TF/Shiv/IE/LW... I mean sure you can crit someone for 3/4 of their health with a Q, but you're essentially made of paper, even rank 5 oranges won't save you at that point. Getting Philo and sitting in lane is really just asking to get dove and killed repeatedly by any number of top lane champions, unless you cede a large amount of farm. GP has very few winning matchups if you're going squishy, farm heavy early on, so you're pretty much going to be 100% tower hugging, warding, and hoping their jungler doesn't just straight up dive you.
But yeah, if they let you just sit and farm uninterrupted for 30 minutes, you eventually can 2 shot people, but in that case you can say the same about nearly any champion with 30 minutes of freefarm and an early gp5. Late game, you get maybe 2 Qs off before someone looks at you too hard and you explode.
But then again, I have never had luck playing squishy builds on any champ. I can't even play Riven anymore and I used to play her religiously. I prefer bulk on my champs, and GP can work it.
AP mid GP OP
lich bane procs, epic oranges, epic ults.
Look what crawled out of the bunghole
On May 09 2013 06:58 Requizen wrote: TF/Shiv/IE/LW... I mean sure you can crit someone for 3/4 of their health with a Q, but you're essentially made of paper, even rank 5 oranges won't save you at that point. Getting Philo and sitting in lane is really just asking to get dove and killed repeatedly by any number of top lane champions, unless you cede a large amount of farm. GP has very few winning matchups if you're going squishy, farm heavy early on, so you're pretty much going to be 100% tower hugging, warding, and hoping their jungler doesn't just straight up dive you.
But yeah, if they let you just sit and farm uninterrupted for 30 minutes, you eventually can 2 shot people, but in that case you can say the same about nearly any champion with 30 minutes of freefarm and an early gp5. Late game, you get maybe 2 Qs off before someone looks at you too hard and you explode.
But then again, I have never had luck playing squishy builds on any champ. I can't even play Riven anymore and I used to play her religiously. I prefer bulk on my champs, and GP can work it. I never have any problems doing it, you can only get dived if you stay and as such i don't really think that's a problem. Like I said, you can go tank GP with trinity>tank items if you want to, but I don't think that that's how GP was designed to play. You're basically a secondary carry that 2 hits squishies. I have never encountered any of the problems you describe. If you die late game, it's your fault. You can still get off enough Qs and then when CCs are on cooldown you can go melee if you want, etc. I can post some vids or even play GP tomorrow on stream if you really want. Farming for 30 minutes uninterrupted is what GP can do in every lane, and is one of the main reasons why I play him. If you can't do that, you're not doing something right. I've free farmed and even killed many Irelias with exhaust after she dived me, even though that's GP's worst match up pretty much. Everything can be done.
I have played quite a bit of Gangplank with the Ezreal Blue Build lately, going for
Tear->Lizard Elder->Gauntlet->CDR Boots->Muramana->Last Whisper and a defensive item, either Frozen Mallet or Bulwark or Banshees although I am not sure which of these is the best overall.
The build is super costefficient (Muramana/Lizard Elder both cost 2k and have gold values over 3k each) and enables you to just get a huge powerspike after Gauntlet and Boots, bullying pretty much everybody out of lane and just splitpushing and farming even harder.
Defensive items are a problem though, as the build has 150 armor with Gauntlet but only 70-80 Mr, so SV/Bulwark/Banshees are all something to consider. The mallet can be used against AD heavy teams with APC/ADC's that want to kite you, as the slow from your passive, Gauntlet and Mallet stack to a little over 50% slow, without Mallet it is just above 30%.
The only Problems I encountered so far were a) Diana in lane because she just bullied me so hard early that I couldn't get my core items and b) Not scaling any harder after I got full build, because it is so cheap you often get 6 items and pots around 35-40 minutes, so you don't get any stronger after that and have to try to end the game soon.
I often had the problem that I had 2-3k gold after I bought all 6 items and all pots/oracle without anything to do with it, but I guess you could swap out Lizard Elder for a Hydra or Triforce or IE, but you will to have blue Pot up at all times then to get to the 40% CDR cap.
Hey pirates, how come I don´t see anyone talking about support GP? It´s his best role IMO. I mean him and have close to 60% wins in more than 100 games, but no pickpocket thingy. He is ok in poke comp but other supports offer more there I think. I go with a tankish, all-in, sticky, baiting approach and it is much more effective.
Lizard Elder isn't really necessary on GP; you're better off getting black cleaver to makeup for the 10% cdr you'd be missing from spirit.
On May 31 2013 02:40 wei2coolman wrote: Lizard Elder isn't really necessary on GP; you're better off getting black cleaver to makeup for the 10% cdr you'd be missing from spirit. BC and SoTEL both have 10% CDR. The difference is the true damage passive and regen vs armour pen, armour shred, and health.
I would say the biggest difference (and reason why so many people build Lizard) is actually the 1K gold.
On May 31 2013 04:39 Mogwai wrote: I would say the biggest difference (and reason why so many people build Lizard) is actually the 1K gold. Well technically can just hold onto brutalizer for a while. Better power peak.
the difference between bruta and lizard is 20 AD, 14 HP/5, 7 Mana/5, 25% increased damage to monsters, and 6-40 true damage from attacks/abilities vs. 663 gold and 10 Armor Pen. I dunno, any time I look at this comparison, I just can't imagine building bruta over lizard without the consideration of Ghostblade or Cleaver.
I would say the regen is much better in jungle; but the early stats you get on brutalizer, 600 gold earlier on lane GP seems almost so good, if you are somehow winning out your lane. But I'm still on the whole "GP sorta blows" boat.
Bruta over lizard is a horrible choice right now on like 90% of champions. I don't even know who I still build it on.
On May 31 2013 02:40 wei2coolman wrote: Lizard Elder isn't really necessary on GP; you're better off getting black cleaver to makeup for the 10% cdr you'd be missing from spirit.
"Necessary". What does that even mean? Necessary for what? GP makes use of every single stat to the fullest.
And why are you better off getting black cleaver? Please do explain.
The determining factors in item choice should be relevance of stats and gold efficiency right? Lizard is king in this regard.
On May 31 2013 18:30 Blyf wrote:Show nested quote +On May 31 2013 02:40 wei2coolman wrote: Lizard Elder isn't really necessary on GP; you're better off getting black cleaver to makeup for the 10% cdr you'd be missing from spirit. "Necessary". What does that even mean? Necessary for what? GP makes use of every single stat to the fullest. And why are you better off getting black cleaver? Please do explain. The determining factors in item choice should be relevance of stats and gold efficiency right? Lizard is king in this regard. Something about spirit stone just doesn't seem to fit right in laning GP; don't sit well with me. Lizard as an item is alright; but I've always come to regard GP as a meat shield that does alright damage. So the health on Black Cleaver; later on seems to fit this bill a bit better.
On June 01 2013 05:37 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On May 31 2013 18:30 Blyf wrote:On May 31 2013 02:40 wei2coolman wrote: Lizard Elder isn't really necessary on GP; you're better off getting black cleaver to makeup for the 10% cdr you'd be missing from spirit. "Necessary". What does that even mean? Necessary for what? GP makes use of every single stat to the fullest. And why are you better off getting black cleaver? Please do explain. The determining factors in item choice should be relevance of stats and gold efficiency right? Lizard is king in this regard. Something about spirit stone just doesn't seem to fit right in laning GP; don't sit well with me. Lizard as an item is alright; but I've always come to regard GP as a meat shield that does alright damage. So the health on Black Cleaver; later on seems to fit this bill a bit better. You're paying a bf sword worth of gold for the upgrade from bruta -> BC, Lizard is 1k gold less, and the only thing you're trading off is 5 damage, 10 arp, 200 hp, and the passive shred (which gp isn't that great at stacking...) for 40 true damage per auto/skill (including ult) and a bunch of regen stats.
I dunno, it's pretty much a no-brainer when for the same cost as a cleaver you can get a SotEL and a Giant's Belt.
On May 09 2013 07:33 Complete wrote: AP mid GP OP
lich bane procs, epic oranges, epic ults.
No...fucking don't this on ranked please.
Ok I have few questions for GP veterans here. Does he wins any match-ups? I mean really 90% of the time i feel like im forced to focus on farm than on winning the lane or even killing my opponent. I can stomp on Teemo at least thats good ;D It looks like a lot of top champs just have more dmg in trades while I have only Q to harass, and my ult is random so I use it on map anyways. How is goldplank doing? I mean i did the math but im still unsure if its worth it (at least its fun ^^) I got 7.3 gold per 10/s from masteries and runes and i get philo asap ( i start charm) so after 1st back i got 12.3 gold /10 s (73.8 / minute ) which means that if game goes for another 30 minutes it gives me 2214 gold + the parrley money (like 200 or so ?). Thats almost one big item for masteries and few runes (golds and quints) all I see is worth. The problem is that for the first 20 minutes of the game i feel very weak and useless ( i take tp also instead of ignite dunno if its good ). Also do u guys play full dmg gp? Its at least very fun ;D However when im only on dmg items i feel kinda useless for the team because then im forced to play like ranged carry, staying in the back and instead of auto using my Q every few seconds, if i go in without warmogs i die instantly. As first item I always get Shiv first its sooo good ( and the sound is nice but SotEL seems really good for its cost.. In general I feel like while fun to play, he just seemed weak compared to most of popular champions. His Q is the only dmg ability, his W is good its like cleanse with sustain but his E seems weak and his ult does like literally nothing late game (its also random lol). He doesnt have any dashes / gap closers so he is bad in jungle and sometimes its hard to escape. ... Hoping for rework?
He wins a couple of mid matchups. Kassadin, Lux, Veigar, Morgana, for example. Top is really not that great for GP. He loses against pretty much everything there. :/
On June 08 2013 03:39 Taktik wrote:
GP5 is never worth it when you can farm normally. This is not Season 2 anymore(ambient gold change), only supports buy Philo, they build it into antoher item and they don't take any cs.