Going to bed. It would be awesome if there was a ton of informational posting done overnight while I'm asleep.
Surprisingly Normal Mini Mafia X - Page 12
Forum Index > TL Mafia |
United States1092 Posts
Going to bed. It would be awesome if there was a ton of informational posting done overnight while I'm asleep. | ||
Canada635 Posts
2) First off it is pretty funny considering, you were first to play the suspicious card of anyone, and on St. Daniel, and only giving the reason for not doing the Vote: St. Daniel, was due to it being a newbie game: "The only person who's shown signs of being something other than vanilla townie so far is St. Daniel as I'm unconvinced that a townie would need help so early. I don't want to vote yet though as since its a newbie game he might just want general help and has shown no distinct signs of being mafia.". There are two possibilities here: You really want to vote for St. Daniel because he either has a townie role, or you suspect him of being mafia for wanting help, without having shown anything mafia-like. Second reason is mumbo-jumbo. First reason is the mafia in you talking. Freudian slip? Anywhich way, it is pretty weak. Secondly, apparently you showed no fear for St. Daniels life, when you were willing to throw him in front of a bus, and with you not having faith in other peoples judgments, on behalf of weak reasons(at least so soon), it seems like you hoped people would jump onto St. Daniel. He did, "I'm voting for you because you are stupid or mafia but you cannot be a good townie."; . You both gave weak reasons. Yours even weaker, because you target St. Daniel for the reasons of asking for help. Something you yourself did before him. You project your own actions onto others who do what you do, and call them suspicious, hence you would find yourself very suspicious. I do too. A large part of you suspicion against me seems to be because of post about St. Daniel early on. Just for reference here is the quote. I agree that we should lynch someone. The only person who's shown signs of being something other than vanilla townie so far is St. Daniel as I'm unconvinced that a townie would need help so early. I don't want to vote yet though as since its a newbie game he might just want general help and has shown no distinct signs of being mafia. You say that through this post I was throwing Daniel under the bus and doing exactly what yomi had done to me. You got this idea from me saying that I only didn't vote for Daniel because this was a newbie game. However, if we look back at the sentence, we can see it says "I don't want to vote yet though as since its a newbie game he might just want general help and has shown no distinct signs of being mafia". By this I meant that he may be blue as well as I clarified to Dr3am. So, we see that I had not identified Daniel as mafia but had merely been commenting on possibilities. Furthermore if I had wanted Daniel to be lynched why would I have not gone after him further? After that post I said nothing which would insinuate that Daniel is mafia. Also, if I wanted him lynched I probably would have voted for him. You call me a hypocrite for doing the same things that yomi did but there are large differences between yomi and I as yomi made an accusation and voted while I made a comment and did not vote. You cannot equate a single comment with no vote as trying to throw someone under the bus. 1. This is exactly what you did, when trying to throw St. Daniel in front of the bus, without most people having appeared in the thread. You even wanted lynch d1. 2. You don't trust a new players statements, hence not trusting your own, unless they can back it up with knowledge of the game from someone, then you do. Basically you are saying we shouldn't trust you. 3. You are giving away that you want to know if St. Daniel has a bluerole or not. 4-5. Is you trying to do damage control, realizing you have slipped up. 1. I think I addressed this earlier in this post. 2.If you take the statement in context, I was asking about this as Daniel said he had never played before but then implied he had prior experience playing. It was not that I did not trust a new players statements, it was that I wanted clarification on a contradiction. 3. I was clarifying a statement of mine when asked, I don't see how that gives any connotation of being mafia. Even if I had been trying to figure out who was blue, it would be a rather stupid strategy to hope that Daniel would pop up and say that he's a blue. 4-5. Based on 3 so hopefully that answer resolves these statements. 1)Mafia plays for survival, town plays for doing their part for as long as they can. You being afraid of your own survival, speaks volumes of you being a scum. Of course no one wants to die right of the bat, but being fearful of it, is another thing entirely. You even identify it as mafia play, when cornered, but try to add, but I am not doing it because I am mafia I play to have fun,it wouldn't be too fun to be dead would it?. My defensiveness was because I wanted to play the game. Fear is wanting to avoid something because it poses a threat. Getting lynched would be threatening to me being able to play so how am I wrong to fear lynching? On other players insectoceanx - Unsure. Generally thoughtful posts that don't shy away from suspicion or accusations when needed. This would usually be characteristic of a townie.. I personally did not see his last minute vote for yomi as suspicious as he had earlier posted his own suspicions of yomi but nreekay made a pretty good case against him I think. I would like to hear his response to what nreekay said. St. Daniel/ Gossemerr - Completely unsure though I thought his point against Dr3am didn't make very much sense. Dracholich70 - I am slightly suspicious of Dracolich. At the start of the game he was subtly discouraging voting and was mostly recapping instead of posting his thoughts. Later he revealed his suspicions of me and yomi. This also may hint toward mafia as we now now that yomi was innocent and I at least know that I am a townie. Though I do have my suspicions, dracholich would not be my first candidate as mafia. Once he, like I am doing now, posts his opinions on people other than me, I may be able to draw new conclusions. oneplus - I initially thought he may be mafia but my suspicions have somewhat abated with his last post giving thoughts on various players. I do still wonder why his posts at the start were relatively content free. Not completely convinced he is town but not too suspicious either. My initial suspicion of him protecting mafia quite obviously fell apart with yomi ending up townie. mutant - I see him as town, not afraid to give readings and accusations. His accusation of yomi seemed well reasoned so I have no reason to think mutant simply was a mafia who wanted to kill yomi. ArcticFox - Similar read to mutant but Fox has more posts and thought making him seem even less mafia like. Zealos - Really didn't post any reads or content at all except for one post accusing me. He also never responded to my response to his allegations. His play so far has seemed quite scummy due to the lack of real content. The only thing that makes me think he might not be mafia is that he did not vote for yomi. If he was mafia and did this he left a very real chance that yomi would live. I am still suspicious of him however as there is the chance both him and insect are mafia and knew that only one of them had to vote yomi to ensure a lynch while the other could vote something else to avoid suspicion. One of my higher rate suspects for mafia. ForTheDr3am - Once again the question asking, analytical type. I have no reason to suspect him thus far. imallinson - Has been a lurker and only brought up accusations that were fairly common at the time. Didn't bring that much new stuff to the table. I am suspicious of him. | ||
United States31 Posts
My top scum-read is still Zealos, despite him not moving onto yomi at the last minute (And imo, the main reason he didn't switch to yomi at the last minute is that he didn't want to make his lynch today 100% certain). He posts way way way too aggressively, without pretty much any substance in any post. The only thing that has had any substance is his attack against Maju, and even that didn't have much going for it. It basically boiled down Maju being suspicious that yomi would attack for him. yomi's posting was extremely odd, and because of that, I think it was justified. Do you really think that your posting history (aggressive without real analysis, then lurking) is pro-town play? IF you really think this, then explain yourself. As has been requested periodically throughout day 1 IF you really don't see yourself as the best lynch today, who would you lynch, and why? And as requested, some analysis on people, in hopes of getting some discussion going. insectoceanx - Posting a lot more now. Would love to see more focus in your analysis. It doesn't have to be a page for each case, just make them answer you until you're either satisfied they're scummy, or else they appear much less scummy than some other person. And fyi - I didn't want to post my other analysis yesterday, as I didn't want yomi to slip through day 1 by a hair's width like he did in the last game he was in. I wanted the focus to remain on him. It unfortunately backfired :/ St.Daniel/Gossemerr - I read in another thread that he got food poisoning and was really sick ![]() Dracolich70 - I thought he was being really scummy on day 1. I really didn't like his early arguments against dream, as to me it seemed to say that he wanted even more inactivity. And he posted a case against Maju which I really didn't think was valid. This, combined with the large posts, led me to believe he was trying to distract the town against a yomi lynch. Then yomi flipped town. I still don't like his argument against Maju, and I tended to side with dream in the big circular argument. I still think he may be scum, but I'm not yet willing to force the issue, when I am way more suspicious of zealos. And I must say, I really don't like reading his large posts. I find them really hard to follow. :/ MajuGarzett - I still have a read of new town. I'm not convinced by any case I've read against him. oneplus - He seems to be setting himself up as one of the noble few who believed in yomi. His recent summary post doesn't strike my as fluffy as Arctic thinks it is, though his reads on everyone seems to be pretty bad. Everyone he lists is either "scummy" or "I think townie, but are they actually scum?" I'm confused by this: oneplus wrote: Well he voted for yomi because he think that yomi is pointless one-liner which i kinda agree until the last few hours before the deadline where yomi has started to contribute. Hence I don't see a strong reason for Mutant to vote yomi yet. I voted for yomi because his behavior was anti-town. You agree that he was posting pointless one-liners, but didn't see a strong reason for me to vote for him yet? I would love some clarification on this. ArcticFox - Solid poster, good asset to town. Pushes people to post, makes solid cases. Zealos - Argued above. The weirdest thing to me is that he claims not to see the argument against him. ForTheDr3am - Another solid poster. He has the type of early aggression I like, and I believe is very pro-town. He questions people, makes them explain their motives, and substantiates his reasoning. imallinson - I said earlier that I was less suspicious of him. Upon a re-read, I don't think it's nearly as positive as I thought it was (I think I was blinded by his support of a yomi lynch :/). Minimal analysis on people in that post, and that yomi switch at the last minute with no real explanation is really suspicious. And he still only has two (real) posts. Would probably be an easy lynch, but I really want him to defend himself. As for the dream/draco argument: I could see it as two townies arguing with each other (though I am much more sure that dream is town that draco). If you two are still suspicious of each other, I would appreciate it if either of you would post a solid case against the other, as a serious candidate for a lynch. | ||
United Kingdom3571 Posts
Before you all decide for certain that I'm mafia, bear in mind the only arguement used against me thus far have just been "He was aggresive at the start" There are players that are lurking more than me, and ones that have been less useless, not to mention voting for the wrong person ^^. I'll be writing my case soon. | ||
Malaysia34 Posts
On April 26 2012 06:57 ForTheDr3am wrote: @oneplus: You, too, take yomi's flip as cornerstone by only analyzing the people who voted for him, with apparently similar intentions to nreekay. I already gave my thoughts about that, and am particularly surprised that you don't give your thoughts on Zealos despite having voted for him. In first place, you basically said he was scummy for trying to say that people are scummy, which is an awkward explanation and something I'd ask you to clarify for me too. Well since it's daytime now, I guess it's time to give my thoughts on those who didn't go for yomi. I am back to this again and I think this is very highly possible which is around 80-90% true. we have 2 scum in the 7 who go for yomi and 1 scum among the 4 who is not going for yomi. And nreekay is dead consequently there left Zealos, Draco and myself. The chances of getting a scum is quite positive here which is 33.3% and for myself I know that I am a townie so my vote will be between zealos and draco which is 50% chance correct. If there is a vigilante in this game i hope we would lynch one of them out ( if he flipped green ) we will shoot another which would probably be red. If we lynch a red then it would be great the vig could save his bullet for better used. I wish everyone would come in and participate in this discussion as we have enough evidence to so solve this and lead the town to the victory. Why would I say so? Because when we are force to lynch among 3 of us we will see how would his scummate act when we have to lynch their scummate. Either protecting them ? or trying to lynch their scummate to gain the confident from the town. Of course 3 of us will have better information compare to others because we know our OWN role! Hence we should explain more about this agenda. We have a similiarity among Draco and Zealos both of them are voting for Maju in Day1. If both of them flipped green I will be no.1 scumlist for everyone but I doubt are they going to flipped green. IF one of them flipped red Maju will be in my no.1 scum because they are trying to vote for their scummate in day1 to gain the confident from the town since yomi vote is way higher than everyone else so which is nearly impossible to miss lynch their scum mate. Lets talk about guessing what role we have inside this setup, nreekay has flipped medic so I assume we at least have a vig or a cop left. If there is a cop he might find out something last night and have slightly more information hence he could analyze this out better than anyone of us. But role claiming isn't a good choice here because the medic has died he couldn't protect the vig/cop anymore. SO I hope the blue role can be helping here secretly. On April 26 2012 08:36 ArcticFox wrote: oneplus -- As mentioned already, his only contributions have been a defense of yomi (while mentioning that he's acting like scum, but still calling him town), followed by a summary post. It's a bunch of useless throwaway while trying to say "I don't fluff my posts," while doing nothing but making a single fluff post in the last 24 hours. This guy reeks of scum right now. Well Arctic IF you are a town I think you would love my post here, Also arctic strike me hard as a town as he is the only one who suspect me the most and put me inside his scumlist. Why? We have a townie and a medic dead. Which is an advantage for the scum. And I don't think scum would be that aggresive when they are in a leading position. On April 26 2012 15:46 mutant wrote: oneplus - He seems to be setting himself up as one of the noble few who believed in yomi. His recent summary post doesn't strike my as fluffy as Arctic thinks it is, though his reads on everyone seems to be pretty bad. Everyone he lists is either "scummy" or "I think townie, but are they actually scum?" I'm confused by this: I voted for yomi because his behavior was anti-town. You agree that he was posting pointless one-liners, but didn't see a strong reason for me to vote for him yet? I would love some clarification on this. I agree that yomi is a pointless one-liner in the earliest part of the game but I don't agree that he is a scum. He is just a random townie who is trying to scumhunt in a bad way for me. I think he should retract earlier and not waited until like last 2 hours before the deadline. | ||
Malaysia34 Posts
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United States1092 Posts
@Zealos -- If you're going to try to discredit the case against you, post the whole case. My argument wasn't that you were aggressive, it was that you are aggressive in an unhelpful way, that you lurked hardcore, and have made a grand total contribution to town of one case on Maju that's about as watertight as the Titanic. That fact that you "didn't vote for the wrong person" means absolutely nil. I can give good town and scum reasons both for not voting yomi. "I made a crappy case against Maju then disappeared from the thread." is not high on the reasons to believe you're town. Step it up and post something useful. Specifically, answer the questions mutant listed that we've been trying to get you to answer for 2 days now. @oneplus -- Why would I like that post, exactly? Analysis of voting patterns with no conclusion, discussion of blue roles that we can't be sure of, and trying to argue why the guy who flipped town is a town (huh?). It's a bunch of useless junk and moreover, I still have NO clue who you think is scum. How is that helpful? I sincerely hope your next post is better. @Maju -- Lists are nice, but press your case. Who is your top scum? Why so? Nobody has any reason to answer to anything in your post right now, including Dracolich, who you posted a lot to but never even asked him to post anything in return. If he's reading scummy to you, press him to answer something. If not, end the circular arguments and defenses that, frankly, give me a headache when I try to decipher you two's posts, and focus your efforts on unearthing a scum. Other than that, keep up the activity level and don't disappear on us again. >.> @Mutant -- At night you can make good reasoning for not posting analysis (though in this game's activity level, I'm for you posting your analyis whenever you damn well please), but during the day there's almost no reason to not post your reads. Be brave, be bold! I like that you have strong opinions, I just want to see them more often. Your reads at this moment line up very well with mine. Keep it up and feel free to press the people who answer your questions if you don't like their answers. That's everyone. 5 more people who haven't posted yet today. GET ACTIVE. | ||
United States1092 Posts
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United States1092 Posts
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United Kingdom3571 Posts
1. I was unhelpful at the start, but this was due to me being far too ego-centric thinking I knew all the right things to do having played 3 games, which is clearly not the case ^^ 2. As for me posting some decent cases, that's what I intend to do now. List: Townies ArcticFox - Posted the most useful stuff by far, and has made lots of reads. There is no reason a mafia player would be that audacious. ForTheDr3am - Similar reasons. Is very keen to call people out, and posts without a hidden agenda as far as I can see. Scum imallision - Has posted VERY little, apart from a list thread, which just seems like a subtle way of pushing lynches away from him and/or his scumbuddies. I actually don't know why he's alive at all, he's posted near nothing at all. Maju - Still: He barely ever posts real thoughts, just a lot of urms and ers: I just meant he might be mafia or he might be a detective or medic or something. Yomi seems suspicious to me I guess oneplus is a candidate for mafia as well. Should we lynch lurkers? think we probably should I am less suspicious of Zealos now as if he was mafia he would have probably had voted yomi to ensure the lynch. (His one solid read on me lasted all of a day)insectoceanx - Unsure. St. Daniel/ Gossemerr - Completely unsure Seems very keen to post under the guise of content without actually being all too sure of anything. I want to hear his choice for lynch right now rather than who might be suspicious maybe. I am also somewhat suspicious of Draco - Mainly due to the number of people bringing him up, and that his counter - arguements seem pretty average at best. I don't think I would lynch him tonight, but I definatly would point him as a ##FOS: Draco | ||
United States22154 Posts
Post civilly or not at all. This is the only warning you will get. | ||
Canada4998 Posts
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United States1092 Posts
On April 26 2012 23:25 sandroba wrote: Hey if anyone needs someone to bounce off ideas I'll be glad to be of service! Use these coaching resources if you're only not posting for fear of not being useful. As we've been saying countless times -- the only people who should fear posting are mafia. If you have a read on someone, make it. More information isn't a bad thing -- if we agree, we'll tell you, if we don't, we'll argue with you. That's how this game works. Be active! It's the only way we're going to make progress in this game. | ||
United States1092 Posts
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United Kingdom3571 Posts
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Malaysia34 Posts
I know that we have scum outside 3 of us but I would like to put them aside first and hunt down the 1st scum which is either Zealos or Draco. I hope you can think from the evidence and mathematical way instead of only analyzing post. Also I emphasize so hard that Zealos and Draco we have 1 of them as scum and you tell me no one is in my scum list. I seriously wan to kill myself now. You are so town for me so I hope that you can work this out with me. I argue that If zealos flipped green Draco is red and vice versa! not the guy who flipped town is a town. Discussion of blue role is always an important issue and pretty useful in a semi open setup because we want the vig to shoot the correct target and cop to check who is guilty but not who is innocent! Please think about the setup and the possibility! I am still having the same stand as day1, Zealos is still my most decent vote. As I cant see any urge on him which want town to win so badly As we can see this from ArcticFox he want to bring out posts so badly. Zealos is always so cool and calm like never get emo even when people pointing at him. Everyone know Arctic and Dream are the 2 who posts the most so by quoting they are solid poster , town read is not contributing at all because EVERYONE of us know this. We want some discussion to go around and not only what we thought about others, If everyone come out and posts alot mean they are pro-town and those who are not so good at creative writing is scum then we have tons of scum vs few townie in this game. I am saying that we lynch zealos or draco, and I got ignored. | ||
Malaysia34 Posts
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United States22154 Posts
Need one more replacement still. | ||
United States1092 Posts
On April 27 2012 00:49 Zealos wrote: I suppose you're allowed to ask for a coach at any point? There are 5 coaches listed in the newbie section of the first page. Just shoot a PM to any one of them. So far none of them have bitten me. >.> Coaches so far have been giving general good advice on what to look for, rather than getting player specific. The idea is to get us all to think correctly about what we're doing, rather than give us what they're actually seeing. I have a feeling we wouldn't have lynched yomi if they could come right out and say what they think. But that's why we're all in a newbie game. It's only my 2nd game, I'm still working on my reading abilities. But it's nigh impossible to tell the town lurkers from the scum lurkers when nobody's bothering to post. ![]() | ||
United Kingdom3482 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + On April 23 2012 18:23 Dracolich70 wrote: Hi, so the game got finally started. I have read through the posts, and thus far we have this: - Lynch could be good. It weeds out lurkers, whom must/can be scum". - Being dunce is valid for targeting. - A good discussion is good, it nearly got a scum on day 1 in another game. - Yomi and Maju accusing each other. - Zealous accusing Maju, which results in ArticFox and nreekay324 thinking Zealous is scummy. - Dream stating the validity of good discussions, while he states he will not be around for deadlines. - Those who post are less scummy. It may because I am a rookie, but it all seems very muddy. And to me, people stating "In the last game..." makes me think that a person knowing the behaviorism of both parties can emulate either one, and as such manipulate to their fitting. And while being aggressive can get this party started, it makes me feel some eager to muddy up the place with "information" on the basis of accusing left and right. It it works, it must be based on luck, if you ask me. I am okay with a d1 lynch, IF it is on the basis of valid information. His first post is just a summation of the thread so far. This screams of trying to look like you are contributing + Show Spoiler + On April 24 2012 00:41 Dracolich70 wrote: I am pretty sure I didn't say such a thing. I am pretty sure that was the direct opposite of what I said. I am also pretty certain I have stated that I feel that a lot of people are just pointing fingers left and right for the most part, and seemingly this is going to continue. However, I am not going about be the front runner in a lynch mob, when I feel this way still, and joining in with the finger-pointing. This being said, if you want something, then I think yomi is acting a bit weird to say the least. The only thing I think I agree with him on is the uncertainty of d1 lynches. For the most part he has responded with complete disinterest, and awkward behavior and responses, when responding. If it is something he does, when scum, or it's because he is one-dimensional, I do not know. Or even if it makes him scum. Other than that I don't see a lot of substance. This post is saying people should stop pointing fingers at each other, basically that they should stop scum hunting as much. This is followed by airing suspicions of yomi who was the easy target all day. + Show Spoiler + On April 24 2012 01:24 Dracolich70 wrote: The list was trying to draw a picture of how I feel the events thus far. Which is either guided by paranoia, or as a initiator for debate(?). I am not sure if this is the right way, as it can clutter the thread mightily quickly. If you feel it is content less, then it is because most of the accusations are pretty weak. It was pretty much the highlights, as I see it. I just said that knowing the behavior of either one, makes it easier to manipulate, and right now, I feel/fear some are trying to manipulate the course of actions with pointing fingers left and right. He defends his summation of events as trying to start conversation. This isn't true because restating conversations that have already happened doesn't get new conversations started it just keeps people stuck in old ones. He is also trying to hide behind his newbness. + Show Spoiler + On April 24 2012 01:24 Dracolich70 wrote: I don't know if it is rocket science, but if we all take turns to point fingers at 2-3 in each of our posts, and they in turn do the same, it gets pretty muddied. Isn't saying "pointing too many accusations will muddy up the place" something logical? Sorry, it is to me. I have still said I am okay with a lynch, however I am not a supporter of just lynching someone to make something happen. And as I stated - I am very open to valid information. Is this the part where I should point fingers at you? This again makes no sense. If everyone had pointed fingers at 2-3 random people then yes it would muddy the thread but that isn't the case. Most of the finger pointing was aimed at Yomi, Zealos and Maju. This is actually useful information. + Show Spoiler + On April 24 2012 05:59 Dracolich70 wrote: Or it could just be a list of things that happened as I saw it when I opened up the thread for the first time, and saw people were already at each other with very little substance in their hand to guide them. The highlights are pretty accurate, I believe. Highlights don't muddy threads, but clearify. I bet mafia likes obfuscation, what do you think? I find it problematic for instance that you hope for good discussions, and then you bark at every tree you can find, and trying to suggest what people should be posting to be of use to you. Is that in relation with you not being around on deadlines, and want to control events? The highlights don't clarify anything that wasn't already clear. If you can go through the thread in 10 minutes and sum it up so can everyone else. + Show Spoiler + On April 24 2012 18:30 Dracolich70 wrote: 1) Maju: Firstly he starts by offering both a question and a suggestion, "Should we lynch lurkers? I think we should." now that he has posted, it seems like a suspect way of trying to not let suspicion fall onto him, and reaching consensus, which he offers soon after. In fact stating it is more important that generating discussions. "Well the main purpose was to get a consensus on how things should be done, generating discussion is just another benefit." Secondly he responds to Zealos offer, " He's right, no lynch = really bad.", with "I agree that we should lynch someone. The only person who's shown signs of being something other than vanilla townie so far is St. Daniel as I'm unconvinced that a townie would need help so early. I don't want to vote yet though as since its a newbie game he might just want general help and has shown no distinct signs of being mafia." (more on this below). Thirdly when yomi votes for him, he immediately counter-accuses yomi, with this: "Yomi seems suspicious to me. He says he isn't sure about lynching someone then votes when no one else has. That makes it more likely someone will be lynched. Also, he gave no reasons as to why I should be lynched. This makes me think he's a mafia who just wants to get some townie lynched." I see a problem with this on multiple levels. First off, he offers consensus as the most important thing, but doesn't register that yomi is willing to bow down for this very consensus if it is as such. He asks for reasonable things from yomi - things he himself does not offer in return, when it comes to st. Daniel for the weak reason of him asking for help in a newbie game, much like he even did before Daniel, and I am "dumbfounded" as to why he did this. Lastly, that on one hand he offers to Zealos that we should lynch someone, but then uses the exact same reasoning against yomi as suspect. If we should suspect yomi on these things, then it should be more so with Maju. At best Maju is hypocritical. Soon after we find statements such as this: "Furthermore, you're pressuring people to lynch someone who you so far have proposed no case against and when many people have not yet posted. To me this hints at you being mafia as you just want to get someone who you know isn't mafia lynched as fast as possible.", "It is, I just wanted to get clarification on the source of Daniel's statement since it could help tell if dr3am is mafia.", "I just meant he might be mafia or he might be a detective or medic or something."(concerning lurkers, something he doesn't consider is on yomis mind), ": I realise I may have phrased that poorly earlier", "Yeah, I realise now that I didn't really think that through." Maybe the best answers can be found here: "Yes, I guess I was posting defensively. I did this not because I was mafia, but because yomi's was the first vote, and Zealos, one of the only others who had posted at that point, was accusing me of being scummy. I was fearful that yomi's ideas may gain traction early on so I was trying to highlight that your vote had no substance.". Why would he be fearful 1) as a townie. 2) That yomis near no-reason posts would gain traction? The difference between Maju and Yomi was that Maju never said Daniel was scum and didn't vote for him so it's not him being hypocritical. I'm not really sure why you posted a load of quotes from Maju without any explanation. If you think they make him scummy explain why. The final point about town not being scared of getting lynched is invalid as well town don't want to get lynched just as much as scum. Also that early on in a game it's impossible to tell what town will latch onto for a lynch. Defending yourself even from a null case is perfectly valid. + Show Spoiler + On April 24 2012 18:30 Dracolich70 wrote: 2) Yomi. I am conflicted on yomi. On one hand he offers some of the same fears that I have with not giving away too much information, when it comes to roles, but more importantly it was this that caught my immediate attention on him: " it makes perfect sense if you don't play like maniac day1 townies who read way too much into things. there's nothing contradictory or unusual about what I said.", which is something I myself have tried to avoid, and thought was happening right off the bat. The bad things are that like Maju, he is of little use at best, if he doesn't aid town in some way. He is constantly evasive, and reluctant to answer questions directly, ie "Can everyone post how many games they've played in (on this or other sites) and what they were in those other games (if it's just a few). And links to the games.", and him under the belief that day 1 doesn't provide any useful information/reading options. To it seems like he doesn't really care, if we catch scum or not. And for the most part, we see him not willing to offer anything, on the contrary. I am not sure if I should put too much into him playing this way as scum, but it can't be a positive thing. This is a very soft defence of Yomi. Both this and the bad case against Maju make me think Draco is scum trying to get town cred when Yomi flips town. There is more posts along the same line later on. More defence of his first two posts where he keeps pushing less scumhunting: On April 25 2012 15:12 Dracolich70 wrote: I had written an analysis on the little you had written, but I found it counter-productive, when some had already taken the "scum-hunt"-cap on. 12 scumhunters makes it easy for Mafia to hide in the "I said, you said. I find you scummy". For the most part I have spent time trying to explain an opening post to you. Then some more on his case against Maju which doesn't add anything to make it any good and adds more soft defence of Yomi. This fits well into the trying to get town cred from Yomi's flip. ##Vote: Dracolich70 | ||
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