On August 03 2014 20:30 Slayer91 wrote: yeah new sona sucks, you cant go and harass that much and you have to stand next to people meaning you're a target for AoE since you're already squishy
But hey, at least your heal gives a shield now LOL. Like what the fuck they be smoking at RIOT, i'll never know ;o)
If you can not feed early she is really strong later.That just doesn't really fit the support role though.
She went from being a succesful snowballer/lane-bully to becoming Janna v2 with shields and heals. All they need now, is to make her ultimate have a knockback :p
Yeah was just thinking how similar she is lol.
And like, Q-max kinda sucks now, because the heal/shield from W is kind of strong. Like way to go, first they gut zyra to the ground and now Sona :3 I guess all they need to do now, is removing true damage from Nunu's Q and i'll be on my way to bronze.
Has someone played alistar after the new patch?I have been having some very weird situations with him.Like his w only stuns people in place without a wall in sight and knockup somehow procs after w finishes in combo lol.
On August 03 2014 20:30 Slayer91 wrote: yeah new sona sucks, you cant go and harass that much and you have to stand next to people meaning you're a target for AoE since you're already squishy
Yo. New Sona full tank/cdr is awesome.
On August 03 2014 15:36 739 wrote: Do guys have champion that you play that you can easily call "a retard magnet" ? Because I'm pretty sure that when I play certain champion I'm matched with a bunch of braindead people.
Any time I jungle.
Like honestly, what's so hard about not feeding until I hit 18 and I'm ready to gank?
Fucking scrub lanes.
On August 03 2014 23:46 Nemireck wrote:Show nested quote +On August 03 2014 15:36 739 wrote: Do guys have champion that you play that you can easily call "a retard magnet" ? Because I'm pretty sure that when I play certain champion I'm matched with a bunch of braindead people. Any time I jungle. Like honestly, what's so hard about not feeding until I hit 18 and I'm ready to gank? Fucking scrub lanes.
Lol reminds me of the times where i just play udyr to farm jungle, then when my team finally reaches through to me and gets the ganks, i steal every single kill and brag in all-chat about how my team is made up of bronze players.
EDIT: And then the opposite, where you farm jungle and fail gank, just to jungle untill your team decides to FF (or nexus die GG).
you would have to go way far back to get to the true OPs, xin zhao looks very tame compared to stuff like release shaco/tf.
I cant remember if jax was in his tower dodging form when he was released but he was pretty stupid as well
Lulu mid is my retard magnet. I play her extremely well, usually get an early kill or two, put down vision so people know where the mid laner is at all times... and yet somehow my bot lane is still dying 2v4, when the mid laner had to walk all the way around their blue to gank bot, and they weren't visible for like 2 minutes straight.
And then I start dying because they draw me into fights and just abandon me.
Played ww today and my W wasn't casting sometimes when I pressed it in a fight? Anyone else encountered this?
On August 03 2014 23:24 Jek wrote:Show nested quote +On August 03 2014 20:30 Slayer91 wrote: yeah new sona sucks, you cant go and harass that much and you have to stand next to people meaning you're a target for AoE since you're already squishy
Yo. New Sona full tank/cdr is awesome. You know, you are more spot on than you'd think. I was browsing through challanger support mains, and found this guy on eune, currently #6 :http://www.lolking.net/summoner/eune/36905229
He goes full tank sona almost every game, and even though it's pre-rework sona, they are not all that different. I downloaded a replay of his game (ult seems bugged for sona there, or he did not use it in a 49 minute, close-as-hell game), and experimented three times with it in team builder. I tried to understand how he plays sona, because just copying items would not really work.
The biggest issue is hands down mana, not putting a point on e at 4 is a MUST, you can't manage your mana otherwise. Btw, this guy only put a point on e after q and w were maxed. Sure, new E is better, but the passive, man! I'm not sure if he would still go spellthief (sometimes did not even buy one), but maxing q with spellthief (never upgraded) can get you through lvl 6 if you go tanky. The best thing in his build is definetly ninja tabi. Focusing a support is generally a terrible idea, and the best exception was always sona, but man, I was tanking Draven axes like a boss. It was funny when this guy went back for his first buy, and he just bought two ruby crystals then rushed tabis, lmao. He bought wards, of course, just to clear that.
I mean, your q will only hurt with more ap, but that would just make you even squishier early on, so you can't really make it a better skill than it is. Howewer, your auras itself are great, especially W - not sure what's the laughing matter abot the shield, it' s actually much better than it's predecessor -, and your ult will always be one of the best ults in the game.
I'd like him to start to play with new sona, I'd definetly like to know what's the best way to manage your mana with tank sona, because I don't like delaying E too much. Also, sometimes he goes for the regular support route in terms of items, but I can't seem to figure out the pattern.
On August 03 2014 15:36 739 wrote: Do guys have champion that you play that you can easily call "a retard magnet" ? Because I'm pretty sure that when I play certain champion I'm matched with a bunch of braindead people.
Renekton. I don't just win lane with him, I crush it. I take two towers usually, double opponents cs with a few kills , and then my team throws at 40 minutes. Always happens on renek, my team will get ahead then people get caught and I've gone from being capable of 1v3ing to being useless because I'm Renekton past 30 minutes.
I really don't like skipping E anymore, the fact that the self buff is actually good now saves you from having to blow your ult if you are caught sweeping a ward, which was one of old Sona's biggest weaknesses.
pre and post rework skilling E at 8 are like completely different arguments
On August 03 2014 23:01 nafta wrote: Has someone played alistar after the new patch?I have been having some very weird situations with him.Like his w only stuns people in place without a wall in sight and knockup somehow procs after w finishes in combo lol. I never really stopped with Ali, and most of those situations are ping related. The random w stun is new, but I haven't seen it.
Ive not noticed the alistar thing, but sometimes I feel like I definitely clicked that minion but my champ sort of just runs past it, and sometimes my skills dont visually go on cooldown, but I can't use them. Oh, and lag on minion damage, like a second after a tower hit they actually register the damage. Something wonky in that last patch.
The worst part of sona isn't that she's miserable now. but that she's also miserable to play. i can get screwing up balance because they wanted to change her. after all riot doesn't play internally at a high level so they can't be sure of drastic changes being a nerf or buff. but someone had to play new sona and think "yeah, this is fun". how that happened is completely unknown to me.