Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On May 21 2011 12:02 broz0rs wrote: bump for Poppy. I see high levels players play her on stream and she looks amazing.
This is a newb question, but as an AP Poppy when R and DFG is on cooldown what should she do in team fights? I'm also assuming Q is not very good as AP since it's AD based. Please let's continue this discussion on this champ! Q and E have AP ratios. I'm not too sure what you mean buy how it's "not very good". Lichbane procs from Q will also be consumed on the next autoattack.
AP Poppy plays like a typical anti-carry. Run into a teamfight, blow up the carry, run out again. She can still do a lot of damage with her spells even without her ult so you can always run back in once they are off their 4 sec CD (I think?) and damage/kill someone else.
I picked up poppy recently. She is a lot of fun. I pretty much always open 2x philo stone, mercs, and sheen. After that there are two builds I use
first is the DFG/lichbane AP build similar to the OP. second is to go straight to triforce then build a gunblade then tank items like FoN and GA (not too much health since that works against your passive).
the second build is more noob friendly imo, so I use it more often. The AP build requires more patience and good use of DFG which I always mistime and waste, and it is much easier to feed if you get out of position. Also whether you go AD or AP it is good to get a voidstaff late game since your Q is magic damage.
my error in research. for some reason I thought the bonus damage of Q was AD based. I see that its 60% AP and 8% target max health.
I still think both AD and AP are viable.
If the opposing team has a lot of squishes, AP is great for insta-nuking them. IF you team already has a lot of burst then AD might be the better choice.
I think poppy is an unexplored counterpick to, well, just about every teamcomp O.O
If you have a combo that works in lane and she can farm 100-200 CS she's just beastly.
I guess her weakness is poke/harass/kiting. Udyr pretty good at dpsing her because he hits in so many small segments, but I'm still shit scared of her because she just Q E's you in 1 bad position and you lose most of your HP.
On May 21 2011 22:25 Slayer91 wrote: I think poppy is an unexplored counterpick to, well, just about every teamcomp O.O
If you have a combo that works in lane and she can farm 100-200 CS she's just beastly.
I guess her weakness is poke/harass/kiting. Udyr pretty good at dpsing her because he hits in so many small segments, but I'm still shit scared of her because she just Q E's you in 1 bad position and you lose most of your HP.
I don't think poke / harass is really that big of a deal with Poppy. I always tend to stay away from the lanes before a fight starts and come in from the side and hit my REQ Combo.
Also, How do you kite a poppy?
Hey, thanks very much for the two guides - I've tried both with varying degrees of success.
Early game can be tough against certain lanes, but I think that's just generally the case with Poppy.
The only thing I don't understand is the masteries. I'm aware this is a noobish question, but why would the utility masteries be better for her than the offensive masteries? I understand them for junglers or characters who suffer from a lot of mana problems, but it feels like an assassin would benefit more from offence.
On May 25 2011 22:53 Tal wrote: Hey, thanks very much for the two guides - I've tried both with varying degrees of success.
Early game can be tough against certain lanes, but I think that's just generally the case with Poppy.
The only thing I don't understand is the masteries. I'm aware this is a noobish question, but why would the utility masteries be better for her than the offensive masteries? I understand them for junglers or characters who suffer from a lot of mana problems, but it feels like an assassin would benefit more from offence. Poppy needs the Movespeed, the Manaregen helps quite a bit, the cooldowns are really good, and the summoner spell cooldown reduction is really good on her. Greed is helpful too. On offense, you only really want the 15% MPen, the cooldowns, 2% crit chance for some lucky crits, and the 4% extra damage. 10% crit damage is useless, the 3 AD and 6 APen are not very important.
So with 9/0/21 you get most of the good stuff, while say 21/0/9 makes you miss out on lots of helpful masteries.
And Poppy doesn't need more damage, she 1-shots everyone anyways.
Russian Federation4235 Posts
9 in offense is really good, otherwise, not. APen is worthless on her since you're not building any other APen and it's only good when you have a lot of it. Flat damage is meh, crit masteries are only good if you build AD and even then by the time it kicks in the game is usually decided (probably in your favor since a Poppy with Triforce AND IE is kind of unstoppable, but that is like around 50'ish minute). On the utility tree you get CDR which is nice with her abilities and MS which is generally nice with her. Summoner spell CD reduction is also great since you will use your summoners alot (ignite is a major thing in her kit since its damage is boosted by her ult, so is flash because of the positioning issues).
Utility tree is good on almost everyone tbh, offense is generally worth maxing only on champs who rely on autoattacks alot and do physical damage with everything.
Hell, even direct comparison by rune slots reveals that Utility > Offense on an overwhelming majority of champions. Compare how many runes you need for the XP mastery or MS mastery and how many runes you need for 6 APen or 3 AD.
On May 25 2011 22:53 Tal wrote: Hey, thanks very much for the two guides - I've tried both with varying degrees of success.
Early game can be tough against certain lanes, but I think that's just generally the case with Poppy.
The only thing I don't understand is the masteries. I'm aware this is a noobish question, but why would the utility masteries be better for her than the offensive masteries? I understand them for junglers or characters who suffer from a lot of mana problems, but it feels like an assassin would benefit more from offence.
Open up with the life regen pendant (forgot the name) and build into a phillo stone, maybe even build into 2 phillo stones if you can get em fast enough. With just 1 stone you will be breezing through the lane. You can be as crazy as you want to be and regen that life back like crazy.
I really feel that Poppy isn't played much because of her looks but sooner or later there is gonna be a turning point where suddenly a lot of people start to realize just how strong she is and then a nerf will follow. Being able to literally spike a target without defensive items from 100 > 0% is just insane.
On May 25 2011 23:48 zalz wrote:Show nested quote +On May 25 2011 22:53 Tal wrote: Hey, thanks very much for the two guides - I've tried both with varying degrees of success.
Early game can be tough against certain lanes, but I think that's just generally the case with Poppy.
The only thing I don't understand is the masteries. I'm aware this is a noobish question, but why would the utility masteries be better for her than the offensive masteries? I understand them for junglers or characters who suffer from a lot of mana problems, but it feels like an assassin would benefit more from offence. I really feel that Poppy isn't played much because of her looks but sooner or later there is gonna be a turning point where suddenly a lot of people start to realize just how strong she is and then a nerf will follow. Being able to literally spike a target without defensive items from 100 > 0% is just insane.
I don't think so, I mean she has been the same for literally ages. I mean of course she can be insane but if she doesn't get farm or fed earlygame she just doesn't take off.
On May 26 2011 00:22 Woony wrote:Show nested quote +On May 25 2011 23:48 zalz wrote:On May 25 2011 22:53 Tal wrote: Hey, thanks very much for the two guides - I've tried both with varying degrees of success.
Early game can be tough against certain lanes, but I think that's just generally the case with Poppy.
The only thing I don't understand is the masteries. I'm aware this is a noobish question, but why would the utility masteries be better for her than the offensive masteries? I understand them for junglers or characters who suffer from a lot of mana problems, but it feels like an assassin would benefit more from offence. I really feel that Poppy isn't played much because of her looks but sooner or later there is gonna be a turning point where suddenly a lot of people start to realize just how strong she is and then a nerf will follow. Being able to literally spike a target without defensive items from 100 > 0% is just insane. I don't think so, I mean she has been the same for literally ages. I mean of course she can be insane but if she doesn't get farm or fed earlygame she just doesn't take off.
So has Annie but she got a change aswell this patch.
I actually don't think that Poppy needs all that much gold to get rolling. You just need a single item to up that Q (trinity or the magic one (forgot name)) and you are mostly golden. The new recipe for phillo allows you to take the magic pen shoes without any troubles.
Her job is to kill specific targets and she will always be good at that. You can dive pretty hard as Poppy regardless of items. If you have a bad start you can just forsake defensive items entirely because your ultimate can let you do crazy stuff like that just fine.
Ok, thanks, that helps clear it up. Comparing masteries vs runes helps put the differences in perspective. Kind of sounds like they should nerf utility...
And yeah, early philosophers stones do help a lot with staying in lane. I guess my laning difficulties are more that both harassing/dealing with harassment and last hitting are harder than I'm used to.
I've been playing purely AP carries lately (annie), and I want to try a different champion that also based on AP (no runes for AD T_T). Is AP poppy still viable now? What lane do you put her? She has no farming skills at all.
viable on dominion, not really on SR
Meta is terrible for poppy right now.Loads of tankyness and no solid place for her to farm without getting severely outlaned. Shame since poppy's a super fun champ to play.
She can lane top decently vs a few popular bruisers, otherwise there's no place to put her. Unless maybe with another stun at bot, but that's not too realistic in 5s.
On October 22 2011 04:38 zulu_nation8 wrote: She can lane top decently vs a few popular bruisers, otherwise there's no place to put her. Unless maybe with another stun at bot, but that's not too realistic in 5s. Can you give me a the list about what champions Poppy is good.
On October 22 2011 06:53 ExoFun wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 04:38 zulu_nation8 wrote: She can lane top decently vs a few popular bruisers, otherwise there's no place to put her. Unless maybe with another stun at bot, but that's not too realistic in 5s. Can you give me a the list about what champions Poppy is good.
On bottom lane Poppy does well with any champ that can stop the enemies from moving for a bit (taric, alistr, cho, jenna etc). Your partner stuns them in a good position and you slap them with a E-Q.
On top with Poppy, i have only tried fighting Warwick and Gragas and it wasnt horrible. You will probably need to scare them a bit early on. If you can catch you opponent with a good E-Q they will most likely give you a bit more space. Poppy can do top but it's very depended on who you are facing.
Poppy can apperantly also jungle... but i wouldn't recomment it. It's painfully slow =/
Does anyone know how Poppy's passive interacts with shields? I guess shields behave like HP in most ways, so I'm guessing her passive uses 10% of her (HP + shield), but it'd be nice to know for sure.