On July 28 2011 10:47 R04R wrote: Catalyst is a great item for laning so RoA (or Banshee) is convenient
Right, which is why I said you could just get a philo+regrowth instead, then not have to buy nooby RoA.
whats ur opinion on abyssal / frozen heart as tanky items that 'do stuff'
United States37500 Posts
On July 28 2011 13:18 nyxnyxnyx wrote: whats ur opinion on abyssal / frozen heart as tanky items that 'do stuff'
FH is a must get for me. All that Armor, Mana, and CDR is king for Cho, especially at full 6 Feast stacks.
Abyssal is good alternative to Banshee's. Definitely underrated.
So are we still of the opinion that Banshees is grossly better than FoN on Cho?
you mean fon grossly better than banshees? if so then yes.
Holy shit I need to update this, really badly. I'll do it tomorrow.
You also need to not get out Master Yi'd. Think you can do that tomorrow as well?
Funny thing is that I actually agree with FoN over banshees now, as hard as I argued against it before, and I love me RoA, never go Rylai's, almost never GA, rarely go deathcap and cdr builds are dead so throw that out too. Cho has changed so much in recent nerfs + metas that he's overshadowed by a lot of champs and extremely vulnerable to certain matchups top, and now he's sometimes bot lane (!). It's a crazy world we are living in.
And that's not fair, it was smite/tp yi vs smite/flash yi and my team had no escape summoners or cv lul . Backdoor comps 4 lyfe.
uhhh, what? Frozen Heart is still really good on Cho. Not that you'd get any other CDR, but Frozen Heart is still really good on Cho. Did I mention Frozen Heart?
No, you still get FH, but FH is the only cdr item you'll have, so it's not exactly a cdr build.
it's like, a lot of CDR to just have a Frozen Heart.
EDIT: out of curiousity, have you ever tried visage on Cho? I've always been a lousy Cho, but it seems like it makes sense with his passive, but maybe it sucks, idk.
Used to run it core, now I think flat negatron is better, kinda weird because the components to build it have changed and they nerfed it into the ground, so it's a little harder to justify than it was ~7 months ago.
Yea, I know the stat efficiency numbers are somewhat poor on it, but he gets some mileage out of the passive and SV + FH is just a really convenient CDR Tank core so I dunno. Hell, maybe even Reverie would be good on him, new skool mumu style.
During the qualifiers for dreamhack Hotshot actually ran Reverie on him, it was pretty epic. The stats aren't huge but teamghost is bigger than people give it credit for. Then again, it was hotshot, he does what he wants and wins vs basically anyone that's not top pros.
My big thing against SV is that your lane sustain is already good enough to win almost all magic damage lanes and catalyst->fast rod is a pretty solid way to show up midgame and have the enemy team be like "oh shi--". You want the cdr as the lategame approaches more than early, and cho's limiting factor is almost always his mana, and delaying rod for too long gimps him a bit. Don't get me wrong, it's still useful in certain comps and matchups, but I think as an early item it's outclassed by catalyst and as a late game item it's not as strong as FoN/Banshee's. The cdr cap really is nice, though, I'll need to run more tests to see how I like it now that feast's damage is a lot lower, especially because the theorycraft still makes sense.
might be smart to run a Philo -> Kindlegem then just forget about it until you want your reverie to keep the steady income and then get reverie late game to cap CDR post-FH when it actually matters the most. I think reverie is like, really really good on tanks that aren't too item dependent, team ghost is crazy good because on top of making your initiation easier, it also lets your team get in position to follow up faster (aside from the obvious chase-em-down or get-the-hell-outa-here uses).
United States37500 Posts
Smash trying to theorycraft a tanky DPS that isn't Demacian. How cute. XD
I think Reverie just works with everything, kind of like Triforce and the Guile theme. And speed boost into feast is hilarious and makes it worth it just for that.
I've seen people go Wit's End for damage instead of Deathcap, it seems interesting.
Vorpal spikes damage is nothing to scoff at. It also gives MR which you always want on Cho'gath. Deathcap takes a lot longer to get but its obviously better.
On July 29 2011 06:28 Slayer91 wrote: Vorpal spikes damage is nothing to scoff at. It also gives MR which you always want on Cho'gath. Deathcap takes a lot longer to get but its obviously better.
its good damage to help you kill minions, but surely theres almost no situation where it pays to run in to melee range, with.... anything?