My AP Trynd setup:
ArPen Reds Armor Yellows (don't own AP lul) AP Blues AP Quints.
I've seen a lot of ArPen quints over AP quints recently on higher level AP Trynds.
21/9 masteries. (CDR, ArPen, Spellsword and AP).
Start Amp Tome + pot.
The popular build from Quality Player that I'm seeing a ton is Codex -> CDR Boots -> DCap -> finish Nashor's -> Lich Bane.
The guy who started the AP Trynd craze did a Morello's rush + CDR boots for the CDR cap, then DCap. My original build rushed a kindlegem (eventually spirit visage) because I hated wasted mana stats. Nashor's stronk though, especially just leaving it at Codex for a while. I think Zhonya's is really strong and personally I like it before Lich Bane most of the time. I want to experiment with a tankier AP Trynd with SV over CDR boots for hitting cap - his heals are bonkers, and gettings resists gives you a lot of mileage. I think this build will suffer from weaker timings though.
I run
arpen reds, armor yellows, AP quints, CDR blues
I've run him jungle since AP jungle actually feels stronger than AD jungle (plus you get less ragers in team select). Basically get tele+smite, a madreds and after that build the same. someone leaves a lane for half a minute and it goes down...
pots>wards> stinger> nashors> stinger> zephyr> Iedge> zhonyas> lichbane. Usually zerkers or boots of swiftness.
So I don't run him pure AP. One thing I don't get is why people fixate on doing 'pure' ap or 'pure' ad on champs like xin or trynd, I have far more success running hybrid than either kind of pure build, this being mostly because of how well nashors synergises with both these champs. You don't need 500 AP to be abusive and hilarious, so getting a solid chunk and then using it to quickly farm up some good AD synergy with all that CDR and sustain works far better than being like 'I can heal myself for 100% every 10 seconds because that is completely necessary hurr durr'
On February 12 2013 09:03 Seuss wrote:Show nested quote +On February 12 2013 08:53 Djagulingu wrote:On February 12 2013 08:38 nosliw wrote: So I been seeing AP trynd tops. Both opening with AP and switch to AD and staying with AP. What Rune/Mastery do you use to build AP trynd/ WTF is an AP trynd? Some troll build like AP sion or AP warwick (you know, we don't have bloodrazors in s3)? AP trynd can't be played in the same manner as AP yi. Trynd doesn't have stupidly high ratios in his spin or heal let alone equally stupid resets. He doesn't need resets. With max CDR Q is on a 7.2 second cooldown, and E is basically reset every time you crit. A full AP build is semi-troll, but someone carried themselves with it from sub-bronze to platinum before the new system went in place. Starting with a ton of AP from runes/masteries and/or a Amplifying Tome and then shifting to a standard AD build later isn't troll. It was fairly common right after his remake, and is only stronger now that every other high-sustain top laner has been nerfed. It makes it nearly impossible to stop Tryndamere from farming and winning his lane, even under jungler pressure. There's just not a lot you can do about a champion who heals for 100+ health every 11.5 seconds starting from level 1. full ap works perfectly fine not troll at all. played 8 games of trynd went 6-2. very, very ridiculous if you get ahead. you can shove top all game which makes the enemy commit at least 2-3 people to even get close to bringing you down while the team takes objectives. this being at plat at least.
i use 1 cdr blue arpen reds and ap everything else nashors cdr boots dcap zhonyas/lichbane then last item ga or something tanky
I just played a game of AP trynd. It is crazy fun and it feels pretty strong from my one game.
I've played AP tryn about 10 times now, had good success in most of them. Sooo fun to play haha - was even able to 3/0 a garen in lane. I rush Nashor's tooth if possible (I always try to save for 1835 GP for first trip back from lane!), the extra attack speed makes you much scarier early on. From there CDR boots, dcap, lichbane, LW or tanky item depending on how game is going. Rageblade can be a good last item.
how is rushing nashors better than rushing ghostblade which is more costefficient and has more synergetic stats for trynd? If you need sustain then buy more pots?
whats the point of stacking more ap after laneing phase if you could get tanky and damage items? I can see how nashors and rageblade work. But buying deathcap and similar stuff looks like something you can abuse the shit out of as an opponent. Its similar to ap Yi: you a) more teamdependand than other solo laners and b) you rely on your opponents understimating you and overextend on you at stupid times because you are farming well.
iam pretty damn sure this ap trynd thing won't be here for long. and holy crap I never want an ap trynd in my games. especially not if my opponents force fights aggressively and have stuff like jax, vayne, janna, lee sin, yorick, basicly anything that can abuse a squishy trynd trying to do something with his ult. Him having strong heals and splitpushing is fine and all but nida has that too + she can defend your base or an objective if needed.
need some videos/explanations of this because so far I've only seen ap trynds feeding like crazy, being useless in general and ruining games even when farmed.
The significant part of the sustain is that it's burst healing, making a comparison to pots pretty nil. The simple fact is that a late game trynd can straight up ignore at least 2 ppl and take towers. Stuff like nidalee runs away when ppl come, wheras trynd has the option to just tank ppl for awhile and then run away when things get hairy. This allows your team to either fight 4 v 3 or stall effectively in 5 v 4 situations.
Edit: I think the comparison to ap yi is kinda off-base as well. Ap yi is team-dependent because he relies on his team for resets in team fights, but ap trynd literally never team fights. He's just an immovable pusher. I've seen quality player straight up carry games despite ending games at like 1-8
his team fighting doesn't feel that bad tbh. although his split push gives much better situations for the team though lol
is there a good transition out of the core build (cdr boots + nashors) that makes him a better teamfighter? just to have that option.
Ap trynd is truly terrifying. I've lost 5 games to his split pushing already. I'm not sure if this is the place to post but I'll ask anyways. What do you do when AP trynd is split pushing like a mad man? I know people say well just go fight 5v4 and win, but the thing is if the other team stalls long enough or kites well enough, they''ll easily buy enough time for trynd to do some serious dmg to your base forcing someone back.
On February 21 2013 02:20 clickrush wrote: is there a good transition out of the core build (cdr boots + nashors) that makes him a better teamfighter? just to have that option.
if you have morello+nash, that maxes out your cdr, so you rly dont need the cdr boots. i usually take tp when laning or jungling so i can extend my map presence. twin shadow is a good way to show where the enemies are if you feel like they are near you, not to mention the slow and bonus MS it gives you. i dont like dcap because you dont really need the burst of ap, more like sustained dmg. obviously, playing trynd means you have to dive into the enemy team without fear so thats just something you have to feel for yourself. Rylai helps alot, but i would get that as one of my last items
On February 21 2013 01:42 barbsq wrote: The significant part of the sustain is that it's burst healing, making a comparison to pots pretty nil. The simple fact is that a late game trynd can straight up ignore at least 2 ppl and take towers. Stuff like nidalee runs away when ppl come, wheras trynd has the option to just tank ppl for awhile and then run away when things get hairy. This allows your team to either fight 4 v 3 or stall effectively in 5 v 4 situations.
Edit: I think the comparison to ap yi is kinda off-base as well. Ap yi is team-dependent because he relies on his team for resets in team fights, but ap trynd literally never team fights. He's just an immovable pusher. I've seen quality player straight up carry games despite ending games at like 1-8 I'm really not convinced a late game Tryndamere can ignore 2 people and take towers, assuming one of them is on equal farm and has anything resembling competent waveclear. On equal farm, I'd much rather have Singed, Nidalee, or a host of other obnoxious splitpushers.
You don't have to KILL the tryndamere, you just have to push harder / equally hard. He can't just walk up to your naked tower and kill it right in front of you. If you can't push hard enough, buy a sunfire cape.
The last 5 tryndameres that I've spectated all went AP... I think the secret is out lol.
On February 21 2013 05:21 Lightswarm wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2013 02:20 clickrush wrote: is there a good transition out of the core build (cdr boots + nashors) that makes him a better teamfighter? just to have that option. if you have morello+nash, that maxes out your cdr, so you rly dont need the cdr boots. i usually take tp when laning or jungling so i can extend my map presence. twin shadow is a good way to show where the enemies are if you feel like they are near you, not to mention the slow and bonus MS it gives you. i dont like dcap because you dont really need the burst of ap, more like sustained dmg. obviously, playing trynd means you have to dive into the enemy team without fear so thats just something you have to feel for yourself. Rylai helps alot, but i would get that as one of my last items
Well the whole point of Nashor's (imo anyways) is that it is a better core item on Tryn than morello's - you're not supposed to get both (and assuming you have CDR masteries, both of these items together puts you over the CDR cap). Dcap gives like an extra 200hp on your heal with zero fury (+ an extra 150 or so on your spin) - nothing to scoff at. Never heard of getting Rylai's on tryn, does his spin even proc the slow since it's all physical damage?
On February 21 2013 06:06 rhs408 wrote:The last 5 tryndameres that I've spectated all went AP... I think the secret is out lol. Show nested quote +On February 21 2013 05:21 Lightswarm wrote:On February 21 2013 02:20 clickrush wrote: is there a good transition out of the core build (cdr boots + nashors) that makes him a better teamfighter? just to have that option. if you have morello+nash, that maxes out your cdr, so you rly dont need the cdr boots. i usually take tp when laning or jungling so i can extend my map presence. twin shadow is a good way to show where the enemies are if you feel like they are near you, not to mention the slow and bonus MS it gives you. i dont like dcap because you dont really need the burst of ap, more like sustained dmg. obviously, playing trynd means you have to dive into the enemy team without fear so thats just something you have to feel for yourself. Rylai helps alot, but i would get that as one of my last items Well the whole point of Nashor's (imo anyways) is that it is a better core item on Tryn than morello's - you're not supposed to get both (and assuming you have CDR masteries, both of these items together puts you over the CDR cap). Dcap gives like an extra 200hp on your heal with zero fury (+ an extra 150 or so on your spin) - nothing to scoff at. Never heard of getting Rylai's on tryn, does his spin even proc the slow since it's all physical damage?
i think replacing morello with dfg may be more viable. rylai procs with spell dmg, so im assuming it does proc with the spin
EDIT: Rylai does proc with the spin. just tested this
On February 21 2013 06:19 Lightswarm wrote: EDIT: Rylai does proc with the spin. just tested this
That's actually pretty good then, will have to give it a try.
Edit: spectating another diamond AP tryn right now, this one maxed Q over the spin. Gives better attack damage and heals, but lower spin cd and damage. I still think having the stronger spin is better overall, but this guy is actually doing really well (he just killed a garen np)
Edit2: mostly seeing flash/ignite on high ranked ap tryns, no cleanse or ghost
Depends on the matchup. Against someone who can poke you a lot reliably and/or shred waves max Q . Against someone who's beefy but lacks waveclear, max E. It's a lot easier to bully someone having a hard time with maxed E, while Q lets you capitalise on someone constantly trying to get you low and trade with you. Whack em a couple of times with the bonus AD, Spin out and heal up. Repeat.
I just faced an ap trynd and its ridiculously weak agaisnt jax. don't even bother playing it against a jax and don't pick trynd anyway if jax is open and top lane not taken. the ap trynd even got massive babysitt support from a shaco who ganked from all sides at the right times so he had time to outcs me but even when ahead he cant stop you from outtrading him. jax outright bullies ap trynd its not even funny. it was the standard cdr boots, nashors dc build.
just outsustaining doesnt work against jax. just two dorans blades or a vamp + some pots is completely enough to outsustain Q spam. if jax just constantly attacks on trynd he eventually gets ahead. I basicly turned his game around and pushed two turrets even before he got my first one. and again that was after having a couple very scary shaco ganks where he went 1:0:1 and outfarmed me by almost 20cs...
On February 21 2013 10:34 clickrush wrote: I just faced an ap trynd and its ridiculously weak agaisnt jax. don't even bother playing it against a jax and don't pick trynd anyway if jax is open and top lane not taken. the ap trynd even got massive babysitt support from a shaco who ganked from all sides at the right times so he had time to outcs me but even when ahead he cant stop you from outtrading him. jax outright bullies ap trynd its not even funny. it was the standard cdr boots, nashors dc build.
just outsustaining doesnt work against jax. just two dorans blades or a vamp + some pots is completely enough to outsustain Q spam. if jax just constantly attacks on trynd he eventually gets ahead. I basicly turned his game around and pushed two turrets even before he got my first one. and again that was after having a couple very scary shaco ganks where he went 1:0:1 and outfarmed me by almost 20cs... I can verify this. I just played as ap trynd vs jax. I picked into the match up cause im a foo. But the jax's burst and consistent dmg as well as His gap closer made it so it was a very difficult lane to go against. I got behind early but we were able to pull up the win casue of misplays on there part
On February 21 2013 12:17 jaybrundage wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2013 10:34 clickrush wrote: I just faced an ap trynd and its ridiculously weak agaisnt jax. don't even bother playing it against a jax and don't pick trynd anyway if jax is open and top lane not taken. the ap trynd even got massive babysitt support from a shaco who ganked from all sides at the right times so he had time to outcs me but even when ahead he cant stop you from outtrading him. jax outright bullies ap trynd its not even funny. it was the standard cdr boots, nashors dc build.
just outsustaining doesnt work against jax. just two dorans blades or a vamp + some pots is completely enough to outsustain Q spam. if jax just constantly attacks on trynd he eventually gets ahead. I basicly turned his game around and pushed two turrets even before he got my first one. and again that was after having a couple very scary shaco ganks where he went 1:0:1 and outfarmed me by almost 20cs... I can verify this. I just played as ap trynd vs jax. I picked into the match up cause im a foo. But the jax's burst and consistent dmg as well as His gap closer made it so it was a very difficult lane to go against. I got behind early but we were able to pull up the win casue of misplays on there part
just a bit of theorycrafting for this situation. i think one way to solve this matchup would be to set up a 2v1 lane on jax, pick a typical mid-lane champ that could handle 1v2 situations, and have trynd farm mid. basically, just avoid having the jax vs trynd matchup in the first place. trynd can always find farm since his spin clears waves super fast. if the 2v1 lane is successful and the team maintains a tempo, jax would take too long to get farmed up to have an impact on the game
Party's over gentlemen. Someone called the cops and they're on their way aws.