[Champion] Amumu - Page 12
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Germany11331 Posts
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Netherlands298 Posts
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Germany24009 Posts
On June 30 2012 00:52 Simberto wrote: Hm, i don't know about CDR on him, it's not useful actually. At least in the later game, you usually have your ult ready for any teamfight anyways, and you will never have it twice in a teamfight. well by cdr I mean the items a support jungler usually gets anyway like frozen heart and shurelias and its almost 40% capped alrdy and I agree with the poster above that being able to spam e and bandage toss in a teamfight hurts surprisingly much. | ||
Netherlands512 Posts
On June 29 2012 17:28 schmutttt wrote: Anyone think AP amumu is viable? Been playing him a lot recently, going philo > sorc boots > RoA > rylais then a bit flexible, you sacrifice a bit of tankiness but do a shit load of damage. If you can get onto a squishy with Q they are basically fucked or at least zoned straight away. Running mpen reds, armor yellows, mr/level blues and AP quints. Running 12/9/9 in masteries with 3 points in damage dealt. He is definitely viable. There are at least two 2500 ELO players who almost exclusively play amumu AP. (Azingy and Boss Gragas) Azingy goes triple doran's ring and then abyssal. Boss Gragas goes rod of ages as you say, but then abyssal. Abyssal is a super good item on amumu. I don't recommend rylai's... you're paying for stats that you don't really use. Remember that most of amumu's abilities are AoE. See also http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=27325 | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Amumu is really good though, at least sleeper OP. The heavy counterjungling stuff that was going on earlier made him lose popularity though. Whether or not to go tank, cdr, ap, of combinations of the 3, I'm not sure what's best. It's situational to some extent but they are all viable. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On June 30 2012 03:10 Slayer91 wrote: Boss gragas is playing amumu now? o.O Amumu is really good though, at least sleeper OP. The heavy counterjungling stuff that was going on earlier made him lose popularity though. how is he a sleeper? he's FotM on NA right now. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Back to the good old days of banning malph shen amumu soon haha. | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On June 30 2012 03:56 Slayer91 wrote: I haven't seen him in tournaments and I haven't seen him that much recently YET in EU.# Back to the good old days of banning malph shen amumu soon haha. double gold/10 -> sunfire abyssal and rylai's has been my build, feels really strong. I've been getting sorc boots too, cause hey, why not? EDIT: I think the biggest revelation on NA has been to max Q 2nd. lowering that CD and actually being able to burst someone's face off with R -> Q is real stronk. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
Did anyone advocate Q 2nd before I did? I wanna take credit! Also I have no clue why you would max Q but then build Sunfire. You want burst but you build a weak AoE DoT. Sunfire after HoG also makes no sense. Either HoG and Randuins or Belt and Sunfire. | ||
Germany24009 Posts
On June 30 2012 04:28 spinesheath wrote: Once you try building Philo, Guise, FH/Abyssal you won't go back to anything else. Did anyone advocate Q 2nd before I did? I wanna take credit! i used to max E first but after reading the unstoppable guide on solomid i realized how fucking big the base dmg of Banadage toss is and copied his build of W->EE and max Q from lvl 4 onwards rly strong. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On June 30 2012 04:28 spinesheath wrote: Once you try building Philo, Guise, FH/Abyssal you won't go back to anything else. Did anyone advocate Q 2nd before I did? I wanna take credit! Also I have no clue why you would max Q but then build Sunfire. You want burst but you build a weak AoE DoT. Sunfire after HoG also makes no sense. Either HoG and Randuins or Belt and Sunfire. no thanks, I'll keep doing what I'm doing. I like getting the sustained income from HoG, and then from there, getting armor and more damage is the next step for me. The only real options for these two together are sunfire and hourglass and frankly, I think that Sunfire's a better fit because you're still farming the jungle at that point (meaning you conserve a lot of mana due to the AoE from Sunfire) and the extra HP is very strong in the low level teamfights. Going Randuin's would hurt my damage output and further strain my mana pool in the jangle. Granted, you could also just go chain vest -> Rylai's or Abyssal and that would be fine too, but those options are slower and I feel like sunfire still has strong enough synergy with amumu's kit to be worth buying. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On June 30 2012 05:47 spinesheath wrote: Glacial Shroud/Frozen Heart doesn't count as a real option for you? 15%/20% CDR is nothing to laugh at damage wise. CDR doesn't do a ton for your damage output in a fight. you get 1 ult off and your W doesn't care about CDR so it only really helps Q and E (and E is tricky because using it can blown a chase because of how long the animation is). You also end up spending 2.8+K on no magic resist or HP, which puts you in an odd spot as far as your next item is concerned. FH -> Abyssal leaves your HP pool low enough that even with the MRes, you can get blown up too quickly IMO. | ||
United States47024 Posts
Reverie rush is just so damn good IMO. The extra regen on top of Philo makes me feel more comfortable, and the active is super good for positioning ultimates. Reverie ganks are also just unfair. I don't feel like you really need the extra HoG income because Amumu farms stupid fast anyway. | ||
United States1945 Posts
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10417 Posts
Flat AP/mpen/armor/scaling AP boots + 3 start smite/flash wolves -> blue -> gank if you're bottom team wolves -> blue -> wraiths -> wolves -> red -> wraiths if you're top EQE or EWEQ depending then max Q boots -> philo -> 2x dolan's ring -> sunfire -> abyssal is what i'm doing right now, it's really strong | ||
Australia3856 Posts
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