On January 27 2011 23:22 barbsq wrote: if you dont take razor tho, your jungle speed, buff-taking ability and dragoning takes a massive hit. irelia doesnt have a 'jungle killing' steroid like some other heroes that can go without razors without a problem (or at least could before creep mr buff)
Yeah, exactly. While killing the smaller jungle creeps is never a problem with Irelia, killing the blue, red, and dragon is very difficult without a madred's when you hit level 6-7+. Even then, I still don't feel like Irelia's jungling speed is that good.
just stop jungling, she's a bad jungler and a good laner. it's like fucking xin all over again, except even more so somehow, lol.
England2655 Posts
On January 29 2011 05:26 Mogwai wrote: just stop jungling, she's a bad jungler and a good laner. it's like fucking xin all over again, except even more so somehow, lol.
Not that this should need backing up but I'm going to anyway. She is such a powerful solo top that she should never jungle.
Ireliagree with the above posts.
She's got such sick base stats, though, so I can see what makes a lot of people want to jungle her.
How do you beat Irelia mid with a ranged carry? I was playing Trist in the game in question. Any time I managed to harass her down at all, she'd pop her ult and heal back to full in like 2 seconds. Also her Equilibrium Strike felt like it did a TON of damage by level 6 or 7. Eventually she'd just wear me down and I'd have to go back and heal which gave her a huge advantage in CS.
Focus on staying alive and farming. Not much you can do against her, unless maybe if you are MF or Corki.
yeah trist can only farm against irelia consider coming to back to lane after your first b with twice as many pots as you normally would, so you can stay longer in lane
spinesheath i haven't play much MF yet, how does she beat irelia? i don't see that being a hard matchup for irelia but i could be thinking about it wrong
I was just listing the two stronger ranged carries. I guess MF's W could work well against Irelia, but I have no actual experience.
Well I normally shit on MF's as irelia since 1 hit and she's really slow. Really sivir has been one of the only one's that is somewhat troublesome only b/c of spellshield. If they're good they will spellshield right before you e in a q->e combo. If they don't irelia usually doesn't have a problem vs her either from my experience.
You have to crush Irelia before she hits lvl5 or else you're going to have a hard time keeping her down once she's 6. She has to attack creeps to heal, but your hits will outdamage her life steal.
Against Sivir, what you do is you Q, which will always bait their shield. Just trade autoattacks for a few hits, then E. Be sure to attack while moving so that you have a chance of dodging her boomerang. I go 21/8/1, so trading hits puts me on top if I don't have too many minions on me.
A good caitlyn who abuses her range and traps can also hold her own against irelia until irelia hits 6.
By "hold her own" I hope you mean "utterly crush," because Irelia doesn't really stand a chance against Caitlyn.
I don't see it in solo queue yet, but in AT, I've seen her banned and first picked quite a bit.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
mf and corki can beat pretty much anyone mid if they are any good. pantheon is no problem i dont see why irelia would be harder. you'd get zoned at lvl 1 by Corki imba passive or MF w.
On February 01 2011 04:54 Brees wrote: mf and corki can beat pretty much anyone mid if they are any good. pantheon is no problem i dont see why irelia would be harder. you'd get zoned at lvl 1 by Corki imba passive or MF w.
The real difference comes at level 6. Using all of her skills and ult, she can jump on you, take away 2/3 of your hp (or kill you outright), and retain most of her health. Worst case scenario for Irelia is that she doesn't kill you, but she gets to stay in lane whereas you have to B. Best case scenario is that she kills you. Oh, and her ult will be up again within 60 seconds, so by the time you return to lane, she'll be ready to rape you again. It's pretty brutal.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
On February 01 2011 05:09 xDaunt wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2011 04:54 Brees wrote: mf and corki can beat pretty much anyone mid if they are any good. pantheon is no problem i dont see why irelia would be harder. you'd get zoned at lvl 1 by Corki imba passive or MF w. The real difference comes at level 6. Using all of her skills and ult, she can jump on you, take away 2/3 of your hp (or kill you outright), and retain most of her health. Worst case scenario for Irelia is that she doesn't kill you, but she gets to stay in lane whereas you have to B. Best case scenario is that she kills you. Oh, and her ult will be up again within 60 seconds, so by the time you return to lane, she'll be ready to rape you again. It's pretty brutal.
this is so exaggerated its no wonder irelia is becoming FOTM. her burst cant even kill heimerdinger, let alone will she be able to get in range of corki level 6 (missile spam is all he needs now) and mf is hella tanky. you'll be lucky to do more damage in the exchange against her.
go top with irelia 100%, dont mid.
irelia's just better at being tanky and lasthitting through harass IMO. I dunno, you have to suck to get killed by my Irelia in lane, but I do typically hang with anyone in levels/farm.
The real difference comes at level 6. Using all of her skills and ult, she can jump on you, take away 2/3 of your hp (or kill you outright), and retain most of her health. Worst case scenario for Irelia is that she doesn't kill you, but she gets to stay in lane whereas you have to B. Best case scenario is that she kills you. Oh, and her ult will be up again within 60 seconds, so by the time you return to lane, she'll be ready to rape you again. It's pretty brutal.
Except you can barely touch the creep wave until you're lvl6. Against stronger laners, most of my cs is coming from Qing creeps under my tower. When I try to Q creeps in the middle of the lane, I usually get Bombed/Doubled Up and hit once, which really starts to hurt.
I rarely play solo Q, but I haven't really seen Irelia bans. Personally, I would only ban Irelia against people known to play Irelia (if I saw Sologame or Atlanta in queue, for example).
I dunno, I rarely have had too much trouble laning with Irelia against even the biggest pain in the ass opponents. MF, Corki, and other ranged carries aren't hard to at least stay close to even with. The only champs that really give me problems are the tanky casters, like cho, sion, and malphite. Even then, I just play conservatively, take what creeps that I can, and let the lane push to expose the other guy to a gank from the jungle. It really isn't that bad. Irelia is better-equipped to deal with tough lanes than most with Q pokes.