Spell vamp is really stupid on mummy since you need to be right next to people to do any damage and for a long time and spell vamp sucks on aoe spells that are only going to hit 1 person.
[Champion] Amumu - Page 9
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Ireland23335 Posts
Spell vamp is really stupid on mummy since you need to be right next to people to do any damage and for a long time and spell vamp sucks on aoe spells that are only going to hit 1 person. | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
On April 01 2012 19:32 Slayer91 wrote: Maybe get chalice. On jungle mummy these days I go philo/boots into chalice into hog into chain vest negatron into force of nature shurelyas and beast peope. Philo chalice is basically as good as bluebuff since it got nerfed. Spell vamp is really stupid on mummy since you need to be right next to people to do any damage and for a long time and spell vamp sucks on aoe spells that are only going to hit 1 person. But, where is the AP in that build?! | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Peru1308 Posts
then again I only jungle amumu vs jungles that i know won't rape me, or when i get my team to coordinate an aoe teamcomp. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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France45622 Posts
On April 01 2012 20:20 Slayer91 wrote: You can get deathcap or abyssal or void staff last item, but I feel like i need all these tank items to be good in teamfights instead of building AP just for ults. Maybe it's because I play him in normals with a bunch of LP heavies and just farm all day and have to like 1v5, perhaps in ranked I'd consider abyssal instead of force of nature. Sorc boots are an option as well if you have enough levels that your spells do damage. Well at least you got to farm mid. ![]() | ||
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United States99 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
0/21/9 masteries items philo+hog+mercs into tank items of your choice I like chalice-->chain mail-->negatron-->fon/shurelyas-->randuins. I might even get chalice before hog depending on my base timings. | ||
New Zealand4445 Posts
On April 28 2012 18:52 spinesheath wrote: He definitely gets innate +MR per lvl now, was in the patch preview. Maybe a bit lower ult CD. Thing is he doesn't need ANY buffs. He's one of the strongest champs in the game once farmed. And you can get him farmed easily as soon as you allow him to clear minionwaves. -35 MR from his passive together with amazing AP ratios makes him a monster. Sorcs, Guise, Abyssal and MPen marks puts him at 104 MPen flat. It's ridiculous. He's got really good lategame itemization options with Abyssal, Rylai's, Deathcap and Frozen Heart. His weakness is his earlygame, of course. But it's not that bad. I'm currently struggling with his earlygame itemization; usually I'd go Regrowth -> Philo -> whatever, but I want to replace the Philo. So I'm trying DShield openings which allow me to be a bit beefier. But that leaves a mana regen issue. It seems almost as if there's no way around the Philo... By the way, anyone mucked around with Lanemumu top s'more, and what are good matchups? IIRC Smash mentioned Amumu with all the defensive minion damage reduction masteries + points in E as a Yorick counter. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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United States1898 Posts
New chalice item is a good one for mumu for sure | ||
Germany8679 Posts
My current setup/build: Some generic 0/21/9 masteries, MPen marks, armor seals and quints. Not sure about glyphs right now, I'm considering all options, especially offensive ones (looking forward to the MR buff next patch). Starting with Regrowth Pendant + 1 into a fast Philo. There's no real alternative, after all. And that's completely ignoring the gold/10 on it. Still way OP. Next is boots, then Haunting Guise. Hell yeah, MPen. I'm expecting everyone to have at least some bonus MR on top of his 30 base, so nothing's wasted. I'm torn on the change to Guise next patch, I quite like the HP part on it since the next couple of items usually only have armor and MRes for defense. Might have to adjust after the change. Then I build Abyssal and Frozen Heart (or just Glacial Shroud). Sorc boots if they become useful (you're likely to cut through most of your enemies' MR with these, Guise and Abyssal, even if they have an MR item; don't forget about your passive), otherwise whatever the situation calls for. I guess you won't have to consider Berserker Greaves. Other items to get: Situational defense items, Deathcap, Rylais, possibly DFG (didn't try yet). Reverie too, though I'm kinda skipping it lately and selling Philo once my inventory is full. No need for Void Staff, and don't sell Guise for a NLR like I did once lol. Deathcap or keep. I usually don't want Randuin's, so say NO TO HOG. Early Reverie feels too weak as well. WotA doesn't fit very well. I'm fine with my mana after Philo, or at the very least after Glacial. Giving the 2nd blue away never felt bad with Philo. Aside from the ult cooldown I guess. Jungle path is normal: Wolves Blue Wraiths Red Golems, if you had a decent leash you can just keep going from there, but backing for a Philo isn't too bad either. Skills: W start, R>E>W>Q, Q at 4 is what I've been doing. I'm considering R>E>Q>W now though. Lower cooldown and higher burst sounds good for the style I play. Farm (tax) lanes, you're gonna put the money to good use. Farmed Amumu is epic. In fights, unless you're too far behind to dive of course, kill the enemy squishies. Don't listen to anyone calling you a tank, whatever that is. But don't dive in too far from your team. If you've pushed those squishies away, close up to your carries again. Specific jungle tips... I can't provide these. I'm a horrible jungler after all. | ||
New Zealand4445 Posts
On April 30 2012 02:14 spinesheath wrote: Ok so, if it wasn't for 2000 ping spikes at the worst times, I'd have rocked another jungle Amumu game. Normals, sure, but who cares. Point is: I like my current build. My current setup/build: Some generic 0/21/9 masteries, MPen marks, armor seals and quints. Not sure about glyphs right now, I'm considering all options, especially offensive ones (looking forward to the MR buff next patch). Starting with Regrowth Pendant + 1 into a fast Philo. There's no real alternative, after all. And that's completely ignoring the gold/10 on it. Still way OP. Next is boots, then Haunting Guise. Hell yeah, MPen. I'm expecting everyone to have at least some bonus MR on top of his 30 base, so nothing's wasted. I'm torn on the change to Guise next patch, I quite like the HP part on it since the next couple of items usually only have armor and MRes for defense. Might have to adjust after the change. Then I build Abyssal and Frozen Heart (or just Glacial Shroud). Sorc boots if they become useful (you're likely to cut through most of your enemies' MR with these, Guise and Abyssal, even if they have an MR item; don't forget about your passive), otherwise whatever the situation calls for. I guess you won't have to consider Berserker Greaves. Other items to get: Situational defense items, Deathcap, Rylais, possibly DFG (didn't try yet). Reverie too, though I'm kinda skipping it lately and selling Philo once my inventory is full. No need for Void Staff, and don't sell Guise for a NLR like I did once lol. Deathcap or keep. I usually don't want Randuin's, so say NO TO HOG. Early Reverie feels too weak as well. WotA doesn't fit very well. I'm fine with my mana after Philo, or at the very least after Glacial. Giving the 2nd blue away never felt bad with Philo. Aside from the ult cooldown I guess. Jungle path is normal: Wolves Blue Wraiths Red Golems, if you had a decent leash you can just keep going from there, but backing for a Philo isn't too bad either. Skills: W start, R>E>W>Q, Q at 4 is what I've been doing. I'm considering R>E>Q>W now though. Lower cooldown and higher burst sounds good for the style I play. Farm (tax) lanes, you're gonna put the money to good use. Farmed Amumu is epic. In fights, unless you're too far behind to dive of course, kill the enemy squishies. Don't listen to anyone calling you a tank, whatever that is. But don't dive in too far from your team. If you've pushed those squishies away, close up to your carries again. Specific jungle tips... I can't provide these. I'm a horrible jungler after all. Really enjoying the secret Haunting Guise tech (didn't get changed this patch after all) - really nice source of MPen, especially if it's a game where Sorc Shoes aren't possible over Mercs (blah at Ryze mid/support Lux on the enemy team). I'm a big fan of maxing Q sooner rather than later - the reduced cooldown is really noticeable when you're able to get off multiples during ganks/teamfights, and it hits like a truck. All I need now is to get used to the Bandage Toss animation again - I think Naut's Dredge Line has spoiled me; they respond v.differently. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
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United States2528 Posts
The build is really greedy, basically running support runes/masteries: For runes, I go armor marks, armor glyphs, g/10 seals, and g/10 quints. This will give you +15 armor and 5.3g/10 to start the game. For masteries, I run 0/9/21. In defense, you obviously need the +6 armor, but the remaining points are customizable. I personally get smite mastery and extra HP, but I can see others preferring to get minion damage reduction and thorns. In utility, make sure you get the 2 g/10 masteries, the +40 gold mastery, and the 6% CDR. The rest is up to you. I start with a regrowth and 2 health pots and do a standard route: 1. Wolves 2. Blue 3. Wraiths 4. Red/double golems 5. Double golems/red (depends on which one you did for #4) 6. Wraiths 7. Wolves You'll need a decent leash to finish this route, so make sure you communicate this to your helpers. The extra health pot helps a lot in case your teammates don't help you enough with wolves and blue. After the route, you'll have enough to finish your philo stone and get boots 1. After that, you should continue jungling while looking for a gank. Get your heart of gold asap, which will bring you to a total of 17.3 g/10. The rest is standard. I've been following up the two gold items with a sunfire cape and abyssal. Both synergize very well with amumu and give you good all around defense while also allowing you to a lot of damage. The philo can turn into a shurelyas, and the HoG can be turned into a randuins (or sold for more AP items if you feel like carrying). Really, the key is the gold runes and masteries. Most games I end up with 5-6 items because of the amount of gold I'm generating. Sorry I don't have replays, but if there is interest I'll try downloading the replay program to record some games. Edit: Forgot to mention skill order: I start with W, then go R > E > Q W. E first because it clears jungle camps the fastest, Q for the lowered cool down and increased damage, and finally W last. | ||
New Zealand1065 Posts
So my question is: I finished the game with Shurelya's, Randuin's, Mercs, Aegis, Frozen Heart and WotA, and about 5k+ gold in the bank. What should I sell, and what should I get at this point? Is Sunfire Cape actually good on Amumu? I thought it was considered largely a trash item these days? | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On May 11 2012 19:23 Goragoth wrote: Ok, so yesterday I finished my first game with Amumu. Barely managed to drag my team to victory even though it was 5v4 almost the entire game (finished 10/4/15, with most of my deaths towards the end). Our Ashe was something like 0/17 before picking up a lucky kill near the end and our Malphite was like 3/19. Basically their team was incredibly fed and we always had 1-2 people wandering off on their own to die. Anyway, enough qq, at least we won. So my question is: I finished the game with Shurelya's, Randuin's, Mercs, Aegis, Frozen Heart and WotA, and about 5k+ gold in the bank. What should I sell, and what should I get at this point? Is Sunfire Cape actually good on Amumu? I thought it was considered largely a trash item these days? There are better ways to scale Amumu's damage than Sunfire, and there are better defensive items as well. My prefered lategame build on Amumu is: Mercs, Abyssal, Rylai's, Frozen Heart, Deathcap, and then you kinda pick one based on your opponents: FoN, GA, Randuin's, Thornmail, DFG, Warmogs... In your case you definitely could have sold the Aegis for any appropriate item, potentially the Shurelya's (if you didn't need it desperately; say replace it with FoN so you still have movespeed). Also remember to stock up on Red and Blue Elixiers generously. | ||
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China26351 Posts
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