On February 26 2011 02:11 0123456789 wrote: I don't think rushing Philo Stone poppy is good. The philo stone playstyle just suits SpudBoy's play better. Others using philo stone poppy might find it less efficient.
I'm sort of confused. What does Spuddington do that makes it more efficient for him as opposed to others?
Imo Philo is better if you roam a lot; you still get money, and you can easily regen while you travel between lanes. If you mostly stay in the duo lane, Philo means that you have less flat HP to surviv burst. Stuff like that definitely plays a role when you have to decide what items to buy (and of course Spud might camp the duo lane all day long and have a different reason for Philo, I don't know).
poppy isn't scared of burst with her imba passives
Philo stone #1 roaming iten.
I think 1 or 2 philo stones on a solo top poppy would make sense, she is one of the scariest heroes in game if farmed because she's next to impossible to kill with that OP passive and ult. AFK farm in lane, E->Q anyone who comes close
On February 26 2011 01:35 spinesheath wrote: Just for the record: I am not looking for a fight.
5HIT suggested to follow Spud's Poppy guide for one of the worst reasons possible. I explained why it is a bad reason. I do that because when I play with TL I want to play with thinking people, not with sheep.
Notice that I'm not saying that you should not follow Spud's guide. I play Poppy in a very similar way. Ur hella dumb if you think that I'm supporting Spud BLINDLY. I build Poppy the exact same way and always have because that's how you fucking build AP Poppy. I'm not blindly following his advice because he's good, but I recognize the irony in the situation of some unranked guy telling Spud that he "doesn't understand Poppy's Q".
Like, is that your opinion of me? An unthinking sheep? Jesus Christ you're retarded.
Better an unthinking sheep than csheep I always say.
On February 26 2011 09:28 Odds wrote: I think 1 or 2 philo stones on a solo top poppy would make sense, she is one of the scariest heroes in game if farmed because she's next to impossible to kill with that OP passive and ult. AFK farm in lane, E->Q anyone who comes close Poppy is actually pretty good in some matchups top lane. Especially if you got a #1 best friend jungler backin ya up.
On February 26 2011 02:11 0123456789 wrote: I don't think rushing Philo Stone poppy is good. The philo stone playstyle just suits SpudBoy's play better. Others using philo stone poppy might find it less efficient. I don't run manaregen runes on many heroes and if you try to even play remotely aggresive with poppy your manapool gets wrecked. On AP, I really don't find philo that great since my goals are different and probably wont be roaming as willingly.
Spud, spud,
Poppy babysat by Anivia botlane, viable?
On February 26 2011 09:44 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Like, is that your opinion of me? An unthinking sheep? Jesus Christ you're retarded. Could you stop the insults and read again? As far as I know I did not flame you.
Basically your posts suggested that people should follow Spud's advice simply because he's good. And the ONLY problem I have with that is that they should follow (and reflect upon) his advice because it's good advice. So when a 5HIT fanboi comes across your posts and learns that he should blindly follow top rated player's builds then I get mad. Worst case: He follows Wickd's builds.
And to further clarify: I have quite a bit of respect for you (and ezpz).
On EU, I have played almost exclusively AP Poppy, and I was at least somewhat successful with it. On US, I played a few Poppy games just to try this roaming business out (I never really roamed all that much), and for that I kinda felt like Philo -> Triforce might be a better idea. But that's like 3 games on a <lvl 20 acc, lol.
I don't think I've ever debated against Spud's Poppy guide. I prefer a slight variation in runes/masteries, but that's pretty much it. Why would I argue against a Poppy guide that describes what I do too?
Yeah, if you have annie questions or want to debate about someone's annie play take it to the general discussion thread or annie thread please, who wants to read about how to play annie in a poppy thread? I certainly didn't...
A lot of derpin' going on here.....
bump for Poppy. I see high levels players play her on stream and she looks amazing.
This is a newb question, but as an AP Poppy when R and DFG is on cooldown what should she do in team fights? I'm also assuming Q is not very good as AP since it's AD based. Please let's continue this discussion on this champ!