There are a lot of different ways to build Eve: Spike, DPS, Tank. Their roles are fairly obvious, and I'll just be outlining how I usually build them. Do take note that the Spike build is generally outdated, I haven't seen any decent Eve use it in forever.
Masteries 9/0/21 (Spike) 1/16/13 (Jungle) -Smite, HP, Buffs, Def Mastery (Usually SoS over Dodge, unless you run Dodge Seals) 21/0/9 (DPS)
Obviously if you aren't jungling, you don't need Smite and Def Mastery, so respec accordingly. If you're playing Spike, jungling is really inefficient so don't bother.
Runes APen/AD Marks APen/AD Quints Armor Seals MR Glyphs
Summoner Spells Ghost/Smite for Jungling Flash/Exhaust + Ignite for Ganking
Skills Basically Q gives a lot more sustained damage, while E is spiky. When to level W is usually due to preference. Open Q if you want to jungle, W otherwise.
Open Cloth + 5 Pots if you want to jungle. Boots + 3 Pots if you want to gank. Long Sword + Pot if you want to start in lane for a bit before ganking.
Some combination of GB/Atmas/Cleaver/BT/IE afterwards.
Jungle Routes: 1. Small Golem -> Wolf -> Wraith -> BP -> Blue 2. Blue -> Everything (Ask for help here, unless you went ASPD Marks and Flat HP Quints or something)
Watch the lanes, find openings, and gank accordingly. Always check the CS of the other jungler, since counter jungling with Eve is incredibly easy.
Around early mid-game, you should ask your teammates for a lane if one isn't available so you can catch up on levels, since you WILL be underlevelled in almost all cases.
Late game, you want to accomplish the following:
[Spike] Be able to spike for at least 1.5k hp. This is mostly from Ravage and 2 Lich Procs, with a few autos/Q's.
I haven't tried Evelynn ever. I always got a bad impression from a lot of people who talk down about it.
There was this one game where I was playing carelessly and I got shutdown by the roaming gank eve. Just made me so mad that it wasn't funny (Even though I 3 hitted her as MF in that game).
I don't even know her 3rd skill yet. I just remember one of them is invisible, the other is spike.
Will have fun playing her on my smurf if I get the chance.
I've thought about the 2 HoG build but it seems really pointless on me. Your jungle is slow, and your ganks are fairly weak. Later on instead of you and the other carry destroying each other, the other carry just destroys you instead. HoG into Sunfire on Tank Eve sounds reasonable, but even Lilac ran jungle Razors into Sunfire.
The big thing personally with the HoG is that it gave her the tankiness to be able to dive towers (which at level 6 with ult let her run down a lot of people) but, as you said, especially if you run the first HoG then your jungle speed is asinine. I wonder if Razor -> HoG -> tanky items is a decent compromise though.
Tank evelynn is cool choice, not only because of her ulti but also she has natural taunt which only the best may sometimes resist. Also her taunt is so good, not only it forces every person to attack you but also they buy oracle just to be able to focus you over squishies! (OMG ITS EVE GO GET HER, CHASE CHASE CHASE CHASEEE)
On November 09 2010 00:01 TacToSs wrote: How come you don't suggest magic pen marks? Eve's skills do magic damage right so why mainly AS and arm pen?
Because she's such a gimped character she needs every advantage to even be able to jungle competently. She already can't kill blue by herself even with ArPen and HP quints, if you turned those into movespeed or something you're just making it harder and harder for her. Also her damage sucks as a whole anyways, so there's no point in trying to make it slightly less shitty. Her best roles are definitely as a counter-jungler and early-game gank machine before she drops completely off the map at level 13ish
I'd definitely advocate a Razor (even a Wiggle's Lantern) on Eve as a first item. Jungle Eve is the best counter jungle and she is garen-teed to be better after her buffs go live. Without a Razor, she is very gimped at jungling thus she'll start to fall behind quickly in levels compared to a more viable jungle.
Tank Eve is honestly the only applicable way to play Eve in Ranked (read: srs) games. Her DPS is laughable. Spike barely tickles until you have sufficient AP but as Tank, you can make full use of your stealth stun, sometimes grabbing your team an easy gank. However, you don't want to be trading your life for the gank.
My build for Counter-Jungle Eve is open Cloth + 2 hp pots + ward. Place ward at either their Golem or Lizard (usually the latter). Build Madreds => Boots => Wiggles's => Sunfire stack. Toss in a Banshee's for MR if needed but typically, pick your fights and don't unstealth in a situation where you can get burst down by casters. Boots I learned towards Merc Treads.
I can see the potential of 1-2 HoGs before Sunfires. I mean if someone like Lilac does it, it's gold in my book.
Depending on how confident and efficient you become with Eve (I personally am not yet), you may want to consider Mejai's after Wiggle's (before HP stacking) and Sorc Boots. If you're proficient, you can grab some free Mejai charges for every gank, building you up into a solid AP burst caster late game. Sorc Boots work both with her spells as well as the Sunfire Capes you're building later on.
One more thing. At early levels, obviously before you have a Razor made, use your Smite wisely. Most obviously is to steal a buff from the enemy jungler by Smite stealing. Otherwise, save your smites for the Small Golem camp (do your side AND the enemy's). Those two Golems obviously give the biggest bang for your Smite. Most exp, getting you up to level 5 asap.
Jungling terrifies me. I suppose this is because I play Amumu and if he loses Blue it's all over for him and he is so vulnerable to counter jungling.
I have been running Eve very bursty and have found in my low level games that I love nuking the crap out of people once I rush RoA and boots of Mobility. The rest of my build resembles the Spike build, with extra survivability items as necessary. (core is RoA, mobility, lichbane. Still too nervous to work in a mejais even though most games end up being worth it.) I also run Mpen reds, Hp seals and AP glyphs with MS quints.
Now I know this has currently only been working for me either because I play against people who don't get oracles or vision wards as often or early as they should (and by lategame they tend to give up on them entirely), but is there any way to work at least part of my rune setup or boots into a jungling build?
I figure that way I'll stay more relevant as I get better, while still keeping the insane gank and mobility that I love while playing Eve.
(note: my build also seems to work very well even when they do have oracles so long as there is an incredibly strong initiator/tank on the team, malphite for example.)
I think Razor -> HoG is even worse... might as well go all the way and 2x HoG + Gank only, but it'll probably leave you useless for the first few teamfights at the cost of being able to tower dive...? I usually dive fine with Eve anyways, since the Ult heals you if you succeed.
I feel APen or AS gives more DPS early game than MPen. Even if I go AP, APen is still ok to boost Lich damage. For Tank, MPen might be better tho.
Korean players like Tekken God play eve as DPS with d-blade -> boots -> brutalizer -> sheen -> zerkers -> GRB -> Ghostblade, it's really odd but seems effective.
AMG that video is so incredibly helpful...thanks so much! I'm going to fiddle around with some things and see how much I can mess with runes and build and still play her mostly burst.
While it does make it harder for Eve to do what she wants to do, in no way is this the be-all-end-all counter to Evelynn.
As an Evelynn player you should be constantly checking other players to see if they have Oracles or are holding vision wards. Tab does not work unless they're carrying the items around in vision before using them. Also important is the mindset you have for this item. You don't want to think "oh darn, they have Oracles." Instead, you should be thinking "oh good, they wasted 400 gold on that instead of buying something useful."
If someone is a dick to you and you know they've died with at least 3 oracles, simply ask how much they've spent on oracles during the game. I've yet to hear a good response to that situation.
Anyway, it's important to note who has the Oracles. Usually it's a tank and they are usually in front. That means that if you come in from the side or the back the squishies won't see you. And if they are close enough to the tank that they can see and react to you coming at them, then that probably wasn't a situation you should have gone in on anyway. If a squishie has an Oracles then you just need to pick your spots. Just because they can see you doesn't mean that you can't stun them, so if they're distracted or their only good response is to run away then by all means go ahead. Also they still can't see you in bushes, and you can move really fast with ult.
It DOES mean that you can't just go around all willy-nilly in their camp and spy on them. Too bad.
2: Eve goes AP
As Mogwai pointed out earlier, there are some successful Eve builds going AD. This is mainly because of the changes to her Ult. If you didn't know, you get to use Eve's ult as soon as you get it, and you no longer have to wait for someone on your team to get a kill to get another one because it has a cooldown now. This means that pretty much anytime you need it you will have access to her ult, since you also still get to use it again if someone on the other team dies.
AP was the more reliable build because you couldn't rely on having your ult before. It's still a good build, but AD takes better advantage of her skills now. One Bloodrazor plus her level 3 ult will put you at 2 attacks per second.
3:Eve is strictly a ganker.
This is partially true, since her game expands based on her ganking power. Counter-jungling could fall under ganking, as could map control. It all depends on how you categorize it. As such, Evelynn is also a surprisingly good pusher. But it's not because her abilities help her kill creeps quickly. Her gameplay practically forces the enemy to group up which means that lanes will be vulnerable. Also with her ult she can kick down towers at a decent rate. And unless they have Oracles or TF you have an easy getaway.
4: Eve can't lane.
This is mostly true with one exception. Eve can lane with someone who is already good at 2v1. So someone like Mordekaiser, Nasus, Sona, whatever can help you be an effective laner. Of course, those characters probably don't want to help you and would rather be a much higher level, but you're Evelynn so screw them.
Anyway, once you gain a few levels you can leave to go counter-jungle or even jungle if either team doesn't have a jungler. Also if your partner is doing well on harassment or that vampiric scepter Ashe is too aggressive, you can still stun and hurt which either forces them to b or tower hug or you might even get first blood. Just make sure that YOU aren't the one who gets killed first, since two champs focusing you early often doesn't result in pleasant things.
5: Eve is bottom tier
Well, okay. This one is still true despite her buffs adding to her gameplay. The fact is that there are just better champs at what she does and her early game and farming ability is still terrible. Warwick would do better with any of her AD builds. Twitch is better at everything invisible-like with the exception of a tank build. Other AP characters have more burst. You get the idea. But she's not an auto-loss and she's certainly a lot of fun to play. At least for me she is.
Also I think playing Eve helps one become a better player overall. You will learn to check your opponents builds and buffs constantly. You will learn when a good time to engage is and when to wait, and also when to run. Your map awareness should increase too since you need to capitalize on every opportunity to gank. You will learn how to position yourself so the entire team won't be able to focus you easily. These are all important skills to know for practically every character.
I've seen that Brutal opening, but I haven't had a chance to try it out yes so I dunno. I would imagine Malady replaces GRB now though.
Love you too Neo. j/k no one likes you =(
Not sure on the Blue Golem, practice games don't work so it's hard to try. Do you know what runes/masteries hes running?
For late game, you shouldn't be running around like a retard anyways so Oracle isn't a huge problem. Think of Shadow Walk as a free stun on your first hit instead. As you said, most of the time the carries aren't the ones that have, and you should always be going around for them.
I don't like laning Eve because shes does nothing in the lane. Even if she manages to get farm somehow (Sona/Eve vs Bads) inserting almost any other DPS would make better use of that farm.