I saw one game with Tiamat on the tourney you were talking about, but that was to specifically counter the other team's reliance on melee, and also to counter the other team's mid (I think Diana?). I don't really see it becoming a dominant strat by any means.
[Champion] Gangplank - Page 27
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United States4054 Posts
I saw one game with Tiamat on the tourney you were talking about, but that was to specifically counter the other team's reliance on melee, and also to counter the other team's mid (I think Diana?). I don't really see it becoming a dominant strat by any means. | ||
United States33802 Posts
But yes, his ganks are pretty minimal (good damage and a slow isn't nearly as good as lots of CC), and he wants more farm, so put him in lane for the time being. Tiamat is cool. | ||
886 Posts
Bankplank being something like gp10 quints, boots -> philo + another gp10, then slowly going for triforce, warmog, IE -- something like that. (I often get Aegis before triforce depending on how it's going.) Pickpocket looks sweet, beyond giving you a financial incentive to hit your opponent whenever you want it also procs for 5 gold on parley. Since I was going for the Greed mastery anyway, it's very tempting to put 21 points into the support masteries against safe lanes. I'm undecided about the new items, though, and it'll take a while to figure out what works and what doesn't. (I don't play on PBE). Has anyone done the math on how AA-heavy champions might replace IE with new items? Is IE still easily the most gold-efficient once you get a second large item, or is it less clear now? Frozen Fist (instead of Triforce) against AD heavy tops looks good, and I'm not yet sure whether Statikk Shiv is good or not, but it seems like it has good stats for GP. Sword of the Divine looks interesting but the 60s cooldown seems too brutal; Runaan's doesn't really fit GP's kit (you're not trying to split push), though maybe Hydra would work for the AA reset on its active. | ||
United States33802 Posts
Pickpocket seems good, but with level 2 Q you're getting just as much gold (more from 3+) using Q on a last hit, so it's never really a reason to prioritize shooting an enemy over the minions after a certain point. However, of course your autos are top notch, but if you're deep enough into the Utility tree to get Pickpocket, you don't want to be autoing people before items anyway. I have no idea what I'm going to build on him o.O. My personal old core of IE/Mallet/Aegis/Mercs will probably still work, but he can totally make use of a lot of the new and improved items. SV is as good as it was before, but better because more MR. Iceborne Gauntlet seems pretty cool, but I don't know how it'll measure up to having a TF. I mean, I know I've been theorycrafting it on everyone for the most part, but for GP, that's a pretty good semi-initiate (slow everyone, burst and extra slow your target) to follow up a Malph ult or something. Plus, CDR and Armor are pretty good ofc. I mean, TF + FH is stronger if you have the gold, but I think it's a pretty good bang for your buck. | ||
United States904 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
I like FMallet, but I know plenty of people skip it or just sit on Phage for a long time. | ||
11589 Posts
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886 Posts
On December 05 2012 04:29 rhs408 wrote: I just unlocked GP last night, trying to figure out a good build for him (laning top as opposed to jungle). After getting upgraded boots and a dorans blade (possibly a philo stone as well), the sensible next item(s) for him would seem to be phage into frozen mallet - he needs the HP, and mallet pretty much guarantees no escape after hitting with Q. My question to veteran GP users is, does GP even need FM when his passive basically does the same thing? I'm thinking maybe a brutalizer followed by IE could be a lot better if he doesn't really need the mallet slow. Triforce is actually really nice on him if you're going Phage anyway. Sheen makes your Q hit a lot harder, the attack speed and move speed are both good on him too. I'd prefer Triforce over FM, but I usually build other tanky items too. | ||
Australia648 Posts
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United States1291 Posts
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14521 Posts
On December 05 2012 12:39 Ghost-z wrote: What about support GP? I've heard that the pick pocket mastery gives him the full 5 gold on hit (since he's melee). Can anyone confirm this? What's there to confirm? His auto attacks will give him 5 gold because he's melee. Pretty straightfoward | ||
United States19573 Posts
On December 05 2012 13:47 ketchup wrote: What's there to confirm? His auto attacks will give him 5 gold because he's melee. Pretty straightfoward On Q he means. | ||
Australia648 Posts
Q counts as a melee and triggers pickpocket for 5G. | ||
United States1291 Posts
On December 05 2012 15:02 Skithiryx wrote: Q counts as a melee and triggers pickpocket for 5G. Yea sorry I did mean on his Q. That's a definate buff to support GP then since you'll only be Qing champions. Won't help him top lane since his Q gives better gold for killing creeps. | ||
United States36 Posts
GP is excellent at zoning other champions, and each time you parrley you get 5 gold. He shuts down champs like taric who try to stun him out of position. He also clears traps for free. Doesn't run out of mana if you get vial first. I had a lot of fun with it, and I hope everyone tries it. Popularize our favorite pirate champion again! =) | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States7572 Posts
If you aren't Qing the other laner in between last hits and to force them out you are doing it wrong. Going that deep into utility is the only risky part of running pickpocket top. I'm interested to try Cleaver stacking on GP. Maybe open Philo, boots, into 2-4 BC's, upgrading to eleisas to keep the regen and open the slot for IE, then maybe PD/Atmas. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On December 08 2012 14:43 sob3k wrote: People saying pickpocket is worthless on top GP because you get more gold for Qing creeps? What? If you aren't Qing the other laner in between last hits and to force them out you are doing it wrong. Going that deep into utility is the only risky part of running pickpocket top. I'm interested to try Cleaver stacking on GP. Maybe open Philo, boots, into 2-4 BC's, upgrading to eleisas to keep the regen and open the slot for IE, then maybe PD/Atmas. I agree. I would run pickpocket on everyone if it were easily reachable with 30 points in the offense and defence trees. | ||
14521 Posts
Oh, sorry my fault! | ||
United States36 Posts
On December 08 2012 14:09 Alaric wrote: Iceball is strong as an AS debuff (flat from level 1), not as a damage tool, so in that sense Nunu's better than GP. He deals less damage but bloodboil is permanent compared to Raise Morale. Bloodboil isn't permanent, but yes it lasts quite a bit longer than raise morale. Iceball is different than parrley, but I would still say that parrley is more effective in lane (not in a direct 100-0 engagement obviously, but great for other reasons). Bloodboil also doesn't give bonus ad to your adc like Raise Morale does. | ||
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