On November 22 2010 13:22 Phrost wrote: I've found her to be a pretty crappy jungler because you can't abuse Q's reset. I've been soloing top and if the enemy champion doesn't harass me out of lane before level 2 I'm usually pretty set. I play it safe until 6 and just last hit and regen hp by attacking creeps after getting W. If you keep your lane pushed you shouldnt have many problems 1v1ing top lane push hard free farm give fb D:
So anyone got a current build for Irelia? I just picked her up and a lot of this thread says locket which would be cool but locket2gud for lol.
I'll try some of the other sheen>triforce centric builds but now that she's been out awhile I was wondering if more solid opinions on builds had emerged.
Edit: Also how do you skill this champ? All her moves seem pretty good so I haven't figured out an optimal build yet.
England2655 Posts
On December 31 2010 23:25 BlackHat wrote: So anyone got a current build for Irelia? I just picked her up and a lot of this thread says locket which would be cool but locket2gud for lol.
I'll try some of the other sheen>triforce centric builds but now that she's been out awhile I was wondering if more solid opinions on builds had emerged.
Edit: Also how do you skill this champ? All her moves seem pretty good so I haven't figured out an optimal build yet.
What I do:
Doran's Shield + Pot Boots Sheen Lvl 2 Boots Brutalizer -> Ghostblade
Then whatever else I think I need. Options: Trinity Force, Stark's Fervour, Randuin's and other general melee items.#
For Skills: EQEWER -> E -> Q -> W. Or: QEQWQR -> Q -> E -> W.
E kills people, Q less so. W I only get for the little extra healing and damage. I don't find much use for maxing it first.
Spirit visage is an acceptable replacement for locket. You just need to manage mana better.
What do you think about runes? I was thinking either arpen/aspd reds, mp5pl yellows, mrpl/mp5pl blues, and arpen/aspd quints. I also have ms quints but idk, she seems really hard to pin a build down for cuz there's a lot of ways to play her.
dual mp5s seems silly, i did it a few times for a huehuehue q every creep solo build, but cdr or mr seem to fit better
Oh yeah cdrs I forgot about those. I was prioritizing mr anyway(hence it's listed first) but I didn't know if maybe the extra mana for q helped enough early to justify it. Her cooldowns aren't that long though, so I'll prolly go with mr.
What do you think of aspd vs arpen runes? I think I would opt for arpen personally, but a little extra aspd could be good if you go sheen>bruta to take as much advantage of w as you can since you aren't getting any extra until ghostblade active or zeal.
I know I'm probably analyzing it a bit too much(and sounding like a total nub), but I play casters almost exclusively and I'd like to try to branch out and improve my overall game a bit. Vlad and co. are pretty awesome but anytime my team locks in like 3 ap champs immediately I'm all "F^(k me I don't know how to play a phys dps." I did a terrible stint with Kog that prolly lost me like 300 elo and I decided there are enough carry players, I'll try a melee.
I always just jungle irelia similar to eve. Wriggles -> boots -> trinity -> tankiness. Her burst is pretty damn strong with just trinity and her true damage is a great addition. Building her tanky makes her basically take more hits and put out more stuns at lower health + do more true damage since she'll last longer.
I used to do HoG instead of wriggles but found wriggles just to be nicer.
On January 03 2011 11:43 BlackPaladin wrote: I always just jungle irelia similar to eve. Wriggles -> boots -> trinity -> tankiness. Her burst is pretty damn strong with just trinity and her true damage is a great addition. Building her tanky makes her basically take more hits and put out more stuns at lower health + do more true damage since she'll last longer.
I used to do HoG instead of wriggles but found wriggles just to be nicer.
Sounds pretty solid, I'll try it next time our ww or rammus take a break.
Aspd runes for jungling right?
keep in mind that even though Q is a great last-hitting tool, you're still allowed to last-hit with auto attacks. only use Q to grab one that's otherwise out of your auto-attack reach (or steal from someone else in your lane)
i'm not sure when the exact point in the game is, but irelia reaches this fucking insane level where i feel like she can almost 1v5 another team. it's somewhere between the balance of a bit of survivability, CC-immunity, and attack speed, combined with her imba true damage and lifesteal that it doesn't even matter what you do, she's gonna roll your team. i wish i had the patience to figure out exactly what makes her so unstoppable late without compromising her already-kinda-awful-early-game
On January 03 2011 18:56 gtrsrs wrote: keep in mind that even though Q is a great last-hitting tool, you're still allowed to last-hit with auto attacks. only use Q to grab one that's otherwise out of your auto-attack reach (or steal from someone else in your lane)
i'm not sure when the exact point in the game is, but irelia reaches this fucking insane level where i feel like she can almost 1v5 another team. it's somewhere between the balance of a bit of survivability, CC-immunity, and attack speed, combined with her imba true damage and lifesteal that it doesn't even matter what you do, she's gonna roll your team. i wish i had the patience to figure out exactly what makes her so unstoppable late without compromising her already-kinda-awful-early-game
You've seen one get to that point? What items was she rocking?
Eh, I've been at that point before lol. Just trinity + tank items. I've honest to god 1v5ed a team and came out at half health since your r fucking heals you for a million hp if it hits everyone + a single creep wave. Plus your ATTACKS give you health back. It's not lifesteal. So even attacking towers will get you back to full health so quickly. She's retardedly strong if she gets to that point.
God you are making me want to give her another chance lol. I love champions who can rape towers.
I am thinking about picking up a new off-tank champ (Jax is my main) and am considering Irelia because of the upcoming the buffs. I played her a bit during free-Irelia week last month (or whenever it was), and liked her mechanically. I especially liked the fact that people weren't able to run away from me as easily, which is a problem that I constantly have with early game Jax. + Show Spoiler + On a semi-related note, it always seems like I end up liking and playing heroes/champs that have difficulty stopping runners. I had the same damned problem when I mained a paladin in Vanilla WoW before they added his spinner hammer thing and the new stun mechanics. Like with my Jax build where I open Rylais, I always had to do some weird, unorthodox shit with my paladin to compensate, like whoring certain engineer items.
I think one of the problems that I'm having as a player right now is that most of the champions that I main do not have inherently strong early games (Veigar/Jax mostly, can't play Rammus anymore because he's an autoban) so I'm not able to actively carry my team through the early game as much as I'd like. My impression of Irelia is that she's pretty good in the early game and can actually kill people reliably before level 6. Any thoughts on this point? How well does she snowball?
What masterys and Summoner Spells (Ghost + ?) do people run on irelia?
On January 09 2011 04:54 Woony wrote: What masterys and Summoner Spells (Ghost + ?) do people run on irelia? Since she has decent early/midgame burst, Ignite is a good idea to help instagibbing people. Otherwise I guess she's pretty much free to take whatever she wants. Except for Cleanse. You get that for free. So basically depending on how you play her and on your/the enemies' lineup: Ignite, Exhaust, Flash, Teleport, maybe even Clairvoyance.
United States37500 Posts
Typically Ghost/Ignite for more burst, since that is her role. But since the buff to Exhaust this past patch, Exhaust/Ignite is good alternative for most melee dps.
Ive been running 0-21-9 with ghost ignite. makes you very beefy early game, and generally when it starts to fall of is when you finish your trinity and you can build survival anyway.
I picked up Irelia and have been playing her quite a bit for the past week. Here are my thoughts:
1) Irelia's money skills are W and E. E is good for the slow and W is Irelia's primary damage. You want your builds to revolve around these 2 skills. This means that optimal Irelia builds = high attack speed builds. You'll do a ton of damage. You only really need 1 point in Q for initiation and and last hitting minions. Q is fairly useless otherwise.
2) I don't think that sheen-based items are useful on Irelia. They're expensive as shit and Irelia generally isn't going to have a high enough base damage to make them useful because she should be stacking attack speed items first as her damage items.
3) I'm not really sure which boots I like best on Irelia. Attack speed boots, CDR boots, and magic res boots are all very good and useful in their own way. Getting CDR on Irelia is nice for minimizing the downtime on your W. Merc treads almost eliminate any hope that the enemy team has of CCing Irelia. Attack speed is good because of the W synergy. Against heavy CC teams, you definitely want the treads.
4) I really like Irelia as a hero. She has a very unique skillset. Her burst damage isn't great, but her sustained damage is very good, she has a great stun/slow, and her ult can make her very difficult to kill if used right.
On January 09 2011 13:15 xDaunt wrote: I picked up Irelia and have been playing her quite a bit for the past week. Here are my thoughts:
1) Irelia's money skills are W and E. E is good for the slow and W is Irelia's primary damage. You want your builds to revolve around these 2 skills. This means that optimal Irelia builds = high attack speed builds. You'll do a ton of damage. You only really need 1 point in Q for initiation and and last hitting minions. Q is fairly useless otherwise.
2) I don't think that sheen-based items are useful on Irelia. They're expensive as shit and Irelia generally isn't going to have a high enough base damage to make them useful because she should be stacking attack speed items first as her damage items.
3) I'm not really sure which boots I like best on Irelia. Attack speed boots, CDR boots, and magic res boots are all very good and useful in their own way. Getting CDR on Irelia is nice for minimizing the downtime on your W. Merc treads almost eliminate any hope that the enemy team has of CCing Irelia. Attack speed is good because of the W synergy. Against heavy CC teams, you definitely want the treads.
4) I really like Irelia as a hero. She has a very unique skillset. Her burst damage isn't great, but her sustained damage is very good, she has a great stun/slow, and her ult can make her very difficult to kill if used right. I have to disagree with your skill assessment. I find q and e to be her best skills in the early game- chasing and slowing is much more effective in the laning stage than sustained dps. I find by going R>q>E>W you can burst down a lot of champs early, and by the time you start seriously putting points in w the enemies actually have enough armor where the true damage feels like its necessary.