[Champion] Rammus - Page 9
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China26351 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
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Canada536 Posts
I think warmogs, altams and thornmail are pretty core since they can pretty much make you 1v3 bruisers + AD. Anyone else have any thought about how to build him on dom? | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States2085 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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New Zealand396 Posts
On November 09 2011 04:48 Mogwai wrote: thornmail is a retarded item that no one in their right mind should buy more than once every 50 games. it's soooooo bad. It actually has one of the highest armor/gold efficiencies in the game. And on someone like Rammus who's designed to pop AD carries with his 3 second taunt and DBC, it's a great item. Why do you think it's bad? | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
On November 09 2011 04:53 Dr. ROCKZO wrote: It actually has one of the highest armor/gold efficiencies in the game. And on someone like Rammus who's designed to pop AD carries with his 3 second taunt and DBC, it's a great item. Why do you think it's bad? You don't need 100 armor on rammus. You get enough from his W. Atmogs 2gud | ||
United States18076 Posts
On November 09 2011 04:48 Mogwai wrote: thornmail is a retarded item that no one in their right mind should buy more than once every 50 games. it's soooooo bad. Can you please explain why you dont like it? (Im not very good and id like to know your reasoning) | ||
United States13274 Posts
On November 09 2011 04:53 Dr. ROCKZO wrote: It actually has one of the highest armor/gold efficiencies in the game. And on someone like Rammus who's designed to pop AD carries with his 3 second taunt and DBC, it's a great item. Why do you think it's bad? if you really just want armor/gold, cloth armor has a higher efficiency. Anyway, if you want to pop someone in 3 seconds, you do it better with an atma's or phantom dancer. taunt is best on mages. DPS wanna fight anyway, so taunting them tends to not accomplish as much as GGing Kassadin out of spells for 3 seconds. Rammus has a retarded built in armor/mres steroid, which means that HP is overvalued on him while resists are undervalued on him. Since thornmail is all resists (and a resist that Rammus already gets easily through wriggle's and atma's and possibly ninja tabi or sunfire cape), it's stats aren't something you're dying to have. Once you get your warmog's (ideal for tanking with DBC), Atma's just makes a shit ton more sense. It's lets you focus your damage better and doesn't rely on people attacking you for you to do your damage. And this is just talking on Rammus. On other characters, it's still a stupid item because it's still paying 2000 gold to basically only counter auto-attacking. Omen and Frozen Heart both just do the job better unless the opponent's have built up a completely retarded team where it's like, 4 guys who right click to do their damage. | ||
United States13684 Posts
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United States18076 Posts
On November 09 2011 05:04 Mogwai wrote: if you really just want armor/gold, cloth armor has a higher efficiency. Anyway, if you want to pop someone in 3 seconds, you do it better with an atma's or phantom dancer. taunt is best on mages. DPS wanna fight anyway, so taunting them tends to not accomplish as much as GGing Kassadin out of spells for 3 seconds. Rammus has a retarded built in armor/mres steroid, which means that HP is overvalued on him while resists are undervalued on him. Since thornmail is all resists (and a resist that Rammus already gets easily through wriggle's and atma's and possibly ninja tabi or sunfire cape), it's stats aren't something you're dying to have. Once you get your warmog's (ideal for tanking with DBC), Atma's just makes a shit ton more sense. It's lets you focus your damage better and doesn't rely on people attacking you for you to do your damage. And this is just talking on Rammus. On other characters, it's still a stupid item because it's still paying 2000 gold to basically only counter auto-attacking. Omen and Frozen Heart both just do the job better unless the opponent's have built up a completely retarded team where it's like, 4 guys who right click to do their damage. wow good points, thanks for posting. | ||
Canada5009 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On November 09 2011 05:07 Two_DoWn wrote: I actually disagree Mog- taunt is best on whoever has the most damage potential. It does no good to taunt an Annie that has already blown her load. Thormail makes a lot of sense if you know that you are going to have to target the ranged carry or ad caster and let another member of your team take care of the mage. Other characters like Swain or Morg make equally no sense to taunt. well, ok, sure, it's situational, but on the onset of a fight, you're in front. while mages try to position so that they can blow up your team, they typically have the highest damage potential and they should be your first target for taunt so that you can prevent them from blowing up your team. (EDIT: I'd also like to point out that in this scenario, which always seems to be the most common in my rammus games, you having HP and MRes is vital to their Mage not just blowing you the fuck up for having 600 armor, 2K HP and 45 MRes). If you arrive late or positionally screw up so that Annie already dumped her combo on your team, sure, go ahead and taunt the ranged carry. But I'd still rather have a Sunfire, Atma's or Phantom Dancer over a Thornmail every single time. It's not like an Atmog's Rammus has any problem soloing a ranged carry with DBC and Taunt on them. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On November 09 2011 05:07 Two_DoWn wrote: I actually disagree Mog- taunt is best on whoever has the most damage potential. It does no good to taunt an Annie that has already blown her load. Thormail makes a lot of sense if you know that you are going to have to target the ranged carry or ad caster and let another member of your team take care of the mage. Other characters like Swain or Morg make equally no sense to taunt. Even if you're taunting an AD champ, Randuin's is superior, because you force them to proc the Randuin slow, ruining their damage output AND making it harder for them to run when the taunt is over. And the Randuin active has great synergy with DBC--popping Randuin active during DBC gets the slow to last like 5-6 seconds. Powerball->Taunt->enemy procced Randuin slow->active Randuin slow->Taunt and Powerball off CD again | ||
United States13684 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
Only after HP items, ofc. I feel thornmail you only get if their ad carry is so fed damage taken while DBC is down is important. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On November 09 2011 05:50 Two_DoWn wrote: If I'm taunting an ad carry, why the hell would I want to decrease the damage I deal to them? Because thats exactly what randuins does. If I want damage, I'll buy damage items. The thing is, every aspect of Randuin's has fantastic synergy with Rammus' kit. I usually end up with a Heart of Gold already anyway, so may as well use it. MS/AS slow that applies on people hitting you? Maybe that's good on someone who can make people hit him. AoE slow that scales duration off resists? Maybe that's good on someone who has an enormous armor/MR steroid. Or maybe for someone who has an extremely strong persistent AoE ult that he's trying to keep enemy champions inside. Oh wait, Rammus has ALL those things. | ||
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