Evelynn has absolutely disgusting damage in the mid-game. She's probably the best roamer out of all current AP mids since stealth is so strong. After she picks up her DFG, she can wander bottom lane at any time and pick up a kill.
The reason you max Q over E is that Q does more sustained damage. Her base damage and ratios aren't high enough such that you should give up the AoE sustained damage of Q for more frontloaded burst on E.
She's going to see nerfs though, her winrate at the moment is approaching that of release zyra/Diana, 59% winrate in platinum is absurdly high.
I think Riot needs to take a look at how they're assigning AP ratios. AP Eve is especially good because her AP ratios are better than her AD ratios, something that is the exception rather than the rule considering the fact that high AD is harder to get than high AP.
I kinda hope they don't nerf her yet to be honest. Eve is finally not a joke pick and her only viability might be as a solo queue stomper mid roamer. If anything Riot should create more champs like current Eve. That excel at one thing really well but is kind of mediocre in other areas.
I'd rather wait and see if people figure out ways to deal with Eve or wait and see if she's even viable in high level arranged 5s.
what do you guys build after dfg and guise? I've been going rabadon then abyssal scepter, but i've seen people suggest a hextech gunblade before rabadon.
I don't really think that Gunblade is worthwhile. You have already committed pretty hard to AP over AD by picking up the DFG (with it, an extra AP-scaling skill) and focusing hard on your burst. Gunblade just isn't going to help your DFG-ult-faceroll burst the way true AP or MPen items will. What you're doing makes sense (though there's no harm in getting the Abyssal first over the DFG, situationally.)
I like tanking out (synergize with ult) with cdr just being a nuisance to the enemy team while spamming aoe dmg on a .9 second cooldown. Add in sheen(into triforze) or athenes or rageblade or hexdrinker and just ride your base dmg the rest of the way.
Being able to initiate fights and resetting w with kills or assists makes you stick on their carries so hard.
I theorized about triforce/gunblade/tanky Eve when I first read about the rework, Jax style. But it turns out to be too fucking expensive, and way less effective since Jax's ult resistances scale better with sustain than Eve's HP shield, plus Q is AoE and she's supposed to use her ult before the big burst comes down so she doesn't spellvamp that much compared to single-target Q, W and R passive for Jax. So I don't build gunblade on her anymore.
Not necessarily on the ult before big burst. You can use it to bait and since that shield is so huge you can drop pretty low before using it. I don't like gunblade either. Too much gold sink into vamp stuffs when Eve should be picking and choosing her own fights that is the benefit of her stealth.
AP Eve with flat AP rune Taric on bottom lane 8) I like to nuke stuff.
lulu seems like she would be better with eve than taric
hm so i just watched Froggens stream a bit, the eve in his game went 9-0 Oo
![[image loading]](http://www.abload.de/img/eveimbazvs8a.png)
i played eve a couple of times now but I suck, I dont know why I dont get the kills/dmg output. I guess the discussion about eve being imba atm was in the september patch thread, but I'll ask here instead.
1. I go for boots of mobility rather than sorcerers shoes. Is that a mistake? Since I only have to get in range to hunt down someone with Q I dont really need to be faster than them (unlike garen). Also I wonder if any +ms runes/masteries are useful? 2. Since I only jungle I take magic penetration/armor/ap per lvl runes. What quintessences should i take? 3. How do you engage someone pre level 6? Get red buff, walk to the enemy and then spam q and e and use w only if you get slowed? Or do you use w beforehand? But then one is not invisible anymore.... 4. Isnt DFG first an allin build? I think rylais is a very strong item on eve... dfg/mejai/rabadons seems like a do or die build. 5. Same for ignite instead of flash. This is crazy
Thanks for your help
1. Yes, go Sorc Shoes instead. 2. Probably flat APs. 3. Can depend on a few things, generally you want to use W first to gap close then E/Q for the front loaded burst + red buff procs. Or you can have your teammates bait them into committing to a kill/trade and just use W to get rid of a slow (if they use it on you). 4. I used to think DFG first on jungle eve was bad, but then I realized Eve as a champion is all in to begin with. Without DFG your burst is decreased by a LOT. The usual build for jungle eve is something like, DFG -> deathcap/abys -> void -> GA or banshees or w/e defensive you need. 5. Ignite works surprisingly well for securing kills but it sucks if you get counter jungled. Again, it is pretty all-in but if you think about Eve's kit, (currently) it is made for this (securing kills -> getting away with W).
The only problem with eve right now is that people think you are trolling when you pick her...
I pick exhaust when I jungle her, just to make those early kills easier and thus help your snowballing (your laners usually already have ignite anyway). Also rylai is more expensive than DFG and provides a lot less: Eve's RE already bursts a lot, and your W for repositioning/living to get another E off is refreshed by kills, so you want to burst rather than dps with Q and rylai (the slow is pretty weak anyway since it's AoE).
DFG won't one-shot people at level 6, but it'll help tremendously, and later on with a bit of AP you'll simply be able to oneshot squishies with DFG->RE. Just pick your battles and positioning well, and abuse the fact that DFG's range is longer than the enemy detection (unless oracle) so when they see you coming it's already too late.
OK the last 4 games with eve 14-5-15, 13-11-17, 15-6-19, 17-5-7. With DFG you really get the kills fast, especially the ad carry and enemy jungler (lee f.e.) are easy to take down. I also realized what was being said about "coming in from odd angles". Usually I waited until someone iniates battles and then try to hit as many people as possible with r while spamming dfg e q on the adc. But since this build is so squishy and I got stunned and killed a lot without dealing damage I now try to position myself rather behind the enemy team in order to get to the adc faster... Is that a mistake? Since I'm invis before I use w I think the risk of being caught out of position is really low. Also I'd like to know what you build after sorcerers shoes/dfg. Directly rabadon? Rylai?
It really depends, are you trying to snipe someone important (ad/ap carry) or are you trying to do the most damage possible for your team (try to hit 5 with ult). Usually get deathcap or abyssal after DFG.
On September 22 2012 19:09 Djin)ftw( wrote: OK the last 4 games with eve 14-5-15, 13-11-17, 15-6-19, 17-5-7. With DFG you really get the kills fast, especially the ad carry and enemy jungler (lee f.e.) are easy to take down. I also realized what was being said about "coming in from odd angles". Usually I waited until someone iniates battles and then try to hit as many people as possible with r while spamming dfg e q on the adc. But since this build is so squishy and I got stunned and killed a lot without dealing damage I now try to position myself rather behind the enemy team in order to get to the adc faster... Is that a mistake? Since I'm invis before I use w I think the risk of being caught out of position is really low. Also I'd like to know what you build after sorcerers shoes/dfg. Directly rabadon? Rylai?
Tried her with abyssal/sorcs/dfg/haunting guise, didn't like that too much. She scales too well with AP because of ulti/DFG, silly to stack penetration.
Mostly I go Sorcs/DFG with a dorans or two if needed then straight Dcap. But then again, I've gotten fed most of my evelynn games so far, so I don't really know how I would build her if I was behind.
Late game, I definately try to snipe their AD carry from behind or from the sides. If their initiator over extends, you can blow him up really quick as well unless he's really stacking MR. % health damage so balanced. Just make sure to make it a 4v5/3v5 as fast as possible, get out of there if needed and then go in to clean up again.
On September 22 2012 19:33 zodde wrote:Show nested quote +On September 22 2012 19:09 Djin)ftw( wrote: OK the last 4 games with eve 14-5-15, 13-11-17, 15-6-19, 17-5-7. With DFG you really get the kills fast, especially the ad carry and enemy jungler (lee f.e.) are easy to take down. I also realized what was being said about "coming in from odd angles". Usually I waited until someone iniates battles and then try to hit as many people as possible with r while spamming dfg e q on the adc. But since this build is so squishy and I got stunned and killed a lot without dealing damage I now try to position myself rather behind the enemy team in order to get to the adc faster... Is that a mistake? Since I'm invis before I use w I think the risk of being caught out of position is really low. Also I'd like to know what you build after sorcerers shoes/dfg. Directly rabadon? Rylai?
Tried her with abyssal/sorcs/dfg/haunting guise, didn't like that too much. She scales too well with AP because of ulti/DFG, silly to stack penetration. Mostly I go Sorcs/DFG with a dorans or two if needed then straight Dcap. But then again, I've gotten fed most of my evelynn games so far, so I don't really know how I would build her if I was behind. Late game, I definately try to snipe their AD carry from behind or from the sides. If their initiator over extends, you can blow him up really quick as well unless he's really stacking MR. % health damage so balanced. Just make sure to make it a 4v5/3v5 as fast as possible, get out of there if needed and then go in to clean up again.
Thing is, even against mr runes/scaling mr runes you only need sorc + guise for (close to) true damage to squishies.. Making abyssal pretty inefficient for your burst. Sorc -> dfg -> guise is pretty common and good on eve though (also seen in wcs korea finals the one game eve was played by najin sword)
On September 22 2012 19:49 Schwopzi wrote:Show nested quote +On September 22 2012 19:33 zodde wrote:On September 22 2012 19:09 Djin)ftw( wrote: OK the last 4 games with eve 14-5-15, 13-11-17, 15-6-19, 17-5-7. With DFG you really get the kills fast, especially the ad carry and enemy jungler (lee f.e.) are easy to take down. I also realized what was being said about "coming in from odd angles". Usually I waited until someone iniates battles and then try to hit as many people as possible with r while spamming dfg e q on the adc. But since this build is so squishy and I got stunned and killed a lot without dealing damage I now try to position myself rather behind the enemy team in order to get to the adc faster... Is that a mistake? Since I'm invis before I use w I think the risk of being caught out of position is really low. Also I'd like to know what you build after sorcerers shoes/dfg. Directly rabadon? Rylai?
Tried her with abyssal/sorcs/dfg/haunting guise, didn't like that too much. She scales too well with AP because of ulti/DFG, silly to stack penetration. Mostly I go Sorcs/DFG with a dorans or two if needed then straight Dcap. But then again, I've gotten fed most of my evelynn games so far, so I don't really know how I would build her if I was behind. Late game, I definately try to snipe their AD carry from behind or from the sides. If their initiator over extends, you can blow him up really quick as well unless he's really stacking MR. % health damage so balanced. Just make sure to make it a 4v5/3v5 as fast as possible, get out of there if needed and then go in to clean up again. Thing is, even against mr runes/scaling mr runes you only need sorc + guise for (close to) true damage to squishies.. Making abyssal pretty inefficient for your burst. Sorc -> dfg -> guise is pretty common and good on eve though (also seen in wcs korea finals the one game eve was played by najin sword)
Yeah, that's true. Guess I've been just been building all three penetration items because the pros do it. It's pretty obvious that 70 penetration is way too much now that I think of it, thanks for pointing it out. I guess you would go Dcap after guise? And sell Guise for Void Staff late game? Sounds pretty good.
Will play some games with that build and reevaluate ^^
i started recently playing wow and after playing morgana pretty well, i tried out eve. Wow... Only me or does eve seem alil op? its like a mage with high dps but not as squishy and free speed burst. i go like 15-1 everygame with it.
Also, does your q spell benefit from attack +? like with trinity. I haven't really been going for trinity because it takes so long to get. I feel like sheen, soulstealer, dfg, kage is a must. But in late game i'm just not sure what to get. More ap for dps? or would you need some life steal or defense since with q, you have to get near enough to do dmg.
On September 23 2012 07:06 Mystic_Starcraft wrote: i started recently playing wow and after playing morgana pretty well, i tried out eve. Wow... Only me or does eve seem alil op? its like a mage with high dps but not as squishy and free speed burst. i go like 15-1 everygame with it.
Also, does your q spell benefit from attack +? like with trinity. I haven't really been going for trinity because it takes so long to get. I feel like sheen, soulstealer, dfg, kage is a must. But in late game i'm just not sure what to get. More ap for dps? or would you need some life steal or defense since with q, you have to get near enough to do dmg. I would say currently she's OP. The amount of burst she can dish out while being able to enter squishy range to combo them from 100% is a little ridiculous, and in her ult she can offer a little more team utility than some other assassins.
I'm honestly kind of hoping though the OP-ness shows at the Season 2 Championships and some of the pro teams actually pick her in serious games. Won't get my hopes up though because unless they drastically plan on changing their playstyles, most of the pro teams don't opt for all-in assassins...