Mogwai's masteries are definitely better. Alay why would you use 7 points in Greed and Perseverance, really not good masteries.
I think you need to try 21 offense Rammus. It really is much better than any defensive or utility setup you can get with actual masteries.
Recently I'm playing Rammus with 21/0/9, flat ad reds and quints, armor and mr. Cloth+5> boots> wriggles> philo+hog (2 GPs may seem too much but Rammus gets a lot from both Shurelias and Randuins, so I can't find a reason not to buy both)> aegis > warmogs (finishing Shurelias and/or Randuins anywhere you wish).
Shurelias is really great on Rammus because you want to itemize HP, you get the regens, and the CDR is also huge, DBC'd Rammus wont die so the more you can be DBC'd the tankier. Also more taunts, and the active. Too good.
I see why you would want to buy PD on Rammus but I just never find the moment to get it. Even if fed I usually prefer to tank up because the later the game goes on the more you want to be tanking/allowing teammates do the damage than killing. Killing is early game Rammus, late game let your team do it. I feel if you manage to PB into the carry and taunt him, he will die or be instagibbed regardless of if you have a PD or not.
I usually do wriggle's + boots -> philo -> Warmog's -> Atma's -> PD, subbing in PD before Warmog's if I'm farming stupid fast. Rammus with Wriggle's + Zeal is crazy if it's a really open midgame because you can just zoom around to open lanes and solo mothafuckas like a boss.
On November 29 2011 05:51 Mogwai wrote: I usually do wriggle's + boots -> philo -> Warmog's -> Atma's -> PD, subbing in PD before Warmog's if I'm farming stupid fast. Rammus with Wriggle's + Zeal is crazy if it's a really open midgame because you can just zoom around to open lanes and solo mothafuckas like a boss.
I thought you were the one that said Randuins is the best on Rammus?
I don't know. Atmogs is strong on Rammus. Randuins is stong on Rammus. Just about everything is strong on Rammus.
On November 29 2011 05:46 -Kato- wrote: Mogwai's masteries are definitely better. Alay why would you use 7 points in Greed and Perseverance, really not good masteries.
I think you need to try 21 offense Rammus. It really is much better than any defensive or utility setup you can get with actual masteries.
Recently I'm playing Rammus with 21/0/9, flat ad reds and quints, armor and mr. Cloth+5> boots> wriggles> philo+hog (2 GPs may seem too much but Rammus gets a lot from both Shurelias and Randuins, so I can't find a reason not to buy both)> aegis > warmogs (finishing Shurelias and/or Randuins anywhere you wish).
Shurelias is really great on Rammus because you want to itemize HP, you get the regens, and the CDR is also huge, DBC'd Rammus wont die so the more you can be DBC'd the tankier. Also more taunts, and the active. Too good.
I see why you would want to buy PD on Rammus but I just never find the moment to get it. Even if fed I usually prefer to tank up because the later the game goes on the more you want to be tanking/allowing teammates do the damage than killing. Killing is early game Rammus, late game let your team do it. I feel if you manage to PB into the carry and taunt him, he will die or be instagibbed regardless of if you have a PD or not. You don't find the moment for PD because you get 2 g/10 items. Sure you want the items those build into, but you still waste a lot of money on a stat that doesn't pay off very quickly. And since you don't finish those item until VERY late into the game, your whole key item build essentially is set back by ~1000 gold.
Get g/10 items quickly if you want the items that they build into quickly as well. At least on champions that rely on solid items during midgame.
But, 250 HP on Rammus, great. Mana regen on Rammus, who as Mog said, is mana hungry without blue, also great. Even if they didnt give g/10, do you think a zeal is better?
Ok, its a 1k setback on the whole build. But... Rammus is so good with pieces of build, is there any item you really need to rush on Rammus that gives you much more than bits and pieces of HP and resists?
Once I have wriggle, randuins, and mob boots i feel pretty beast mode and everything after that is just luxury. The PD is great for flying in at warp speed and just absolutely blowing shit up. Shurelyias is great I'm sure but I never build it. Aegis is nice for more armor and damage. I sometimes get a Frozen Heart because I like to Powerball everywhere. Warmogs after Randuins is what I do if I'm fed and I feel like taking people down 5v1.
On November 29 2011 06:36 -Kato- wrote: But, 250 HP on Rammus, great. Mana regen on Rammus, who as Mog said, is mana hungry without blue, also great. Even if they didnt give g/10, do you think a zeal is better?
Ok, its a 1k setback on the whole build. But... Rammus is so good with pieces of build, is there any item you really need to rush on Rammus that gives you much more than bits and pieces of HP and resists? Except for the g/10 items, all T2/T3 items have more than 100% efficiency one way or another. Many 2-3k gold items are extremely efficient. g/10 items may catch up to base items in x minutes, but people like to forget that it's not common practice stack 6 base items before thinking about upgrading.
Pretty much all the decent items on Rammus give you a significant boost in strength if you finish them in a timely fashion.
A zeal MIGHT be better in some situations. But I was thinking more along the lines of grabbing your Warmogs or just a Belt early, which might leave you with enough of a defensive puffer to go PD and go to town. Early Warmogs makes Rammus unkillable.
On November 29 2011 05:46 -Kato- wrote: Mogwai's masteries are definitely better. Alay why would you use 7 points in Greed and Perseverance, really not good masteries.
I think you need to try 21 offense Rammus. It really is much better than any defensive or utility setup you can get with actual masteries.
I'll give it a try, why not. I like the gp5 and the regen stats, because I go catalyst to sustain over Phil stone (I generally don't get a reverie, but I usually get a mid/early-mid BV, so the catalyst helps more than a stone I'd likely sell or never utilize.)
Does offense Rammus lock you into wriggle's to work though? Or can you slug through with phil -> mogs -> atma -> wit's end/pd?
you could probably make it through without wriggle's, but I feel like a much much weaker counterjungling and dragoning threat without wriggle's.
I don't think Wriggles is a "need" item on Rammus. I buy it every time but thats just because it is so darn helpful. By the time you have it, you can certainly clear without. Just not as fast.
On November 29 2011 07:01 Mogwai wrote: you could probably make it through without wriggle's, but I feel like a much much weaker counterjungling and dragoning threat without wriggle's.
what he said
So basically the same reason as to why you get wriggles on every other jungler.
On November 29 2011 07:22 Slayer91 wrote: So basically the same reason as to why you get wriggles on every other jungler. NOT AMUMU OR FIDDLE!
EDIT: but yea, precisely.
Ok thanks spine, always so knowledgable!
I think Wriggles on 21off Rammus is a must. Allows to jungle full hp always, clear faster, and gives ad+armor (which turns into more ad). With my runes I usually have 158 AD at lvl 6 with wriggles and DBC on. That is a fuckton of AD so early.
I haven't tried it with offense tree yet but I'm going to as soon as I can.
So how bad does the new jungle suck? Any tips on laning as Rammus? He's my favorite champion so I don't want to put him on the bench.
On December 02 2011 03:43 Terranasaur wrote: So how bad does the new jungle suck? Any tips on laning as Rammus? He's my favorite champion so I don't want to put him on the bench.
New jungle is horrible :/ But jungle Rammus still works, and he's maybe even a little faster to clear--though not hitting that 4 on first clear kinda sucks.
My tip for laning Rammus would be, just don't. He's miles better as a jungler, since his kit is incredible to gank with.
Maybe I'll have to start playing some more dominion. The problem with Rammus on SR right now is not clear speed. I clear faster than ever. Starting at blue with a vamp sceptre, i can kill blue, wolves, wraiths, and be whacking red while my smite still has 12 seconds of cooldown. sometimes i even get lucky and dont even need to use smite on red, but save it for big brother golem.
I just feel like my ganks don't have any power to them because I'm so far behind on items and levels. it seriously takes me like 30 minutes to get my randuins up with the new jungle.
Your ganks don't have any power behind them because you're ganking. Every gank puts you behind unless you get a kill or don't have to share assist gold. Almost all other results are a net losses, including 90% of kills where you share assist gold.
Just imagine that every time you attempt to gank the game takes 100g from you. Depending on circumstances it's not always that bad, and in other circumstances it's even worse. But on average that's about what you're losing.
Exactly.... and since I'm used to running into those ganks at Warp Speed and blowing up everything in my path, I'm feeling really, really gimped.