[Champion] Rammus - Page 11
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United States13274 Posts
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Croatia11752 Posts
On November 10 2011 06:57 Mogwai wrote: ummmm, yea? why wouldn't it stack with Q? Lol didn't know that.That's imba! Just tried it out and its pretty funny. | ||
United States660 Posts
On November 10 2011 03:45 Slayer91 wrote: Randuins gives 5% cdr, really small. The use of the core gp5 opener is only making randuins a reasonable buy since its fucking crazy expensive otherwise. The catalyst is a nice idea but I hate buying banshees on tanks. Instead of getting rylais + banshee why not just get RoA? It keeps your catalyst proc and rylais seems like a gimmicky idea since taunted targets don't care about being slowed, powerball already has a slow, you only are getting hit with DBC when you are taunting them. The only use I see is slowing people in your ultimate but it seems gimmicky. I don't think atmogs is as early game reliant as you say. Catalyst+randuins is similar in cost to warmogs+wriggles and the mana and health sustain is offset buy wriggles letting you stay full health in jungle and using less mana. If you don't get super fed you just get a negatron after your warmogs and a chain mail and just be super tanky and less of a damage threat. You're not losing that much utility. (Randuins slow, it's nice but I don't think it justifies getting it alone. I get it on people who are likely to get targetted by AD carries or auto attackers in general and want to survive it. Rammus only gets targetted when he's taunting and he doesn't really want to reduce damage when he's doing that. Udyr is someone I much prefer randuins on.) Catalyst/randuin's is 3075+1325 (so a flat 4400), whereas Wriggle's/mogs is 1600+3000 (4600). So, yes, they're similarly priced. What they give in stats is only "comparable" at best, but I highly value the Omen in its early/midgame power, whereas the mogs is only giving your raw stats. I feel without the extra mana and the level regen on it, although you can simply use less mana with wriggle's, if a fight breaks out I tend to be OOM pre-catalyst. I hate philosopher stone, it's just a gold sink that doesn't do what other items would anyways. RoA is meh. The banshee's is the better choice because of the defense, and the blue bubble. It might be a little over costed, but once you hit it with the right time it ups survivability and you really start to hit that godly tank stage. RoA is also a bit more expensive than BV, and takes time to "charge up" which makes it even less desirable on an aggressive character like Rammus. Overall, I think Banshee's is the best MR item for the fella (aside from Wit's End on a tanky dps build, but that's debatable even still) because it gives him just enough to get him where he needs to be, as well as the blueshield effect, and the exceptionally necessary health that has such a high value for Rammus. Although it's not an item I frequently get, it simply works when it's early for him very well. I suppose Rylai's is gimmicky, it just seems like the next best health item at that stage in the game. Plus tremors in a team fight with it is just silly good, especially with omen to back. *shrug* | ||
United States4423 Posts
On November 09 2011 06:33 Two_DoWn wrote: Because I play rammus as an anti-carry (which is what he is). He instagibs people through his taunt duration with w and r. It makes no sense to me to buy an item that makes his harder. This is essentially how I play rammus. I had a recent guardsman bob game where we were raped early game, but then my tons of hp and then tank items kicked in and I was able to instagib people if they get caught in the taunt. I've switched from the sunfire first to warmog first. Warmog gives you 900 more hp when fully stacked, putting you over 3000 with just the one item. Having almost 150 armor without any items means I can build MR if it's needed first and still am able to tank physical damage. I haven't gotten past the point of boots 2, warmog, banshie, thornmail, but there are several items you can fit into those last two slots. I start at wolves, and am able to kill two without help and still get to blue even if they pull it the second it spawns. I full clear, killing red before smite is up and using it on double golems, then buy boots. When attacking wraiths, you get off your first auto, then immediately powerball so before they can auto, saving yourself hp. I finish a madreds, but not wriggles because it helps for early dragons and red and blue buff kills. I use 1/19/11 I think, getting reduced damage taken, which allows me to only use 2-3 hp pots during my first clear depending on how good of a pull I get (I've done a full clear and only used 1 hp pot before). I use arp red, and full armor runes in the rest. I know you get twice the value from magic resist blues but that doesn't help you clear the jungle and keep up hp. Also I fucking love jungle rammus, you can gank with powerball speed even if they have wards up. | ||
United States10536 Posts
Upon activating Powerball 2.5% of Rammus' flat movespeed (i.e. base + flat bonuses such as boots) is added to his movespeed as flat bonus. Every quarter second thereafter another 5% is added until Powerball ends (reaching 157.5% total just before Powerball ends). Diminishing returns apply, but because Powerball's bonus counts as a flat modifier it is multiplied by % boosts such as Ghost or Zeal. | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
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United States2085 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
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United States2085 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On November 15 2011 13:03 Terranasaur wrote: So randuins after Atmogs or instead of Atmogs? I can't imagine having the gold for both. HoG early, then atmogs. Choose between finishing Randuin or selling HoG when you're on 6 items, depending on whether you need Randuin's against a big AD threat. | ||
United States17233 Posts
Sometimes I skip philo, but the lack of mp5 is really noticeable (I give up all blues past first), so you trade being a little tankier for needing more pots/recalls. Fits his need for hp >>> mr/armor since he has really low base hp and really high mr/armor from w. Rylai's on rammus is trash, do not get it ever. If you want a slow, get Randuin's like already mentioned. | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
On November 15 2011 13:03 Terranasaur wrote: So randuins after Atmogs or instead of Atmogs? I can't imagine having the gold for both. Just gank more and you'll be able to fulfill your wildest dreams. | ||
United States2085 Posts
On November 15 2011 17:22 JackDino wrote: Just gank more and you'll be able to fulfill your wildest dreams. lol. I'm pretty new to LoL (Summoner Level 21) so I'm certainly not an expert. Every now and then I'll get snowballing really hard in a game with Rammus and could probably get there. Just today I was playing for the lulz and built him with Mobility Boots, Deathcap, Void Staff and Rylai. Flying into people at warp speed with powerball and blowing them up was pretty fun, but his AP ratios aren't good enough for something silly like that to be viable. Still. It was fun to try. At what point in the game to you leave the jungle and start to gank? I take DBC first and start at wolves. I kill them, and then blue, and then look for a gank. I can usually hit mid hard enough to either get a takedown or at least force a bluepill, and then i proceed to the other jungle. I then just run around blasting whatever camps are up, trying to keep both buffs, and ganking whoever is pushed past the river. Is this about right or are there some goals I am missing? I really can't kill the dragon without help until much later in the game.... | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
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United States2085 Posts
On November 15 2011 17:42 JackDino wrote: Buy a pdancer and you'll get more kills than you can ever imagine. Jungle when there are creeps in your jungle and gank when you see an opening/are pretty sure you can make one. this has been working awesome. I've gone randuins into pdancer and am loving it. Lategame I'll have mob boots, Randuins, Pdancer, wriggles, and maybe something else and I fly into team fights at warp speed and blow up everything. Any ideas on what to run on Rammus with the new masteries? | ||
England6749 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
On November 19 2011 02:43 Terranasaur wrote: this has been working awesome. I've gone randuins into pdancer and am loving it. Lategame I'll have mob boots, Randuins, Pdancer, wriggles, and maybe something else and I fly into team fights at warp speed and blow up everything. Any ideas on what to run on Rammus with the new masteries? honver runs 0/21/9 taking all the masteries you'd assume would be good on rammus including juggernaut, initiator, etc i'm inclined to agree with this setup! | ||
United States17233 Posts
Really just any setup with heavy defense works well on Rammus. | ||
France8631 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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