I usually mix in a chainvest or a negatron after the cutlass. You could build shurelias after this, but chances are that someone else has it, and you are better off going for damage (BF sword item) or improved defense (upgrade chainvest/negatron).
[Champion] Poppy - Page 7
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Zaphod Beeblebrox
Denmark697 Posts
I usually mix in a chainvest or a negatron after the cutlass. You could build shurelias after this, but chances are that someone else has it, and you are better off going for damage (BF sword item) or improved defense (upgrade chainvest/negatron). | ||
United States12679 Posts
After that you get some tank items. The thing is tho, with Poppy, you don't really need that much survivability items early on due to your W, your ult, and your imba passive. | ||
Canada966 Posts
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Iceland2039 Posts
I'm a goliath. | ||
Germany1008 Posts
Depends on the enemy Top, if you're facing a Trynd, Gp, Rengar etc, then a good poppy will faceroll and snowball like no tomorrow. Armorrunepage op. Against AP-champs she has a much harder time, laning against Rumble, Akali, Teemo, etc is absolutely no fun. Most matchups are skillbased, my favourite Matchups are Olaf (you have to get a big lead very early or he will rape you), Kha (50/50) and Nasus (Farmfest aka who can carry harder lategame?) Even in the current health-stacking meta a farmed Poppy is able to kill the enemy adc in 9 out of 10 teamfights. That Ult... | ||
Germany2073 Posts
Bots don't teach me anything, don't want to ruin ranked games with it, 2 of 5 people in normals spam TOP TOP TOP while 2 others instalock toplaners and all of them call me out for trolling when i pick poppy :| | ||
United States8298 Posts
Just don't run her as the bot "laner" on dominion. | ||
Germany1008 Posts
On March 26 2013 20:27 snow2.0 wrote: How to learn poppy :| Bots don't teach me anything, don't want to ruin ranked games with it, 2 of 5 people in normals spam TOP TOP TOP while 2 others instalock toplaners and all of them call me out for trolling when i pick poppy :| Get some Friends to play normals with you, or get someone to play 1v1 customs until you feel confident enough to play rankeds. You're german, so i believe you are on EUW. Just add me (EdoftheDead) when you need someone to play with. (But i'm awful :D) Play 1-2 Botgames first, so you can get a feeling for her attackanimation, when you can safely towerdive, where to freeze the lane at your tower etc. | ||
Czech Republic56 Posts
On March 26 2013 23:18 Sareth wrote: Get some Friends to play normals with you, or get someone to play 1v1 customs until you feel confident enough to play rankeds. You're german, so i believe you are on EUW. Just add me (EdoftheDead) when you need someone to play with. (But i'm awful :D) Play 1-2 Botgames first, so you can get a feeling for her attackanimation, when you can safely towerdive, where to freeze the lane at your tower etc. Better try dominion then playing botgames. Sure it's without laning part, but you get used to her skills, when and how to use them, then play normal. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
On April 30 2013 11:37 GolemMadness wrote: Just started playing Poppy a bit and have been having some pretty good times. What's good to build on her besides triforce and maybe philo stone? Gunblade/Bork can be nice as it gives you more sticking power. On the defensive side, FH is a decent pickup. Generally speaking, you want 1-2 offensive items then just tank up. Between your passive+ult+tanky items you can literally 1v5 past a certain point. | ||
Zaphod Beeblebrox
Denmark697 Posts
Basically: your preferred opening - philo/kindlegem/armor item - sheen/phage - phage/sheen - TF - Shurelias/cutlass - cutlass/Shurelias - GB/BoTRK/Defensive items Some games you might be able to get an IE or similar to supercharge your damage after this build, but don't expect to get this far. | ||
Australia3856 Posts
What should I use as a general build? Trinity/botrk, or should I go for gunblade? I've been running flash but ghost feels mandatory as I can't stick to people without it. Good/bad matchups? I know she can struggle vs champs who do true damage but what others does she have? Is she good vs any of the current fotm? | ||
Canada12499 Posts
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United States3977 Posts
Poppy lanes best against high-burst champs, though she doesn't appreciate taking free autoattack harass and most mages are ranged. Cleanse is an option to consider, as Poppy really hates ignite; the problem is Flash and Ghost are both really good as well. I think with DFG as it currently is, AP Poppy is the way to go, since you're guaranteed to truck at least one person before they can make a meaningful contribution to the fight. I think AD Poppy should get Tiamat/Hydra first for farming power, but I'm open to being disagreed with. Hybrid Poppy has been trashcans since the Sextech Funblade nerf.. | ||
64 Posts
My two poppy cents. | ||
France4120 Posts
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United States3977 Posts
On February 06 2014 02:57 RouaF wrote: You can run her in the jungle, at least you will avoid her horrible horrible laning phase. She has more than decent ganks but meh clear but with the current jungle items anyone can clear decently after some point. Since you're poppy you don't really need to build tanky and can rush triforce which is really good on her. I've always found the problem with jungle Poppy is you can't afford all the items you need to be a real threat. You're really dependent on a few particular items (DFG Lichbane for AP, Hydra Triforce for AD) and even with boosted jungle farm you just can't afford it all in a reasonable timeframe. | ||
4077 Posts
On February 06 2014 02:57 RouaF wrote: You can run her in the jungle, at least you will avoid her horrible horrible laning phase. She has more than decent ganks but meh clear but with the current jungle items anyone can clear decently after some point. Since you're poppy you don't really need to build tanky and can rush triforce which is really good on her. I think some of you are missing the point with poppy. She is not a top or jungle champion, but mid. I went 20-5 or something with her as mid in diamond elo and it is a hundred times easier than trying to survive top (banning out ori when I could, the shield is annoying). Jungle isn't very good either due to several reasons, but some of them might have changed this season. And even if you build pure AD on poppy, her damage is about 70% magical so you're basically an AP carry anyway. You might say she gets bullied pre6 and yes she somewhat does, but her passive, w and the 440 shield is more than enough to stay in lane. As soon as you can afford sheen (sometimes hexd) and is lvl6, no ap mid champion can bully you anymore (if they have under 80% hp at any point they WILL die to one burst). I admit some games were won due to misjudgments where you run low and they 2v1 dive you and you get double kill, it happened mostly because people weren't used to playing against poppy. But even if those situations doesn't occur and their mid play defensive you will be relatively fat into mid game, and fat poppy midgame is almost autowin. | ||
United States10467 Posts
I'm usually really afraid of the whole "warning this post is 3 months old, if you bump, we'll ban you" or the whole "anything you post in a champion thread is here forever and will hurt newbs" spiel, but w/e. Poppy rework incoming eventually (tm). She's going to lose her ult and get turned into a tank. | ||
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