On January 14 2011 08:28 xDaunt wrote: If you're doing some kind of AP build, I'd think that you'd want to get lichbane as one of your first 2 items after boots.
my math might be wrong here but isn't 100% of 80 AP less than or equal to 80% of ~100 AD (not sure what irelia's AD will be when you get sheen/lichbane)? so unless you have more AP from somewhere else, you're essentially paying gold for a 0-increase in damage? i don't think lichbane should ever be rushed imo, unless you *really* need the movespeed/MR and you're gonna stack AP later anyways
i could be wrong though, i don't play any champs that build lichbane. i've just never understood the logic behind lichbane rush
Idk if you guys have seen atlanta play her but she's borderline OP when he does and he rushes a triforce with a vamp scepter in there.
On January 14 2011 08:43 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On January 14 2011 08:28 xDaunt wrote: If you're doing some kind of AP build, I'd think that you'd want to get lichbane as one of your first 2 items after boots. my math might be wrong here but isn't 100% of 80 AP less than or equal to 80% of ~100 AD (not sure what irelia's AD will be when you get sheen/lichbane)? so unless you have more AP from somewhere else, you're essentially paying gold for a 0-increase in damage? i don't think lichbane should ever be rushed imo, unless you *really* need the movespeed/MR and you're gonna stack AP later anyways i could be wrong though, i don't play any champs that build lichbane. i've just never understood the logic behind lichbane rush
Sheen is base damage, doesnt include items. Lichbane gives bonus move speed and MR and the champions that get it usually want the extra AP.
I do the triforce build that atlanta does, works like a charm. You basically cant die if you survive to lvl 6
On January 14 2011 09:22 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Idk if you guys have seen atlanta play her but she's borderline OP when he does and he rushes a triforce with a vamp scepter in there.
Does he build her tanky afterwards?
You don't want to build Lichbane unless unless the bonus AP will put you over your base AD. The proc on Lichbane is also physical, so you're not gaining anything by building it most of the time.
LB should almost never be anyone's first item after boots. Most character have enough AD that they outscale or come very close to whatever AP they'd have from just Starter Items + Boots + Lichbane.
The combine cost for LB is 950, and you only gain +15 AP. IMO, that 950 is better spent getting a Catalyst for RoA or Giant's Belt for the Crystal Scepter. The only time LB should be your first item if is if you have a surplus of gold enough to buy LB and also purchase a followup + AP item.
What is atlanta's skill order? And it looks like he starts off with the vamp scepter? Is that right?
I'm pretty sure he starts D-blade and goes QEQEQR. Not positive though. I still like the EQW, R>E>W>Q.
So I've been dicking around with AP Irelia a bit. She takes a little bit more farm than triforce/AD Irelia to get going, but holy shit is she strong against squishy-heavy teams. The build I've been using is d-blade => boots => sheen => deathcap => lichbane. From there, I build CDR boots and whatever +AP item I need that also gives the type of defense that I need (Rylai, hourglass, and abyssal are all candidates).
Your damage is pretty good once you finish the deathcap and it becomes REALLY GOOD when you finish the lichbane. The coolest part is what heavy AP does to your ult. Not only do you do a ton of AoE damage (assuming that you can aim properly) in teamfights, but you also become surprisingly durable because of how much each blade shot will heal you.
I've been playing irelia a bit and my build is similar to Atlanta's I think.
d-shield boots sheen phage triforce merc treads or w/e GA + BV More tanking crap
EQWEER -> R > E > Q > W
take solo top, farm your ass off, kill them if they're asking for it. never die and kill everyone.
United States37500 Posts
On January 22 2011 05:17 Mogwai wrote: I've been playing irelia a bit and my build is similar to Atlanta's I think.
d-shield boots sheen phage triforce merc treads or w/e GA + BV More tanking crap
EQWEER -> R > E > Q > W
take solo top, farm your ass off, kill them if they're asking for it. never die and kill everyone.
I think Atlanta runes 9 21 0, but don't quote me on this. I'll ask him when he gets on later today.
Shield + hp pot => Boots => Sheen => Vamp Scepter
For some reason, there's a big difference in survivability if you have that Vamp Scepter or not. But then you finish Trinity and Banshee's.
Edit: QWQEQR, R > Q > E > W
I'm never sure if merc treads make sense on her with that passive, any idea on that?
also, I don't really buy that vamp scepter is worth delaying the real core, but maybe I'll try it out at some point.
edit: I guess q over e makes sense but for some reason I've been focusing e.
United States37500 Posts
On January 22 2011 05:29 Mogwai wrote: I'm never sure if merc treads make sense on her with that passive, any idea on that?
also, I don't really buy that vamp scepter is worth delaying the real core, but maybe I'll try it out at some point.
edit: I guess q over e makes sense but for some reason I've been focusing e.
Less CC duration, the better imo. Her passive just makes her snared/stunned for even less.
Try it out. I'm simply conveying what Atlanta's build is. Adapt it as you see fit. ^^
Edit: One thing I really dislike is sometimes I Q while the enemy is retreat, yet somehow I can't get in range to do the follow up E. fuuuuuu
omg, yea, that pisses me off to no end. then i mass my face on R and they die anyway so it's all good.
I just don't like jungle Irelia. Seems like such a waste. She can farm like mad in lane and snowball out of control quickly.
Yeah, it's kind of like Xin jungle. Has a really strong gank but she's really good in lane too and normally while it's best for her to solo, if your team needs a jungle she can do it no problem. With redbuff she can q in, e, and autoattack for constant slows. Normally I gank without full hp so I stun when I QE too.
I find you NEEEEEEEEEED trinity as fast as possible in order to maximize your success as Irelia. Jungling doesnt let you do that very well, unless you get super farmed from ganks, which is a hair unreliable.
On January 25 2011 15:30 Two_DoWn wrote: I find you NEEEEEEEEEED trinity as fast as possible in order to maximize your success as Irelia. Jungling doesnt let you do that very well, unless you get super farmed from ganks, which is a hair unreliable.
The bigger problem is that you need to sink 1000 gold into madred's to jungle effectively with irelia as the game goes on. That is going to delay your trinity by quite a bit.
On January 26 2011 00:34 xDaunt wrote:Show nested quote +On January 25 2011 15:30 Two_DoWn wrote: I find you NEEEEEEEEEED trinity as fast as possible in order to maximize your success as Irelia. Jungling doesnt let you do that very well, unless you get super farmed from ganks, which is a hair unreliable. The bigger problem is that you need to sink 1000 gold into madred's to jungle effectively with irelia as the game goes on. That is going to delay your trinity by quite a bit. Mandred's Razor is a pretty awful item if you don't plan on upgrading it into something else, IMO. Sure, it speeds up your jungling significantly, but if that's all you're getting out of a 1000 gold investment, then that's a pretty bad investment. Which is a way of saying, don't get Mandred's Razor on Irelia, even if you're jungling.
if you dont take razor tho, your jungle speed, buff-taking ability and dragoning takes a massive hit. irelia doesnt have a 'jungle killing' steroid like some other heroes that can go without razors without a problem (or at least could before creep mr buff)