On June 08 2013 06:19 [N3O]r3d33m3r wrote:GP5 is never worth it when you can farm normally. This is not Season 2 anymore(ambient gold change), only supports buy Philo, they build it into antoher item and they don't take any cs.
Y of course i would like to stay near creeps and just last hit them with my autos but it seems that with GP if u dont kill your opponent early (1-5 lvl) u will get pushed out to tower, then harrased. One of solutions would be to max W first but it feels like u have no kill potential durnign ganks etc. Thats like most of his match-ups
Are these standardish runes for Gangplank?
Hybrid pen marks Armour seals MR per level magic resist AD quints
I dislike hybrid pen marks. Sure they scale off your ult, but gp's main source of damage is physical, so i will suggest arpen marks. I've used a setup of AS marks, ad quints, armor seals, mixed mres glyphs (scaling and flat), however any mix of arpen/ad/as is viable.
hybrid seems good to me (or at least viable), especially if you're planning to build shiv or witts for more magic damage. a lot of damage comes from GP's passive!
Hybrid pen makes a lot more sense to me. Gives almost as much armour pen, and also helps your passive, ult, wit's end and shiv. Even at level 1, your passive does more than 20% as much damage as your auto, so it's worth it.
I've been running that Korean 1/22/8 Shiv/Wits Tank GP and it's pretty much the most fun thing I've ever played
I've been trying it a bit, but I'm not so sure about the maxing W first. It just feels like you lose trades anyways because its cooldown is so long, you don't do a lot of damage and you sacrifice gold gain.
On June 08 2013 06:19 [N3O]r3d33m3r wrote:GP5 is never worth it when you can farm normally. This is not Season 2 anymore(ambient gold change), only supports buy Philo, they build it into antoher item and they don't take any cs.
Just isn't worth it period as Gangplank. It just takes too long to become profitable and you're not going to build it into anything else.
On July 22 2013 20:43 GolemMadness wrote:Show nested quote +On June 08 2013 06:19 [N3O]r3d33m3r wrote:On June 08 2013 03:39 Taktik wrote:
GP5 is never worth it when you can farm normally. This is not Season 2 anymore(ambient gold change), only supports buy Philo, they build it into antoher item and they don't take any cs. Just isn't worth it period as Gangplank. It just takes too long to become profitable and you're not going to build it into anything else. Well, aside from Avarice, which is a nice buy if you're ahead or even. Avarice/Vamp is a really solid first buy if you're not horribly screwed in lane.
On July 22 2013 19:04 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: I've been running that Korean 1/22/8 Shiv/Wits Tank GP and it's pretty much the most fun thing I've ever played Only problem I ran into was one game where my team refused to finish despite me crushing and us having a sizable advantage. I felt completely worthless late game with only shiv and wits for damage, I guess shoulda got something like botrk as a 6th item instead of another tank item.
On July 22 2013 22:21 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2013 20:43 GolemMadness wrote:On June 08 2013 06:19 [N3O]r3d33m3r wrote:On June 08 2013 03:39 Taktik wrote:
GP5 is never worth it when you can farm normally. This is not Season 2 anymore(ambient gold change), only supports buy Philo, they build it into antoher item and they don't take any cs. Just isn't worth it period as Gangplank. It just takes too long to become profitable and you're not going to build it into anything else. Well, aside from Avarice, which is a nice buy if you're ahead or even. Avarice/Vamp is a really solid first buy if you're not horribly screwed in lane.
Avarice is part of shiv though, so it actually makes sense.
On July 22 2013 23:35 DrunkenOne wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2013 19:04 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: I've been running that Korean 1/22/8 Shiv/Wits Tank GP and it's pretty much the most fun thing I've ever played Only problem I ran into was one game where my team refused to finish despite me crushing and us having a sizable advantage. I felt completely worthless late game with only shiv and wits for damage, I guess shoulda got something like botrk as a 6th item instead of another tank item. Did you have Mallet? That's the go-to for me. I mean I don't think you should change a build you're crushing with just because you can't 1v5 with it
On July 22 2013 19:04 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: I've been running that Korean 1/22/8 Shiv/Wits Tank GP and it's pretty much the most fun thing I've ever played
Do you have a link to that build?
Yeah the point of it is to just sit there and bully them with GP's early strength (auto-q-auto with ignite is enough to force a lot of champs out of lane at level 1 if they don't realize you hit that hard) and you have the sustain to survive anything as long as you understand how creep aggro and disengages work. If you're getting outtraded then don't trade and just wait for the lane to shove, picking creeps off with q and autos when you can. Last hit under tower and get to your power spikes (shiv/wits/giants belt is your core in some order, but always shiv first unless you're getting completely dumped on in which case gbelt and a later shiv is better than feeding) and basically play like a wuss unless they make a mistake and trade with you when you can just all in them with e ignite auto q auto and w for fruit baits if they don't realize you've maxed it. You don't want to use w on cooldown, it's basically your reset button and if you don't have it up then you should NOT be anywhere near them. Think of it as a summoner spell with a low cooldown.
Anyway once you get your Shiv you can start proc harassing when you last hit with q or just straight up trading with them because that lightning is actually really strong and people definitely underestimate your passive stacks. Once you have wits end you'll be doing passive + shiv + wits + ult as magic damage while wits end steals MR from them. Most people won't itemize correctly against this and will just end up getting owned when they think they should be able to duel you because you have no "damage" items. Then you just get insanely tanky and throw in Frozen Mallet when you're ahead enough to do so without sacrificing survivability. This build is insanely fun and if you're good with ults you can often end up grabbing kills and assists in other lanes while still rice farming the whole time. Yaaaaaaay Gangplank.
For the build Zerg is referring to, the suggested skill order is Q E W for the first 3 levels, then R > W > E > Q. Not sure if this is how Zerg skills, but the koreans who were first using the build were playing like this. Basically, maxing E second allows you to focus on using auto attacks to actually fight people. Works pretty well. You can max Q second if you really need the ranged damage in your lane for some reason.
This GP build is really strong Laning is pretty good and you can go top or mid
Even if you are at a disadvantage, just pick farm safely and you'll be able to out duel once you have shiv as long as you didn't feed
I think it works great if you have some sort of hyper carry on your team as well, like vayne, kogmaw, trist, just in case late game and to use your Raise Morale, which is really underestimated. But even late, GP still does a lot of damage. I was really surprised how much I did with just building Shiv+wits and tank items
He's great at split pushing, since he can pretty much out duel anyone, and good at escaping with oranges and morale and passive+ult
And you can abuse your ult to assist lanes 
Best Quote from the guide: "Remember that you are Zeus and that everyone should kiss your ass while you zap them with your god powers and oranges."
Thank you so much for the translation~
Yeah so I just used that korean plank build against fiora and it worked pretty well (keep in mind im in gold so fiora just all-ins gp at lvl1 without ignite lol [that bush trap when their jungler start blue too good]). I used every ult on map bottom/mid/jungle w/e and I felt USEFULL as a bruiser (kinda).
just for the record with the shiv/witts build I usually end up with literally 50% physical 50% magic damage to champs at the end of the game.
Question: If you're vs AP tops should you build witts before shiv?
I really like keeping parrlay at lvl 1 but having statik shiv procs every time I parrlay. It feels like I can just get a good trade off, eat oj, then Q them a bunch and effectively keep them low. Only problem is you need some extra wards as you push a lot.