Near time...I guess I'll point out BM is mafia.
And everyone that defended him. I'll bet good money on that. Bills trying to get a vet merc'd strategy.
Bill or BC. Hard to explain why right now. Too f'd up. Time running out.
Okay...Bills mass spamming. Easily expected of him. He's not likely to get lynched because of it. Bills willingness to get a vet player lynched, though arguable. We need to stop chucking things up to Bill being stupid, or something else. Maybe I'm just paranoid cuz I'm baked as fuck. But I'm gonna go lay down or chill out.
And about BC....Happy's posting, and...well BC is alive + BC not posting as ferociously as when he is town.
lynch me i dont care about this game i am a townie
Oh yea. I forgot about that. Haha....I'm paranoid as fuck.
Nvm...Haha...I need to update my town/mafia list.
i would say that as mafia lynch me then lynch opz and bc when im green problem solved said the boy who cried wolf
We absolutely MUST lynch a mafia tomorrow or I really doubt we are going to win this game. Once it gets to the point where mafia have half the voting power, we are screwed. The best bet is to sit tight until nighttime and see what we can learn from the mafia decisions.
Vigilante, if you exist, don't hit Bill Murray. Find a more inactive player who may have been accused in the past but has since been laying kind of low. CynanMachae is a good target, SouthRawrea screams scum to me.
It might be a bit of a crapshoot but we need to hit a red and learn something, start drawing up some connections, because honestly we have nothing right now.
On October 13 2010 11:50 Bill Murray wrote: i would say that as mafia lynch me then lynch opz and bc when im green problem solved said the boy who cried wolf No sir. But I was kinda hoping mafia offed me day 1. I'm fine with BC lynch though. I've done explained I'm suspicious of him.
On October 13 2010 11:46 ~OpZ~ wrote: Near time...I guess I'll point out BM is mafia.
And everyone that defended him. I'll bet good money on that. Bills trying to get a vet merc'd strategy.
Bill or BC. Hard to explain why right now. Too f'd up. Time running out.
Okay...Bills mass spamming. Easily expected of him. He's not likely to get lynched because of it. Bills willingness to get a vet player lynched, though arguable. We need to stop chucking things up to Bill being stupid, or something else. Maybe I'm just paranoid cuz I'm baked as fuck. But I'm gonna go lay down or chill out.
And about BC....Happy's posting, and...well BC is alive + BC not posting as ferociously as when he is town.
Dude, if you based my play from like a year ago based on my playing style now I would die every game. I don't have the same level of time to play, nor are the games I have played in included all of the elements in which I am most familiar with. Keep in mind when I posted super amounts it was analysis on clues, or random information found by a group in pm land. This game includes neither of those elements.
Going after me for not posting ferociously isn't valid as when I have to post alot I do, but the town doesn't even reply to 90% of the things I post.
BC I have to admit, if you're scum, your play has gotten a lot more solid as scum
Night 3
It was a dark and stormy night. The survivors huddled in the ruins of their houses, shivering, makeshift weapons pointed at the doors. Bill Murray had found a pointy stick. It was his favorite pointy stick. He had named it Sticky. Thunder crashed in the distance as he shivered in his bed, Sticky pointed directly at the door, pointy end first.
The door creaked open. Bill Murray leaped up and screamed "PROTECT ME, STICKY!!!", then charged at the door, Sticky first.
LSB was crossing the street nearby when he heard Bill Murray's screams. He swore under his breath, then pulled out his radio. "The situation is worsening, stop. Gotta do something, stop. Located a Red, I'm gonna take him out, stop."
LSB ran back to his room and pulled out the box from underneath his bed. It was there that he kept his trusty bat. He had been saving the bat for a very special occasion. Oh yes, someone was going to die tonight. He knew just who. He had tracked the Red who had killed Bill Murray, and now it was time to exact some good old-fashioned justice, bat-to-the-head style.
LSB opened the box. His bat wasn't there.
"What the..." he muttered, just before his own bat came crashing into the back of his skull.
Bill Murray the Miller is now dead. LSB the Vigilante is now dead.
It is now Day 4. Double Lynch is not in effect for today. You have 48 hours.
On October 13 2010 06:54 LSB wrote:Dear Sana Vigi, I've been a good boy. Please Kill Bill Murray tonight. Thank you  -LSB Now that is kinda ironic
I iz dead
Now I'll ruin the game for you. This kid, LSB, he's mafia
User was p0wnzred by BB for this post
On October 13 2010 13:02 BrownBear wrote: [i]It was a dark and stormy night. The survivors huddled in the ruins of their houses, shivering, makeshift weapons pointed at the doors. Bill Murray had found a pointy stick. It was his favorite pointy stick. He had named it Sticky. Thunder crashed in the distance as he shivered in his bed, Sticky pointed directly at the door, pointy end first.
The door creaked open. Bill Murray leaped up and screamed "PROTECT ME, STICKY!!!", then charged at the door, Sticky first.
This is the best night post ever.
lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo x2
Good thing mafia decided to kill him, as I'm not sure what I would have done given the Haunted Mafia crap he just pulled.
Farewell, Bill Murray. You are now free of the tyranny of Mafia mods who are so unfairly prejudiced against your spam and bullshit. How dare they discriminate against you, but it matters not. You are emancipated from their tyranny.
Go now, and be free. May the SpamGod watch over you.
god with this whole bm thing i forget we were back at day lol, seems im not the only one.
will be posting up a vote and analysis when i get home
I'm sticking with my accusation on drag_ right now especially because we're down to only a few experienced players.
EBWOP: nm it's in also covered in the ban thread and should probably stay there. Sorry.