If they have like 2 autoattackers I think thornmail is amazing on rammus. I also don't think you can have too much armor on rammus unless the other team is stacked with AP.
magic damage comes at you in bursts so your W helps a lot with it. autoattacks come constantly so your w wears off but the autos are still coming.. given that rammus gets + damage from armor, vs a balanced team I would definitely prefer to get more armor than MR.
atmogs sounds great but the problem with atmogs is that its SUPER EXPENSIVE.
If I can't wait for atmog's, why wouldn't I get sunfire cape to give balanced stats and increase my AoE damage output?
Because I play rammus as an anti-carry (which is what he is). He instagibs people through his taunt duration with w and r. It makes no sense to me to buy an item that makes his harder.
ok, w/e bro. I'll continue to only build it vs. trynd + kog/trist + Nocturne teams.
On November 09 2011 06:29 travis wrote: If they have like 2 autoattackers I think thornmail is amazing on rammus. I also don't think you can have too much armor on rammus unless the other team is stacked with AP.
magic damage comes at you in bursts so your W helps a lot with it. autoattacks come constantly so your w wears off but the autos are still coming.. given that rammus gets + damage from armor, vs a balanced team I would definitely prefer to get more armor than MR.
atmogs sounds great but the problem with atmogs is that its SUPER EXPENSIVE.
atmogs is super expensive but warmogs is the most cost effective item for rammus. It covers his health problem which means you are suddenly as tanky as you need and the health regen helps a lot as rammus is susceptible to being poked. Atmas is the most logical follow up.
Just for the record phantom dancer is amazing for killing carries in your R E W duration. Fucking redonkulous crits with level 5 W and rammus passive.
yeah i definitely understand how warmogs is great for rammus but the problem is the 15-20 minute period of the game where you are trying to build it. and i mean if u open hog and philo stone like i like to that's a 10-15 minute period where ur items just suck so much ass
Giants belt doesn't suck ass. Ruby crystal doesn't suck ass. Regrowth arguably sucks but has its uses.
Where is your power period as rammus by not buying warmogs? What items make you more powerful? Sunfire is 400 gold cheaper and gives you stats you want less. Not really that different. It's not like normal bruisers who want to get their damage items.
I originally swore by Mogs, but now I only get it if I'm way ahead and want to be a little silly. I feel that the sustain from Catalyst, along with the health of HoG -> Randuin's just makes the mogs route not worth it. Rammus is pretty icky with farming too, which makes it an even lesser appealing choice. To top it all off, Atma's is just soo expensive, and really doesn't do anything for Rammus (your auto attack hits harder than you arguably could get by building straight tanky, but without an AS boost item it's kinda pointless.)
As it currently stands, I don't feel like it could get much better versus the standards tanky dps top, ap mid, ad/support bot, tanky dps jungler meta than the Randuin's, Banshee's, and Merc Treads midgame.
The catalyst solves all the health/mana problems around this time, so you can give away every blue without a sweat. The Heart of Gold gives that health that is so important on Rammus, and the early merc treads make ganks harder to avoid. Catalyst also helps relieve dependency on wriggle's, though I still buy wriggles early depending on how my first few ganks go/how I feel like playing it out.
I understand the argument behind not bothering with MR much at all, because you can W off the burst from mages, but realistically speaking I'd rather have the safety net. I've played probably around 75% of my games as the armadillo, and I still only W time a generous estimation of maybe 60%. To add to this, so many champions have secondary magic damage that adds up in places. I'd rather have the blue bubble, especially going into the mid game.
Randuin's... is so perfect. It hurts your reflect damage, true enough, but the utility it provides is soooo good. The high health plus the armor makes you exceptionally strong. The slow can help you get away, or keep a target locked. And then there's the activate... it can change fights, or make ganks super super easy.
Currently speaking, my favorite item after this "core" (if I'm not forced into a counter build for a fed champion) is Rylai's. The fact that it procs from W returns, procs from Tremors, procs from powerball... Oh man, so much extra CC! The huge health is perfect for Rammus, and his powerball has a 1:1 AP ratio which definitely means the ap from it (while not amazing by any means for him) doesn't go to waste.
That's not the say the current agmogs/tabi/sunfire build doesn't work for him, it does a job fine enough, and for most people that try the champ and don't end up main selecting Rammus, it will get the job mostly done. I just feel it's not ideal.
On November 09 2011 07:40 Slayer91 wrote: Giants belt doesn't suck ass. Ruby crystal doesn't suck ass. Regrowth arguably sucks but has its uses.
Where is your power period as rammus by not buying warmogs? What items make you more powerful? Sunfire is 400 gold cheaper and gives you stats you want less. Not really that different. It's not like normal bruisers who want to get their damage items.
I'd say that Rammus is one of the most powerful champions in the early game. His true power period where he kill people and wreck shit is from level 4 first gank, up until probably around the 20 minute mark. Once he gets "ahead" he generally stays there quite well. His power period ends when builds start coming together for other champs, and his damage falls out. At that point, he becomes the team CC/tanking god. Ya do a lot less damage late game as Rammus, but boy can you make picking off important targets easy for your carries.
If sunfire didn't have the aoe component I wouldn't consider it, but because it does it's actually pretty useful. The aoe isn't insignificant. I go sunfire vs most teams that aren't full magic damage.
If you build wriggles there are no health problems and farming problems. Mana problems avoidable because with wriggles you don't need any spells. It also solves the farming problem. If you were talking about a non wriggles rammus but I can see catalyst hog but at the same time warmogs atmas is 5355 gold and randuins banshees is something like 5800 even farming some gold with the hog it's actually cheaper.
Atmas gives 45 armour, randuins gives 75, you're losing 8 AD from the armour loss + it's cheaper +you get far more ad from atmas + 18% crit is pretty huge when you have like 300 AD with DBC up. The next logical item is zeal or wits end or something for attack speed. Rammus becomes pretty much unfocusable anyway and in terms of effective health I doubt rylais/randuins/banshees is even as tanky as atmogs+wits end. Your build has less health regen, less health (if mogs is charged), same magic resist if wits is charged, 30 more armour, and 80 more AP. You're losing 18% crit about 65 normal AD, 55 magic AD, and 50% attack speed and the damage difference is massive.
I don't like sunfire purely because I tend to go for squishies most of the time instead of standing in the middle being annoying and being ready to taunt bruisers and stuff.
As for the rammus power period. You're saying he's strong early and then later on when you get your items and they get theirs you fall off? Sounds like its a shitty build. When I play rammus I'm a fucking death machine when I get my items and I suck when I do badly early and don't get my items and they get theirs.
On November 09 2011 21:04 Slayer91 wrote: As for the rammus power period. You're saying he's strong early and then later on when you get your items and they get theirs you fall off? Sounds like its a shitty build. When I play rammus I'm a fucking death machine when I get my items and I suck when I do badly early and don't get my items and they get theirs.
Your build cannot be that great, if you fall off the more the game progresses. As Slayer91 said, with atmogs and wit's end/phantom dancer you become a fucking machine and you're merely laughing as you were singed, because the enemies don't want to focus you, but in the end, you do so much damage and provide utility and CC for your team, that it becomes a nightmare to first focus your carries and then the immovable object.
Hm, I'm not quite so certain. Yes that build does more damage, and off of a good early game, you can snowball like hell (I mean, shit, I was 13/0 using an atmogs build that started really good.) I feel the problem with the build is at a certain point, unless you're really kicking people down and got far enough ahead (which is easy, since Rammus snowballs quite well into the mid) you end up buying at items that don't frankly do as much.
Randuin's + Veil gives less health than a charge mogs, yes, and less regen, but it also gives CDR, makes use of the core GP5 opener, and has a downright amazing active and passive. The veil gives you sustain from its produced item (Catalyst) and lets you survive without Wriggles. I think the more you can mix that opening build depending on how things go, the more likely you are to have success. Wriggle's lantern is in a lot of cases a waste on Rammus. It's so expensive, and the life steal doesn't really end up useful on him in my opinion. The useful side of wriggle's is that it puts you into a very dominating position for the early/mid jungle, letting you more easily set up counters, steals, and quicker clears. If you go for it and delay that core, and end up flopping a bit there, it feels like a very huge mountain to climb back up.
If we're looking at core numbers though, yes the build I proposed is less effective for flat numbers. However, each item brings a great utility that you've left out. Again, the Randuin's slow and it's HoG, Banshee's spell shield and it's sustain-machine catalyst, Rylai's proc on every one of Rammus' skills except taunt.
I play Rammus as almost a true tank though, and that's just my play style. I'm not saying that atmogs doesn't work or is horrible or something--I've used it many times before, and it's a great deviation from his build depending on how the early game goes. I generally find that once I hit Omen/Veil, I don't take another death, and anyone I engage almost invariably dies either by my hand or a teammates hand. The rylai's is just icing on the cake. My proposed build does less direct damage (due to the lack of crit/as) in exchange for (slightly) more magic damage, and guaranteeing that no one is ever getting away from me.
yo, best rammus build is pdancer be4 boots
Randuins gives 5% cdr, really small. The use of the core gp5 opener is only making randuins a reasonable buy since its fucking crazy expensive otherwise. The catalyst is a nice idea but I hate buying banshees on tanks. Instead of getting rylais + banshee why not just get RoA? It keeps your catalyst proc and rylais seems like a gimmicky idea since taunted targets don't care about being slowed, powerball already has a slow, you only are getting hit with DBC when you are taunting them. The only use I see is slowing people in your ultimate but it seems gimmicky.
I don't think atmogs is as early game reliant as you say. Catalyst+randuins is similar in cost to warmogs+wriggles and the mana and health sustain is offset buy wriggles letting you stay full health in jungle and using less mana. If you don't get super fed you just get a negatron after your warmogs and a chain mail and just be super tanky and less of a damage threat. You're not losing that much utility. (Randuins slow, it's nice but I don't think it justifies getting it alone. I get it on people who are likely to get targetted by AD carries or auto attackers in general and want to survive it. Rammus only gets targetted when he's taunting and he doesn't really want to reduce damage when he's doing that. Udyr is someone I much prefer randuins on.)
The biggest problem with the GP10 "core" is that you jungle slower. As a result you're either sacrificing farm or presence relative to Wriggle's. Wriggle's will actually match and potentially surpass the effective gold intake of Philo + HoG fairly easily between free wards and more farm.
Wriggle's also provides better sustain than Philo, allows your team to take dragon much earlier, and builds off the standard starting item for Rammus.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
I dont claim to a be a rammus expert (I am though) and my build is wriggles/mercs/hog/sunfire/veil/atma's.
I like wriggles/BoM/warmog's/atma's/PD/FoN
dem BoM ganks are too fkin' grood.
I don't get it,why would you build BoM on a rammus?
because you're a ganker and being able to approach a lane at like, 600 movespeed means that even if their ward is at dragon, you can be on top of bot lane in time to punish them for overextending.
On November 10 2011 06:53 Mogwai wrote: because you're a ganker and being able to approach a lane at like, 600 movespeed means that even if their ward is at dragon, you can be on top of bot lane in time to punish them for overextending. But like,don't you do that already with your Q?Or does the movespeed stack with Q?O_o