[Champion] Master Yi - Page 3
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United States13684 Posts
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7579 Posts
On February 14 2011 11:02 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: I do something similar but completely different: 1/8/21 Full Aspd runes smite/ghost Cloth Armor + 3 potions Start Wraiths or wraith jack, either way go wraiths -> wolves -> wraiths -> small golems -> bluepill -> blue buff -> wolves -> wraiths -> small golems -> bluepill -> red buff Obviously change route to match procs and game flow Wriggles -> zerks/merc -> situational damage items--sometimes I rush IE, sometimes I go bloodthirster, sometimes I go Ghostblade or BC or LW -> after you got enough offensive items GA/Banshees. I play a heavy counterjungle style on (all my junglers but especially) Yi, I feel like he brings a lot to the counterjungling game. Your main strat is to hit a gank, clear the lane, take a tower and gtfo. rock that shit Woo, same. However, would it significantly matter vs 1/14/15? I often try to second wraith jack because sometimes enemy junglers (usually Amumu/Olaf) will be doing wraiths and I will alpha strike, perhaps getting FB, and stealing wraiths again. After blue usually. | ||
United States2687 Posts
This is a pic of a recent game I carried, but I'm not posting it to gloat, I wanna know where I could make improvements to my build. I built a starks because I felt like it helped the team out a bit, and gave me some lifesteal that I felt I was lacking. Ideally I would've had mundo build it, but whatever. Should I have built a BT instead or what? ![]() I had enough money to add a new item if I needed to, I just wasn't sure what I should be getting, so your thoughts would be appreciated. So yeah, basically what should a 'infinite money' build for this game have looked like? Furthermore, in the game my strategy was to pretty much solo push so they were forced to send 2 people to stop me (I could 1v1 anyone on their team), and when for some reason a teamfight broke out when i was around (I have no idea what the teams were fighting over... but that's low elo for ya) I would try and wait for sion stun and blitz silence before dashing in. So how can I improve on that as a strategy? Also, things like baron and dragon - when (lvl / items) can a Yi reasonably expect to solo dragon quickly? Thanks for any feedback. Oh just to further reinforce that I'm not posting to gloat (cause there is nothing to gloat about), they didn't have a jungler, even tho this is a pretty rare occurence. I had a hard time juggling farming both jungles and ganking so that my lanes didn't feed - anyone got any advice in this area? (I don't suppose it's a common problem though). | ||
Hungary4707 Posts
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United States7087 Posts
On February 14 2011 13:07 Wala.Revolution wrote: Woo, same. However, would it significantly matter vs 1/14/15? I often try to second wraith jack because sometimes enemy junglers (usually Amumu/Olaf) will be doing wraiths and I will alpha strike, perhaps getting FB, and stealing wraiths again. After blue usually. flipping on ghost+ lizard-> alpha strike when they flash or use an escape ability 21 in utility = more deadly ganks, and faster smite cd-> more counterjungling. b/c you dont want to be in enemy jungle for very long. i use 21 in utility when i rammus, but on a champ like yi i play like my ww, very farm oriented so i go 15/0/15 (ww) 21/0/9(yi) | ||
United States7087 Posts
On February 19 2011 20:33 freelander wrote: could someone on US tell me what runes Strelo uses on his master yi? thx as ylw/quint armor pen red mres//lvl blue 21/0/9 and cloth+5 pots i assume he likes wriggles mercs into a fast zeal or sheen(dunno his reasoning for prefernce)-> trinity then cleaver or negatron assuming negatron-> banshees later on but haven't seen anything on match list past that Strelo -US | ||
3340 Posts
To compensate for my suck I've been going AP Yi and if my teammates notice, they scapegoat me hardcore. As AP Yi, I get the same skill build/masteries [1-8-21] as DPS Yi, except my runes are different and after I get wiggle's I get ionian boots, Deathcap, lichbane, brilliance elixers and then watever. It doesn't seem to slow down my neutralling at all, and in teamfights I survive better. The only real complaint I have with the build is that if I don't get bluebuff (i.e. I let a teammate get it), I feel kinda naked. How is DPS Yi better? Or what should I be doing to play DPS yi better? | ||
United States2928 Posts
That said, AP is more of a troll build. Awesome for laning, and if you get an ult/alpha combo you'll wipe the enemy team, but it's still dangerous. DPS is all about knowing when to enter a teamfight, and saving alpha strike and meditate for when you get focused. Your staying power comes from cleanse and lifesteal. (I'm bad yi btw and only ever play AP hahaha) | ||
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United States2707 Posts
On February 24 2011 15:32 Tadzio wrote: I still jungle crazy fast, and steal their buffs and fuck their jungler over, meanwhile, I'm the same level as my teams soloers, and if I bump into someone in the jungle, my first strike does more damage and convinces them to run.... why shouldn't I jungle AP Yi? AD Yi wants to max QE (which is good for jungling) AP Yi wants to max QW. You can do it. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
Something along the lines of ring--->boots-->Deathcap/mejai's/huge AP item-->rageblade-->lichbane-->gunblade? This way your nuke still hits for a lot but you cans till do decent damage by chasing someone down, and even survive a 1v1 with the lifesteal from gunblade. Not sure of the build order and obviously this needs to be refined a whole bunch, but what say you TL? Just for funzies? | ||
United States2928 Posts
Dring -> Sorc Boots -> Deathcap -> Zhonyas -> Lichbane // Void Staff. 9/0/21 mpen/mp5plvl/ap plvl/ap if you build hybrid you end up sucking at both dps and nuking - you choose one or the other also on that note, the biggest reason why AP Yi is a joke build is the killstealing and farming tons of cs to turn it into massive unreliable damage and zero utility. At least Annie can stun. | ||
3340 Posts
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Hungary4707 Posts
![]() My whole ad game revolves around it. | ||
Italy3402 Posts
On my smurf I usually go wriggles triforce, getting mercs before triforce and wits end if casters are being annoying. Otherwise wriggles atmogs. Jungling with no masteries is a pain tho, I might try wriggles ghostblade sotd but I always know my team is going to get raped horribly whenever I abandom them. Probably too much smurfing. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On July 10 2011 12:49 r33k wrote: I'm surprised by the builds that are considered "standard" on yi. On my smurf I usually go wriggles triforce, getting mercs before triforce and wits end if casters are being annoying. Otherwise wriggles atmogs. Jungling with no masteries is a pain tho, I might try wriggles ghostblade sotd but I always know my team is going to get raped horribly whenever I abandom them. Probably too much smurfing. Why triforce? Yi doesn't really spam skills for the triforce proc does he? And the triforce proc doesn't amplify the damage from his passive right? | ||
Italy3402 Posts
On July 10 2011 12:51 Ryuu314 wrote: Why triforce? Yi doesn't really spam skills for the triforce proc does he? And the triforce proc doesn't amplify the damage from his passive right? It has ms a slow some mana and some ap. All stuff that I end up needing. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On July 10 2011 12:51 Ryuu314 wrote: Why triforce? Yi doesn't really spam skills for the triforce proc does he? And the triforce proc doesn't amplify the damage from his passive right? Against anyone that really knows what they're doing, you pretty much have to play like an anti-carry in fights anyway (and outside of fights, Triforce's MS/proc makes it great for split-pushing), which means Triforce's front-loaded damage is what you want, and not the sustained damage from other items. If you blow up their carry in one round of QER, your CDs will reset, giving you another round of Triforce procs. And if you can't blow them up in one round QER, you're probably screwed either way and having more sustained-damage items probably wouldn't help you. | ||
United States2845 Posts
but yeah. thanks for the guide. i went for a different item route (the lifesteal thing that builds into stark's, then brutalizer then ghostblade) and it worked out ok but it was just pubstompin' so yeah. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
Even better is starting enemy wraiths -> wolves -> wraiths, however you won't have smite up for your wraiths and people actually defend wraiths nowadays. >_> | ||
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