On January 05 2011 07:33 NeoIllusions wrote: Cloth + hp pots => Razor => Boots => Wiggles => Sheen => Mobility => Trinity => Surviabilty
I prefer Banshee as first defensive item right after Trinity. Spell block too good for a "squishy" dps.
Smite/Ghost, 1/8/21 8 Defensive Tree for SoS
With Wiggles, you should be able to keep your hp at 75%+ at all times. Gank only when you're sure you can get away. Dive only when you're sure you can score a kill/assist. Eve doesn't need much HP. Just play smart, not "brave".
Which path is better and why, Wiggles/sheen/tri or razor/vamp/malady/madreds?
Id say wriggles / triforce, simply because its much more stable and faster farming, you will get your items faster. It doesnt have the same amount of damage, but it also has ALOT more utillity, movement speed surviveabillity, wards and a slow.
Thats my view of it, malady madreds suits someone like teemo the best, since his auto attacks scales with it. you could count Q as auto attack as E is, but its simply too squishy in my opinion for a melee char.
Q scales pretty badly compared to AD/On-Hit via R once you hit the higher levels. I wouldn't consider it past 3k gold spent. It's also not targetable in clustered fights.
Item builds on Eve definitely depend on the game imo. Razor/Wriggles/Sheen are always solid items, but after that I wouldn't follow a set in stone build.
If you think you can survive long enough with Malady/Madreds to deal meaningful damage, then it's probably a good idea. If you will only be able to land E, 2-3 autoattacks and a few Qs, then Triforce might be a better idea. Also notice how BR procs are magic, while Triforce procs are physical.
You should just try out various builds on Eve, you can't mess up that much on her items (your gameplay mistakes will most likely have a MUCH larger impact).
I've become partial to Trinity Force + Boots 5. Adding Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer when the game goes long.
Does anyone else play this way?
Wriggles sets you back 1500 gold, and I don't know how much farm you expect from it. The wards are useful. but sight wards also cost less now.
Eve builds hybrid quite well, and I usually build damage depending on what the team needs. I opened Malady Madreds when I wrote this because tanks (Hi Garen!) were unkillable without Madreds, and I had to 1v5 all my games.
I used to open Sheen, but it's incredibly weak from the time you get Sheen until you get Triforce, which is typically a long time if you are roaming and the other team is somewhat competent. I would probably go for something like Sheen/Malady these days, which would give you some sort of DPS in the first fight.
End game is typically Madreds/Triforce + Tanky, which is really versatile and lets you 1v1 almost every hero.
I don't know the math, but Brutal/GB probably will take down squishies faster, but be less versatile. It's a compromise from AP and this build.
so you would razor -> boots -> vamp -> sheen -> boots of mobility/malady? how do you decide madreds or triforce?
On January 06 2011 03:06 Yiruru wrote: Wriggles sets you back 1500 gold, and I don't know how much farm you expect from it. The wards are useful. but sight wards also cost less now.
Eve builds hybrid quite well, and I usually build damage depending on what the team needs. I opened Malady Madreds when I wrote this because tanks (Hi Garen!) were unkillable without Madreds, and I had to 1v5 all my games.
I used to open Sheen, but it's incredibly weak from the time you get Sheen until you get Triforce, which is typically a long time if you are roaming and the other team is somewhat competent. I would probably go for something like Sheen/Malady these days, which would give you some sort of DPS in the first fight.
End game is typically Madreds/Triforce + Tanky, which is really versatile and lets you 1v1 almost every hero.
I don't know the math, but Brutal/GB probably will take down squishies faster, but be less versatile. It's a compromise from AP and this build. ghostblade is REALLY good on her, definitly get it and possibly IE afterwards.
I dont see how wriggles can set you back, because it allows you to farm jungle without farming and provides surviveabillity in teamfights ( 17% lifesteal is relevant, and will give you more and more hp as time goes on).
Well if you feel that wriggles / sheen is weak till you get triforce you should probally reconsider your build, if you only want triforce for the sheen procc. You act like a zeal wont scale amazingly with your R and phage will allow you to do some RNG slows and gives you that little beefiness which makes the difference.
I wouldnt go brutalizer AND ghostblade, only ghostblade because when you get ghostblade as late as you do (wriggles - boots - triforce - surviveabillity item) will allready be in your item spots, Id much rather get ghost blade and IE, even though it feels weak to build IE if youre behind, so if youre not ahead you might wanna get another surviveabillity item and sell wriggles for a IE, Cleaver or BT later.
Sheen is what brings the burst damage to Triforce. Triforce doesn't really rack up the damage a whole lot, it mostly brings DPS via utility. I'm perfectly fine with just getting a Sheen and then focusing on other items.
Cait is also a champ to watch out for as Eve. Run into a trap in a bad spot and you might just die.
While sheen is the burst, the phage adds a lot of innate utility and the zeal + ult makes her damage more than reasonable. Having a slow is really nice and since I move in to IE and Phantom Dancer, the crit is of a little extra value.
It sets you back because your Madreds will be too slow if you get Wriggles and just Razor + Vamp gives the same jungling efficiency. If you go the AD route though, it's fine.
Wriggles + Sheen is weak early because that's pretty much all you will have for the first fight or two, and possibly even longer without 6+ kills. At that point you -might- be able to 1v1 their carry who you will probably be going for, but it's going to cut so close and you explode instantly.
Zeal is actually quite bad for it's price, unless you have IE. and the Phage Slow portion is usually not needed, unless you skip GB and Ghost in which case you won't be able to chase enough.
I only mentioned GB + Brutal cause it was mentioned earlier. I really wouldn't go the IE route, rather get a Triforce.
@zulu that looks about right, but I never get Mobility on any hero, so iounno about that. I would only go the APen route if you don't actually have a AD Carry. Triforce is more if you want the slow/utility, while Madreds gives more DPS if you already had Sheen. I've gone both routes multiple times, and they feel about the same, but quite weak if teamfights start before you complete them.
How do you micro eve when you're chasing someone? Her attack speed is way too fast to cancel animation, can't really spam attack move because you have to spam Q at the same time. Do you just spam right click the other champion while spamming Q?
United States37500 Posts
On January 08 2011 23:14 zulu_nation8 wrote: How do you micro eve when you're chasing someone? Her attack speed is way too fast to cancel animation, can't really spam attack move because you have to spam Q at the same time. Do you just spam right click the other champion while spamming Q?
You can spam Q and right click at the same time...?
W in, break stealth and stun, E. Run in front of the champion and spam Q. When you have Sheen, auto attack every time you see the Sheen proc up. It's almost like muta micro. Right click near/in front of the target, right click on once to attack. Immediately go back to right clicking in front of the target to maintain movement acceleration. Spam Q with your left land all while managing movement+auto attacks with right mouse hand.
omg show me your muta micro neo
United States37500 Posts
On January 09 2011 05:02 Yiruru wrote: omg show me your muta micro neo
I hate you. diaf ruru and abandon Joug more.
For muta micro you attack move click on target instead of right click, which is the question I had since spamming attack move is hard when you have to spam q at the same time.
United States37500 Posts
On January 09 2011 05:17 zulu_nation8 wrote: For muta micro you attack move click on target instead of right click, which is the question I had since spamming attack move is hard when you have to spam q at the same time.
Uh, there is no attack move in LoL? There is no "autoattack" key?
ya um lets see you play in 7fps 800x600 runescape graphic quality LoL
United States37500 Posts
On January 09 2011 07:05 Yiruru wrote: ya um lets see you play in 7fps 800x600 runescape graphic quality LoL
Jab for jab, huk. I heard your team found a replacement anyways and won, kudos. Now lay off. Thanks.
wow soooo mean fineeeeeeee
United States37500 Posts