On November 18 2010 07:58 oberon wrote:Show nested quote +On November 18 2010 07:09 spinesheath wrote: Has anyone tried building her around ASpd for true damage spam? Mostly I'm thinking about Starks and Malady. I wouldn't get PDancer for that since it's pretty expensive for the ASpd it gives, I dislike dodge, and crit isn't efficient unless you have some decent AD. Also keeping Wits End in mind if an opportunity arises. Maybe Stinger (and leave it at that for most of the game). Survivability as necessary. Malady shreds magic resist. You're dealing true damage. What? If you want aspd, go SotD or something. SotD includes 30 APen on it's active, doesn't do much for true damage either. But at least E and R would get something out of Malady. I guess the best item would be Stinger...
Been watching Wickd play on the CLG stream and he seems to be completely destroying with Irelia in high ELO EU games.
He seems to go Locket first which is interesting, but it gives him a lot of survivability and mana. Lets him spam tons of abilities and constantly dash in and out of team fights. He then goes Ghostblade second. Also he's been using hexdrinker against heavy magic teams. He gets Hexdrinker a lot. He even goes Bloodthirster a few times.
Basically his core seems to be Locket and Ghostblade. Starts with Doran Shield into Catalyst and boots first into those two items. It seems like an unusual build but he seemed to be destroying people with it. Didn't get a good look at his runes/masteries though.
He described Irelia as a combination of his two favorite champs: Yi and Xin.
Been watching Wickd play on the CLG stream and he seems to be completely destroying with Irelia in high ELO EU games.
He seems to go Locket first which is interesting, but it gives him a lot of survivability and mana. Lets him spam tons of abilities and constantly dash in and out of team fights. He then goes Ghostblade second. Also he's been using hexdrinker against heavy magic teams. He gets Hexdrinker a lot. He even goes Bloodthirster a few times.
Basically his core seems to be Locket and Ghostblade. Starts with Doran Shield into Catalyst and boots first into those two items. It seems like an unusual build but he seemed to be destroying people with it. Didn't get a good look at his runes/masteries though.
He described Irelia as a combination of his two favorite champs: Yi and Xin.
England2654 Posts
On November 18 2010 20:41 Aurdon wrote: Been watching Wickd play on the CLG stream and he seems to be completely destroying with Irelia in high ELO EU games.
He seems to go Locket first which is interesting, but it gives him a lot of survivability and mana. Lets him spam tons of abilities and constantly dash in and out of team fights. He then goes Ghostblade second. Also he's been using hexdrinker against heavy magic teams. He gets Hexdrinker a lot. He even goes Bloodthirster a few times.
Basically his core seems to be Locket and Ghostblade. Starts with Doran Shield into Catalyst and boots first into those two items. It seems like an unusual build but he seemed to be destroying people with it. Didn't get a good look at his runes/masteries though.
What I saw him do was: Locket, Boots, Zeal, Zeal, Avarice -> Ghostblade.
Locket is good on a lot of champions (Evelynn and Udyr are two that I've seen it on) but I'm never sure if Locket is the best item to get first on anyone, but it seems to work for him. I'm keen to try it.
Is it just me or is Irelia one of those heroes that really need a solo lane to farm up. It just seems to me like she is very item dependent, thinking this comes from the fact that I generally only do ok until I get triforce, (or zeal usually) but as soon as I hit zeal, sometimes triforce, I start racking up kills, and they become much easier.
Also, late game it seems like she really needs a good initiator on her team, like amumu/galio/etc otherwise she just seems to be raped as soon as she jumps into the fight.
Here's the problem: she can stay in lane forever and farm up, but right now she's not very GOOD once she's super farmed up, at least in the sense that a 200cs Irelia doesn't contribute to the team as much as a 200cs tristana or a 200cs annie.
She still benefits a lot from triforce, but from a team perspective, there's really no justification for letting irelia solo farm for so long only to come back with a triforce.
If I used that 4k gold strictly to increase my EHP in the most cost-efficient manner possible (heart of gold x 3, 1 negatron), she'll probably contribute better in teamfights? I dunno.
Something like this:
Shes really not that great not farmed up either, at least in my experience, she falls short, as she doesn't attack fast enough to really make use of her true damage/healing. I dunno, im thinking going pure attack speed as first item (aside from boots) then build her with tank items the rest. Maybe
Boots Zeal Threads HoG Negatron Randuin or FoN/Banshee Veil Zeal FoN/BV or Randuin (whichever you didn't get) Phantom Thorn or another FoN Phantom 2
a) tapioca you were outfarmed by a poppy a POPPY b) why is this even a dispute get trinity force first screw everything else she doesnt need to be sustained dps if she can lolburst people down
I just let everyone else farm because I had 3 heart of gold and could just roam/jungle ....
On November 19 2010 01:31 Juicyfruit wrote: I just let everyone else farm because I had 3 heart of gold and could just roam/jungle ....
Again, you're STEALING GOLD FROM YOUR TEAM BY FARMING ON A BAD SCALING CHAMP CALLER. and im saying she scales well and can carry a team ezpz
you should have two roles-mid game assassin late game assault tank
mid game you run around with trinity force and red and just slaughter everybody-you can outburst warwick's damage at the same level, etc
you burst with q and e followed by w, and then just q in again since the cd is so stupid short and burst them again
late game you add more tank items so you can do your burst more often. You also get anti-tank with your W being the most damaging thing to tanks out of like all champs. In order to anti-tank properly you need to be durable enough to deal with the tanks damage, i.e. you have to deal with a garen with a sunfire,
going full tank doesn't help you can't gimp their carries mid game without some burst damage to take them out.
irelia plays like akali midgame (run in and kill people very fast) and xin zhao late game
I think gunblade would be pretty amazing on her after triforce + tank item/s. Large Ad and Ap to increase q and e damage, spell vamp (which should proc off of q, and e, as well as each blade from her ult, increasing the healing from them as well.) Lifesteal synergizing with W quite well, and another nuke slow to keep people in range of you and your team, and increasing burst.
Also side note: Hiten style heals you while attacking towers. Pretty sure most people know this but for those who might not just putting it down.
This might make her good at BDing depending on your build.
Okay, just tried taps, another irelia was going callers build, he had triforce and negatron when i had just 2 hog, sheen, negatron... I raped the shit out of him with half health left and a kill, ran with a jax into a galio/morgana/kayle and game away with a double kill. It actually seemed I was doing just as much damage as with callers build but with a shit more survivability.
On November 19 2010 05:55 Drathmar wrote: Okay, just tried taps, another irelia was going callers build, he had triforce and negatron when i had just 2 hog, sheen, negatron... I raped the shit out of him with half health left and a kill, ran with a jax into a galio/morgana/kayle and game away with a double kill. It actually seemed I was doing just as much damage as with callers build but with a shit more survivability. other irelia was pro isallicansay
Has anyone tried an AP focused build? Something with Lich Bane (higher damage output then Trinity Force) and Rylai's. Getting an ASPD item in there (Malady, Nashors if the game is going well) is not difficult either.
I've been having quite a bit of success with it in the normal queue but I hardly play at a high enough level to judge if it's the build or my opponents.
England2654 Posts
I've been playing Irelia a little bit more now and I love her. Glad she's good enough that my hype for her is justified. I've played the Locket, Triforce and Sheen->Ghostblade openings on her and I think I like the later the most. All of them do really well though, but all you need is a sheen early game for her burst to be amazing and just upgrade to a Triforce later. Locket doesn't gimp your damage too much, but you can feel it. Not like people will be getting away though.
Other items I like: Ghostblade is awesome for chasing and whatnot. Starks gives her a lot of great things for late game. Last Whisper is obviously pretty good. Force of Nature is pretty cool for AP heavy teams. Hexdrinker is too. Rageblade is pretty decent. I didn't fail when I got it so... The BF Sword items are worth getting too.
As for skill builds, QEQWQR -> RQEW is my preferred one. Makes farming great. I suggest you get this if you go for a Locket or if you're 1v2 or 2v2. EQEWER -> REQW is also pretty good. More burst and your chasing is still really good with the E. I like this one as well, they're very similar. Good for 1v1. WEWQW -> RWEQ is pretty underwhelming. The lack of cooldown on Q for chasing is noticeable. I tried this first because I thought it would be the best one, but the maxed W doesn't work too well with Sheen and so on. If you're stacking AS, this is great though.
Would love to know what other people have found while playing her.
I've really enjoy playing Irelia, I've been trying almost every one of the builds people have talked about and Locket is definitely the funnest build, I think my favorite build so far is Sheen > Locket > Brutalizer(then if there's time Ghostblade and on). I like the build because I can alter the order to suit the game fairly well, early Catalyst vs Sheen asap, etc.
I think the only thing you didn't cover, is to pay attention to your lane partner/opponents before you decide E or Q first.
Okay so just tried laning and also jungling irelia. Laning, soooo easy to lasthit with her. But I felt her jungling was actually really good. I had actually quite a lot of hp throughout the whole jungle. Did HoG, boots, trinity, then tanky items depending on other team's comp. Nuked for over 600 and couldn't die. Scored a pentakill even during the second game I played as her. Really love the sheen proc + slow with trinity. ;o And radiums kind of is icing on the cake.
I've found her to be a pretty crappy jungler because you can't abuse Q's reset. I've been soloing top and if the enemy champion doesn't harass me out of lane before level 2 I'm usually pretty set. I play it safe until 6 and just last hit and regen hp by attacking creeps after getting W. If you keep your lane pushed you shouldnt have many problems 1v1ing
Yep, I've tried 1v1 and she works well there too. In jungle you don't really abuse q much, you abuse her w which is great imo. Works similar to WW's passive yet gives you more damage as well. She's fun where you can run into a bush with low hp, e, then q them and there goes 2/3 of the person's health, then just finish them. And building her really tanky lets her run into 3 people alone and come out alive with a triple kill lol. Did that today and even I was like "WUT? o_O"
Fun fact: there's still no Irelia guide in the OP. CALLER (or Phrost) MAKE ONE !1!1! Pls