Top: Maokai... after that, ehhhh, pretty much whatever if you're good at it atm Jungle: Elise, Eve, Lee Sin, Jarvan Mid: Talon, Syndra, Ori, Yasuo ADC: Tristana, Kog'maw Support: Morgana, Nami, Lulu imo
I wouldn't play Naut, and Nunu is sort of dependent on having an ADC that isn't trash if you don't control objectives oppressively, so I'd shy away from him too.
Karth has been out of favor for a long while. He still does his same thing, but he's eclipsed by champions with more utility/killing power. Lissandra/Viktor fall in the same boat.
Cait is almost not worth playing at all, Tristana and Kog scale so much better, and unless your mechanics are tip top and your team actually sieges, Cait just falls off hard.
Soraka, Sona, and Taric are all pretty bad right now. Alistar, Thresh, and Braum are other supports worth playing, and depending on what you value (or are good at), any of them might be top 3.
On August 06 2014 00:25 Dark_Chill wrote: Amumu sort of feels like easy mode, just because even if you're bad you can still get good ults and win. And spectral wraith into tank feels so good.
And by that you mean Wraiths > Liandries > Sunfire > Abyssal of course. Totally tanky.
(really tho)
On August 06 2014 00:37 zer0das wrote: Top: Maokai... after that, ehhhh, pretty much whatever if you're good at it atm Jungle: Elise, Eve, Lee Sin, Jarvan Mid: Talon, Syndra, Ori ADC: Tristana, Kog'maw Support: Morgana, Nami, Lulu imo
I wouldn't play Naut, and Nunu is sort of dependent on having an ADC that isn't trash if you don't control objectives oppressively, so I'd shy away from him too.
Karth has been out of favor for a long while. He still does his same thing, but he's eclipsed by champions with more utility/killing power. Lissandra/Viktor fall in the same boat.
Cait is almost not worth playing at all, Tristana and Kog scale so much better, and unless your mechanics are tip top and your team actually sieges, Cait just falls off hard.
Soraka, Sona, and Taric are all pretty bad right now. Alistar, Thresh, and Braum are other supports worth playing, and depending on what you value (or are good at), any of them might be top 3. I don't like playing most of those characters which is why I didn't list them yo.
Also, I saw Quinn in a game at one point or another, is that a possible thing or a fringe pick?
Okay then, well then of what you listed:
Top: Jayce, Ryze, Shen, Kennen Jungle: Elise, Amumu Mid: Talon, Ryze, Karth, Liss, Viktor- any of these should be fine ADC: Trist, Ashe Support: Lulu
I wouldn't play Sona, Taric, or Soraka right now. They're just bad.
Edit: Also you don't like playing support fish!?!? Good grief man. Do you hate fun?
On August 06 2014 00:37 Scip wrote: Hey, I'm gonna go ahead and say that I like jayce in both top and middle lane, but it's not a popular opinion so w/e, take my opinion with a lot of salt Lulu is probably a few tiers below Braum/Thresh/Jayce/Alistar/Nami and maybe some more I think ? Everyone but Soraka is completely viable, and even she has games, where she can shine, like vs full ad comps. Even Taric is fine, people just don't give much credit for him, since you can't make amazing plays with him, or block ultimates, hehe. But he's still the same asshole he always was, except bot lane is a tad bit harder than pressing e, going out to have dinner, coming back to check if stun expired yet.
On August 06 2014 00:49 zer0das wrote: Okay then, well then of what you listed:
Top: Jayce, Ryze, Shen, Kennen Jungle: Elise, Amumu Mid: Talon, Ryze, Karth, Liss, Viktor- any of these should be fine ADC: Trist, Ashe Support: Lulu
I wouldn't play Sona, Taric, or Soraka right now. They're just bad.
Edit: Also you don't like playing support fish!?!? Good grief man. Do you hate fun? I dunno, I don't own her. At least, I don't think I do and if I bought her I never played her.
Interesting to see a lot of people consider Talon a decent pick, I was under the impression he wasn't that good. I played him in a few screwing around games with my friends (that got me back into this game T.T) and really enjoyed him, though I got shit on by Zed.
You say this as if a 1.5 second stun has one day been a special thing. The only significant part is that it's point'n'click, the range, the projectile speed, Taric's own mobility, etc. are nothing to write home about. The issue is that Taric needs to be strong in lane because he won't scale much unless against an all AD comp (I guess he could get by against a team such as mostly physical top, Kha'Zix/Lee/etc. in the jungle, and a burst AP mage mid, 'cept now you only see assholes like Ziggs with stupid sustained damage instead of relying on burst so he can't skip MR). He's more useful when he can stick to people and compared to all of the friggin' free stats (and mitigation through cc) of Thresh, or the super wall of Braum he looks squishy (even Leona is much easier to kill after the nerfs to her W).
He used to be pretty strong in lane with decent midgame scaling if he's ahead (which he often was to some extent), but because he could be played top or even in the jungle post-s4 changes (y'know, when Riot utterly fucked up their support itemisation changes and thought ratio buffs + more gold was the answer, which only moved supports to farming positions while weakeing those who couldn't do it), he got all of his base and several ratios nerfed, and now he's undertuned.
Re: Talon. He's a decent pick... if you kow how to play him. Talon is a specialist pick with a high winrate because his kit is more soloQ friendly than other assassins, in terms of how hard he can snowball (a bit like Akali, to a lesser extent though) and only used by people who're good at him because outside of these situations he doesn't perform as well as other picks (like Zed whom you mentioned). LMQ picked him, didn't win in the midgame because while he got big they only stayed even in gold, and then they got utterly destroyed because they were against Tristana and Zed 1v1s Talon very easily.
On August 06 2014 00:57 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On August 06 2014 00:49 zer0das wrote: Okay then, well then of what you listed:
Top: Jayce, Ryze, Shen, Kennen Jungle: Elise, Amumu Mid: Talon, Ryze, Karth, Liss, Viktor- any of these should be fine ADC: Trist, Ashe Support: Lulu
I wouldn't play Sona, Taric, or Soraka right now. They're just bad.
Edit: Also you don't like playing support fish!?!? Good grief man. Do you hate fun? I dunno, I don't own her. At least, I don't think I do and if I bought her I never played her. Interesting to see a lot of people consider Talon a decent pick, I was under the impression he wasn't that good. I played him in a few screwing around games with my friends (that got me back into this game T.T) and really enjoyed him, though I got shit on by Zed. It is just he saw some play in na lcs and most people get a boner when a champ that doesn't see much play gets his chance in the spotlight.
Am I the only one who doesn't like to get a Thresh as support in SoloQ when I play adc? So many picks can do more in laning and that's all I care for in SoloQ, I would rather have better laning than relying on someone else to play decent later.
On August 06 2014 00:59 Alaric wrote: You say this as if a 1.5 second stun has one day been a special thing. The only significant part is that it's point'n'click, the range, the projectile speed, Taric's own mobility, etc. are nothing to write home about. The issue is that Taric needs to be strong in lane because he won't scale much unless against an all AD comp (I guess he could get by against a team such as mostly physical top, Kha'Zix/Lee/etc. in the jungle, and a burst AP mage mid, 'cept now you only see assholes like Ziggs with stupid sustained damage instead of relying on burst so he can't skip MR). He's more useful when he can stick to people and compared to all of the friggin' free stats (and mitigation through cc) of Thresh, or the super wall of Braum he looks squishy (even Leona is much easier to kill after the nerfs to her W).
He used to be pretty strong in lane with decent midgame scaling if he's ahead (which he often was to some extent), but because he could be played top or even in the jungle post-s4 changes (y'know, when Riot utterly fucked up their support itemisation changes and thought ratio buffs + more gold was the answer, which only moved supports to farming positions while weakeing those who couldn't do it), he got all of his base and several ratios nerfed, and now he's undertuned.
Did you suffer through the Taric meta in s3? The one that started waaay before pro players suddenly picked him up, which resulted in instant nerfs/rework. If you did, you should know that many people awakaned during the middle of the night shouting "ONE POINT FIVE SECONDS PLEASE NO, GOD NO". It was so retarded, I refused to play him, even though in almost every q people were begging for Taric, and even people who never ever supported just first picked him, he was so oppressive and easy to abuse.
I'm not complaining, because bot lane has never been so action packed after that, I have fond memories of all the Leona vs Taric lanes. 0-24 fights, man, it was intense. But also stupid.
He could be better, sure, but he's still pretty good, and not as situational as you might think. He has a really nice passive too.
Dunno, I saw what Riot did to Rammus and Fiddlesticks, I see people whining about Mogana every week in here (let alone in official GD), and Pantheon's all-in potential would have taken a punch to the gut had Smash went through with the W stun duration nerf. So 1.5 isn't that long, Cocoon grows to get stronger, same with Charm, and even Satchel Charge effectively cc-s you for a full second.
Alaric how does a Talon lose to a zed 1v1 assuming equal gold? I didn't see the LMQ game but talon kills zed before death mark is even halfway done.
Plz delete fiddles. He isnt even OP or anything he is just the most annoying piece of s**t ive ever met.
On August 06 2014 01:20 schmutttt wrote: Alaric how does a Talon lose to a zed 1v1 assuming equal gold? I didn't see the LMQ game but talon kills zed before death mark is even halfway done. Depends on timing, but Zed is more mobile and can use his shadows to dodge W and R (he shouldn't dodge everything though, unless Talon burns both before he uses E's silence but that shouldn't happen), and Talon will at best trade kills if he doesn't R as Zed reappears from his own ult, which reduces his damage output.
Zed can poke way better too (less damage but more reach, even without considering usage of W, and lower cooldowns), although contrary to what I thought Talon has the better all-in range (700 to 625, I thought Death Mark had better range).
On August 06 2014 00:21 Volband wrote: Learn somethng everyday: "YOU NEVER FOCUS ADC IN LANE" - from a seemingly adc main. See, proof that adcs have no clue what they are doing in lane. :D (jk [or am I?...]) It's funny because I said something similar to that earlier today. Thought maybe you had been in that game lol.
What I'd said though was don't focus a corki ADC who has a thresh support when I'm coming in for a gank.
On August 06 2014 01:28 ArchAngelSC wrote:Show nested quote +On August 06 2014 00:21 Volband wrote: Learn somethng everyday: "YOU NEVER FOCUS ADC IN LANE" - from a seemingly adc main. See, proof that adcs have no clue what they are doing in lane. :D (jk [or am I?...]) It's funny because I said something similar to that earlier today. Thought maybe you had been in that game lol. What I'd said though was don't focus a corki ADC who has a thresh support when I'm coming in for a gank. Sorry if this is an exceedingly stupid question, but I was under the impression that for bottom lane, if you guys get into a scrap, you almost always want to focus the ADC first instead of the support. Is this right or am I (as per usual) dead wrong? I don't play bottom lane very much so I wouldn't know.
Feedback would be appreciated!
I think talon is a pretty solid mid pick. I would suggest picking him with a jungler who will have good synergy like eve. Or using him to counter pick when your dbag teammate didn't ban kass.
On August 06 2014 01:39 Frudgey wrote:Show nested quote +On August 06 2014 01:28 ArchAngelSC wrote:On August 06 2014 00:21 Volband wrote: Learn somethng everyday: "YOU NEVER FOCUS ADC IN LANE" - from a seemingly adc main. See, proof that adcs have no clue what they are doing in lane. :D (jk [or am I?...]) It's funny because I said something similar to that earlier today. Thought maybe you had been in that game lol. What I'd said though was don't focus a corki ADC who has a thresh support when I'm coming in for a gank. Sorry if this is an exceedingly stupid question, but I was under the impression that for bottom lane, if you guys get into a scrap, you almost always want to focus the ADC first instead of the support. Is this right or am I (as per usual) dead wrong? I don't play bottom lane very much so I wouldn't know. Feedback would be appreciated! Depends on situation.It is about 50/50.
In his example, if you gank and burn everything on the AD and he doesn't die during the cc, a Thesh player worth his salt will maybe use his cc but most importantly run to his tower and drop his lantern under the AD. Unless you can prevent him from clicking the lantern (give hotkey to only target non-champions please D , the AD will go away and you'll have gotten a back and maybe a summonner spell at best. So you'd rather focus Thresh and go for the sure kill (or turn on the AD if you can kill him and Thresh sticks around because of the initial focus).
I feel Taric is decent. He is at least one tier above Soraka, and likely better than the reworked Sona as well.
I just happened to have faced two Tarics in a row last night. He is so fucking annoying it was not even funny.
Not to mention also extremely tanky.