On August 05 2014 23:00 JimmiC wrote: Riot should sell not just boosts but level 30 accounts. That way they could collect the monies and not the bot/leveling services.
I would be fine if wen ragers got banned they had to spend 100 bucks for a new account! Or whatever Riot charged. Then they would still need to buy champs, runes and so on. Pretty sure it is much more efficient to just buy an account rather than make a new one anyway.Or just do like me and find a friend who stopped playing.
Also up until around lvl 20, you will find yourself playing without a jungler meaning a 2v2 top. Its pretty hard to jungle without real runes and to a totally new player jungler is by far the most intimidating role given the fundamental differences between it and regular laning.
My 1 - 30 wasn't that painful really. I got the usual slew of D/C's at very low levels but thats a very difficult problem to solve - how do you prevent players who don't understand the game, aren't invested in it yet, don't care about punishment/don't realize that its A Bad Thing to leave (despite warnings) and might only play once or twice a day from leaving? After that it was a mix of playing vs Gold/Silver occasional plat (and one Challenger dude playing with a friend. He played Zed. Our entire team, myself included didn't really know how shadows worked) due to DoTA mechanics. I didn't find it that bad at all. Perhaps again, my previous experience has more or less desensitized me from the bullshit of low level ASSFAGGOTs.
Hadn't seen that acronym in use for the longest time. :')
Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides?
On August 05 2014 19:59 Volband wrote:Show nested quote +On August 05 2014 19:11 Gahlo wrote:On August 05 2014 19:08 Celial wrote:I'm so confused by solo queue supports right now. I'm really not good at league, I'm hoping to make Gold 5 before season ends. I was looking into picking up support as main role because that one is basically always available, so I can always get my best role. I don't really mind the support life, have been supporting a good friend of mine in normals for ages (he is ADC and a damn good one at that). My issues stem from the perception/feeling that I can do nothing on my own in the game. Take Nami for example - if she is with someone, especially autoattack based, she is awesome. Alone, on her own, I better run as fast as I can if see someone. Naturally in this situation I gravitate to pro/high elo players opinion about certain champions. So, OddOne said a few weeks ago that Zyra is the best solo queue support. Because she can go Frostqueens, Sightstone into full AP and still do her job. Gleeb said on stream yesterday that Alistar is the solo queue god support - if you play him right. Because he hard counters Thresh and Morgana, and you play against both almost every game. What irks me is the "if you play him right" part, because isn't that true for everything? I mean, Velkoz was played as support in OGN, I'm you can reach challenger with that too... Volband (D3 main support) made in this thread a case for Janna god tier support. No need to elaborate further, his posts speak for themselves: Janna Primer, Janna Runes, Masteries, Items, Janna vs Leona, Tristana and general teamfight advice. I have played a fair bit of Zyra and I really like her. I have some problems with her though. First, she seems to be really really REALLY reliant on careful positioning. I tend to die quite a lot more often with her than with any other champion I have ever played in any position. Second, I can't figure out how to micro the plants. In pro play, the plants always start immediately attacking the enemy - mine start hitting creeps even though the enemy champion is standing right next to them. I like playing tanky dudes. Bigger margin of error. My worry with Alistar would be not getting any cs with Relic Shield because of dumb ADCs who instaclear waves, and not landing the combo. Janna is fun though. I played a few games with her and definitely need to figure out how to have lane presence. I get bullied in lane a lot. I love the teamfight presence I have with shields (love the Ardent Censer!) and tornadoes. My biggest issue is dealing with Morganas. Also, I get nightmares from MoBo Thresh's. WHAT DO?! Whenever I see a Morg on the enemy team and I'm support, I pick Karma and shove me Q down their throats. On August 05 2014 19:09 Volband wrote:On August 05 2014 18:55 The_Unseen wrote: You might however find 1M Forints on your way, and you wouldn't even be too ecstatic about it, given the abysmal worth of those D: Tell me about it, I refuse to buy rp until it gets back to at least 300/1 euro worth. Could be worse, like sweeping the streets full of 1,000,000,000 worth of paper money, like Rip http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_pengő Good luck with that. No way Riot is going to cut the cost of RP nearly in half. Mmmm, why half? 1 euro is currently 313 forint, the average used to be ~300. It's not cutting in half. I was going by http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Riot_Points which has it at 839/5euro, which comes out to 167.8 euro.
On August 05 2014 21:11 Osmoses wrote:Show nested quote +On August 05 2014 19:04 Gahlo wrote:On August 05 2014 16:40 Osmoses wrote:The most succint explanation on the subject I've read is that you are playing a game with 9 other people. As long as you don't troll or feed, there are only 4 people on your team that can troll or feed, whereas the enemy team has 5 people. Thus, if you are better than everyone else, the odds are in your favor to advance, over time. On August 05 2014 15:25 Gahlo wrote:On August 05 2014 15:12 JimmiC wrote:On August 05 2014 15:08 Gahlo wrote:On August 05 2014 15:03 JimmiC wrote:On August 05 2014 14:49 Gahlo wrote:On August 05 2014 14:47 Osmoses wrote: That doesn't actually apply in this instance. How doesn't it? I doubt anybody plays enough soloque games to qualify for law of large numbers. In addition, Law of Large #s doesn't apply anyway. Things like coin flips and dice rolls have set outcomes. Who matchmaking pulls out of a hat of thousands from differing size and valued pools has way too many shifting parts. It's shocking to me how many people believe they are where they are because of "bad luck" and it's only them. Half the people they arguing with calling feeders and shiters are saying the exact same thing as them. Because the two individuals both made different plays they feel are right and don't consider there was another option. Also people see others mistakes way easier then there own. Over and over again players take different smurfs and still all end up in close to the same league. Does there bad luck follow them? Sure if you play 10 games you can have bad luck, but if you play 100? More over multiple seasons? Come on... Nowhere did I say that somebody's position on the ladder is 100% decided by luck. I'm saying that the assumption that there will be an even distribution of ragers, trolls, and afks because of a law of probability that doesn't apply is silly. Then you are either nip picking one small point from my post in order to try to prove it all wrong, or justifying your own negative behavior. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self_fulfilling_prophecyLook I can look up wikipedia pages too! If we make the assumption that the subject is always clear headed, doesn't rage, and honestly tries their hardest 100% of the time, then we can say that the possibility that matchmaking drops a, for lack of a better term, majorly toxic element on a team is 4:5. However, that assumes we draw from the same pool of players. Yet people cycle in an out of soloqueue all the time during the day. It assumes the players in the pool to be picked from have static states of "good" players and problem cases, which Riot has refuted in the past after going over tribunal records that the majority of people who end up in tribunal are usually normal players but just have a streak where they might be super emotional or stressed. It also assumes that these negative players will display their negative behavior, but the shit head linked earlier in this thread clearly has decent skill to get to gold and stay above the drop point in MMR to avoid losing season end reward loss, despite his trolling streaks. Saying it's all gonna balance out because of the 4:5 ratio is a gross oversimplification of the system. It's nitpicking, by the way, and this was the first time I did it in this discussion. edit: didn't see your post, you're implying there are a greater amount of trolls during certain hours of the day? This might be true, but it still doesnt matter because the enemy team has a greater chance of getting them on their team. edit2: no actually I have no idea what your point is lol, the fact of the matter is simply that the gambler's fallacy doesn't apply here because the odds are in your favor every single game. I'm saying that, unlike systems like dice rolling or coin flipping, the pool of players that soloq pulls from isn't static. Because of this, I posit that for the Law of Large Numbers to apply, that somebody would need to play more games than they would realistically play in a season to make up for this variance across a large scale. Therefore, assuming that it would even out because of the 4:5 split, doesn't mean it will. Obviously nothing is certain, but no matter how you look at it the odds for every single game are still theoretically in your favor, if you are indeed better than everyone else in the current game. The gambler's fallacy doesn't take player skill or opponents into consideration at all, it's just a guy with a poor underdstanding of how chance works playing a game that is mostly based on chance. If this were Flash, and he has just lost a couple Broodwar games in a row, would it be unreasonable to assume he was probably gonna win the next one? + Show Spoiler +Quite frankly to even compare the league matchmaking system and the resulting games played to coin flipping or really any kind of numbers game is a bit absurd. You have immense power to influence any game in league, as has been proven again and again by progamers going from bronze to challenger. Some games they lose, but most games they win, because they account for far more than just 10% of the total (positive) influence during the game. Difference is that Flash doesn't deal with extraneous allied forces messing with his in-game success and we could look up his winrates vs specific players that could challenge him, LeeSsang Rok records, or against some nobody we can toss his 70% winrate at the wall.
+ Show Spoiler +Challenger players also belong way outside of the "elo hell" hysteria hotbeds of Bronze and Silver. I always felt that the people dealing with "elo hell" were people that belonged maybe a division or 2 ahead of where they are in those brackets, which trust me, isn't enough of a skill jump to be able to carry every game like a plat+ would.
On August 05 2014 22:47 nafta wrote:Show nested quote +On August 05 2014 22:22 Capped wrote:On August 05 2014 21:23 The_Unseen wrote:On August 05 2014 21:20 Osmoses wrote:On August 05 2014 21:14 The_Unseen wrote: Then again, I think the leveling system needs to be overhauled, doesn't make much sense anymore to have to grind through 200 games to get to level 30, especially with like half of those being smurfs... or maybe I'm wrong ? I think that system might actually be to discourage smurfs :p I mean if you could just start a new acc and go right into ranked, why would anyone care if they got banned? I'm not saying we should be able to go into ranked right away ofc ! But I know some people who were just discouraged by the massive grind LoL's leveling implies (and let's face it, the games in leveling can be pretty shit and don't really comply with anything we know about the game). Say someone comes from a competitive background (Dota, SC, CS, you name it), watches LCS or something, thinks "wow this game is pretty neat let's try it", and then realises he has to grind through 200+ games just to be able to play a semi resemblance of the game he's been watching? Uh. What? There is draft pick available for those under 30. I see no problem with the current system. Smurfs are retarded, pointless and do nothing but serve to grief lower ranked players, troll or buffer some fools main account because he cant handle the fact that he's inconsistent / shit without a duo. Or don't want to have longer ques than games which is a very big problem.
Yeah i did think about that, but it effects a rather small part of the playerbase and the tip-top part of it at that.
On August 05 2014 23:41 Gahlo wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Challenger players also belong way outside of the "elo hell" hysteria hotbeds of Bronze and Silver. I always felt that the people dealing with "elo hell" were people that belonged maybe a division or 2 ahead of where they are in those brackets, which trust me, isn't enough of a skill jump to be able to carry every game like a plat+ would.
This is the story of my life. I agree with JimmiC in the conversation a few pages back (i posted that account more in jest / amazement) yet im torn between thinking "I know im not in elohell and this is my "true" skill" and "I know i'm at least somewhat better then most of these dudes and never end up behind :|". For instance ive been stuck inbetween silver 1 and gold promos for a while now and ive had some atrocious teams (god fuck the promos.) yet i can't remember the last time my enemy had a huge feeder or one of my team went god-mode.
Yet at the end of the day i sit through it all and think this is where i must belong. Its strange, having all the "evidence" dictate otherwise but still not surrendering myself to q.q i can entirely see why some people would complain so much about it being unfair though.
*This is partially posted because whenever i finally mention something, the opposite tends to happen. Gold tonight? Probably not. D:
ok so I am going to try this game again. Let me know which of these champions are viable for me to play in solo queue - and not the "anything is viable if you're good enough", I mean which ones are actually decent right now because I really truly don't know outside of the ones I see on LCS
Top: Vlad, Teemo, Zac, Jayce, Ryze, Elise, Shen, Kennen, Nunu Jungle: Elise, Zac, Naut, Amumu, Nunu Mid: Talon, Ryze, Karth, Liss, Viktor ADC: Cait, Trist, Ashe Support: Soraka, Sona, Taric, Lulu
It's pretty much the same thing as SC2 used to be when I played it at least. Just because you beat a few GMs here and there doesnt mean you belong in GM, cause these dudes beat those a tier above consistently for a good while. It's not enough to do okay in Gold 5 matches to get promoted to Gold 5. Once you understand that you need to beat those ranked higher a lot in order to get to their rank, then you don't rage and theoritize as much
Plus everyone is absolutely utter shit under D1 90LP+ so what's the point ranting about Gold 3 to Gold 1...
On August 06 2014 00:14 Requizen wrote: ok so I am going to try this game again. Let me know which of these champions are viable for me to play in solo queue - and not the "anything is viable if you're good enough", I mean which ones are actually decent right now because I really truly don't know outside of the ones I see on LCS
Top: Vlad, Teemo, Zac, Jayce, Ryze, Elise, Shen, Kennen, Nunu Jungle: Elise, Zac, Naut, Amumu, Nunu Mid: Talon, Ryze, Karth, Liss, Viktor ADC: Cait, Trist, Ashe Support: Soraka, Sona, Taric, Lulu
Top: None really, but Ryze/Jayce can be okay in soloQ Jungle: Elise, Amumu Mid: None are really meta but then again these are mostly specialist picks so.. ADC: Cait, Trist are both really good atm Support: Lulu, maybe Sona but she's changed a lot
Learn somethng everyday: "YOU NEVER FOCUS ADC IN LANE" - from a seemingly adc main. See, proof that adcs have no clue what they are doing in lane. :D (jk [or am I?...])
On August 06 2014 00:14 Requizen wrote: ok so I am going to try this game again. Let me know which of these champions are viable for me to play in solo queue - and not the "anything is viable if you're good enough", I mean which ones are actually decent right now because I really truly don't know outside of the ones I see on LCS
Top: Vlad, Teemo, Zac, Jayce, Ryze, Elise, Shen, Kennen, Nunu Jungle: Elise, Zac, Naut, Amumu, Nunu Mid: Talon, Ryze, Karth, Liss, Viktor ADC: Cait, Trist, Ashe Support: Soraka, Sona, Taric, Lulu
I would say these are the better ones, but none of them are absolutely shit tier so you could play anyone of them. Jayce should be way better mid than top tho. Also no idea about Sona, she seems okay too.
Uh... Top: Teemo (I mean, it's the one you're most experienced with, right?), Shen, Ryze. Zac prob worth a try since Gragas and Maokai are heralding a return to super tanky off laners. Elise gonna be weak-ish unless it's stuff like Irelia. Not sure about the others. Jungle: all viable with a caveat for Zac, and that Nautilus is much better when you know you won't be invaded and you outscale them (the dream being having Tristana on your team). Mid: wave clearing shit with super long range or mobile shit being popular, Liss and Viktor will prob have trouble. Ryze better top. AD: all of them I assume, Cait weak atm because hyper-carries (Trist, Kog) are back and with the game being a drag you'll really struggle to be ahead enough to close the game before they outscale you. Support: dunno about Sona she just got reworked. Lulu still best bet, super versatile. Absolutely no idea about Taric. Soraka may be better since late game scaling ADs are back as you don't care as much about winning lane if you got the stronger one.
On August 06 2014 00:21 loSleb wrote:Show nested quote +On August 06 2014 00:14 Requizen wrote: ok so I am going to try this game again. Let me know which of these champions are viable for me to play in solo queue - and not the "anything is viable if you're good enough", I mean which ones are actually decent right now because I really truly don't know outside of the ones I see on LCS
Top: Vlad, Teemo, Zac, Jayce, Ryze, Elise, Shen, Kennen, Nunu Jungle: Elise, Zac, Naut, Amumu, Nunu Mid: Talon, Ryze, Karth, Liss, Viktor ADC: Cait, Trist, Ashe Support: Soraka, Sona, Taric, Lulu I would say these are the better ones, but none of them are absolutely shit tier so you could play anyone of them. Idk, Soraka is pretty useless. Her new kit is revealed soon though, so prepare the ignites.
Amumu sort of feels like easy mode, just because even if you're bad you can still get good ults and win. And spectral wraith into tank feels so good.
On August 06 2014 00:14 Requizen wrote: ok so I am going to try this game again. Let me know which of these champions are viable for me to play in solo queue - and not the "anything is viable if you're good enough", I mean which ones are actually decent right now because I really truly don't know outside of the ones I see on LCS
Top: Ryze, Shen Jungle: Elise, Amumu, Nunu Mid: Talon, Ryze ADC: Cait, Trist Support: - Edits made in quote. Kept Amumu in because he's always a soloq terror.
On August 06 2014 00:21 loSleb wrote:Show nested quote +On August 06 2014 00:14 Requizen wrote: ok so I am going to try this game again. Let me know which of these champions are viable for me to play in solo queue - and not the "anything is viable if you're good enough", I mean which ones are actually decent right now because I really truly don't know outside of the ones I see on LCS
Top: Vlad, Teemo, Zac, Jayce, Ryze, Elise, Shen, Kennen, Nunu Jungle: Elise, Zac, Naut, Amumu, Nunu Mid: Talon, Ryze, Karth, Liss, Viktor ADC: Cait, Trist, Ashe Support: Soraka, Sona, Taric, Lulu I would say these are the better ones, but none of them are absolutely shit tier so you could play anyone of them. Jayce should be way better mid than top tho. If you haven't played in a long time jayce shouldn't be anywhere .Shen is decent for top.Karth is decent for mid.
On August 06 2014 00:28 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On August 06 2014 00:14 Requizen wrote: ok so I am going to try this game again. Let me know which of these champions are viable for me to play in solo queue - and not the "anything is viable if you're good enough", I mean which ones are actually decent right now because I really truly don't know outside of the ones I see on LCS
Top: Ryze, Shen Jungle: Elise, Amumu, Nunu Mid: Talon, Ryze ADC: Cait, Trist Support: - Edits made in quote. Kept Amumu in because he's always a soloq terror. Why the heck would move Lulu out of the support list. Just because she's more popular in solo lanes in competitive play doesn't mean she's not super good as a support. One tier below Thresh/Braum is still A tier.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Hey, I'm gonna go ahead and say that I like jayce in both top and middle lane, but it's not a popular opinion so w/e, take my opinion with a lot of salt Lulu is probably a few tiers below Braum/Thresh/Jayce/Alistar/Nami and maybe some more I think ?