[Champion] Evelynn - Page 8
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United States1898 Posts
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United States7572 Posts
On August 13 2012 18:19 Bladeorade wrote: She needs wriggles to clear buffs. She is also a shyvana typr exhaust smite jungler. Just a tad slower. Eve is a farmy jungler not a ganky one now. She needs farm but cant lane so midgame items are best like suggested. Wriggles hex phage sheen aegis etc. she needs phage exhaust or red to gank without ult. Philo is also good before or after wriggles but resists scale best on her I definitely don't think wriggles is required, you can easily clear buff with just sheen. | ||
United States1898 Posts
Also her ecan double proc wriggles and then you get a guge as boost for more wriggles procs. Idk just seems so smooth on her | ||
United States7572 Posts
On August 13 2012 18:35 Bladeorade wrote: So you go sheen first? That just sounds bad to me. You need philo with that first 800 or scepter and cloth. Also her ecan double proc wriggles and then you get a guge as boost for more wriggles procs. Idk just seems so smooth on her I open regrowth into philo then sheen. She just does a ton of damage, you don't need wriggles, and sheen/tri is fucking godlike on her, worth rushing asap. Same thing as with jax. Wriggles isn't bad, I'd buy it if you know people are going to be super safe and you wont be able to gank, but its evelynn and you can usually make shit happen. Sheen and phage or cutlass make her ganks and dueling damage monstrous. | ||
United States1898 Posts
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Australia419 Posts
Sadly the choices for an AD build with CD arent the best - Zeke's Ghostblade and Sherulya's look like the best options, but you need at least some combination of 2 to reach 30, which not only leaves you short by 10%, but also puts you in a weird spot whereby you cant get triforce as quickly as one might like. Thoughts? Edit: Maybe opening with a Zeke's? | ||
Canada31494 Posts
(I like mid as well but he disagrees with me there) Full burst AP jungle Eve: Boots--> 2xDrings-->Kage/Sorcs-->Abyssal/DFG-->Rylai's--> GA I think that's right. Supplement early build with mana/hp pots as needed as you often run out of mana real fast even with rings and passive. Works at all elos, and there are different mastery/rune builds that work; can do 21/9/0, 13/17/0. Summoners are dependant: always Smite, but Flash/Exhaust/Ignite all work. (If you run Ignite, take Offensive mastery for OP early game damage/ganks. With the recent buffs to Eve I believe Riot dun goofed and she's gonna need to be re-nerfed, but by all means take advantage of this while you can. It's the closest we're ever going to get to old pre-nerf OP Eve. If anyone is particularly interested I can go into detail about build/masteries/runes/ganking paths/timings and such, but people tend not to pay attention to this thread too much. (Also I'm not going to lie, I'm afraid that if this catches on too quickly the nerfs will come quicker!) | ||
Australia419 Posts
Eve is one of my all time favourite champions and I played her long into her nerfs into uselessness, but reluctantly gave her up over time, as more and more people got better with dealing with her, and given that she was so bad, you could become pretty irrelevant pretty fast. Regardless, I'd be pretty eager to see more of your thoughts on her, your build sounds very interesting indeed (honestly was leaning towards AD myself, although I can see the appeal in AP, especially if you play her mid, although that does lose some of your amazing surprise gank ability from the jungle) More information would always be appreciated but I'll have a work on what you've put down, thanks! | ||
Canada929 Posts
On August 31 2012 15:08 WaveofShadow wrote: After extensive talking/theorycrafting/testing with DURRHURRDERP, consensus is jungle AP Eve is only way to go. (I like mid as well but he disagrees with me there) Full burst AP jungle Eve: Boots--> 2xDrings-->Kage/Sorcs-->Abyssal/DFG-->Rylai's--> GA I think that's right. Supplement early build with mana/hp pots as needed as you often run out of mana real fast even with rings and passive. Works at all elos, and there are different mastery/rune builds that work; can do 21/9/0, 13/17/0. Summoners are dependant: always Smite, but Flash/Exhaust/Ignite all work. (If you run Ignite, take Offensive mastery for OP early game damage/ganks. With the recent buffs to Eve I believe Riot dun goofed and she's gonna need to be re-nerfed, but by all means take advantage of this while you can. It's the closest we're ever going to get to old pre-nerf OP Eve. If anyone is particularly interested I can go into detail about build/masteries/runes/ganking paths/timings and such, but people tend not to pay attention to this thread too much. (Also I'm not going to lie, I'm afraid that if this catches on too quickly the nerfs will come quicker!) Actually I've been doing fieldsinred's build now and it seems pretty good, though I usually mix it up with an early abyssal: 2 Doran's rings -> Lucky pick -> Sorc shoes -> DFG (the burst with an early DFG is just ridiculous in the midgame, fuck gp10 get kills) -> Abyssal (if vs double AP or really fed AP, otherwise) -> Deathcap As I play it more I find that the tankiness that I thought I needed isn't as necessary if I can land some good ults. Also I've been running Ignite/Smite only now (ala fieldsinred), double ignite is just too funny for killing runners. After the buffs I've definitely noticed a (semi) minor change in mana costs, you still need to buy mana pots, but not as many as before. | ||
3534 Posts
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Canada31494 Posts
On September 01 2012 01:20 Shiv. wrote: Route and timings would be much appreciated. I'm currently trying to make her work myself and the AP approach seems really nice. DURR is still probably a better person to answer most of the questions people have as he's much better than me, but I can try and answer and he can correct me. Usual route is wolves-->Blue-->Wraiths-->Red-->gank bot. (If you're purple side, try top, but honestly bot lane is tons easier.) Avoid using smite at blue so you can have full health and a smite for Red and level 3 gank. She absolutely needs kills early and often, but the best part is, you WILL get them. It's basically impossible to avoid an Eve gank if she is positioned properly. The only thing you have to worry about is brush wards, since the enemy will see you if they get close to you and you're standing on one. Be sure your bot lane lets you know if river or bot lane is pinked as well (doesn't happen too often surprisingly...) You can essentially gank from anywhere, though usually lane ganks into brush are best. She has a huge advantage over regular lane ganks because you can walk right into a brush even when minions can see you. With the AP jungle build, you don't have any cc early, but your chasing/damage is MASSIVE, so even one cc from a Taric/Janna/Trist/etc will mean a kill bottom lane. Be careful of counterganks though because you are definitely more squishy in a 3v3 early before your ult. Um...my thoughts are a little disjointed about what else I can/should talk about. | ||
Canada1800 Posts
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United States3977 Posts
I'm not sure whether it's better to follow up with CDRtank, more dps, or just resists. | ||
Canada929 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On September 01 2012 12:53 DURRHURRDERP wrote: TBH there's really no point building dps/ad eve since you're too reliant on phage procs and all her abilities scale so much better with AP. Is this even for jungle Evelynn? I somewhat doubt that she can get enough farm to justify an AP build. I never tried, of course, so maybe you should enlighten me if I am wrong. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On September 01 2012 13:43 Sufficiency wrote: Is this even for jungle Evelynn? I somewhat doubt that she can get enough farm to justify an AP build. I never tried, of course, so maybe you should enlighten me if I am wrong. 100% viable and better than AD Eve. Try the builds DURR an I listed above. You're committing to an all-in burst build which works really well when you snowball early. As for phage procs and such, I honestly find I don't like autoattacking at all unless I have to (NOTE: I'm talking in teamfights, where she is at her most vulnerable). Kiting with her speed boost is pretty effective and she can deal all her damage at range, even her E which was recently buffed. Being in melee range of anyone as Eve isn't great unless you're going to kill them in 1 burst combo; the difference between having to autoattack and eat all sorts of damage and keeping a short but steady distance with Q and W passive is pretty big imo. | ||
United States693 Posts
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Canada929 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
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Canada929 Posts
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