Dont mind it like that. A least it is still under "Other games", unlike a few days ago when it was completely gone.
What I dont really like is that they seperated Dota and Hearthstone from the rest. In the past I used to watch Dota streams on occasion, when they popped up on the sidebar. But as I am not a permanent follower of Dota, I do not go specifically click on the Dota site. So I am seeing much less of it now. Generally I dont like the seperation of the different TL gaming communities.
On May 20 2014 18:57 739 wrote: Oh noes, our forums just got moved :\ Looks so tacky, dont know why they didnt just leave it zzz
Because then people might think that this horrible casual game is actually of similar worth as our glorious SC2, BW or Dota. And people new to the site might actually get sucked into that horrible den of casual debauchery.
Of course those peasants need to be taught that they are wrong.
On May 20 2014 19:10 krndandaman wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2014 16:58 GolemMadness wrote:On May 20 2014 16:30 JazzVortical wrote:Lina is dumb anyway. Fire based skills with an ult that is a.... lightning bolt. Of course. On May 20 2014 13:01 Goumindong wrote:On May 20 2014 10:48 RagequitBM wrote: I think Karma and Morgana are the two best solo q supports right now. Usually have comparable damage to your mid laner. It's banay If you learn when Morgana/Karma should be build as tanks instead of damage they get even stronger. I can see Morg going full CDR tank at times. Bind all day and not die during ult is appealing if your team needs a beefier frontline, but I don't understand tank Karma. You want to build some AP. Your whole deal in teamfights is an AOE shield, which you want to be as strong as possible. How does being a tank help that? If you're able to soak up damage through a tank item, it'll do more than AP for your shield ever will. Also, you're a support, so it's not like you're able to build a ton of AP. The reason for building AP items is for their other stats (CDR, liandry's passive, maybe twin shadows). on morgana I usually get a tank item (banshee's or randuin's or both) depending on how the game is going and how much damage i'm taking. on karma however I tend not to go a tank item because she kites hard and has a much easier time staying alive/safe than a morgana would. also karma with just a few ap items has ridiculous damage (her base values are good) so I would probably just go void staff as a final item. make myself into a 2nd ap carry with utility. frostqueen/mikael/sightstone/boots/liandries/void
Yeah, that works also if you're getting boots of lucidity and maybe 5% CDR from runes.
On May 20 2014 19:43 GolemMadness wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2014 19:10 krndandaman wrote:On May 20 2014 16:58 GolemMadness wrote:On May 20 2014 16:30 JazzVortical wrote:Lina is dumb anyway. Fire based skills with an ult that is a.... lightning bolt. Of course. On May 20 2014 13:01 Goumindong wrote:On May 20 2014 10:48 RagequitBM wrote: I think Karma and Morgana are the two best solo q supports right now. Usually have comparable damage to your mid laner. It's banay If you learn when Morgana/Karma should be build as tanks instead of damage they get even stronger. I can see Morg going full CDR tank at times. Bind all day and not die during ult is appealing if your team needs a beefier frontline, but I don't understand tank Karma. You want to build some AP. Your whole deal in teamfights is an AOE shield, which you want to be as strong as possible. How does being a tank help that? If you're able to soak up damage through a tank item, it'll do more than AP for your shield ever will. Also, you're a support, so it's not like you're able to build a ton of AP. The reason for building AP items is for their other stats (CDR, liandry's passive, maybe twin shadows). on morgana I usually get a tank item (banshee's or randuin's or both) depending on how the game is going and how much damage i'm taking. on karma however I tend not to go a tank item because she kites hard and has a much easier time staying alive/safe than a morgana would. also karma with just a few ap items has ridiculous damage (her base values are good) so I would probably just go void staff as a final item. make myself into a 2nd ap carry with utility. frostqueen/mikael/sightstone/boots/liandries/void Yeah, that works also if you're getting boots of lucidity and maybe 5% CDR from runes.
I like frost queen, Morellos and Twin Shadows. Gives you max CDR and also frees you up to get Sorc Shoes or mobis if you like that route. I only get Mikaels as support if it is an absolute necessity. Tank items on Karma feels really underwhelming to me. Maybe I should give it another go.
Though I'm really digging Twin Shadows as an item. I find I'm picking it up on mid laners occasionally now too.
i'm finding that psychologically, playing shaco is more like "laning" against the other jungler than any other champ i've played. it's so much fun and so rewarding to when you get the perfect box traps because you anticipated him arriving at wolves based on his gank paths
On May 20 2014 15:05 I_Love_Bacon wrote: Not sure who it is/was, but there was a rammus just duoing with Seraph a day or two.
http://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=hairyabs He's hairyabs. Some D1 40~50 pts player. He's just someone Seraph ran into in solo queue 4 times in a row while he was breezing through tiers from his placements, duoing with aphromoo. He liked having a rammus camp his lane so he added him started duoing with him.
He only recently started massing games as rammus as he was his 3rd most played when he started duoing with Seraph, from his gamelist it seems that the majority of his wins as rammus come from duoing with Seraph so I don't think he's some sort of rammus prodigy. He just has decent jungle sense and helps the guy with godly mechanics get fed and carry the game.
vayneauthority is a rammus prodigy, he was dumping on kids when everyone thought rammus was trash.
Pretty good way to get recognition, run into a pro farming elo and get into his good graces
Seraph and Link have the same last name. Neat.
On May 20 2014 13:33 wei2coolman wrote:i'm still salty about the fiddle and rammus nerfs. They weren't even fucking op'd (okay, rammus was a bit lulzy in solo queue). Then Riot was like "NAH. UNFUN MECHANICS" *releases shit like Braum and Yasuo that completely nullifies major ultis, and make ADC's do jack shit for like 5 seconds*. Blame CJ Frost for Rammus/Shen comboing and taunting people under top turret for forever.
How the fuck do you reliably last hit on Rumble? One of the most clunky attack animations, low aa plus flamespitter always messes me up. I lose like 20 cs just from unable to last hit
How do you deal with Rammus' super slow clear, though, especially when going spirit stone? @_@ And the fact that despite his very high dps early on (good base AD+passive) his taunt doesn't last that long to make use of it. Do you just wait for your laner to bait so the escape/cc is down when you bolt in, or gank from behind with Q and hold onto the taunt, keeping yourself between them and their tower and waiting for them to flash/dash before you taunt them back in?
... I just learnt his Q slows the units hit. Then again, 20% is pretty meager (since it's maxed last). I guess you can still use that and/or red buff to stay ahead without having to use the taunt. On the other hand anything ranged with an escape like Caitlyn or Tristana is a bitch to catch because even if you manage to taunt them during the animation they'll hit you from afar so you have to taunt them right after your Q.
While on the topic of junglers and slow clears, what's a "standard" health/use of pots? I know with Vi or Nocturne I can get to Red using only 2 pots (maybe 3) if I get a decent pull, otherwise I'll use 3 and my 4th on the next camp. I see WW start with machete+3 health pots+2mana pots and I by the time they cross my ward or try a gank (level 3-4) they'll have used one health pot top. When I tried Hecarim I had to consantly pot up and was still kinda low, but I screwed up my rune page and had AS/MS instead of ArPen/MS. Mana is annoying if using W to stay healthy but a spirit stone is enough to maintain constant Q spam on camps. I tend to think that any jungler needing 3 pots or more just to start Red is too fragile, but as slow as it is Vi's first clear keeps her rather high (passive shield) and Nocturne has innate sustain so...
On May 20 2014 21:21 ParadeofMadness wrote: How the fuck do you reliably last hit on Rumble? One of the most clunky attack animations, low aa plus flamespitter always messes me up. I lose like 20 cs just from unable to last hit Overheat, I guess. It's actually one of the reasons a lot of tops don't play him.
i think that the korean rammus build was full attack speed runes
Ich streaming, 76 viewers.
How the might have fallen.
On May 20 2014 21:33 Alaric wrote: How do you deal with Rammus' super slow clear, though, especially when going spirit stone? @_@ And the fact that despite his very high dps early on (good base AD+passive) his taunt doesn't last that long to make use of it. Do you just wait for your laner to bait so the escape/cc is down when you bolt in, or gank from behind with Q and hold onto the taunt, keeping yourself between them and their tower and waiting for them to flash/dash before you taunt them back in?
... I just learnt his Q slows the units hit. Then again, 20% is pretty meager (since it's maxed last). I guess you can still use that and/or red buff to stay ahead without having to use the taunt. On the other hand anything ranged with an escape like Caitlyn or Tristana is a bitch to catch because even if you manage to taunt them during the animation they'll hit you from afar so you have to taunt them right after your Q.
While on the topic of junglers and slow clears, what's a "standard" health/use of pots? I know with Vi or Nocturne I can get to Red using only 2 pots (maybe 3) if I get a decent pull, otherwise I'll use 3 and my 4th on the next camp. I see WW start with machete+3 health pots+2mana pots and I by the time they cross my ward or try a gank (level 3-4) they'll have used one health pot top. When I tried Hecarim I had to consantly pot up and was still kinda low, but I screwed up my rune page and had AS/MS instead of ArPen/MS. Mana is annoying if using W to stay healthy but a spirit stone is enough to maintain constant Q spam on camps. I tend to think that any jungler needing 3 pots or more just to start Red is too fragile, but as slow as it is Vi's first clear keeps her rather high (passive shield) and Nocturne has innate sustain so...
you attack champs like cait from behind, her net is useless when it doesnt slow, nobody even plays trist and you come from behind also, Q interrpts jump so she cant jump immediately anyway you need to auto a lot, especially early taunt doesnt last that long, just pretend you're a briuiser champ with a stun.
On May 20 2014 21:43 Gahlo wrote: Ich streaming, 76 viewers.
How the might have fallen.
he literalls just turned it on, had 12k yesterday.