[Champion] Fizz - Page 6
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United States9109 Posts
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United States858 Posts
I'd say around level 8 or so you both start to even out and he might have cata&negatron. Your combo with ulti still destroys him but if you mess up at all or he flashes one of your skills you're boned cuz he's basically the equivalent of a right click = win champ, only AP. If he gets enough help from jungle to stay even in farm until the middle of lane phase you're probably both on even ground. Goin to bed now, I'm in a sleepy haze so let's hope what I wrote isn't just garbled english. | ||
United States858 Posts
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United States1817 Posts
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United States987 Posts
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Germany9118 Posts
i wonder how to lane AP fizz properly sine he has such a small range. | ||
United States1471 Posts
you have 2 gap closers and pretty strong burst. good combo. i play it like talon - try to harass a bit at 4-5 and then get the kill at 6 with ignite and ult. i find it really satisfying for some reason to ult someone and then combo them with the rest of my skills and then the fish comes out and gets the killing blow. for laning i try to freeze the lane right outside my tower til 4 or 5. if you dodge their harass with e and land on them, then quickly w-q them at 4 or 5 you will do at least 50% of their health in damage. this should give u the upper hand at 6 when u can easily kill them if they dont go back. if they do go back then hopefully u hit 6 first and can 100-0 them when they get back. basically dodge harass with e, its not hard to let the other guy push the lane so u can farm at your tower til u can combo them, w-q combo with e to escape is also good for early lvls. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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282 Posts
On February 22 2013 14:29 Sufficiency wrote: Which skill are you supposed to max first exactly? I always thought it should be Q, but I watched some of westdoor0204's vods and he maxes W first (WTF?!?!?!). Max either W or E, based on preference. When I play AP mid Fizz I usually harass with Q+W and use E for escape/gap closer, so I prefer to level W first, which also helps with last hitting and general DPS after the initial burst. Plus the mana cost on E is pretty high so I find myself better off with mana when I'm more dependent on W for farming. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On February 22 2013 15:53 jliu wrote: Max either W or E, based on preference. When I play AP mid Fizz I usually harass with Q+W and use E for escape/gap closer, so I prefer to level W first, which also helps with last hitting and general DPS after the initial burst. Plus the mana cost on E is pretty high so I find myself better off with mana when I'm more dependent on W for farming. Does his W's passive DOT proc Liandry's? No, right? | ||
France994 Posts
On February 22 2013 14:29 Sufficiency wrote: Which skill are you supposed to max first exactly? I always thought it should be Q, but I watched some of westdoor0204's vods and he maxes W first (WTF?!?!?!). Tabzz does R>E>Q>W. Leveling E is hard on your mana pool but it's your strongest damage skill, and reducing the cd also helps a lot. It's also good for clearing waves after a few levels. On February 22 2013 17:08 Sufficiency wrote: Does his W's passive DOT proc Liandry's? No, right? I checked the wiki and I still can't tell if it would work or not ![]() | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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United States19143 Posts
also W max can be good in some matchups top, and is good in the jungle, but since it's westdoor I assume it's mid, can't really get behind W max mid. you need the wave clear so you can roam, and you also need the cd reduction so you can run tp or barrier in place of flash. | ||
United States19143 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On February 22 2013 14:29 Sufficiency wrote: Which skill are you supposed to max first exactly? I always thought it should be Q, but I watched some of westdoor0204's vods and he maxes W first (WTF?!?!?!). PDD also maxes W. | ||
United States19143 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On February 24 2013 03:00 Slusher wrote: Liandry's is just plain out a bad item on Fizz, we've been over this before in GD, but no poke = no good. also W max can be good in some matchups top, and is good in the jungle, but since it's westdoor I assume it's mid, can't really get behind W max mid. you need the wave clear so you can roam, and you also need the cd reduction so you can run tp or barrier in place of flash. Perhaps, but HG is CERTAINLY a good item. | ||
United States19143 Posts
On February 24 2013 06:51 Sufficiency wrote: Perhaps, but HG is CERTAINLY a good item. it really isn't for Fizz, it just does not fit his build path in any way. It's just so importanat to get Deathcap / Lichbane combo up and running, and resistances are so important on AP melee (in my opinion) that Abyssal has to be 2nd or 3rd at the latest, and you gotta squeeze an armguard in there. Now we're talking 6th item, do I want to buy a once dead end item at 6 items just because now it upgrades into an item with slightly more ap and a useless passive (for a burst mage with 0 poke) no, I'd rather get randuins or just a void staff if I'm going to go damage. nerfed GA, even twin shadows is more interesting at this point. I should reiterate it's a good item on Bruiser Fizz, or it can be on top lane fizz for a power spike (although sheen at about the same price should be enough of a power boost) Also jungle Fizz where there is pretty much 0 chance of getting to 6 items, but the unfortunate truth is mid lane Fizz is so dependent on Lichbane to be relevant he has very little flexibility for build in this role. | ||
Spain1146 Posts
Which Quints would you use on bruiser top Fizz; Hybrid Pen, AD, AP? | ||
United States3294 Posts
On March 20 2013 06:03 -Kato- wrote: I've been playing a bit of Fizz top lately building him bruiser (sheen, belt, triforce, tank) and I was thinking about buying hybrid pen. runes. I've read that reds are pretty worth it but Quints not so much, better to have AD quints. Which Quints would you use on bruiser top Fizz; Hybrid Pen, AD, AP? i play bruiser fizz top lane sometimes. If its against an AD i run hybrid pen reds, flat physical damage quints, flat magic pen blues and armor yellows. I start with 1 ward, fortitude pot and 4 red pots. Against an AP top i'll just run the standard AP fizz. | ||
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