It also helps that Cho has among the best base damage values.
[Champion] Chogath - Page 5
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Germany1471 Posts
It also helps that Cho has among the best base damage values. | ||
Netherlands136 Posts
![]() A question about lane Cho came to mind: while harassing the enemy with Scream and Rupture is great, if they stand amidst their creeps, Cho's spells will push the lane, against opponents who only last hit anyway (which are rare at my elo, everyone pushes like their life depends on it it seems). I was wondering whether you guys have any thoughts on this. Also, you mention you'll write something about Rupture prediction at the end of your guide. Any idea when you will, I'd be very interested in reading that ![]() | ||
10417 Posts
Rupture prediction is a bit hard to write about but it's like place it in a spot where if they run to the place they want to get to they'll guarantee get hit and if they run the opposite direction they'll eat a feast. If someone is dodging your ruptures when you put them on top of them, try placing it a little to the left or right, sandwiching them to the wall or creep wave. Disguising it under creeps between auto attacks is good, too, and if they're chasing, well, you just have to hit it in the right spot. There is a lot to talk about as far as rupture placement goes, but it's something you can only really learn through practice. | ||
United States2791 Posts
On January 21 2011 09:30 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: There are three ways to play Cho: Tank CDR (7-8 second scream that keeps them silenced in AoE for 3 seconds, 5-6 second rupture that knocks up as part of a chain CC AND slows in AoE, a 36 second feast, and on top of that you never die) Straight AP nuker (2-shot squishies. 3-shot mundo.) Hybrid AP/Tank (Do a lot of damage and provide a lot of CC but still tank for the team. Very balanced and useful against comps that you need both the CC and the burst for like Akali, Vlad, Eve or Trundle.) Hey 5hit, could you expand upon this a bit. What makes you choose one style over another? Does it heavily depend on your team comp? Are there hero match-ups that you know won't allow you to run style? Does jungleing or laning affect which styles are viable? Sorry if you already covered this but after a quick read it didn't stand out. I always enjoyed Cho, I just don't seem to play him much for some reason. It always seemed like if I need a beefy AP character I would just run AP Sion. Maybe it due to the fact I haven't played Cho enough and am not confident in playing him consistently. | ||
10417 Posts
Usually I tend to build tanky in all cases but against certain champs that die to scream in lane (most casters, most melee except Xin, Panth and Sion, most ranged champs) I'll get more AP than usual. It depends if they can kill me or not. It depends if we have a true tank (Alistar, Malphite, Amumu, Singed, etc.) who can soak damage for me. It depends if I need to be hitting people with cc to let my team win fights or if I need to instagib someone to win fights. There's a lot to think about and you should pretty much always default to AP Tank hybrid if you're not sure. | ||
United States12398 Posts
With the Doran's change patch or so ago, what should Chogath's starting items be? Normally I would go with a Dshield or Dring+health pot, but starting out with Dorans seems alot weaker now that I can't get a Pot as well. Should I just suck it up and get a Doran's Shield because its the best option, or should I start getting something else? Second question is how am I supposed to lane against Xin? I used to play LoL alot before SC2 beta, but after I got into the Beta, I quit LoL. So I start back recently, and there are a ton of new heroes, and I have no idea what they do. Xin included. So lets say I go solo top, and their Xin is also solo top. Its like he can just charge me, beat the crap out of me, and regen his HP. How am I supposed to deal with him? The only other hero who has ever given me so much trouble in lane was Kennen (who I find equally wtf, since he didn't exist back when I played either), and Xin is melee! Last question is are those cooldown boots worth it, if I already get Frozen Heart/have Cooldown Masteries, with this recent Frozen Heart CDR nerf? Normally I go Merc Treads and Frozen Heart, and with my masteries/runes, will have a 36 second feast or something. With the Frozen Heart and Randuin's CDR nerf, I'm wondering if those boots might be worth it to make up for the lost CDR. I just don't like the idea of not getting Merc Treads lol | ||
10417 Posts
Xin fucking rapes Cho. Not much you can really do about it. Try to keep up with him in farm and maybe make a tactical sacrifice to lose your lane if he's farming too hard. CD boots are AWESOME on Cho. Obviously against certain teams you can't sacrifice merc treads but against any team that doesn't have 4+ forms of CC (or a really important CC), you can probably get away with cd boots. They're more expensive now so I have to test, though. | ||
167 Posts
RoA on cho is amazing. HP/AP boost is so good early/mid game. the catalyst that builds into RoA is very useful early/mid game as well but what i hate are cho's that build pure tank. Cho's feasts kinda guarentee that he'll have 3K + health :/ I love going zhonyas and Rylai's. zhonyas give him the 50 armor and rylai gives him the 500 HP with the massive AP boosts my build on cho: RoA CDR boots GA Zhonyas Rylais Crystal Scepter Deathcap this build almost guarentee's 500+ AP for cho while giving him a 1200+ HP and 100+ armor. combine that with his feast stacks you're looking at a massive 4K health cho gath who nukes like a boss (knockup/scream will easily cut down any squishy health down to half) and will never fucking die (GA armor + zhonya's/rylais) and with your massive size you act as a free banshee's to your allies. ever try aiming for a squishy under cho? hard when he's knockup+screaming you :/ | ||
United States235 Posts
Dorans Ring Dorans Ring Merc Treads RoA Rylais Banshees/Frozen Heart Frozen Heart/Banshees Open with AP + Health, then build tank after Rylai's. The last two items tend to change alot depending on the other teams comp. I'm a newbie so I'm open to suggestions/improvements. | ||
United Kingdom5338 Posts
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Poland5551 Posts
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10417 Posts
On March 09 2011 08:50 Goshawk. wrote: Don't make RoA or rylais tbh. >_< You need tank items first like banshee, fon, sunfire, frozen heart. I agree and disagree with this depending on what style you're playing. Rod is amazing if it's the AP in your tank build or the tank in your AP build. Rylais is good if you're turning catalyst into Banshees first, especially now that it procs on vorpals. That build is pretty solid, unkillable cho is pretty hard to deal with and I know it's similar to how hotshot builds. I'm pretty sure I'd go dorans dorans boots cata merc if I was doing that build though, but it's up to you. The catalyst ensures that you're basically never going to back from standard harass. | ||
United States47024 Posts
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Canada1188 Posts
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United States2294 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
On July 16 2011 13:53 Odds wrote: How exactly do you transition into tanky cdr or AP from the jungle without clearing jungle too slowly/ running out of mana? My jungle cho is like 1/8/21, aspd marks, aspd quints, flat armor seals, cdr blues. Cloth armor+5 hpots (save the cloth armor for GA) Start enemy wraith camp -> your own wraith camp -> wolves -> golems -> bluepill -> blue -> whatever. Grab an early philo stone, it will help you. Then adjust accordingly with tanky items and/or cdr/ap items. I go something like EWEQW, R > W > E > Q Dunno if it's the best though, it works for me. | ||
10417 Posts
1/8/21 allows you to run a lot of really solid counterjungle routes because you have smite up in time to go wraith -> wolf -> wraith and smite both bigs. Alternatively you can jack his smalls, but it kinda forces you to bluepill after the jack so it's a bit interesting. | ||
United States1372 Posts
Been building him like this: Solo top or mid 9/21/0 regrowth pendant+health potion boots (can grab philo stone+regrowth pendant if need more regen lane) mejai's If heavy AD: ninja tabi+chainmail --> negatron --> frozen heart --> FoN --> GA If heavy AP: merc treads+negatron --> chainmail --> FoN --> frozen heart --> GA Whenever I feel sufficiently tanky, I grab Deathcap. Usually this happens after the first Frozen Heart/FoN. Why do I see high elo Cho'Gath players getting an RoA on him? Frozen Heart is beastly on him, and Glacial Shroud solves any mana problems he might have. For AP, Deathcap is better, and for health, well, fuck health, you don't need any more. Armor/MR are much better than stacking health. If you're having lane trouble and want catalyst, get philo stone+regrowth pendant instead. | ||
United States1631 Posts
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