0/21/9 seems best imo. 0/9/21 utility is interesting too though
[Champion] Amumu - Page 8
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United States686 Posts
0/21/9 seems best imo. 0/9/21 utility is interesting too though | ||
Canada31494 Posts
Now that all my Eve testing is done I suppose I can run through some Amumu jungle paths. | ||
United States176 Posts
With the massive defensive spec you can literally just sit in minion waves and auto and e your opponent and take almost no dmg back in harass. | ||
New Zealand4445 Posts
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Australia648 Posts
W>E>Q then R>E>Q>W Starting Items - Regrowth + HPot Full build - Boots > Philo > HoG > WotA > Rylais > Shurelias > Randuins > Situational defense on last slot, usually ends up as Aegis/Scepter/Starks ~ You can change the ordering around a bit but this seems to work 21/9/0 Masteries Red - 9x Magic Pen Yel - 9x Armour Blue - 9x AP/Lvl Qui - 3x Flat AP Again i don't remember what i have setup and will update later Route, not set in stone, all depends on the lanes - Wolves, Blue, Wraiths, Golems, Wolves, Wraiths, Golems, BP+ Buy boots and wards go pick up red and gank if its open otherwise do another clear I've played about 10~ish games with this setup and it's absolute beast, I understand at higher levels it probably won't work out too well but i've had games where i started out 0/2 but come back late game to carry the team through, with just the two "little" ap items your bandage tosses hit for 500 with 400 from tantrum and then tears and ulti your usually able to walk through most teams or at least get them low enough for your other carries to tear them apart. | ||
United States3130 Posts
right now my core items are boots -> philo -> merc/tabi -> revolver -> abyssal/rylai's (i get both of these but usually abyssal if there's a lot of AP) -> build shurelya's or one big defensive item depending on enemy team (frozen heart is a popular choice for me). masteries 9/21/0 runes mpen red armor yellow mr blue ap quints teleport flash does anyone else think lane amumu is a good idea? (top lane) | ||
Australia697 Posts
On February 05 2012 16:22 wussleeQ wrote: So...i tried solo top amumu and it feels like a really strong idea. Can trade with many people once he takes 0 damage from creeps and just autos the enemy to get creep aggro and then starts spamming E. right now my core items are boots -> philo -> merc/tabi -> revolver -> abyssal/rylai's (i get both of these but usually abyssal if there's a lot of AP) -> build shurelya's or one big defensive item depending on enemy team (frozen heart is a popular choice for me). masteries 9/21/0 runes mpen red armor yellow mr blue ap quints teleport flash does anyone else think lane amumu is a good idea? (top lane) Well the OP to this thread does have southlight/utahimes lanemumu guide. But other than him I've never really heard of this idea being run successfully. | ||
Canada3508 Posts
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United States3130 Posts
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Canada3508 Posts
I'm sure it's easy to lane when you already have a full build | ||
United States3130 Posts
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Canada3508 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
EWEQ, R > E > W > Q 0/21/9 taking everything that helps you jungling. I usually do not take the cdr/lvl mastery as i tend to go with cdr boots. Simple standard route (wolves -> blue -> wraiths -> red -> golems -> wraiths). By the time you hit 4 you have 2 options. Pressure a lane or continue to farm with your blue untill it expires then recall for philo+boots etc. Regrowth+1 pot -> Philo -> Hog -> cdr boots in between somewhere (you want these before lvl 11) -> rylai I consider boots, rylai philo and hog core. From here on everything is viable. FoN is the best option for mres, but banshee's isn't bad either, i just don't like the item. Upgrade philo to reverie, upgrade hog to randuins. | ||
United States183 Posts
Basically, how do you play vs an amumu? | ||
United States12679 Posts
On February 13 2012 14:41 Prospero wrote: Why don't we see Amumu more often in pro matches? It seems like once it gets to late game, there isn't a single thing my team can do to theirs because of Amumu's large ult radius. If we try to spread out, we end up being too far apart and it seems like someone is left out. Basically, how do you play vs an amumu? Amumu's early game is horrendous. His jungle path is extremely predictable and very easy to disrupt. He doesn't have much strength without items so strong counterjunglers like Lee Sin and Shyvana can easily ruin him. Also, Amumu ganks aren't very good either. Landing a Q can be pretty hard against good players who know how to dodge/bait it. Sure, he can blow his ulti, but his ult has one of the longest cooldowns in the game so that's not exactly ideal either. If a team with Amumu does manage to get to mid/late game without getting too behind, then yes, Amumu can be pretty powerful with his ult. However, his ult is also pretty easily countered with QSS. | ||
9871 Posts
Insane risk for huge reward so if you're playing him properly you end up actually taking very few risks and only actually doing something when your teammates make a clearly good play and your opponents make a clearly poor one, so you are guaranteed the big reward. In other words your control over how the game goes is very weak because you have so little room to create openings for yourself. | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
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New Zealand4445 Posts
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United States17233 Posts
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Gabon6219 Posts
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