I'm pretty sure it's only HP not HP+shields. Shields are treated as HP in terms of damage calculation, but don't affect what your current/max HP is at. For example, if you're at exactly at 49% hp, WW's blood scent will trigger. If you get shielded for 2% of your max health, you will still trigger blood scent. So unless I'm mistaken, Poppy's passive will only take into account your actual HP for the 10% limit, not HP+Shields.
If that's really the case, I need to start trying Poppy Karma. And that would make the iron locket pretty good too.
Recently on reddit, SpamHappy posted an AMA : link
What he runs top: 32 armor, 8.5mpen runes. 9/21/0 masteries, ignite/ghost.
Apparently he does well vs bruisers (best match-up being GP/Riven), I'd like to test this out myself - need to save up for the armor blues/quints first :|
I tried the build around 1300 elo and it's op! 34 5 25 in 3 games! I first met a wukong who fed me hard. Then I faced a gp who took the red of our jungle when they stole it so the beginning was a bit hard but once I reached 6 I killed him then proceeded to get fed. Then I faced a Morde so I picked ful mres page instead of full armor. I zoned him out because he went ap and I dived him succcesfuly 4 times during laning phase, but he was terribad (he felt zoned when I was oom). On the down side I did not remember she was so awful at clearing waves or taking down towers but she keeps her lane unpushed very well. Therefore it's harder to roam.
Besides it's really nice to be able to negate the fed guy of the lane which failed, like oh shit their graves is 4 0 we lose blablaabla.
Thank you for sharing the guide because it's a champ I like and I was fed up of gp/5 support bot lane so I stopped playing her months ago.
Is it just me or does Poppy have one of the best attack animations in the game?
On February 08 2012 06:51 ShoreT wrote: Is it just me or does Poppy have one of the best attack animations in the game?
I always thought it was a little bit weird/clumsy, but it never gave me significant problems.
I checked out SpamHappy's build. Item build is exactly how I have been building her except sometimes I get wriggles for sustain. Probably not worth it, idk.
Don't really get why you would go 21 in defense, though, since poppy doesn't really benefit much from more health and she has a lot to gain from extra points in offense tree. he has played a ton of poppy though, so he probably has his reasons.
On February 08 2012 08:24 petered wrote:Show nested quote +On February 08 2012 06:51 ShoreT wrote: Is it just me or does Poppy have one of the best attack animations in the game? I always thought it was a little bit weird/clumsy, but it never gave me significant problems. I checked out SpamHappy's build. Item build is exactly how I have been building her except sometimes I get wriggles for sustain. Probably not worth it, idk. Don't really get why you would go 21 in defense, though, since poppy doesn't really benefit much from more health and she has a lot to gain from extra points in offense tree. he has played a ton of poppy though, so he probably has his reasons.
My guess is percentage health Q makes offense tree kind of pointless. Plus, if you want to stay in top lane, you have to have some kind of sustainability, otherwise you'll just get pushed out by other bruisers like Yorick, Vlad, etc.
Been trying out jungle poppy, and it actually works pretty well :D. She's such a great counterjungler, since there's so many walls that you can stun them on to.
Runes: AS Reds, Armor Yellows, MR blues or AS Blues, Movement speed Quints or AS Quints. Masteries: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/mastery-tree-planner#&tree1=1-3-0-0-4-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&tree2=1-2-3-2-4-3-0-1-0-1-0-3-0-0-0-1&tree3=0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&v=2 Skill Order: W, E, W, Q, W, R R>W>E>Q Start: Wolves-->Blue (without smite w/ help of your team)---> Enemy Red
RUNES AS Reds or AR Pen Reds: Get your maximum bonus from your W faster w/o blowing mana, plus lets you really abuse the damage bonus from your W. Armor Pen lets you get more damage but takes longer to get your passive up. Without blue, your jungle speed is greatly reduced because of the mana cost of W. Armor Yellows: Duh MR Blues or AS Blues: MR against AP heavy team or AP jungler (fiddlesticks), AS for the same reason for Reds AS Quints or Move Quints: I'd prefer Movement speed quints, since they let you get to the enemy camps much faster, letting you counterjungle a lot more safely. AS Quints could also work, since then even if you duel the enemy jungler, your bonus armor and bonus damage from your W should allow you to outdamage them. NOTE: If you run with the Move Quints, your W + boots2 + Quints allow you to do the poppy wall bug. Poppy will move so fast that when you E, her character model acts as a wall, and will stun the enemy.
MASTERIES 9 in offense mainly for the armor pen and the AS 21 in defense, getting minion damage return for faster clear and Movement speed buff to run faster.
SKILL ORDER Get W first for increased damage/armor. E next for the stun and bonus burst damage 1 level of Q at 4 just for the percentage health, but leveling it is not advised since its scaling is super horribru.
PATH 1) Start wolves, get help from team to clear it before blue. 2) Take your blue, preferably w/o smite. Have your team hard leash it so you can stay healthy. 3) IMMEDIATELY go to their red and take it. Wall stun it, and hit it as fast as your stubby little arm can swing that hammer. 4) Stay at bush near red. The second you see the enemy jungler near a wall, wall stun them and fight
SUMMONERS Smite: A must-have for ALL junglers. Flash: Meh, maybe if you were laning, because positioning is so important on poppy. In the jungle, however, you can easily position yourself for the stun. Good for escaping, though your W active + mastery + Quints + boots should give you enough speed to get away from any early ganks. Exhaust: Yes. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. GREAT spell for counterjungling. Really shuts down enemy junglers HARD. This is what makes you able to beat many good duelists (Lee Sin, Shyvanna, etc.) in the jungle. Heal: I've tried it before, but not a big fan. Good for the fights, since it heals for an unbelievably stupid amount of health, but later on it's just kinda useless. Ghost: No, you already have a ghost in W. Ignite: VERY situational, only use against WW or Volibear, since their heals will out-sustain you.
ITEMS Cloth + 5 pots: Standard start, nothing fancy. Preferred start in most games. Lets you stay healthy, plus the bonus armor from your W really makes the cloth armor shine. Boots + 3pots: Situational start, mainly use this against AP junglers. Lets you roam around their jungle faster, position yourself faster, etc. Especially against champions like Fiddlesticks, where armor really doesnt help you, getting into position to stun him is super important.
Mid-Game Goals Wriggles Boots (Merc or Ninja) Phage
Late Game (It depends on what you want, a tanky DPS or a bursty anti-carry) TANKY DPS Frozen Mallet Boots (Merc or Ninja) Atmas Impaler Randuins Omen Banshees Veil GA
Bursty Anti-Carry Trinity Force Boots (Merc or Ninja) Bloodthirster or IE Warmogs Atmas GA
Why don't you build AP Poppy? The build for AP Poppy is way too out sync with everything, including masteries, item order, runes, etc. AP Poppy should only be played in lane.
MATCHUPS Lee Sin: Hard matchup. If you have Exhaust, should be an easy fight. Shyvanna: Hard, even with exhaust. Her AoE does so much damage early game -___- Sejuani: Percentage Health magic damage AoE. Stupid. Against her go WQWE, early Q damage will really help, and stunning her doesnt stop her AoE anyway. Volibear: Don't even bother fighting, his passive is retarded. Just take his shit and run. Fiddlesticks: Start boots + 3 pots. Once you start fighting, MAKE SURE HE HAS A WALL BEHIND HIM. The second he starts draining, stun him. Easymode after that. Warwick: Mebbe? Haven't gotten to try it against him. Probably not going to work, he heals too much from his Q and passive. Same idea as Volibear. Mundo: Any respectable Jungle Mundo will just be taking your shit. Have your mid ward wraith entrance early, bot/top (whether your blue or purple) to ward tribush, and just gank him when he goes into your jungle. Nocturne: Early on you beat him easy. Since most nocs go QWQE, by the time he gets to red he'll be level 2~3, so he won't have his fear. Just exhaust him and beat him to a pulp. Rammus: Permabanned. Shaco: Permabanned. Maokai: Easy win. His early level skills dont do enough damage to out DPS you. Olaf: Haven't played against one yet. Early levels are probably good for you, later on his true damage starts to out DPS you though. Udyr: Really depends. Phoenix Udyr should be fine if you have exhaust. Same with Tiger Udyr.
Last Comments Give it a try, i'd love to hear some feedback to improve on it :D.
On February 08 2012 08:24 petered wrote:Show nested quote +On February 08 2012 06:51 ShoreT wrote: Is it just me or does Poppy have one of the best attack animations in the game? I always thought it was a little bit weird/clumsy, but it never gave me significant problems. I checked out SpamHappy's build. Item build is exactly how I have been building her except sometimes I get wriggles for sustain. Probably not worth it, idk. Don't really get why you would go 21 in defense, though, since poppy doesn't really benefit much from more health and she has a lot to gain from extra points in offense tree. he has played a ton of poppy though, so he probably has his reasons. It takes a lot of time to farm as she has no farming ability and you're very vulnerable to harass when doing so and I've often found myself having huge minions waves even in early levels so taking the aggro of all minions really hurts if you have to Q so they go back. Then her damage after 6 are great with ulti + sheen so you don't really need the extra damage from offensive tree. Besides the 10% CC reduction and the 3% MS are good to chase. I've tried flash and ghost and it's true ghost is better because they tend to flee when you ulti and as you can tower dive easily ghost is better.
On February 08 2012 09:25 FuzzyLord wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Been trying out jungle poppy, and it actually works pretty well :D. She's such a great counterjungler, since there's so many walls that you can stun them on to. Runes: AS Reds, Armor Yellows, MR blues or AS Blues, Movement speed Quints or AS Quints. Masteries: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/mastery-tree-planner#&tree1=1-3-0-0-4-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&tree2=1-2-3-2-4-3-0-1-0-1-0-3-0-0-0-1&tree3=0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&v=2Skill Order: W, E, W, Q, W, R R>W>E>Q Start: Wolves-->Blue (without smite w/ help of your team)---> Enemy Red RUNESAS Reds or AR Pen Reds: Get your maximum bonus from your W faster w/o blowing mana, plus lets you really abuse the damage bonus from your W. Armor Pen lets you get more damage but, Armor Yellows: Duh MR Blues or AS Blues: MR against AP heavy team or AP jungler (fiddlesticks), AS for the same reason for Reds AS Quints or Move Quints: I'd prefer Movement speed quints, since they let you get to the enemy camps much faster, letting you counterjungle a lot more safely. AS Quints could also work, since then even if you duel the enemy jungler, your bonus armor and bonus damage from your W should allow you to outdamage them. NOTE: If you run with the Move Quints, your W + boots2 + Quints allow you to do the poppy wall bug. Poppy will move so fast that when you E, her character model acts as a wall, and will stun the enemy. MASTERIES9 in offense mainly for the armor pen and the AS 21 in defense, getting minion damage return for faster clear and Movement speed buff to run faster. SKILL ORDERGet W first for increased damage/armor. E next for the stun and bonus burst damage 1 level of Q at 4 just for the percentage health, but leveling it is not advised since its scaling is super horribru. PATH1) Start wolves, get help from team to clear it before blue. 2) Take your blue, preferably w/o smite. Have your team hard leash it so you can stay healthy. 3) IMMEDIATELY go to their red and take it. Wall stun it, and hit it as fast as your stubby little arm can swing that hammer. 4) Stay at bush near red. The second you see the enemy jungler near a wall, wall stun them and fight SUMMONERS Smite: A must-have for ALL junglers. Flash: Meh, maybe if you were laning, because positioning is so important on poppy. In the jungle, however, you can easily position yourself for the stun. Good for escaping, though your W active + mastery + Quints + boots should give you enough speed to get away from any early ganks. Exhaust: Yes. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. GREAT spell for counterjungling. Really shuts down enemy junglers HARD. This is what makes you able to beat many good duelists (Lee Sin, Shyvanna, etc.) in the jungle. Heal: I've tried it before, but not a big fan. Good for the fights, since it heals for an unbelievably stupid amount of health, but later on it's just kinda useless. Ghost: No, you already have a ghost in W. Ignite: VERY situational, only use against WW or Volibear, since their heals will out-sustain you. ITEMSCloth + 5 pots: Standard start, nothing fancy. Preferred start in most games. Lets you stay healthy, plus the bonus armor from your W really makes the cloth armor shine. Boots + 3pots: Situational start, mainly use this against AP junglers. Lets you roam around their jungle faster, position yourself faster, etc. Especially against champions like Fiddlesticks, where armor really doesnt help you, getting into position to stun him is super important. Mid-Game GoalsWriggles Boots (Merc or Ninja) Phage Late Game (It depends on what you want, a tanky DPS or a bursty anti-carry) TANKY DPS Frozen Mallet Boots (Merc or Ninja) Atmas Impaler Randuins Omen Banshees Veil GA Bursty Anti-CarryTrinity Force Boots (Merc or Ninja) Bloodthirster or IE Warmogs Atmas GA Why don't you build AP Poppy?The build for AP Poppy is way too out sync with everything, including masteries, item order, runes, etc. AP Poppy should only be played in lane. MATCHUPSLee Sin: Hard matchup. If you have Exhaust, should be an easy fight. Shyvanna: Hard, even with exhaust. Her AoE does so much damage early game -___- Sejuani: Percentage Health magic damage AoE. Stupid. Against her go WQWE, early Q damage will really help, and stunning her doesnt stop her AoE anyway. Volibear: Don't even bother fighting, his passive is retarded. Just take his shit and run. Fiddlesticks: Start boots + 3 pots. Once you start fighting, MAKE SURE HE HAS A WALL BEHIND HIM. The second he starts draining, stun him. Easymode after that. Warwick: Mebbe? Haven't gotten to try it against him. Probably not going to work, he heals too much from his Q and passive. Same idea as Volibear. Mundo: Any respectable Jungle Mundo will just be taking your shit. Have your mid ward wraith entrance early, bot/top (whether your blue or purple) to ward tribush, and just gank him when he goes into your jungle. Nocturne: Early on you beat him easy. Since most nocs go QWQE, by the time he gets to red he'll be level 2~3, so he won't have his fear. Just exhaust him and beat him to a pulp. Rammus: Permabanned. Shaco: Permabanned. Maokai: Easy win. His early level skills dont do enough damage to out DPS you. Olaf: Haven't played against one yet. Early levels are probably good for you, later on his true damage starts to out DPS you though. Udyr: Really depends. Phoenix Udyr should be fine if you have exhaust. Same with Tiger Udyr. Last CommentsGive it a try, i'd love to hear some feedback to improve on it :D. How are her ganks?
Also most people level poppy's Q first since it reduces the cooldown to 3 at level 5. I saw the reason in that and started doing the same thing.
On February 08 2012 17:52 Hidden_MotiveS wrote:Show nested quote +On February 08 2012 09:25 FuzzyLord wrote:Been trying out jungle poppy, and it actually works pretty well :D. She's such a great counterjungler, since there's so many walls that you can stun them on to. Runes: AS Reds, Armor Yellows, MR blues or AS Blues, Movement speed Quints or AS Quints. Masteries: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/mastery-tree-planner#&tree1=1-3-0-0-4-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&tree2=1-2-3-2-4-3-0-1-0-1-0-3-0-0-0-1&tree3=0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&v=2Skill Order: W, E, W, Q, W, R R>W>E>Q Start: Wolves-->Blue (without smite w/ help of your team)---> Enemy Red RUNESAS Reds or AR Pen Reds: Get your maximum bonus from your W faster w/o blowing mana, plus lets you really abuse the damage bonus from your W. Armor Pen lets you get more damage but, Armor Yellows: Duh MR Blues or AS Blues: MR against AP heavy team or AP jungler (fiddlesticks), AS for the same reason for Reds AS Quints or Move Quints: I'd prefer Movement speed quints, since they let you get to the enemy camps much faster, letting you counterjungle a lot more safely. AS Quints could also work, since then even if you duel the enemy jungler, your bonus armor and bonus damage from your W should allow you to outdamage them. NOTE: If you run with the Move Quints, your W + boots2 + Quints allow you to do the poppy wall bug. Poppy will move so fast that when you E, her character model acts as a wall, and will stun the enemy. MASTERIES9 in offense mainly for the armor pen and the AS 21 in defense, getting minion damage return for faster clear and Movement speed buff to run faster. SKILL ORDERGet W first for increased damage/armor. E next for the stun and bonus burst damage 1 level of Q at 4 just for the percentage health, but leveling it is not advised since its scaling is super horribru. PATH1) Start wolves, get help from team to clear it before blue. 2) Take your blue, preferably w/o smite. Have your team hard leash it so you can stay healthy. 3) IMMEDIATELY go to their red and take it. Wall stun it, and hit it as fast as your stubby little arm can swing that hammer. 4) Stay at bush near red. The second you see the enemy jungler near a wall, wall stun them and fight SUMMONERS Smite: A must-have for ALL junglers. Flash: Meh, maybe if you were laning, because positioning is so important on poppy. In the jungle, however, you can easily position yourself for the stun. Good for escaping, though your W active + mastery + Quints + boots should give you enough speed to get away from any early ganks. Exhaust: Yes. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. GREAT spell for counterjungling. Really shuts down enemy junglers HARD. This is what makes you able to beat many good duelists (Lee Sin, Shyvanna, etc.) in the jungle. Heal: I've tried it before, but not a big fan. Good for the fights, since it heals for an unbelievably stupid amount of health, but later on it's just kinda useless. Ghost: No, you already have a ghost in W. Ignite: VERY situational, only use against WW or Volibear, since their heals will out-sustain you. ITEMSCloth + 5 pots: Standard start, nothing fancy. Preferred start in most games. Lets you stay healthy, plus the bonus armor from your W really makes the cloth armor shine. Boots + 3pots: Situational start, mainly use this against AP junglers. Lets you roam around their jungle faster, position yourself faster, etc. Especially against champions like Fiddlesticks, where armor really doesnt help you, getting into position to stun him is super important. Mid-Game GoalsWriggles Boots (Merc or Ninja) Phage Late Game (It depends on what you want, a tanky DPS or a bursty anti-carry) TANKY DPS Frozen Mallet Boots (Merc or Ninja) Atmas Impaler Randuins Omen Banshees Veil GA Bursty Anti-CarryTrinity Force Boots (Merc or Ninja) Bloodthirster or IE Warmogs Atmas GA Why don't you build AP Poppy?The build for AP Poppy is way too out sync with everything, including masteries, item order, runes, etc. AP Poppy should only be played in lane. MATCHUPSLee Sin: Hard matchup. If you have Exhaust, should be an easy fight. Shyvanna: Hard, even with exhaust. Her AoE does so much damage early game -___- Sejuani: Percentage Health magic damage AoE. Stupid. Against her go WQWE, early Q damage will really help, and stunning her doesnt stop her AoE anyway. Volibear: Don't even bother fighting, his passive is retarded. Just take his shit and run. Fiddlesticks: Start boots + 3 pots. Once you start fighting, MAKE SURE HE HAS A WALL BEHIND HIM. The second he starts draining, stun him. Easymode after that. Warwick: Mebbe? Haven't gotten to try it against him. Probably not going to work, he heals too much from his Q and passive. Same idea as Volibear. Mundo: Any respectable Jungle Mundo will just be taking your shit. Have your mid ward wraith entrance early, bot/top (whether your blue or purple) to ward tribush, and just gank him when he goes into your jungle. Nocturne: Early on you beat him easy. Since most nocs go QWQE, by the time he gets to red he'll be level 2~3, so he won't have his fear. Just exhaust him and beat him to a pulp. Rammus: Permabanned. Shaco: Permabanned. Maokai: Easy win. His early level skills dont do enough damage to out DPS you. Olaf: Haven't played against one yet. Early levels are probably good for you, later on his true damage starts to out DPS you though. Udyr: Really depends. Phoenix Udyr should be fine if you have exhaust. Same with Tiger Udyr. Last CommentsGive it a try, i'd love to hear some feedback to improve on it :D. How are her ganks? Also most people level poppy's Q first since it reduces the cooldown to 3 at level 5. I saw the reason in that and started doing the same thing.
Once you get boots 2, you can 100% stun them because of the character model bug. Plus the bonus movement speed makes it hard to escape from you. IF you want to go for a more gank-oriented build, however, you should max E first instead of W. On the point of leveling your Q, its pointless in the early phases of the game. Leveling it only increases the bonus damage threshold and, because no one has any health early game, you get more DPS out of leveling your W. the bonus armor that your W gives you also lets you take a LOT more damage than the enemy jungler.
could you please explain the conditions where you can stun with poppy whenever you please? whats the so called character model bug?
On February 09 2012 00:14 Brockster wrote: could you please explain the conditions where you can stun with poppy whenever you please? whats the so called character model bug?
Its a bug where, once you get enough movement speed, when you dash towards them, your character model moves too fast and goes past them, creating a "wall" that stuns them.
That's incredible! A displacement stun... followed by exhaust slow, and poppy's burst... I have to try this!
let's not tell anyone else. We don't want any fixes to this
Just played 3 games with her, only won 2 out of 3. Early ganks are awesome but she depends heavily on the blue buff. Farming was a problem with her since, she is slow clearing 1 or 2 groups of minion waves. When I encounter junglers like lee or gp. She tends to cripple them at first but slowly gets owned right back. Late game was kinda hard for me =\ with your build.
On February 08 2012 23:42 FuzzyLord wrote:Show nested quote +On February 08 2012 17:52 Hidden_MotiveS wrote:On February 08 2012 09:25 FuzzyLord wrote:Been trying out jungle poppy, and it actually works pretty well :D. She's such a great counterjungler, since there's so many walls that you can stun them on to. Runes: AS Reds, Armor Yellows, MR blues or AS Blues, Movement speed Quints or AS Quints. Masteries: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/mastery-tree-planner#&tree1=1-3-0-0-4-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&tree2=1-2-3-2-4-3-0-1-0-1-0-3-0-0-0-1&tree3=0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&v=2Skill Order: W, E, W, Q, W, R R>W>E>Q Start: Wolves-->Blue (without smite w/ help of your team)---> Enemy Red RUNESAS Reds or AR Pen Reds: Get your maximum bonus from your W faster w/o blowing mana, plus lets you really abuse the damage bonus from your W. Armor Pen lets you get more damage but, Armor Yellows: Duh MR Blues or AS Blues: MR against AP heavy team or AP jungler (fiddlesticks), AS for the same reason for Reds AS Quints or Move Quints: I'd prefer Movement speed quints, since they let you get to the enemy camps much faster, letting you counterjungle a lot more safely. AS Quints could also work, since then even if you duel the enemy jungler, your bonus armor and bonus damage from your W should allow you to outdamage them. NOTE: If you run with the Move Quints, your W + boots2 + Quints allow you to do the poppy wall bug. Poppy will move so fast that when you E, her character model acts as a wall, and will stun the enemy. MASTERIES9 in offense mainly for the armor pen and the AS 21 in defense, getting minion damage return for faster clear and Movement speed buff to run faster. SKILL ORDERGet W first for increased damage/armor. E next for the stun and bonus burst damage 1 level of Q at 4 just for the percentage health, but leveling it is not advised since its scaling is super horribru. PATH1) Start wolves, get help from team to clear it before blue. 2) Take your blue, preferably w/o smite. Have your team hard leash it so you can stay healthy. 3) IMMEDIATELY go to their red and take it. Wall stun it, and hit it as fast as your stubby little arm can swing that hammer. 4) Stay at bush near red. The second you see the enemy jungler near a wall, wall stun them and fight SUMMONERS Smite: A must-have for ALL junglers. Flash: Meh, maybe if you were laning, because positioning is so important on poppy. In the jungle, however, you can easily position yourself for the stun. Good for escaping, though your W active + mastery + Quints + boots should give you enough speed to get away from any early ganks. Exhaust: Yes. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. GREAT spell for counterjungling. Really shuts down enemy junglers HARD. This is what makes you able to beat many good duelists (Lee Sin, Shyvanna, etc.) in the jungle. Heal: I've tried it before, but not a big fan. Good for the fights, since it heals for an unbelievably stupid amount of health, but later on it's just kinda useless. Ghost: No, you already have a ghost in W. Ignite: VERY situational, only use against WW or Volibear, since their heals will out-sustain you. ITEMSCloth + 5 pots: Standard start, nothing fancy. Preferred start in most games. Lets you stay healthy, plus the bonus armor from your W really makes the cloth armor shine. Boots + 3pots: Situational start, mainly use this against AP junglers. Lets you roam around their jungle faster, position yourself faster, etc. Especially against champions like Fiddlesticks, where armor really doesnt help you, getting into position to stun him is super important. Mid-Game GoalsWriggles Boots (Merc or Ninja) Phage Late Game (It depends on what you want, a tanky DPS or a bursty anti-carry) TANKY DPS Frozen Mallet Boots (Merc or Ninja) Atmas Impaler Randuins Omen Banshees Veil GA Bursty Anti-CarryTrinity Force Boots (Merc or Ninja) Bloodthirster or IE Warmogs Atmas GA Why don't you build AP Poppy?The build for AP Poppy is way too out sync with everything, including masteries, item order, runes, etc. AP Poppy should only be played in lane. MATCHUPSLee Sin: Hard matchup. If you have Exhaust, should be an easy fight. Shyvanna: Hard, even with exhaust. Her AoE does so much damage early game -___- Sejuani: Percentage Health magic damage AoE. Stupid. Against her go WQWE, early Q damage will really help, and stunning her doesnt stop her AoE anyway. Volibear: Don't even bother fighting, his passive is retarded. Just take his shit and run. Fiddlesticks: Start boots + 3 pots. Once you start fighting, MAKE SURE HE HAS A WALL BEHIND HIM. The second he starts draining, stun him. Easymode after that. Warwick: Mebbe? Haven't gotten to try it against him. Probably not going to work, he heals too much from his Q and passive. Same idea as Volibear. Mundo: Any respectable Jungle Mundo will just be taking your shit. Have your mid ward wraith entrance early, bot/top (whether your blue or purple) to ward tribush, and just gank him when he goes into your jungle. Nocturne: Early on you beat him easy. Since most nocs go QWQE, by the time he gets to red he'll be level 2~3, so he won't have his fear. Just exhaust him and beat him to a pulp. Rammus: Permabanned. Shaco: Permabanned. Maokai: Easy win. His early level skills dont do enough damage to out DPS you. Olaf: Haven't played against one yet. Early levels are probably good for you, later on his true damage starts to out DPS you though. Udyr: Really depends. Phoenix Udyr should be fine if you have exhaust. Same with Tiger Udyr. Last CommentsGive it a try, i'd love to hear some feedback to improve on it :D. How are her ganks? Also most people level poppy's Q first since it reduces the cooldown to 3 at level 5. I saw the reason in that and started doing the same thing. Once you get boots 2, you can 100% stun them because of the character model bug. Plus the bonus movement speed makes it hard to escape from you. IF you want to go for a more gank-oriented build, however, you should max E first instead of W. On the point of leveling your Q, its pointless in the early phases of the game. Leveling it only increases the bonus damage threshold and, because no one has any health early game, you get more DPS out of leveling your W. the bonus armor that your W gives you also lets you take a LOT more damage than the enemy jungler.
where does it stun them? at what point in the drag? the end? b/c I believe there's no velocity, so one would assume that if there was an invisible wall upon breaking the speed barrier then it would disable movement at the beginning of the E, correct?
On February 09 2012 18:43 mOnion wrote:Show nested quote +On February 08 2012 23:42 FuzzyLord wrote:On February 08 2012 17:52 Hidden_MotiveS wrote:On February 08 2012 09:25 FuzzyLord wrote:Been trying out jungle poppy, and it actually works pretty well :D. She's such a great counterjungler, since there's so many walls that you can stun them on to. Runes: AS Reds, Armor Yellows, MR blues or AS Blues, Movement speed Quints or AS Quints. Masteries: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/mastery-tree-planner#&tree1=1-3-0-0-4-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&tree2=1-2-3-2-4-3-0-1-0-1-0-3-0-0-0-1&tree3=0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&v=2Skill Order: W, E, W, Q, W, R R>W>E>Q Start: Wolves-->Blue (without smite w/ help of your team)---> Enemy Red RUNESAS Reds or AR Pen Reds: Get your maximum bonus from your W faster w/o blowing mana, plus lets you really abuse the damage bonus from your W. Armor Pen lets you get more damage but, Armor Yellows: Duh MR Blues or AS Blues: MR against AP heavy team or AP jungler (fiddlesticks), AS for the same reason for Reds AS Quints or Move Quints: I'd prefer Movement speed quints, since they let you get to the enemy camps much faster, letting you counterjungle a lot more safely. AS Quints could also work, since then even if you duel the enemy jungler, your bonus armor and bonus damage from your W should allow you to outdamage them. NOTE: If you run with the Move Quints, your W + boots2 + Quints allow you to do the poppy wall bug. Poppy will move so fast that when you E, her character model acts as a wall, and will stun the enemy. MASTERIES9 in offense mainly for the armor pen and the AS 21 in defense, getting minion damage return for faster clear and Movement speed buff to run faster. SKILL ORDERGet W first for increased damage/armor. E next for the stun and bonus burst damage 1 level of Q at 4 just for the percentage health, but leveling it is not advised since its scaling is super horribru. PATH1) Start wolves, get help from team to clear it before blue. 2) Take your blue, preferably w/o smite. Have your team hard leash it so you can stay healthy. 3) IMMEDIATELY go to their red and take it. Wall stun it, and hit it as fast as your stubby little arm can swing that hammer. 4) Stay at bush near red. The second you see the enemy jungler near a wall, wall stun them and fight SUMMONERS Smite: A must-have for ALL junglers. Flash: Meh, maybe if you were laning, because positioning is so important on poppy. In the jungle, however, you can easily position yourself for the stun. Good for escaping, though your W active + mastery + Quints + boots should give you enough speed to get away from any early ganks. Exhaust: Yes. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. GREAT spell for counterjungling. Really shuts down enemy junglers HARD. This is what makes you able to beat many good duelists (Lee Sin, Shyvanna, etc.) in the jungle. Heal: I've tried it before, but not a big fan. Good for the fights, since it heals for an unbelievably stupid amount of health, but later on it's just kinda useless. Ghost: No, you already have a ghost in W. Ignite: VERY situational, only use against WW or Volibear, since their heals will out-sustain you. ITEMSCloth + 5 pots: Standard start, nothing fancy. Preferred start in most games. Lets you stay healthy, plus the bonus armor from your W really makes the cloth armor shine. Boots + 3pots: Situational start, mainly use this against AP junglers. Lets you roam around their jungle faster, position yourself faster, etc. Especially against champions like Fiddlesticks, where armor really doesnt help you, getting into position to stun him is super important. Mid-Game GoalsWriggles Boots (Merc or Ninja) Phage Late Game (It depends on what you want, a tanky DPS or a bursty anti-carry) TANKY DPS Frozen Mallet Boots (Merc or Ninja) Atmas Impaler Randuins Omen Banshees Veil GA Bursty Anti-CarryTrinity Force Boots (Merc or Ninja) Bloodthirster or IE Warmogs Atmas GA Why don't you build AP Poppy?The build for AP Poppy is way too out sync with everything, including masteries, item order, runes, etc. AP Poppy should only be played in lane. MATCHUPSLee Sin: Hard matchup. If you have Exhaust, should be an easy fight. Shyvanna: Hard, even with exhaust. Her AoE does so much damage early game -___- Sejuani: Percentage Health magic damage AoE. Stupid. Against her go WQWE, early Q damage will really help, and stunning her doesnt stop her AoE anyway. Volibear: Don't even bother fighting, his passive is retarded. Just take his shit and run. Fiddlesticks: Start boots + 3 pots. Once you start fighting, MAKE SURE HE HAS A WALL BEHIND HIM. The second he starts draining, stun him. Easymode after that. Warwick: Mebbe? Haven't gotten to try it against him. Probably not going to work, he heals too much from his Q and passive. Same idea as Volibear. Mundo: Any respectable Jungle Mundo will just be taking your shit. Have your mid ward wraith entrance early, bot/top (whether your blue or purple) to ward tribush, and just gank him when he goes into your jungle. Nocturne: Early on you beat him easy. Since most nocs go QWQE, by the time he gets to red he'll be level 2~3, so he won't have his fear. Just exhaust him and beat him to a pulp. Rammus: Permabanned. Shaco: Permabanned. Maokai: Easy win. His early level skills dont do enough damage to out DPS you. Olaf: Haven't played against one yet. Early levels are probably good for you, later on his true damage starts to out DPS you though. Udyr: Really depends. Phoenix Udyr should be fine if you have exhaust. Same with Tiger Udyr. Last CommentsGive it a try, i'd love to hear some feedback to improve on it :D. How are her ganks? Also most people level poppy's Q first since it reduces the cooldown to 3 at level 5. I saw the reason in that and started doing the same thing. Once you get boots 2, you can 100% stun them because of the character model bug. Plus the bonus movement speed makes it hard to escape from you. IF you want to go for a more gank-oriented build, however, you should max E first instead of W. On the point of leveling your Q, its pointless in the early phases of the game. Leveling it only increases the bonus damage threshold and, because no one has any health early game, you get more DPS out of leveling your W. the bonus armor that your W gives you also lets you take a LOT more damage than the enemy jungler. where does it stun them? at what point in the drag? the end? b/c I believe there's no velocity, so one would assume that if there was an invisible wall upon breaking the speed barrier then it would disable movement at the beginning of the E, correct?
It doesnt happen 100% of the time. Its a glitch. It CAN happen, but not always.
On February 09 2012 22:31 FuzzyLord wrote:Show nested quote +On February 09 2012 18:43 mOnion wrote:On February 08 2012 23:42 FuzzyLord wrote:On February 08 2012 17:52 Hidden_MotiveS wrote:On February 08 2012 09:25 FuzzyLord wrote:Been trying out jungle poppy, and it actually works pretty well :D. She's such a great counterjungler, since there's so many walls that you can stun them on to. Runes: AS Reds, Armor Yellows, MR blues or AS Blues, Movement speed Quints or AS Quints. Masteries: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/mastery-tree-planner#&tree1=1-3-0-0-4-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&tree2=1-2-3-2-4-3-0-1-0-1-0-3-0-0-0-1&tree3=0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&v=2Skill Order: W, E, W, Q, W, R R>W>E>Q Start: Wolves-->Blue (without smite w/ help of your team)---> Enemy Red RUNESAS Reds or AR Pen Reds: Get your maximum bonus from your W faster w/o blowing mana, plus lets you really abuse the damage bonus from your W. Armor Pen lets you get more damage but, Armor Yellows: Duh MR Blues or AS Blues: MR against AP heavy team or AP jungler (fiddlesticks), AS for the same reason for Reds AS Quints or Move Quints: I'd prefer Movement speed quints, since they let you get to the enemy camps much faster, letting you counterjungle a lot more safely. AS Quints could also work, since then even if you duel the enemy jungler, your bonus armor and bonus damage from your W should allow you to outdamage them. NOTE: If you run with the Move Quints, your W + boots2 + Quints allow you to do the poppy wall bug. Poppy will move so fast that when you E, her character model acts as a wall, and will stun the enemy. MASTERIES9 in offense mainly for the armor pen and the AS 21 in defense, getting minion damage return for faster clear and Movement speed buff to run faster. SKILL ORDERGet W first for increased damage/armor. E next for the stun and bonus burst damage 1 level of Q at 4 just for the percentage health, but leveling it is not advised since its scaling is super horribru. PATH1) Start wolves, get help from team to clear it before blue. 2) Take your blue, preferably w/o smite. Have your team hard leash it so you can stay healthy. 3) IMMEDIATELY go to their red and take it. Wall stun it, and hit it as fast as your stubby little arm can swing that hammer. 4) Stay at bush near red. The second you see the enemy jungler near a wall, wall stun them and fight SUMMONERS Smite: A must-have for ALL junglers. Flash: Meh, maybe if you were laning, because positioning is so important on poppy. In the jungle, however, you can easily position yourself for the stun. Good for escaping, though your W active + mastery + Quints + boots should give you enough speed to get away from any early ganks. Exhaust: Yes. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. GREAT spell for counterjungling. Really shuts down enemy junglers HARD. This is what makes you able to beat many good duelists (Lee Sin, Shyvanna, etc.) in the jungle. Heal: I've tried it before, but not a big fan. Good for the fights, since it heals for an unbelievably stupid amount of health, but later on it's just kinda useless. Ghost: No, you already have a ghost in W. Ignite: VERY situational, only use against WW or Volibear, since their heals will out-sustain you. ITEMSCloth + 5 pots: Standard start, nothing fancy. Preferred start in most games. Lets you stay healthy, plus the bonus armor from your W really makes the cloth armor shine. Boots + 3pots: Situational start, mainly use this against AP junglers. Lets you roam around their jungle faster, position yourself faster, etc. Especially against champions like Fiddlesticks, where armor really doesnt help you, getting into position to stun him is super important. Mid-Game GoalsWriggles Boots (Merc or Ninja) Phage Late Game (It depends on what you want, a tanky DPS or a bursty anti-carry) TANKY DPS Frozen Mallet Boots (Merc or Ninja) Atmas Impaler Randuins Omen Banshees Veil GA Bursty Anti-CarryTrinity Force Boots (Merc or Ninja) Bloodthirster or IE Warmogs Atmas GA Why don't you build AP Poppy?The build for AP Poppy is way too out sync with everything, including masteries, item order, runes, etc. AP Poppy should only be played in lane. MATCHUPSLee Sin: Hard matchup. If you have Exhaust, should be an easy fight. Shyvanna: Hard, even with exhaust. Her AoE does so much damage early game -___- Sejuani: Percentage Health magic damage AoE. Stupid. Against her go WQWE, early Q damage will really help, and stunning her doesnt stop her AoE anyway. Volibear: Don't even bother fighting, his passive is retarded. Just take his shit and run. Fiddlesticks: Start boots + 3 pots. Once you start fighting, MAKE SURE HE HAS A WALL BEHIND HIM. The second he starts draining, stun him. Easymode after that. Warwick: Mebbe? Haven't gotten to try it against him. Probably not going to work, he heals too much from his Q and passive. Same idea as Volibear. Mundo: Any respectable Jungle Mundo will just be taking your shit. Have your mid ward wraith entrance early, bot/top (whether your blue or purple) to ward tribush, and just gank him when he goes into your jungle. Nocturne: Early on you beat him easy. Since most nocs go QWQE, by the time he gets to red he'll be level 2~3, so he won't have his fear. Just exhaust him and beat him to a pulp. Rammus: Permabanned. Shaco: Permabanned. Maokai: Easy win. His early level skills dont do enough damage to out DPS you. Olaf: Haven't played against one yet. Early levels are probably good for you, later on his true damage starts to out DPS you though. Udyr: Really depends. Phoenix Udyr should be fine if you have exhaust. Same with Tiger Udyr. Last CommentsGive it a try, i'd love to hear some feedback to improve on it :D. How are her ganks? Also most people level poppy's Q first since it reduces the cooldown to 3 at level 5. I saw the reason in that and started doing the same thing. Once you get boots 2, you can 100% stun them because of the character model bug. Plus the bonus movement speed makes it hard to escape from you. IF you want to go for a more gank-oriented build, however, you should max E first instead of W. On the point of leveling your Q, its pointless in the early phases of the game. Leveling it only increases the bonus damage threshold and, because no one has any health early game, you get more DPS out of leveling your W. the bonus armor that your W gives you also lets you take a LOT more damage than the enemy jungler. where does it stun them? at what point in the drag? the end? b/c I believe there's no velocity, so one would assume that if there was an invisible wall upon breaking the speed barrier then it would disable movement at the beginning of the E, correct? It doesnt happen 100% of the time. Its a glitch. It CAN happen, but not always.
On February 08 2012 23:42 FuzzyLord wrote:Show nested quote +On February 08 2012 17:52 Hidden_MotiveS wrote:On February 08 2012 09:25 FuzzyLord wrote:Been trying out jungle poppy, and it actually works pretty well :D. She's such a great counterjungler, since there's so many walls that you can stun them on to. Runes: AS Reds, Armor Yellows, MR blues or AS Blues, Movement speed Quints or AS Quints. Masteries: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/mastery-tree-planner#&tree1=1-3-0-0-4-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&tree2=1-2-3-2-4-3-0-1-0-1-0-3-0-0-0-1&tree3=0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&v=2Skill Order: W, E, W, Q, W, R R>W>E>Q Start: Wolves-->Blue (without smite w/ help of your team)---> Enemy Red RUNESAS Reds or AR Pen Reds: Get your maximum bonus from your W faster w/o blowing mana, plus lets you really abuse the damage bonus from your W. Armor Pen lets you get more damage but, Armor Yellows: Duh MR Blues or AS Blues: MR against AP heavy team or AP jungler (fiddlesticks), AS for the same reason for Reds AS Quints or Move Quints: I'd prefer Movement speed quints, since they let you get to the enemy camps much faster, letting you counterjungle a lot more safely. AS Quints could also work, since then even if you duel the enemy jungler, your bonus armor and bonus damage from your W should allow you to outdamage them. NOTE: If you run with the Move Quints, your W + boots2 + Quints allow you to do the poppy wall bug. Poppy will move so fast that when you E, her character model acts as a wall, and will stun the enemy. MASTERIES9 in offense mainly for the armor pen and the AS 21 in defense, getting minion damage return for faster clear and Movement speed buff to run faster. SKILL ORDERGet W first for increased damage/armor. E next for the stun and bonus burst damage 1 level of Q at 4 just for the percentage health, but leveling it is not advised since its scaling is super horribru. PATH1) Start wolves, get help from team to clear it before blue. 2) Take your blue, preferably w/o smite. Have your team hard leash it so you can stay healthy. 3) IMMEDIATELY go to their red and take it. Wall stun it, and hit it as fast as your stubby little arm can swing that hammer. 4) Stay at bush near red. The second you see the enemy jungler near a wall, wall stun them and fight SUMMONERS Smite: A must-have for ALL junglers. Flash: Meh, maybe if you were laning, because positioning is so important on poppy. In the jungle, however, you can easily position yourself for the stun. Good for escaping, though your W active + mastery + Quints + boots should give you enough speed to get away from any early ganks. Exhaust: Yes. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. GREAT spell for counterjungling. Really shuts down enemy junglers HARD. This is what makes you able to beat many good duelists (Lee Sin, Shyvanna, etc.) in the jungle. Heal: I've tried it before, but not a big fan. Good for the fights, since it heals for an unbelievably stupid amount of health, but later on it's just kinda useless. Ghost: No, you already have a ghost in W. Ignite: VERY situational, only use against WW or Volibear, since their heals will out-sustain you. ITEMSCloth + 5 pots: Standard start, nothing fancy. Preferred start in most games. Lets you stay healthy, plus the bonus armor from your W really makes the cloth armor shine. Boots + 3pots: Situational start, mainly use this against AP junglers. Lets you roam around their jungle faster, position yourself faster, etc. Especially against champions like Fiddlesticks, where armor really doesnt help you, getting into position to stun him is super important. Mid-Game GoalsWriggles Boots (Merc or Ninja) Phage Late Game (It depends on what you want, a tanky DPS or a bursty anti-carry) TANKY DPS Frozen Mallet Boots (Merc or Ninja) Atmas Impaler Randuins Omen Banshees Veil GA Bursty Anti-CarryTrinity Force Boots (Merc or Ninja) Bloodthirster or IE Warmogs Atmas GA Why don't you build AP Poppy?The build for AP Poppy is way too out sync with everything, including masteries, item order, runes, etc. AP Poppy should only be played in lane. MATCHUPSLee Sin: Hard matchup. If you have Exhaust, should be an easy fight. Shyvanna: Hard, even with exhaust. Her AoE does so much damage early game -___- Sejuani: Percentage Health magic damage AoE. Stupid. Against her go WQWE, early Q damage will really help, and stunning her doesnt stop her AoE anyway. Volibear: Don't even bother fighting, his passive is retarded. Just take his shit and run. Fiddlesticks: Start boots + 3 pots. Once you start fighting, MAKE SURE HE HAS A WALL BEHIND HIM. The second he starts draining, stun him. Easymode after that. Warwick: Mebbe? Haven't gotten to try it against him. Probably not going to work, he heals too much from his Q and passive. Same idea as Volibear. Mundo: Any respectable Jungle Mundo will just be taking your shit. Have your mid ward wraith entrance early, bot/top (whether your blue or purple) to ward tribush, and just gank him when he goes into your jungle. Nocturne: Early on you beat him easy. Since most nocs go QWQE, by the time he gets to red he'll be level 2~3, so he won't have his fear. Just exhaust him and beat him to a pulp. Rammus: Permabanned. Shaco: Permabanned. Maokai: Easy win. His early level skills dont do enough damage to out DPS you. Olaf: Haven't played against one yet. Early levels are probably good for you, later on his true damage starts to out DPS you though. Udyr: Really depends. Phoenix Udyr should be fine if you have exhaust. Same with Tiger Udyr. Last CommentsGive it a try, i'd love to hear some feedback to improve on it :D. How are her ganks? Also most people level poppy's Q first since it reduces the cooldown to 3 at level 5. I saw the reason in that and started doing the same thing. 100%
lol. still interesting regardless.
On February 09 2012 14:42 FraCuS wrote: Just played 3 games with her, only won 2 out of 3. Early ganks are awesome but she depends heavily on the blue buff. Farming was a problem with her since, she is slow clearing 1 or 2 groups of minion waves. When I encounter junglers like lee or gp. She tends to cripple them at first but slowly gets owned right back. Late game was kinda hard for me =\ with your build.
Yeah she is really dependent on blue. What i do every game is ward their blue at about 6:00. at about 7:00 ish, you need to watch the map. If they are ganking a lane, steal their blue. If you dont see them when blue spawns, just camp in bushes across from blue. Smite steal it. This way you get blue and gives your mid blue buff as well. Lee should be an easy win. Im trying a new mastery page atm, so the guide will probably change. Against lee, your ignite plus your armor buff, also with your passive, should mitigate a lot of the damage from his q. Gp is hard because he has a self heal. Other most gp's go EQEW, so early exhaust should give you the advantage. He scales a lot better w/ farm than poppy, however, so later on it gets harder.
On February 09 2012 14:42 FraCuS wrote: Just played 3 games with her, only won 2 out of 3. Early ganks are awesome but she depends heavily on the blue buff. Farming was a problem with her since, she is slow clearing 1 or 2 groups of minion waves. When I encounter junglers like lee or gp. She tends to cripple them at first but slowly gets owned right back. Late game was kinda hard for me =\ with your build.
I like using the dps build. Your main goal in teamfights: kill the carry. Ult the person with the least cc (typically the ad carry) and run in.