Crushed vlad @7?
[Champion] Irelia - Page 7
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United States4008 Posts
Crushed vlad @7? | ||
Poland67 Posts
imo one of the most underrated champs, espacially lategame. his ganks are strong @ lvl4 with double (or just red) buff(s) and his ability to tank lategame are better then those of some so called tanks | ||
United States9316 Posts
I always did r>e>q>w on irelia. The e is just so good, and q being on a lower cooldown and doing more damage gives you a larger burst when you first go in. In teamfights early on you're not going to go in and autoattack for hours so it's not like you're going to benefit as much from it. It's later in the game when you have more survivability items to keep you alive when you can autoattack more in large teamfights. Also, I don't see AS as the best option on her. You'll die. Usually instantly. The best irelia's I've ever seen have done really tanky builds with something that helps burst (triforce) or AS (madreds) because she can burst, not die, and keep on autoattacking + r to regain health and do her true damage. And the lower she gets just means she can stun you. Although I tend to jungle her so I do wriggles triforce usually. >.> | ||
United States5348 Posts
On January 09 2011 15:08 Two_DoWn wrote: I have to disagree with your skill assessment. I find q and e to be her best skills in the early game- chasing and slowing is much more effective in the laning stage than sustained dps. I find by going R>q>E>W you can burst down a lot of champs early, and by the time you start seriously putting points in w the enemies actually have enough armor where the true damage feels like its necessary. oddly enough, i dont think either of you are wrong. if you are prioritizing attackspeed + offtank sort of build, w+e will be very strong (similar to xin), on the other hand an AD (or triforce) + offtank sort of build will prioritize q+e (similar to panth's mid-late game playstyle without his early game dominance), i really think the only 'necessary' skill on irelia is having your e on a secondary priority to which ever 1st skill path you pick. Also @ twodown, i think you are pretty significantly underestimating the healing aspect of w. anyways, my thoughts on the issue edit: @ ofcourse, if u wanna know about udyr, i'd be happy to discuss him with you and i'm sure 5hit would as well, but this is technically an irelia thread ^.^ | ||
United States13684 Posts
On January 09 2011 15:34 barbsq wrote: oddly enough, i dont think either of you are wrong. if you are prioritizing attackspeed + offtank sort of build, w+e will be very strong (similar to xin), on the other hand an AD (or triforce) + offtank sort of build will prioritize q+e (similar to panth's mid-late game playstyle without his early game dominance), i really think the only 'necessary' skill on irelia is having your e on a secondary priority to which ever 1st skill path you pick. Also @ twodown, i think you are pretty significantly underestimating the healing aspect of w. anyways, my thoughts on the issue Hmm, interesting that you compare my playstyle to pantheon, he is actually one of my better characters, although since he is banned so much now ive been working on the rest. As for the heal, I dont underestimate it, in fact i often go qwe just so i can keep as close to full health as possible for an early combo once i hit 3. The part i underestimate about her w is the true damage. I just find it isnt high enough early to justify grabbing it, and that q and e can burst for so much on low armor champions their isnt really any benefit to grabbing it. but then again, i much prefer her ulti heal to the w, so maybe i do underestimate it a bit. | ||
United States4008 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
On January 09 2011 18:41 spinesheath wrote: If you don't actually plan on building that Recurve into something anytime soon, then you might want to consider getting a Stinger instead. Helps keep that W up as much as possible and only costs 90 gold more. Of course the drawback is that you don't really want Nashor's, so if the game drags on long enough that you want to build some bigger items you might have to sell the Stinger. Yeah, I've thought about Stinger and basically agree with your assessment. It doesn't build out into anything that's too useful for Irelia. I'd love to incorporate some CDR into my Irelia builds, but I don't really know the best way to do it. There needs to be some stronger CDR+tank items or maybe even some CDR+AD items. | ||
United States264 Posts
On January 10 2011 03:27 xDaunt wrote: Yeah, I've thought about Stinger and basically agree with your assessment. It doesn't build out into anything that's too useful for Irelia. I'd love to incorporate some CDR into my Irelia builds, but I don't really know the best way to do it. There needs to be some stronger CDR+tank items or maybe even some CDR+AD items. You could try building the new boots for her, I've been trying them out to some effect. Edit: Nvm, I'm dumb lol. | ||
United States47024 Posts
His preferred item start also seems to be Rejuv bead + some combination of ward and pots. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On January 10 2011 05:31 TheYango wrote: The last time I saw Jiji play Irelia, he went QEQEQR, R>Q>E>W. This may have changed, but I'm curious on peoples' thoughts about it, seeing as I'm assuming there's some sensible logic to it. His preferred item start also seems to be Rejuv bead + some combination of ward and pots. Not even a single level in W for the heal? | ||
United States47024 Posts
On January 10 2011 05:33 spinesheath wrote: Not even a single level in W for the heal? Yeah, thats why I thought it was weird. | ||
United States4008 Posts
On January 10 2011 05:33 spinesheath wrote: Not even a single level in W for the heal? I'm sure that jiji's builds suit his playstyle specifically. There is no "one build to rule them all" for her because of her hybrid-ness. I wouldn't copy that one as it relies a lot on actually killing the opponent and doesnt have very much survival (since he doesnt take W) | ||
United States1183 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
First, Q needs to be maxed first. Not even a question. At level 5 you can ensure that no one at low health is escaping a teamfight, farm like a boss, and hit fairly hard as well. Maxing W second is probably the way to go at this point, especially if you are stuck in a duo lane. It allows you to max your true damage as tanks start to buy armor. Catalyst>banshee's should pretty much always be your second item after trinity, baring some sort of crazy ad champ ripping your team apart. The mana ensures you will never be oom, and a bigger health pool takes advantage of your lifesteal. The bv also means you will never be cc'd out of a fight. merc treads+passive+bv= constant damage output. Dont overestimate how much tank you need to live through a teamfight. In an ideal situation, you will survive the fight with help from w and your ulti, and by the time you're done Qing the rest of the enemies to death, your ulti should be up and ready to get you back to full on a creepwave. If your bv is all you need to hit this point, build ghostblade. If you need a little more survivability, a starks isnt a bad choice. If that still doesnt do it just go spirit vissage and full tank based on the enemy team. But if you dont have to go full tank, dont do it. Irelia can swing from assassin to offtank faster than most champions: dont make the switch before you have to. My runes, masteries, ect: aspeed reds, mp5 yellows, cd blues, health quints. 0-21-9. ghost ignite. | ||
United States4130 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
E is maxed first always. E at level 1, 4, 5, 7, 9. 2 second stun/slow on 5 second cooldown too strong. go to solo lane with HP quints, defensive masteries, doran's shield (855 hp), just walk up to someone and attack them until they have to leave lane. if they attack back and somehow get the upper hand on you (crits, nukes), press E, then commence attacking them again. you'll win any level 1 fight this way. ignite for good measure. now that you have total control of your lane, Q at level 2, W at level 3, last hit constantly to regain your health, only use Q when there's split creep damage and you can't get a creep by auto attacking. level max W after E, you want only 1 level Q until late-game. Q is a mana-draining noob trap, just last-hit like any other champ would. you noob. doran's shield -> kindlegem (or heart of gold if they're AD heavy) -> boots -> visage -> mercs -> i'm going to try the new black cleaver in my next game cause i like the damage/AS mix on her. okay upon further review, fuck ghostblade, black cleaver is fucking awesome on her, just rush that before/after your big armor/MR item and just tear everyone apart, even tanks with that AS+armor reduction+true damage shit | ||
United States496 Posts
[Q] and [W] have no AP ratios. [E] is 1:1 [R] is .4 for each blade, which totals 1.6 The trick here is [R]. You'll regenerate a lot of HP in team fights with it. Plus, with enough CDR, it's possible that [R] will refresh quick enough so you can use it twice during a team fight- much like CDR Cho-Gath's Double-Feast. You start out the same as AD, which is great since you can choose to not transition into AP and perhaps counter whatever items the enemy bought. Doran's Shield Boots (CDR preferred, unless team is heavy towards physical or magic damage. Buy accordingly.) Sheen RoA Visage (CDR + More HP stolen) Hourglass/Crystal Scepter/More RoA/Lichbane/Hourglass/Cap/DFG Try and get golem as long as your team doesn't need it. You're just getting it for the CDR since mana isn't really an issue for Irelia. If you didn't get CDR boots, then you'll want golem even more. You'll hit a lot of autoattacks thanks to being in range via [Q]. You might as well upgrade Lichbane after visage to help with this. It will help with towers too. Irelia is unique in that she is viable with many different builds. Not many characters have that flexibility, and I like that about her. I still feel going the physical tanky dps route is best, but it's really fun to mess around. | ||
United States17988 Posts
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