Red- ArPen
Yellow - Armor
Blue - MRes
Quint - MS
I will have to try h4ckers set up. It looks very promising.
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United States2791 Posts
Red- ArPen Yellow - Armor Blue - MRes Quint - MS I will have to try h4ckers set up. It looks very promising. | ||
United States3125 Posts
On May 07 2011 10:15 yellowguan wrote: + Show Spoiler + I like the discussion this thread is moving onto, The values of critchance/critdmg/armor pen for Tryndamere reds are varied, along with many of the other types of glyphs.. and many HIGH ELO players who play Tryndamere have very varied rune pages and playstyles: For Jungling, H4ckerv2, probably the most renowned Tryndamere and most heavily discussed in this thread, he obviously uses ASPD and ARPEN, along with CDR, there's nothing else to discuss about him. Bellaflica, among other tryndameres (I saw cowboys use this rune page) employs yellow armors, mresists at 18, ARPEN, and most interestingly, movespd quints, (As discussed before, he needs this for the 3 avarice build) are also pretty successful Tryndameres. For Laning, ENFOTHESLAYER before the Tryndamere 5 second ult nerf/buff used crit chance and LITERALLY carried himself up to 1800 ELO (check his champions played, 2nd most played is 10 games with Ashe), however, his recent games have been showing lack of ability, so he probably hasn't adjusted to this new patch. One thing worth noting is that he even dedicates his rune pages to situations for ranked play, something I would like to go more in depth... However, there's one Tryndamere that has quite possibly the most outrageous rune page, Jenika has junk for a runepage, but the most important thing from his rune page is crit dmg and move speed, and despite this, his win ratio is 57% and he played a whopping 400 games. I have no idea how he plays Tryndamere, but it must be a treat to watch. Scyx17 lately has also been playing Tryndamere, i'd like to see how he plays him So from what i've collected the most viable Reds: ARPen/Crit DMG/Crit Chance/Aspd Yellows:Armor/Aspd/CritChance Blues:Mresist/Aspd/CDR Quints: Anything mentioned from the red plus movespeed EDIT: I have a question concerning h4cker's heart of gold + phage playstyle as of late, his stream is on right now and i wonder why he goes this route, any answers? mm good stuff, I needed more trynd players to stalk. H4cker tries a lot of different stuff, and I've seen him go frozen mallet vs bursty teams (he tried a rageblade recently). Jenika... wow. As far as I can tell he plays mostly lane Trynd, and that crazy runepage is his ONLY page (also he's 57% wins out of a whopping 725!!!! tryndamere games). He must be hiding his runes or something, because if you play 900 ranked games and have 387 normal wins, plus however many losses, you have enough IP to buy the moon and crash it into the earth. ENFO, unless I'm thinking of someone else, took a longish break from LoL a while back, which is probably why he's spamming trynd normals to get used to the new patch. | ||
United States4223 Posts
On May 07 2011 10:15 yellowguan wrote: I like the discussion this thread is moving onto, The values of critchance/critdmg/armor pen for Tryndamere reds are varied, along with many of the other types of glyphs.. and many HIGH ELO players who play Tryndamere have very varied rune pages and playstyles: For Jungling, H4ckerv2, probably the most renowned Tryndamere and most heavily discussed in this thread, he obviously uses ASPD and ARPEN, along with CDR, there's nothing else to discuss about him. Bellaflica, among other tryndameres (I saw cowboys use this rune page) employs yellow armors, mresists at 18, ARPEN, and most interestingly, movespd quints, (As discussed before, he needs this for the 3 avarice build) are also pretty successful Tryndameres. For Laning, ENFOTHESLAYER before the Tryndamere 5 second ult nerf/buff used crit chance and LITERALLY carried himself up to 1800 ELO (check his champions played, 2nd most played is 10 games with Ashe), however, his recent games have been showing lack of ability, so he probably hasn't adjusted to this new patch. One thing worth noting is that he even dedicates his rune pages to situations for ranked play, something I would like to go more in depth... However, there's one Tryndamere that has quite possibly the most outrageous rune page, Jenika has junk for a runepage, but the most important thing from his rune page is crit dmg and move speed, and despite this, his win ratio is 57% and he played a whopping 400 games. I have no idea how he plays Tryndamere, but it must be a treat to watch. Scyx17 lately has also been playing Tryndamere, i'd like to see how he plays him So from what i've collected the most viable Reds: ARPen/Crit DMG/Crit Chance/Aspd Yellows:Armor/Aspd/CritChance Blues:Mresist/Aspd/CDR Quints: Anything mentioned from the red plus movespeed EDIT: I have a question concerning h4cker's heart of gold + phage playstyle as of late, his stream is on right now and i wonder why he goes this route, any answers? okay even though he's a jerk and I hate him you forgot gingerbrown who's at 2.1k atm he changed his tryn rune page to arpen red, yellow armor, flat mres blue, movespeed quint 7 recent games with random shit built, always wriggles + zerk, usually IE, with avarice => youmuu and starks yeyeyeye | ||
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United States17077 Posts
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43 Posts
I've been trying the runes from what i mentioned earlier ago and concluded some things: Armor pen is definately better if you're rushing youmuus, because it scales much more with youmuus, if you're doing the classic 3 avarice, i suggest crit damage b/c ur hitting about~ 75+ crit chance anyways. Double golem + leash is pretty damn godsend for a tryn, you actually have potential to clear the whole jungle! | ||
Ian Ian Ian
913 Posts
I build my tryn crit gloves->zerks->infinity->PD->thirster->thirster | ||
43 Posts!/RiotGuinsoo/status/67695810632089600 What is this? Why are they possibly gonna ruin my precious tryndamere!? His ult's probably gonna be based off of his rage, and that it lowers to 0 and he dies on his ult | ||
United States12398 Posts
I haven't used other rune pages with Trynd (other than Crit Damage like over a year ago), so I'm not sure if overall its better than stuff like armor pen or AS runes. Works for me, though. Cloak and Daggar seems great on Trynd, I'm just not sure if Berserker Greaves or Boots of Swiftness are a better combination with it. Been trying both. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On May 13 2011 21:31 Sentenal wrote: To throw my 2 cents in about Rune pages, I like to go for Crit Chance runes. I'll have like, 30-40% crit at level one (at full health) this way, and it helps. The main thing it helps is getting bloodlust stacks, so you can stay in lane for longer, or stay in jungle longer. Doing both of these things mean you get more farm, and more farm means you get your items alot faster. It helps hit like a truck occasionally, but thats just a bonus. Beyond that, it lets you switch up your build a bit (for the better). I'll turn my brawlers glove into an Avarice blade, get boots and a vampiric, and then head straight to BF sword/IE. The 20% crit from runes effectively lets me skip getting an early zeal that I see most other Trynds getting, since I don't need the crit. Its sacrificing the AS and stuff you would get from Zeal, but IMO Trynd is all about running into a battle, criting people in the face for a million damage. So i'd rather get early damage than early AS. I haven't used other rune pages with Trynd (other than Crit Damage like over a year ago), so I'm not sure if overall its better than stuff like armor pen or AS runes. Works for me, though. Cloak and Daggar seems great on Trynd, I'm just not sure if Berserker Greaves or Boots of Swiftness are a better combination with it. Been trying both. isnt CD like slightly more expensive than zeal but gives CCR(crowd control reduce) and more as/crit? Seems like a good early item you can sell later if you arent getting mercs. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
i have seen tanky, AP, crit AD, atkspeed ad. i always go to ghostblade->IE route, but maybe that is inefficient? | ||
Ian Ian Ian
913 Posts
Also, lately I've been going our wraiths-enemy blue for a gank on enemy jungler and instead of getting Q at level 1, taking spin so I can catch them when they ghost, and I haven't failed at that yet. What are people supposed to be doing to counter that? Is mid supposed to stick around longer or..? | ||
United States865 Posts
On June 30 2011 01:43 Ian Ian Ian wrote: I don't play LoL often but when I do I love toying around as Tryn in jungle.. and lately I've been playing a super aggresive counter jungle and it works REALLY well. With the spin it's really easy to escape, and I find myself getting first blood 95% of games because people will chase me at low health and then I just turn around and crit them 2 or 3 times. Also, lately I've been going our wraiths-enemy blue for a gank on enemy jungler and instead of getting Q at level 1, taking spin so I can catch them when they ghost, and I haven't failed at that yet. What are people supposed to be doing to counter that? Is mid supposed to stick around longer or..? Have mid pull blue, and jungler to attack blue in bush. That way, he has enough hp and a closer distance to top lane tower in case he needs to run. At least that's what I do as amumu since he's really vulnerable to being countered at blue. If it works for amumu, it should work for a lot of junglers also. | ||
United States1360 Posts
Dunno if anyone here has ever tried it but it seemed pretty ridiculous. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On July 02 2011 20:47 Hakker wrote: So yeah uh I hate to admit this, but I basically just lost to a AP tryn who would literally 1shot me with spin and healed for 1k+ every few seconds. Dunno if anyone here has ever tried it but it seemed pretty ridiculous. It's really terrible, he should just pick Sion or Yi instead. Spin in -> get instafocused and can't even escape during ulti because you can't spin away. Of course if no one builds mres it might work. Btw my new Tryndamere build is: Avarice, Hog and boots 1 -> zerkers and cloak and dagger -> Aegis -> Youmu -> Trinity Force. My normal game experimenting has shown that this build is really OP, especially the Aegis. | ||
Ian Ian Ian
913 Posts
I usually go Crit gloves -> Zerks -> bf -> ie I feel like ie is just too cost effective to leave out, especially since everything on it benefits tryn | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On July 03 2011 03:04 Ian Ian Ian wrote: No ie what? I usually go Crit gloves -> Zerks -> bf -> ie I feel like ie is just too cost effective to leave out, especially since everything on it benefits tryn IE's later, if you rush it like that you'll just get kited or CCd to death, movespeed is more useful from my experience. | ||
Ian Ian Ian
913 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
On July 03 2011 13:55 Ian Ian Ian wrote: You get hog and avarice before zerkers though.. Yeah o.O gp5 is way more useful during early laning in my opinion and boots 1 is good enough at that time. | ||
United States3125 Posts
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