On March 22 2014 02:31 nafta wrote:Show nested quote +On March 22 2014 02:29 wei2coolman wrote:On March 22 2014 02:23 Ketara wrote:On March 22 2014 02:22 wei2coolman wrote:On March 22 2014 02:12 nafta wrote: The ls nerf doesn't really change anything at all honestly dunno why jimmies seem to be rustled.They will still be the quints of choice for ad unless you are cait/have heal supp or just feel confident you can abuse the extra damage from arpen/ad.So nothing has changed. Doesn't change the fact we're suppose to use them, but it does seriously gimp the lifesteal you do get, for no good reason. There is a good reason. Everybody uses them in all ADC matchups all the time. That's a good reason. Runes are about giving the player meaningful choices. If there's no reasonable alternative choice, then there's no point in having the rune system at all and you have a game design problem. Like nafta said, this doesn't change the fact that ADC's are going to run LS quints. Because it's necessary, especially since there were no Apen or AD quint buffs. In short nothing changed except everyone's defense has become much better, and LS for ADC's has become worse. Also, armor seals will still be decent on things like Orianna/Lulu/ (maybe lee sin?) because armor scales with shields, extra health does not. Well to be fair a lot of pros have started to not run ls quints so maybe it will leak to soloq especially after the small nerfs soonish.Personally not a fan cause ls is safer is your support is bad and there is no way to know if you will have to 1v2. If you run 2v1 lane, you can probably get away with not running LS, and running AS or AD instead. I'll probably still keep running 2 LS quints. Will probably switch out AD quint for AS quint though now.
On March 22 2014 02:32 kongoline wrote: u guys say it like it hit only adc's, meanwhile almost every AD bruiser without inbuilt sustain uses ls quints too Let's be honest here, if you aren't playing bruiser without inbuilt sustain, then it's probably trash in the first place. (in current meta)
On March 22 2014 02:32 kongoline wrote: u guys say it like it hit only adc's, meanwhile almost every AD bruiser without inbuilt sustain uses ls quints too
Which champions are those even? There's like Darius and Shyvana, all other bruisers have sustain.
Rune change announcement:
Basically they decided that the big revamp they proposed wasn't actually going to fix any problems and they list basic balance changes they're going to put into next patch instead. Also, starting next patch and going into April there will be a sale where all runes are 30% off.
On March 22 2014 02:38 Alzadar wrote:Show nested quote +On March 22 2014 02:32 kongoline wrote: u guys say it like it hit only adc's, meanwhile almost every AD bruiser without inbuilt sustain uses ls quints too Which champions are those even? There's like Darius and Shyvana, all other bruisers have sustain. most zed's run lifesteal in tricky lanes afaik
On March 22 2014 02:38 Alzadar wrote:Show nested quote +On March 22 2014 02:32 kongoline wrote: u guys say it like it hit only adc's, meanwhile almost every AD bruiser without inbuilt sustain uses ls quints too Which champions are those even? There's like Darius and Shyvana, all other bruisers have sustain. jax,irelia,zed,jayce,riven,j4,fiora,wukong,tryndamere even people playing kennen top use ls quints, nerfs wont hurt current fotm bruisers what a surprise ....
i don't think most of those champs use ls quints, and a few have innate sustain...
reapered used 4% ls on pretty much every ad toplaner, check best rivens NA runes or hashinshin or dyrus when hes playing jax
United States19573 Posts
On March 22 2014 02:38 Alzadar wrote:Show nested quote +On March 22 2014 02:32 kongoline wrote: u guys say it like it hit only adc's, meanwhile almost every AD bruiser without inbuilt sustain uses ls quints too Which champions are those even? There's like Darius and Shyvana, all other bruisers have sustain. Jax.
Also ls quints are standard because you can get a raw Bf sword first back and still have sustain.
The real issue with rune changes is they won't provide meaningful choices, just different mandatory (optimal for the "anything is viable" crowd) "choices".
Lol I think I'm posting breaking news and don't even pay attention to the fact that everyone is already discussing it.
On March 22 2014 02:44 kongoline wrote:Show nested quote +On March 22 2014 02:38 Alzadar wrote:On March 22 2014 02:32 kongoline wrote: u guys say it like it hit only adc's, meanwhile almost every AD bruiser without inbuilt sustain uses ls quints too Which champions are those even? There's like Darius and Shyvana, all other bruisers have sustain. jax,irelia,zed,jayce,riven,j4,fiora,wukong,tryndamere even people playing kennen top use ls quints, nerfs wont hurt current fotm bruisers what a surprise ....
Those all either do have sustain, are ranged, or are hyper-scaling carries that should have weak early games. Except for Jarvan I guess, but he's always been in a weird spot.
On March 22 2014 02:46 kongoline wrote: reapered used 4% ls on pretty much every ad toplaner, check best rivens NA runes or hashinshin or dyrus when hes playing jax
So you're agreeing that LS runes are massively overused and need to be brought down a notch? That's how Riot tends to balance, even when people are playing non-optimally they nerf things that are overused. See: removing Heart of Gold because everyone bought it, even though it was trash.
On March 22 2014 02:46 kongoline wrote: reapered used 4% ls on pretty much every ad toplaner that got me interested, so i looked up ogn pages from what i think are the last two seasons
repeared is absent, but ls quints are used here and there, so it looks like they are a matchup/style dependent option
What tanky tops can lane safely against Renek? I've tried mundo, trundle and they both got shove into tower and lose trades ...
they are both fine play better
getting shoved into tower isnt a bad thing, both can farm very well under tower and mundo from range
Baa?21242 Posts
On March 22 2014 02:57 nosliw wrote: What tanky tops can lane safely against Renek? I've tried mundo, trundle and they both got shove into tower and lose trades ... Vayne, and Ryze. But both of those are extremely hard to play matchup that requires no mistake in order to win lane.
Shyvana/Trundle should be able to lose lane just a little bit, but then outscale despite 20 or so cs deficit.
Ehhh, most lucian players are usually more funny than ragey.
I won't run LS if they nerf it. They barely eek out AD runes as is on ADC. The difference between getting BF vs pickaxe+vamp scepter is 10 ad and a slower BT.
I like to play shen vs renek.
Am ashamed as a lucian player.
this stuff just gets more and more ridiculous
Only if you are white and 60% female.
On March 22 2014 02:31 Alzadar wrote:Show nested quote +On March 22 2014 02:25 Ketara wrote:On March 22 2014 02:23 Alzadar wrote:On March 22 2014 02:05 arb wrote:On March 22 2014 01:44 Alzadar wrote: Out with Armor Seals on every champ, in with Health Seals on every champ? since you'll end up with higher armor regardless, i'd still see running armor runes anyway, too valuable to give up imo i run scaling hp on some of my more squishy mids if im not vs an ad hero anyways Lee Sin level 1 Base Stats:513 health, 23.7 armor (counting the buff to all champions) MasteriesI think standard with 9 Defense would be +36 health from Vet Scars and +3% max health from Juggernaut. Note that this is the best possible scenario in favour of armor, all the bonus health with no bonus armor. Lee Sin with Armor Seals:(513+36)1.03 = 565.47 health, 23.7+9 = 32.7 armor 750.38 effective health vs physical Lee Sin with Health Seals:(513+36+72)1.03 = 639.63 health, 23.7 armor 791.22 effective health vs physical Considering that health is good versus magic and true damage as well, this brooks no argument. Flat Health runes will be completely superior to Flat Armor runes. Armor scales with sustain, health does not. True that. 5 health pots with Armor Seals = 597.15 effective health vs physical 5 health pots with Health Seals = 556.65 Difference is 40.5 This is basically exactly the same as the previous difference, rendering the two choices equal vs Physical when you consume 5 potions, BUT Health Seals are still better vs magic damage. Lifesteal can tip the scale back in Armor's favor. Natural regen must be considered too, which means the two options might actually be very well balanced between each other.
As much as I want there to be a flat armor seals vs. flat HP seals debate, I don't think there is one.
You're saying a 40.5 effective HP difference, but armor seals scale with all the HP you get from levels, all your natural HP regen, all your potions, whatever sustain your champion has, lifesteal, shields and barrier, etc.
Flat health seals are like, cheesy level 1-2 all in seals. Over the course of a real game they're just not better.
You'd have to be a very specific champion who buys tons of resists and doesn't have innate regen to want flat HP seals, or be against an all AP team which doesn't really happen. The best realistic use for them would be in some sort of a lane counterpick rune page for a mid laner vs. an AP mid and an AP jungler who are big early game champions like Leblanc/Elise or something.