[Champion] Sivir - Page 6
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United States2687 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
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United States4008 Posts
On March 22 2011 12:09 Two_DoWn wrote: Can someone give me early laning tips on sivir? I know the big thing is your supposed to be able to cs like a boss, but I never actually got how you do it. Do you depend on bb, or ricochet, or what? Someone walk me through it. both, BB as the creep wave is coming down (while its still in a straight line) then just auto until everything is dead when you can. Otherwise just last hit like anyone else | ||
United States6703 Posts
Basically you last hit normally unless they are punishing you too much for it, then you use BB defensively to try to farm. There is also the option of landing 2 BB hits on them so you can trade a bit more evenly, but that's imo a lot harder. | ||
147 Posts
Does anyone have an updated build that works fairly well with her? I was laning against one as Cait and her BB did HUGE damage to me. She also stacked around 4 Doran Blades. But that BB was brutal to anyone who touched it. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On June 13 2011 02:22 Morphx2 wrote: So its been around 4 months since anyone posted in here. Does anyone have an updated build that works fairly well with her? I was laning against one as Cait and her BB did HUGE damage to me. She also stacked around 4 Doran Blades. But that BB was brutal to anyone who touched it. You mean Caits Q? Don't get hit by it or get yourself a soraka bro. =P afaik the way to go with sivir is still stacking BTs, no reason to change that. Also I don't know why you would pick her over any other AD carry. | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
#2: You pick sivir because of her insane pushing power. No other AD carry has the pushing power sivir has. #3: Stacking BT's still works. 2 should be the max though. Losing 80 AD on death is pretty brutal so you kind of don't want to go above that. | ||
147 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
On June 13 2011 08:59 Morphx2 wrote: oh sorry, i meant what is a good sivir build. She whooped my Cait and I wanted to mess around with Sivir ![]() 2BTs, LW, zerks is pretty core. everything else is up to you. warmogs is decent survivability by itself, bveil is OP as always, atmas+mogs is funny. the last two slots should be survivability and/or an IE. | ||
United States156 Posts
Dorans Blade Dorans Blade AS boots vampric scepter the AD snowball item (dont know name) Starks Blood Thirster Phage Black Cleaver Frozen Mallet | ||
Australia11 Posts
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Germany2269 Posts
I've played 30 or 40 matches with her since and I really, really like her style. However, Sivir doesn't seem to be too popular among some of my team mates and I frequently get critizied for picking her and for my build. However, I have a pretty decent record so far and feel like contributing to my teams' wins. Sivir may be a bit squishy but I feel like I can control her quite well by now, I don't die too often and usually survive being primaried in team fights thanks to shield + item slows + cleanse. So I've got some questions. 1) Why so much flak for Sivir? The last post above me says Sivir's "a joke" ... why that? My experice so far has been very good, but then again I'm only level 10 right now. Does a lot change on higher levels? 2) What's a good item build for her? I've had a lot of success so far with a build revolving around attack speed / damage and the Hextech Gunblade / Bloodthirster. Usually starting with Doran's Blade, the Berserker Boots and then getting on of those items; usually the Gunblade (rather, the Bilgewater sword first) for the slow. 3) I realize Sivir's strength lies in pushing lanes and I can do that pretty well, but I also find her highly versatile in team fights due to ulti / finishing runners with boomerang, surviving thanks to the shield and wreaking general havoc with bouncing blades, insane attack speed and high damage. That's what she's there for or not? 4) What's the difference between "ap Sivir" and "ad Sivir"? One focussing on ability power, the other on attack damage, right? So why am I being criticized in games when I answer "ad", get a lot of +damage items, get a sh*tton of kills and even more assists but then get told my "build suxxx sivir noob"? TL;DR: Having fun with Sivir, having success as well, but getting flak for using her / my builds. Looking for general advice and / or pointers to improve my play. | ||
United States6980 Posts
After the changes, boomerang scales with both, but the AD ratio is better, so AP is pretty worthless on her. You're better off simply stacking AD so that all your attacks do more damage, not merely your Q. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
Berserker Greaves, Bloodthirster, win game. Often you want to build some defense in case you actually didn't win. In that case Warmogs -> Atma's (or Giant's Belt -> Atma's -> Warmogs) is solid most of the time. After that it usually is time to get a Last Whisper. I'd probably get a Phantom Dancer afterwards. If you STILL didn't win, Infinity Edge. Maxed out a good allround Sivir build is: Mercury Treads, Bloodthirster, Warmog's, Atma's, Last Whisper, Inifinity Edge (Sell Berserker Greaves for Mercury Treads if the game goes that late). In teamfights, Sivir just mindlessly attacks whatever target is in range (bonus points if you switch to a squishy target that happens to get near you). Don't waste precious autoattack time by chasing people. The difference between AP Sivir and AD Sivir is that the former is a pure troll build, while the latter is legit and very viable as long as you don't pick Sivir in games where she gets fully denied during the laning phase (Cait + Janna for example should crush most Sivir + X lanes pretty badly). Not that this really matters in low lvl games though. | ||
United States2803 Posts
I have noticed people give me flack for when I do run her, yet I dont see how she is aweful either. Just a hated champ? | ||
United States12679 Posts
On September 02 2011 14:05 Synwave wrote: Didnt want to necro this thread but appreciate the updated info, I rarely run sivir except for fun but I was curious on builds these days. I have noticed people give me flack for when I do run her, yet I dont see how she is aweful either. Just a hated champ? She's bad because her autoattack range is just terrible. In teamfights, she will be very very close to the enemy tanks and bruisers and she really doesn't have much in the form of escape. Back in the day, sivir was considered top tier because of her insane ability to farm, and her bouncing shots which is just ridiculous when farmed. The difference was that Sivirs would tend to take a solo lane and her Q did more damage (less reduction per target) so it was completely possible for a good Sivir to be able to farm well no matter what matchup. Now, with much stronger solo laners like Brand and Ori, she can't solo lane all that well. In the duo bot lane, many support+ad combos will wreck her due to her shitty autoattack range. Add on the Q nerf, which made it much much harder to ezmode farm with, she's just not that good anymore because her laning simply is subpar and she can't get the farm she needs to do well. | ||
United States1631 Posts
She has great damage output but because of her short range your positioning has to be perfect in team fights otherwise 1 mistake can cost you your life. | ||
United States1317 Posts
Good Sivir is still a fine solo. She shits on most AP heroes because they can't combo her (though I wouldn't recommend sending her solo top). Also, don't get Atmog's on Sivir. She's not a tanky dps, you shouldn't be putting yourself in a situation where you're getting hit so much that you need a Warmog's worth of HP. EDIT: One more thing: if your opponent has so much longer range than you that you're having trouble competing in lane, max W instead of Q and just force them to take little bits of damage every time they go for CS. | ||
England2167 Posts
On September 02 2011 16:13 arnath wrote: EDIT: One more thing: if your opponent has so much longer range than you that you're having trouble competing in lane, max W instead of Q and just force them to take little bits of damage every time they go for CS. Problem with that is you'll be pushing the lane, just for the sake of doing a little bit of damage to an enemy that has a superior range to you, which sort of leaves you in a tough spot. | ||
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