I got a question, the lcs casters says lb often harasses down lane opponents using autos but whenever i try do this i seem to take way too much creep damage even if i back off after an auto creeps seem to do enough damage that the auto wasn't worth it, is there a method to this ?
Also i seen jungle kass mentioned a bit and see it played, but i dont see in anyway shape or form how it would be good maybe im missing something but.
- bad clear - bad pre6 ganks - poor mobility pre6
surely if you want bruiser kass toplane kass would just be better?
On March 22 2014 07:54 MattBarry wrote: Saint talked about new Kassadin maybe being a good jungler if you build tanky like frozen fist for your only offensive item. I tried that and it just felt awful, has anyone tried something similar. I've tried maxing W and E and nothing I do makes jungle kass feel not awful I tried it in a normal, went w q e then maxed e in the hopes of maybe ganking something, or ever clearing wraiths. W max seems a bit pointless as the cooldown stays the same, and you never run out of mana anyway with spirit stone/blue buff.
Couldn't do anything pre 6, except one attempted gank where we blew flash, but any real jungler would have gotten a kill in the same situation, and post 6 i got a few kills off, but it was all just coming in and using what little burst i had + the laners damage/cc to kill people, nothing any other jungler couldn't have done better.
Wasn't sure what to build though, went roa and tear, but they weren't stacked til like 35 minutes in because I got them so late.
On March 22 2014 08:02 Ballsdeep or afk wrote: Also i seen jungle kass mentioned a bit and see it played, but i dont see in anyway shape or form how it would be good maybe im missing something but.
- bad clear - bad pre6 ganks - poor mobility pre6
surely if you want bruiser kass toplane kass would just be better?
Having an ult on a 1.5s cd is just so awesome that people are just searching for any possible way to get him there. His early game is just too bad to put him in lane without him getting wrecked against pretty much anyone 
holy shit about fucking time
Wtf "not what we wanted so we kill it"
On March 22 2014 08:05 dae wrote:Wtf "not what we wanted so we kill it" "This combination of strengths do not make much sense (why do you need tankiness if you are a sniper? Etc.) and are unhealthy for the game."
What is it with riot and attempting to kill any kind of diversity in the last few weeks... I've never really found gragas fun to play vs/as, so I'm not too upset about these changes, but still >.>
On March 22 2014 07:54 MattBarry wrote: Saint talked about new Kassadin maybe being a good jungler if you build tanky like frozen fist for your only offensive item. I tried that and it just felt awful, has anyone tried something similar. I've tried maxing W and E and nothing I do makes jungle kass feel not awful
Crs Saintvicious @CrsStvicious · Mar 18 alright jungle kassadin sucks lol the numbers are too low
On March 22 2014 08:10 killerdog wrote:"This combination of strengths do not make much sense (why do you need tankiness if you are a sniper? Etc.) and are unhealthy for the game." What is it with riot and attempting to kill any kind of diversity in the last few weeks... I've never really found gragas fun to play vs/as, so I'm not too upset about these changes, but still >.> It clashes with Riot's new design theme which is "here is a dude that we're releasing to fulfill X roles and Phreak already has a spotlight where he tells you how to build him" whereas their earlier champions are mostly "here is a dude that does stuff and idk if anyone will play him but you guys go figure it out"
The first model does make them way more money though because everyone rushes to buy the new OP with RP.
On March 22 2014 08:02 Ballsdeep or afk wrote: I got a question, the lcs casters says lb often harasses down lane opponents using autos but whenever i try do this i seem to take way too much creep damage even if i back off after an auto creeps seem to do enough damage that the auto wasn't worth it, is there a method to this ?
Don't go in when you'll aggro the ranged minions, if you aggro the melee ones step behind your minions before they hit you. If you q or q-w him, mix in an auto or two into the process. If you land a chain then don't feel the need to q+w and run away, q-aa-aa-w-aa-back off. If you q-w then you can auto once or twice before you w back with basically no risk (except gragas, his return autos fuck you up tt.)
It's just threading as many autos as possible into your combos, and controlling the waves so that you can get a free auto or two off in situations where only 1-2 minions will aggro onto you, or where he can't respond with autos without aggroing a lot of minions onto him. It's also sometimes worth evenly trading damage, as you typically have more unavoidable damage then most mids, so if you both trade down to 50% hp, then he'll typically have to back off, as any more trades when you're both low will just be a free insta-kill for you.
If watch some vods from, fx, bjergsens stream of him playing leblanc (he normally plays it at least once in each long streaming session, just skip through the 8-9 hour vods 45 minutes at a time til you see a lb game) you can see how he plays out the first few levels in lane.
On March 22 2014 08:16 killerdog wrote:Show nested quote +On March 22 2014 08:02 Ballsdeep or afk wrote: I got a question, the lcs casters says lb often harasses down lane opponents using autos but whenever i try do this i seem to take way too much creep damage even if i back off after an auto creeps seem to do enough damage that the auto wasn't worth it, is there a method to this ?
If watch some vods from, fx, bjergsens stream of him playing leblanc (he normally plays it at least once in each long streaming session, just skip through the 8-9 hour vods 45 minutes at a time til you see a lb game) you can see how he plays out the first few levels in lane.
Alternatively, on youtube is a channel by the name of "Fiss Mortune" and you can search "Fiss Mortune Leblanc" to get a whole collection of game VODs to watch , usually staring XPeke or Bjergsen.
On March 22 2014 08:29 Nemireck wrote:Show nested quote +On March 22 2014 08:16 killerdog wrote:On March 22 2014 08:02 Ballsdeep or afk wrote: I got a question, the lcs casters says lb often harasses down lane opponents using autos but whenever i try do this i seem to take way too much creep damage even if i back off after an auto creeps seem to do enough damage that the auto wasn't worth it, is there a method to this ?
If watch some vods from, fx, bjergsens stream of him playing leblanc (he normally plays it at least once in each long streaming session, just skip through the 8-9 hour vods 45 minutes at a time til you see a lb game) you can see how he plays out the first few levels in lane. Alternatively, on youtube is a channel by the name of "Fiss Mortune" and you can search "Fiss Mortune Leblanc" to get a whole collection of game VODs to watch , usually staring XPeke or Bjergsen. Oh didn't know about that, that sounds awesome ^^
edit: he seems to be using fiss mortune.green now
On March 22 2014 07:56 Requizen wrote:
whats ttgl also i was recommended tower of god as best eva and it was pretty good first season but then i couldn't read any more it got so boring need the crocodile to carry the whole manhwa he was amazing
He comes back at some point.
On March 22 2014 08:32 Slayer91 wrote:Show nested quote +On March 22 2014 07:56 Requizen wrote:On March 22 2014 07:41 MattBarry wrote: Naruto>TTGL :^)  whats ttglalso i was recommended tower of god as best eva and it was pretty good first season but then i couldn't read any more it got so boring need the crocodile to carry the whole manhwa he was amazing
On March 22 2014 09:31 Slayer91 wrote: thats not an answer
It's an anime.
It's kind of known for its heavy shounen flavours and exaggerated power of "believing in oneself". It was a fairly popular anime when it aired, even though it was from a pretty crappy timeslot. Many regarded TTGL as the best show of the season, if not the year.
TTGL gets mentioned a lot because the new Rumble skin references that show a lot. Here are some quotes from the ACTUAL SHOW (after translated into English), which you can compare with the Rumble quotes:
Who the hell do you think I am?!
A true man never dies ... even when he's killed.
Your drill is the drill that will pierce the Heavens!
Yay I don't regret spending all dem IPs since they barely touched runes.
Why isn't Karma played more? I feel like she's a really strong support, but the only one who's played less than her is Zyra.
On March 22 2014 10:00 GolemMadness wrote: Why isn't Karma played more? I feel like she's a really strong support, but the only one who's played less than her is Zyra. she's starting to get played more and more. that mantra q hits like a fucking truck level 1