TL Mafia XXXI - Page 55
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Canada4045 Posts
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United States4053 Posts
I applaud Divinek's succinct yet enlightening commentary and analysis of the situation, but unfortunately it came right after a post which I expected responses to. On October 12 2010 09:03 infinitestory wrote: Can someone point me to a good XeliN analysis? I remember reading one but I can't find it, and in light of the large number of votes on XeliN I feel like looking over it again. (BC, I think you did an analysis on XeliN, if you want to draw up the main points against him, that would work too). There are so many people under fire, it's really tough to put a confident vote, and like I said earlier, I want to check over the analyses and defenses thoroughly. Bold names are those that have not posted a defense, or posted a mostly inadequate (from my perspective) defense. BloodyC0bbler - defended himself acceptably when I put him under pressure, and started posting actively and giving decent analysis. I will probably move my vote off him in light of this. SouthRawrea - did post a defense, but I'd like a little more elaboration on why/how he decided to accuse 6 players in one post. Amber[LighT] - Pretty much dodged the main attack on him, and has been asserting that he never advocated for lynching OpZ. Crisis_ - has not responded to pressure. Has not voted. CynanMachae - has disappeared under pressure (in fact, was a pretty major suspect the previous day, but he hasn't posted since last night). Has not voted. EBWOP: has been traveling, but I expect him to resume defending himself. Xelin - Seems to be a major suspect, although I need to see a comperhensive analysis of him before I'm fully convinced. The fact that he's posted a lot of bare one-liners, though, is odd. kane]deth[ - Pressured, but responded by calling the analysis "bullshit," defense was inadequate. Has not voted. God. I changed my vote from BC to Cynan because Cynan was a suspect who vanished, but now that Cynan is back I expect to see my vote change again. I'm glad to see my vote could be more informed, though - that's always a good thing. | ||
United States5078 Posts
On October 12 2010 08:40 ~OpZ~ wrote: Amber, stop arguing for your death. Post some analysis and I'll pull my vote off of you. Seriously. I will. I'm not being spiteful, I just feel you and Xelin are the most suspicious. Would you like me to show you how your posting different. Watch this, it's about to blow your mind![LighT]&gb=date Make sure it filters TL Mafia forum. Click the games with hella frequent posts. Look what Amber is. HP mafia particularly. You had like 200+ posts that one game! -___- Where the hell have you been this game! I quoted damn near every posts. Who have you analyzed. Who have you looked at. My analysis wasn't quick. My words were concise. Notice how Xelin isn't arguing about dying? Either he just never logs on (possible cuz he disappears randomly), or he is mafia. You picked the Harry Potter mafia game? That's a terrible example of my play. I rose up as the minister of magic in that game because I WAS Harry Potter. If anything the game you pointed out is NOT my typical play. Nice reversal though. Look I'm not going to bury the thread with bullshit analysis about players. I don't know half the players in this game and I've reserved judgment for a lot of them. I am however becoming suspicious on these new players who are sitting on the fence. I'm baffled as to how you would think Xelin and I are the most suspicious when we've been on completely different wavelengths for the whole game. I'm not taking back any suspicions I had on Xelin and I'll defend what I said about him to the death. If you really think it's likely that TWO mafia members are going to start half-arguing in this thread (Where Xelin pretty much dodged me because he couldn't be bothered looking through my posts). You're creating a conclusion that's unsupported, but yet you think we're both the most suspicious. I'm highly suspicious of SouthRawrea. If I need to change my vote to see him lynched then I will. I have the vote (given to me unwillingly). Sinquity should be looked at as he's floating around voting and posting sparingly. The most suspicious players are the ones leaving the least amount of paper trail. And BC is still a suspect in my eyes. I really want to trust him this game but he's really good at manipulating the game when he's mafia. I've pointed this out. He's a good thinker and can create gold from shit in these games. Drag_ is looking more and more like good lynch candidate with the recent influx of posts. The people that seem the least likely to be mafia are LSB, DrH, and KingJames. By their posting habits they all seem pro-town and vital assets in the long-term. I'm a bit upset over the fact that LSB's opinions are getting drowned out. He made the last game (mafia xxx???) so easy for the town with his plan. LSB manipulated the game in the towns favor, and he's a strong asset. Why he wasn't hit yet could mean that the mafia isn't familiar with LSB. | ||
United States5171 Posts
I'd like to encourage everyone to vote for one of the "big bandwagons" XeliN Amber[Light] Southrarea kane]deth[ Your vote on a small dude isn't going to do anything. Mafia would love to just stick aside and not be noticed. | ||
United States5078 Posts
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Canada608 Posts
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United States5171 Posts
I'll switch off of him cause my whole, "Bill Murray and Amberlight" combination didn't really work out as I took my vote off of Bill Murray. I kindof don't like how a) Xelin's role got swept under the rug. And b) Xelin was like "Hey! Lets talk about PMs!" after BB was like "FUUUUUU" | ||
Canada7875 Posts
On October 12 2010 08:47 ~OpZ~ wrote: Siniquity, you really need to format your posts better. BC please tell me ONE thing. Why did you vote for Amber? When I left earlier today to head to the hospital I had just finished your analysis and it was solid and had a higher chance of being noticed than my bit on siniquity so I swapped over. I am catching up on what i missed since this afternoon and may have to revote, not sure yet. | ||
Canada368 Posts
Bill Murray: I know he probably won't get lynched but the purpose of the double lynch was to lynch him in the first place. During the night time, Mafia didn't kill Bill Murray, but they killed Pandain, who was the one pushing the double lynch the most. Seems like he's getting off on the town being too scared to vote him in fear of a second VI. Amber[Light]: I actually couldn't decide on my second double lynch, as I was originally going to vote XeliN but after reviewing his posts he just seems bored rather than red. Seeing as how he already has 10 votes I'm just throwing it there. | ||
United States5078 Posts
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United States6894 Posts
On October 12 2010 10:04 LSB wrote: Xelin was like "Hey! Lets talk about PMs!" after BB was like "FUUUUUU" This quote so accurately portrays my Day 2 mentality :/ 1 hour 15 minutes left in the day. Anyone know where the hell SINiquity is? | ||
United States734 Posts
Spent most the day removing the tint from my car (fuck you nanny states) and now playing catch-up. From what I can gather, XeliN is getting lynched for the same reason as yesterday (I actually couldn't find many posts by him recently), Amber because of OpZ's analysis, and still looking for the south / kane beginnings. | ||
Canada368 Posts
On October 10 2010 13:24 Divinek wrote: NOOOOO PANDAIN, as much as I hate your fadoodles at least you play this game with heart! I will seek to avenge you my brother Now lets look at this motherfucker kane, I know there’s not much to look at lol Flat out giving us his excuse that he’s not gonna contribute much and be inactive, ie ANTI town. An argument could be made for town neutrality but that would require content from him. This is not an original idea btw, he’s literally parroting about 3 other people at this point. I was unsure what 'content' meant at the time, as this is the first time I've ever had anything to do with Mafia, but I've done an analysis of Divinek. I was planning to see what others were doing first and try to add my own. Guilty conscience? I imagine his mafia buddies yelled at him for that one No I just made a noobie mistake ![]() Time and time I have seen new mafia players try this card out. They are confused, they don’t know what to do, this prevents them from having to put forward any of their own ideas because they know they are quite likely to slip up in ways they haven’t even thought of yet. Newbie town players are quite often FEARLESS, they know they got nothing to hide and they get into this game because they are EXCITED to get those mafia! NOT SCARED, why would you be scared if you were town? Then he apologizes for not voting blah blah more guilty conscience fuel This is just false; new players don't just jump in and accuse people. Generally, new players aren't going to go posting suspicions because they actually MIGHT slip up and accuse someone who's completely town and people assume he's a Mafia. Completely new players don't know how different factions do or should act. I apologized for not voting because I didn't vote? If I was mafia I'm sure my mafia buddies would have told me to vote. See that bolded word there? Yeah that’s right, OTHERs so if it goes bad (which it did) then he can go WELL I DIDN’T WANNA DO IT, but you guys presented such good arguments I agreed! Not my fault! It’s deflection at the most basic level Get rid of bm blah everyone already said that. Jumping on xelin too, everyone else did that. I mean this stuff would be fine to do of his own accord, but he’s just repeating everything that’s already been said. This is KEY because he can’t be caught for spewing bullshit because none of it is his own I agree I was bandwagonning, and it was a bad idea, however I did NOT jump on XeliN; I stated that I thought he just made an accident in jumping with BM. More I don’t know bullshit, as in don’t expect me to do things, to be useful. Blah blah im sick of your excuses. I said that because everyone was saying how XeliN is playing in a different manner than previous games, but I was looking at XeliN as if he was a new player. I love seeing this tactic. He apologizes, then puts up some shit justification and THEN he adds a question to the end of his post, as questions always take up everything you’re thinking about because you immediately try to answer that question and almost seemingly forget what you just read lol, quality double fake of the old flame fanning. My justification was simply that the analysis of ghrur was sound and reading Misder's posts for myself (which is why I asked) made me suspicious of him Yuh yuh guys I agree with you don’t get angry with me im doing wut u asked. DIE I was simply stating my reason for double lynching? I still believe in my reason for it regardless of everyone else backing out Also as a little tidbit rol almost replaced this dude, look at rols only post in that entire time Excuse for inactivity followed up by NOTHING. Excuse was because soon after replacing me I replaced him again and he stopped reading. I actually got the role back several hours before BB announced it Sorry kane you’re not going to continue coasting by unnoticed. There’s nothing but wifom trying to draw away from if it was because of you on his list that pandain was killed or not, but one thing I do know, you’ve been doing fuck all for us and I have a pretty good idea why. You’re getting my vote, I will avenge you pandain! So the main reasons he's accused is because I've been making too many 'excuses' and 'apologizing' too much, when I've just been apologizing for mess-ups in editing, not voting, and asking a simple question. My defense in Red. Since then I've made an analysis of Divinek and since thanksgiving is over I will be adding more. | ||
Bill Murray
United States9292 Posts
lol | ||
Bill Murray
United States9292 Posts
On October 12 2010 10:04 LSB wrote: Amberlight has this weird idea that I'm actually good. It makes me think he's not mafia, or he'd already off me. (Then again... I did break Callers game) I'll switch off of him cause my whole, "Bill Murray and Amberlight" combination didn't really work out as I took my vote off of Bill Murray. I kindof don't like how a) Xelin's role got swept under the rug. And b) Xelin was like "Hey! Lets talk about PMs!" after BB was like "FUUUUUU" I actually agree with this post I wanted to lynch his mafia ass, but I'm not so sure as of his last post, which would make you less sure about your read on the situation in general, wouldn't it? ah, the wonders of townness | ||
Bill Murray
United States9292 Posts
Amber[LighT]: 7 OpZ infinitestory Kingjames01 BloodyC0bbler Bill Murray SouthRawrea kane]deth[ Bloodyc0bbler: 2 Bill Murray XeliN Southrawrea: 6 Divinek DoctorHelvetica meeple ghrur CynanMachae Amber[LighT] kane]deth[: 5 Divinek DoctorHelvetica LSB CynanMachae kane]deth[ | ||
Bill Murray
United States9292 Posts
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Bill Murray
United States9292 Posts
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United States734 Posts
Bill Murray: 2 NukeTheBunnys kane]deth[ | ||
United States4053 Posts
On October 12 2010 12:45 Bill Murray wrote: fuck, i messed that up. sorry. i believe he is voting 3 times, though. /agree As far as I can tell, kane]deth[ never voted for SR | ||
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