[Champion] Master Yi - Page 2
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Spain1146 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On February 03 2011 05:49 -Kato- wrote: What about wriggles>Phantom Dancer on yi? Why PD over Ghostblade? Ghostblade just seems to be a better way of getting what you need. | ||
United States802 Posts
On February 03 2011 06:47 TheYango wrote: Why PD over Ghostblade? Ghostblade just seems to be a better way of getting what you need. Crits and movespeed like a boss obviously! | ||
United States50 Posts
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Canada4122 Posts
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Spain1146 Posts
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United States5348 Posts
On February 05 2011 07:21 MobutuTheWindSeeker wrote: In my experience additional straight damage items are useless after yomuu's and the first arpen item because once they figure out you're absurdly fed they focus you like crazy. stacking bloodthirsters is much better and easily lets you do a quadra kill if they aren't paying attention. this is in unranked, though... w8 wat, u say additional straight dmg items are useless and proceed to tell us to stack bloodthirsters? enlighten me plz edit: after ghostblade + wriggles (if im jungling), i usually get either a bveil or an atmas, depending on the dmg type. the atmas needs to be followed up by another item tho. warmogs is feasible in some games, more likely i'd get omen or bveil or something like that. | ||
Spain1146 Posts
Right now i use AS Quints and Reds and have 6 ArPen from masteries, would changing some AS runes for ArPen runes make my jungling better? If so, how much ArPen is optimal? | ||
Germany8679 Posts
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England2167 Posts
On February 09 2011 20:54 spinesheath wrote: From my calculations, AD and ASpd from runes both seem to win over APen, at least during the first few levels. AD quints and ASpd marks are best, but the difference is so small that you should get ASpd quints anyways to proc more on-hits if you go razors. So you recommend going Aspd both Red and Quints? Did I understand that right? My jungle page at the moment consists of, aspd reds, flat armor yellows, mp5/lvl blues and flat hp quints or movement quints. Would you say that's a good setup for Yi? Or would getting Aspd quints be better? | ||
Spain1146 Posts
Thing is, would you go AS blues and/or yellows too? | ||
Germany8679 Posts
However there are more complex things that might play a role. For example some monsters might always end up with 5 HP before your last attack, taking an AD rune might allow you to kill them with 1 attack less and save you some time that way. | ||
Denmark610 Posts
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United States1557 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
Cloth + 5 hp pots => Wiggle's => Zerkers => Sheen => complete Trinity or Banshees => complete other => Black Cleaver => QSS Ghostblade feels all out offensive while Triforce does give some added hp and Sheen proc. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
Phage + GB costs about as much as Triforce. GB gives some crit, and the active ASpd and MSpd, so the Zeal part is covered (and I would argue that the short duration active is better on Yi than the lower but constant stats from zeal). Phage covers the Phage stats, I think you will trust me on that. So we have the Sheen part. Does Yi need the Mana? I don't think so, but I don't know. 30 AP? Not that epic, mainly 30 damage from Alpha. Now Triforce still has +12 AD over Phage and the 120-150 damage proc. Youmuu's has 30 AD and 20 APen. I would guess that's about evening out after 3-4 attacks. Not exactly a problem with Highlander + Youmuu's. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On February 09 2011 22:55 Papvin wrote: I've been jungling Yi a bit lately, and I'm confused about your route. Why not start blue? If you get a person to hit blue and then go to lane with the new deagro system, you can take blue without any q procs with ease, and if you're getting like 2 or 3 procs before red, you can clear the whole jungle without problems. I mean, if you don't have a champ mid with range or a ranged skill it might be annoying for the person who hits the golem, and he might miss a creep of experience, but imo it should always be worth it. Or am I just a huge noob :D? I see 2 reasons for not starting at blue with Yi: 1) The cdr/mana don't really help your clear speed--on small camps you're probably going to Alpha once, and be done with the camp before its off CD again. Blue makes that more sustainable, but you'll probably run out of HP pots before mana becomes an issue. 2) You're not that fast at it. Alpha is great at clearing small camps, especially when you can get multiple procs, but its super slow on big buff camps when you're waiting for it to come off CD. When you take your passive into account, your buff clearing ability is just so much better if you have razors. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
Yi usually doesn't alpha strike into his assassination target. He runs in with highlander activated (sheen proc) because then he can use alpha strike to dodge the incoming focus fire (another sheen proc), as well as close down on the people who flash away. Can probably use wuji to proc it a third time, although I wouldn't know whether it's worth it. If he happens to kill someone, his cooldowns refresh and he can start over, so he's more spammy than he appears if things go his way (and he's rather all-or-nothing). | ||
10417 Posts
1/8/21 Full Aspd runes smite/ghost Cloth Armor + 3 potions Start Wraiths or wraith jack, either way go wraiths -> wolves -> wraiths -> small golems -> bluepill -> blue buff -> wolves -> wraiths -> small golems -> bluepill -> red buff Obviously change route to match procs and game flow Wriggles -> zerks/merc -> situational damage items--sometimes I rush IE, sometimes I go bloodthirster, sometimes I go Ghostblade or BC or LW -> after you got enough offensive items GA/Banshees. I play a heavy counterjungle style on (all my junglers but especially) Yi, I feel like he brings a lot to the counterjungling game. Your main strat is to hit a gank, clear the lane, take a tower and gtfo. rock that shit | ||
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