On November 19 2011 09:37 KOPF wrote: I'm finding it odd that nobody has talked about AP Fizz with a Nashor's or Wit's. I tried with both of them with really good results especially if the enemy team doesn't have that much squishys to burst down. If they don't have much squishies it's probably better to go bruiser style Fizz.
I've recently been really liking RoA into Wit's End and tanky shit like Frozen Heart/Abyssal and Triforce if I get fed.
Fizz feels OP at this moment... =(
at least if the player knows how to use him
Ap fizz seems to do crazy damages. I don't know why you wouldn't spec 21 in the offense tree, it's the best tree atm and fizz is a damage dealer, why utility ?
AP Fizz is hilarious but at this point it feels more like a trollhard pick. All your abilities force you to be close to your enemy, which works when you are 1v1ing, but anything else and you'll probably die (and very quickly) in the process.
If you could build AP plus tanky it might work somehow, but otherwise you're better off playing any other typical mid caster.
dude I played against a fizz who started with like 60 AP... its so annoying early game
How is Fizz as a jungler? Is it possible to play him as one effectively? For say, me, who plays Jungle Amumu a lot, can Fizz be played the same way or is it just more effective to lane him?
He doesn't have innate sustain and his clearing speed is average, but the gank potential is pretty good. He's susceptible to being counter jungled by a fast camp clearer (udyr, skarner), and although he's pretty good at 1v1ing, he'll probably not be as high hp as he needs to be to fight back.
Right now he looks way stronger in lane.
Ye, I really don't like Fizz as a jungler. He's not fast, and has terrible sustain. Has good ganks, but they take too long to get going, and you need wriggles on him, which is imo, a bad item on him.
In lane he has some pretty good harass with q w auto attack harass and escape any problems with e.
I've been going Sheen > rylai Lichbane on him, seems really solid. Sheen makes total sense with his skillset, and Rylai is just amazing on him. Gives you hp, ap, and the slow is fantastic. Thoughts?
On November 26 2011 08:55 Papvin wrote: Ye, I really don't like Fizz as a jungler. He's not fast, and has terrible sustain. Has good ganks, but they take too long to get going, and you need wriggles on him, which is imo, a bad item on him.
In lane he has some pretty good harass with q w auto attack harass and escape any problems with e.
I've been going Sheen > rylai Lichbane on him, seems really solid. Sheen makes total sense with his skillset, and Rylai is just amazing on him. Gives you hp, ap, and the slow is fantastic. Thoughts?
He's actually rather fast at clearing, perhaps not udyr and skarner fast but comes close to champs like amumu imo. And his ganks are bloody golden at level 4. He does so much damage with is W early on and he can easily dive a tower since his e is an easy escape out of it. And he really doesn't need wriggles imo, his passive and cloth armor makes him loose so little health it's pretty silly. Easily one of my favourite junglers, so much fun.
Wriggles is necessary because otherwise you take either a million years to clear your jungle or run out of mana. Sustain is only a problem for the first 2 clears.
I take back what I said about AP Fizz btw. Smart positioning and waiting for the right moment to commit pretty much solves the problem of being squishy, and you still do crazy damages. That said, I'd start building tanky if the game drags on for too long. RoA / Rylai + resists are usually good enough.
Rylais is suboptimal imo. It only procs on his E and ulti and you're not gonna use E to do damage or initiate.
Q does on-hit effects, which means it procs lifesteal and shit not spellvamp/Rylais. W is passive and it (and it's active) doesn't proc anything.
rylai's does proc on fizz's Q
That's not true. Just because Q procs on-hit effects doesn't mean the attack loses all other properties.
Q procs single target slow, while E and R proc aoe slow. These slows stack on top of the slows on E and R.
i love this guy. He just... Flows! lol. this is the first champ i actually find fun to play(usually i just play lol for the competitiveness factor)
Went jungle-fizz the other day. I loved it soooo much. The speed is about on par with amumu as stated, but ganks are something else! You have 2 gapclosers , 1 of wich does slow aswell. If you have your ulti up, the range is so huge you can lob it onto a player in middle while in the sidebrushes there. Its allmost more a guaranteed kill then for example a nocturne ult at 6.
The sustain on junglefizz is pretty bad, altho the passive and new jungle make that alot better. I tried attackspeedjunglefizz, apjungle and fullbruiserjungle, all 3 are about even in times of speed and gankingpower, tho AP in the end makes you burst the hardest.
On November 28 2011 06:03 gtrsrs wrote: rylai's does proc on fizz's Q oh hm. gotta try that then.
been going roa->dcap into w/e. prolly try roa->dcap->belt/rylais and see how that works out.
Ive been playin him ALOT lately!!
This guy is real good once you are able to use his skills as they are intended......I have been building boots>RoA>Dcap>as a core then whatever items the game needs after that......Hybrid is real good as well.....After Dcap ive gone hextech/Guinsoo's.....With this build, even late game tanks can be kited and damaged down to nothing pretty easily.....Im having ALOT of fun on him right now!
ok so i've been running fizz as a counter to pretty much all the strong solo tops atm with moderate success
cloth + 5 most of the time, sometimes null + 2 if the matchup calls for it (ryze, vlad, morde) spec your runes to match who you'll be laning against, masteries usually 9/21/0
my first item is always a defensive one, because fizz's base damages are pretty good, and he has %-based damage
then i try to get some sort of magic damage in there - be it on-hit effects, AP, or Mpen. use playful/trickster to avoid ganks, trade hits as often as you can spam your W, and focus really hard on lasthitting
so against riven, i went cloth + 5 -> aegis -> sorc's -> abyssal (they had ap jungler and mid) -> rylai -> sheen against tyrnd, cloth + 5 -> frozen heart -> tabi -> archangel's -> game ended but i would have bought more mana at this point obv against leblanc, null + 2 -> aegis -> sheen -> sorc's -> whatever this lane was the easiest i've ever played, leblanc is awful against fizz against irelia, cloth + 5 -> madred's razer -> wit's end -> aegis -> bloodrazer -> GA
i dunno i just feel anything can work on him, it's just a matter of playing it by ear. lategame, if you've got an AP build you're gonna die pretty quickly without defensive items as well, whereas if you focus on tanky items and then damage as a second, shark is still gonna be super disruptive and you'll output plenty of damage on their carry with W and Q, without instadying
Hm, so I've been having crazy succes with Fizz lately (mind you, on fknoob Elo, ~1400), and thought I'd share my thoughts on bulding him/playing him. My core build is 2 doran > sheen > rylai's > lichbane. I really like this for a lot of reasons. I feel early Sheen is batshit insane on Fizz, since with that, he can 100-0 combo most casters if he hits all his spells, and Sheen just makes perfect sense with his kit. After Sheen, you need some source of hp. Some build catalyst, I think that's bad. Sheen + doran should solve all your mana problems (Fizz doesn't have manaproblems). I find Rylai's perfect on Fizz. It gives you an hp pool big enough to be able to dive in with q, the slow is mad with q, and the ap is nice. Now, you might notice that I've invested a lot of money into something that doesn't give me much ap. That's fine! Fizz doesn't need a lot of ap to kill shit, so I don't feel this gimps your midgame. Lichbane should make sense now.
I really feel this is the optimal way to build him, and after that, you should fucking kill anything, so build whatever. I usually go deathcap.
ugh, every time i play i come up with a new "op" build but i'm starting to realize that nothing is really OP on fizz, because it all boils down to fizz is just plain OP. i beat a 2200 elo riven the other day. i'm not even a good fizz and i completely zoned this guy from creeps and killed him multiple times in lane with no ganks. riven is one of the most well-rounded and strongest laners. that shouldn't happen. anything you build on fizz will work, i suggest you start playing fizz and master him before his nerfs. i predict "regi's secret AP" will be fizz, he will unveil him within 2 weeks, fizz will be FOTM within 3 weeks, and fizz will be permaban within 3-4 weeks and nerfed within 5 weeks. YOU HAVE 1 MONTH TO GET UNLIMITED FREE ELO FROM FIZZ, EVERY BUILD WORKS.