for Blazhinghand today. I'm sure enough about austin yet to consider him a lynch candidate today I will wait and see what happens later on.
##Unvote Kurumi ##Vote Blazinghand Depending on his flip and who dies during the night hopefully we will have a more organized D2. Which is the biggest load of hogwash ever. He is suspicious, because? Oh I get it, he is suspicious because he is suspicious... You said you think Katina is town, but this is the only thing I can find that even somewhat mentions an opinion on her play, and it isn't a townie one.
What do you make of the fact that in 2 posts to start day 2 Katina doesn't mention Palmar (or vote him) and then until switches back to being "on him" when the bandwagon today had started rolling.
Alright done!
I'm happy with a Palmar lynch, no need to rehash things there.
I don't think GGQ is scum. I honestly think he doesn't have enough time.
Rastaban is still very much scum and I'd love if people would start paying attention to him more. In fact, I'll update my case with his latest and greatest when I get the chance.
I'm leaning scum on sloosh. There's so much wrong with his claim's timing and that doesn't even take into account him not shooting kurumi.
This is just what I have from my initial read through. I'll go over things more carefully, update the rastaban case, and come to a decision about sloosh as time allows.
For now: ##Vote: Palmar
On July 23 2012 06:50 Probulous wrote: Really guys. I said why I chose VE. I said we will listen to him because he was going to lynch someone. It was a crumb.
looked to see if this was edited
it was from my phone if that means anything.
On July 23 2012 08:06 Q-bert-Z wrote: Good day, fellow workers,
I see you have fared quite well in my absence. You are to be commended. As Mr. Murray said, my vote has been stolen. It seems we have a mass of claims. Very interesting, everyone wants to take credit for killing of The "meany head" Fool. To be honest, I don't blame them, I would want to participate in that glorious act too, so that I may also be recorded in the annals of the Kings of Chez, as the man who helped bring down the pillar of injustice! But alas, I fear I can claim no such act.
Of course, not everyone could have killed The Fool, so we must be careful to weed out those who would use this to further their own bureaucratic goals... I must admit that I am a little confused. Did the Risky Nuke actually claim to have shot The Fool also? Or was he just being silly.
As I was reading through the newspaper the other day, I realized that i had locked my keys in my car, and when I went to go get them, I accidentally bumped my head on the glass of the car door. It hurt a lot, but suddenly I realized something! If The Fool was the CEO, and knew that when he died people would look at who he pressured, what would he do? Would he live up to his name, or would he set up fake reads??? Was his pressure in the past present a defense for the present future? Was he pressuring people in the present future by defending them in the past present? Chezinu! What is your council?
Regardless, it would seem that things for the Brown Revolution are coming along swimmingly, but we still need your help, Minonz! You must Revolt for us to begin the earnest Rebuilding! Revolt against your overlords! Your CEO has been removed, quickly, now while they are still unorganized!
You and Chezinu are crazy. I'm just going to get that out of the way! Your posting has been very protown. I stole your vote more on the hope that you were town, had an ability, and were going to be absent. Not all lurking makes me look at someone as scum, which is why I didn't straight up FoS you other than for your inactivity. The fact that you are lurking actively appeases me, coupled with, to reiterate, your proper posting.
I like your appeal to Chezinu here. He is someone who remains from a town circle the mafia have been picking off. He really needs protection. Considering Foolishness FoSed me, I NEED PROTECTION in all likelihood. My ability can catch people lying very easily.
Foolishness set up a "case" on me that he faked to get me out of the way. He had seen I had made a few one liners trying to see if anyone wanted to lynch him... and a lot of people did.
I have a way to get people to listen to me as scum more than town Noone is listening to me this game, because I'm not surefire bussing; I'm poking around in the dark
My girlfriend is coming over, so I will be out tonight for a bit.
On July 23 2012 12:18 Probulous wrote: it was from my phone if that means anything. it was the fact there were line(s) underneath like this
But, Probulous, you raise a good point about syllo and I in relation to foolishness
hats off, left-handed