On October 01 2011 16:56 Roffles wrote: Nocturne is fun, but Master Yi is just master Yi. His level 6 red buff ganks are fucking brutal, as he can wipe you in no time. Build a bit of survivability in there and he'll be cleaning up fights pretty handily. Sure Noc has spellshield, fear, and whatnot, but Yi has that sick cooldown reset if he kills someone, and if he's decently farmed he kills fast.
Never miss gap closer means ganking with Yi is pretty easy too. Plus if you ever find yourself in a pinch, just press R and run. Real fun.
Well in comparison to Noc... I'm of the opinion that Noc's level 6 red buff ganks are better than Yi's.
As for sick cooldown reset - yes. And that is the main drawcard for playing Yi (as I see it). For me though, it just doesn't outweigh the spellshield, ranged CC, and long range ult that Noc has got over Yi.
That being said, after Nunu got nerfed Yi was one of my main goto 'drunk' champions. That cooldown reset far too appealing when drunk
but in my experience that is more dependent on my enemies' sucking and not me playing particularly well, so yeah. farming IP for defense runes so i can jungle properly now x_X why did riot make jungling require such a huge IP investment ;;sigh marketing;;
On October 02 2011 08:31 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Yi is an awesome champ that has a niche in certain comps.
He has no real niche. Very few champions in League of Legends are actually made for a specific niche and even then, since the rest of the champions are so general role based, it's hard to satisfy a specific champion's niche to benefit the team.
Even in this "niche" that he fills, there are plenty of champions that are just flat out better at everything. Xin Zhao has more burst and that's really what you need for fights, pushing and backdoor power is so negligible in comparison unless you have a team that's built to hold a 5 v 4 defense in which case you'll still ultimately only succeed in creating a long-ass game where your opponents can turtle and you'll basically never really win if they have a solid line-up with sufficient CC.
Basically, at a high level you need the perfect team with perfect play to accomplish what another team could do by simply picking a less idiotic champion.
Yi can be a nuisance but he's never more of a threat than others champions within that role, even with over 300 games played as Yi, with games played while top 400 NA, I never found him more useful than any other champion at any point in the game. Particularly not long enough for it to actually make him a worthwhile pick.
This issue is not exclusive to Yi, he is one of the easier heroes to point this out for though. Generalized champion design creates this problem, establishing niches is difficult when many champions are filling a pretty established role.
That's why you jungle and play Yi. You just go "YEAHHH I JUST PROC'D ALL FOUR WRAITHS HNNNNNGH" and feel hella good about yourself and then when your top lane loses you get even more farm.
And then your team loses but you don't give a FUCK because you got
Is there a hybrid yi build that can be used to capitalize the early game lane dominance of APM yi while still being a threat lategame? Sort of like rhabadon-> hextech ->sheen etc. I'm trying to figure out such a build just for fun games. Any recommendations?
On October 03 2011 06:01 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: Is there a hybrid yi build that can be used to capitalize the early game lane dominance of APM yi while still being a threat lategame? Sort of like rhabadon-> hextech ->sheen etc. I'm trying to figure out such a build just for fun games. Any recommendations?
Just make straight dps items after your rabadons IMO. Gunblade can't be a wrong choice. After that I would make ghostblade or sth dunno.
anyway I have alot of fun with jungle yi atm. Allways thought that he is a crappy champ but I kinda randomly picked him a few games ago and suddenly realized some things.
The sheer damage this guy does is unmatched. The only thing you need is map awareness and to carefully watch what everyone does may that be in teamfights or where ppl are pushing etc. It then all comes down to exploit weaknesses.
You have to basicly be a spineless opportunist to be successfull with him.
On October 03 2011 06:01 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: Is there a hybrid yi build that can be used to capitalize the early game lane dominance of APM yi while still being a threat lategame? Sort of like rhabadon-> hextech ->sheen etc. I'm trying to figure out such a build just for fun games. Any recommendations?
Just make straight dps items after your rabadons IMO. Gunblade can't be a wrong choice. After that I would make ghostblade or sth dunno.
anyway I have alot of fun with jungle yi atm. Allways thought that he is a crappy champ but I kinda randomly picked him a few games ago and suddenly realized some things.
The sheer damage this guy does is unmatched. The only thing you need is map awareness and to carefully watch what everyone does may that be in teamfights or where ppl are pushing etc. It then all comes down to exploit weaknesses.
You have to basicly be a spineless opportunist to be successfull with him.
Haha I agree. Though I've been trying a sort of beefy AD build for the last couple of days and if u can get it going its really good. basically its ring-zerkers->atma->warmog->IE->mallet whatever. It does need a lot of farm to get going but then, what yi build doesn't. one thing in your favor is that with ur wuju style (which u max first) and attack speed bonus from ult, you still do decent enough damage till the time u get ur atmogs.
I'am not a fan yet of building him too tanky. I have the feel that I need wriggles, zerkers, ghostblade and zeal at the least. It's basicly a cheaper version of a ranged ad core build (the GB would be an IE) and after that I decide if I need banshees/qss/GA or more damage. I kinda think banshees is good on him despite being a melee, since I dont run into fights where AoE damage is still flying around. And yi is so fast that they almost certainly pop it with sth that is supposed to stop you. Anyways, maybe I could be keen of sth like wriggles, mercs, gb, zeal into warmogs/mallet atmas.
Oh and I max wuju too. I guess both, alpha and wuju have their profits, but I think that wuju style kinda defines Yi.
I <3 yi jungle. Finished 67% w/l last season 1450 with him and I'm 12-2 right now this season at 1450 again. I had the same w/l with noct last season and 5-1 this season.
I'm not a fan of ghostblade unless you get stupidly fed early. I find building frozen/atmas is a lot better. I normally go wrigglez (greaves if I can)/Phantom/Frozen/Atmas/Negatron (if there is more than 1 ap damage).
I just counter jungle early as my main objective, gank when a kill is available, and stick to objectives like towers/dragon/baron.
On October 03 2011 05:47 dnastyx wrote: That's why you jungle and play Yi. You just go "YEAHHH I JUST PROC'D ALL FOUR WRAITHS HNNNNNGH" and feel hella good about yourself and then when your top lane loses you get even more farm.
And then your team loses but you don't give a FUCK because you got
This is a pretty spot on description of playing drunk Yi.
If I'm pretty drunk I'll stick to jungle (where I don't have to waste time thinking about last hitting or harassing my enemy). I find it normally makes my ganks alot stronger.... maybe because I'm less indecisive, iunno. I swear though, counter jungling drunk nunu is the most fucking fun ever. I just love running around as a yeti fucking people's shit up.
But yeah, playing drunk is a bunch of fun, I highly recommend it. Works well on Yi aswell, because you can just play PvE all game. And still win while hanging your team out to dry.
On October 04 2011 04:45 Abenson wrote: AFK farm all game. If enemy team is stupid, you win. If enemy team is smart, you lose, but you can BM everyone with your positive score and farm
This basically sums up what happens with Master Yi at higher levels of play. If you have a really good team and set everything up perfectly in fights for Yi to come in and clean up when enemy CC is down after forcing perfect initiation and maximizing your damage output to get your opponents low enough you can sort of pull it off... Or you could just pick a champion that's actually useful and doesn't have a dud ability that goes against the rest of his skill-set.
There are actually a few ways to make meditate work if they really want to put it on Yi, I posted a couple on the League of Legends forums a while back and saw an idea or two from Shurelia as well. Ultimately, it seems everything was ditched because despite Yi being absolute rubbish at higher levels of play, he does fine against terrible players, and they don't want them to get owned harder. Whatever, it's Riot's approach to balancing and it's worked for them, just sucks for poor Yi.
I once met a guy with awesome hybrid whitch i use with great success. Its all about using ur q at lane to get hudge farm with proper runes and doran ring u can spam skills. In this build i get nashors tooth for ap cd reduction and some as then bet hextech gunblade trinity force atmas banshee. U end up with high dmg due to wuju style,atma gives you 40+ dmg and all items fit so well together. Ur q deal nice dmg up to 4 enemies hextech slow and deal dmg and what has left u kill with your autoattacks. And if enemy team dont have anything to stop your heal you are pretty mutch immortal. I have used thisin 5 games now and every game was great success