Yeah it's just that I was wondering whether or not to forgo chasing mobile squishies to instead help your own carries smash their diver down (Woo hoo! I'm out) since they're easier to reach and you can't really afford to waste Q chasing considering how long your cooldowns are. Turns out you do so little damage to them anyway, unless your carry needs you to stack BC on them you're probably better off running straight to their carries and use your W to tank as much as you can even if you can't reach them. If they're fragile enough that you can 100-0 them (or mostly) odds are you'll zone out two carries or one + a defensive support and give your team a favorable 4v3 (if your own carries are stronger than their diver obv. otherwise the trade may not be worth it but then you're probably fucked unless you kill their own carry).
Apart from Plat smurfs smashing level 10-20 guys, games lost were when the enemy team had noone that I could kill, either because too tanky, or too much peel for me to be able to get the full combo off them (or survive long enough for a 2nd rotation, friggin hard even with 30% CDR because of the way E works). Interestingly enough I seemed to do better out of the jungle, but that has probably more to do with me being a more experienced jungler than most level 30s I crossed on the smurf, even with Garen, and getting more gold from directive the team on objectives, than with the jungle itemisation providing more CDR earlier (though that kinda help with your huge-ass ult CD at level 1).
On March 05 2014 23:06 Slayer91 wrote: if shyvana is going spirit visage you dont use ult on her, you only ult tanks with high hp/armour, otherwise let the adcs deal with em tanks dont have THAT much more hp than squishies anyway, you'd better use it on squishies
chogath and darius cant close gap and arent as tanky as garen, chogath can compare but he's so easy to hit because of how slow he is he's almost a caster type teamfighter where he stays back and tries to land skills before going in
the numbers of a renek going sunfire randuins hydra with lvl 16 ult would be much more favourable, shyvana gets tons of mr and nobody would get SV on shyvaan over banshees now not that it affects anything I could see SV on a Shyva that went BotRK first, fulfilling a more bruisery approach over a straight tank one.
Don't really see a need to address lee sin of all people right now, I don't even think the guy is a problem. To be fair at my elo it's not like anyone's good with lee sin, I find vi way more annoying to deal with since she point and clicks her way into your carries.
On March 06 2014 01:08 Nos- wrote: Don't really see a need to address lee sin of all people right now, I don't even think the guy is a problem. To be fair at my elo it's not like anyone's good with lee sin, I find vi way more annoying to deal with since she point and clicks her way into your carries. I think Riot is trying to get the "get to 6" junglers in a better spot without having people go "I counterpick Lee Sin, all your buffs are belong to me" in soloqueue.
except counterjungling with lee requires your team to be competent too.
It doesn't require your team in solo queue that much. Maybe at the top of the ladder, but he's rather independent in solo queue.
Riot is trying, but they're wrong. Unless they rework the mobility of non popular junglers, things won't change much
On March 05 2014 14:30 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On March 05 2014 14:19 Gahlo wrote:On March 05 2014 14:02 obesechicken13 wrote:On March 05 2014 13:50 Disengaged wrote:On March 05 2014 13:49 iCanada wrote:On March 05 2014 13:34 GhandiEAGLE wrote:On March 05 2014 13:32 sylverfyre wrote:On March 05 2014 12:56 Goumindong wrote: Always kill damage first. Then go for the tank. Only a sith deals in absolutes. Which is also an absolute. Seriously who wrote this? A Sith? Unlimited POWAH Obi Wan confirmed sith. Bad Writers further confirmed Sith. I know I saw an explanation of why it actually makes sense but I can't seem to find it... Edit: Found it + Show Spoiler +It doesn't mean that the Jedi don't see things in absolutes. The Jedi don't DEAL in absolutes.
What Obi-Wan here is saying, basically, is that the Sith adopt a "My way or the highway attitude" whereas the Jedi always see another way.
Obviously, Obi-Wan is a Jedi. That's an absolute statement. Hell, "Only the Sith deal in absolutes" is an absolute statement in and of itself.
It's the deal part that should be emphasized here.
Although, when you truly look at it and realize that Obi-Wan trains the eventual Sith Lord Varder... Makes sense that he could be double agent sith lord himself, no?
#40yearslater #Plottwist
On March 05 2014 14:49 SagaZ wrote:Show nested quote +On March 05 2014 14:32 Slusher wrote: The thing about Rengar is the nerf only hit the full tank into trinity build that pros were using, it did literally nothing to the solo q assassin build which has been really solid since s4 started (possibly before that)
the wriggle buff (if what goes live ends up being good) should be a huge boon to him too, since he gets so little out of the lizard elder (imo) but passing on the gold gen can hurt you. wait why does he get little out of elder lizard? I've been buying it every game but I honestly never really thought about it
his clear speed is so single target focused Tiamat rush clears the jungle much faster than spirit stone/lizard where on say kha you might get spirit stone for the mana you don't need it, and dblade/vamp will do more health wise, so your just better off opening Dblade and getting tiamat as fast as possible.
Like I said in my original post I think the nerfs made his full tank + trinity build kinda bad so he doesn't really do damage over time, thus a low ad item with a dot isn't really that amazing on him it's not "bad" but I'd much rather have the dblade level 1 and I'd much rather have the tiamat asap, so it really becomes an akward timing to buy it as a 3rd item when I want to be getting my LW/Bruta combo online so I can one shot people.
also wanted to chime in and agree how annoying it is that they are messing with Lee.
Unless they unnerf Q execute LOL
On March 05 2014 16:04 M2 wrote: How do u even play Rengar jungle now? His jungling clearing is so slow if you ask me and you lose so much health you cant even think of ganking pre 6, even if you have an opportunity. And then you spend so much cash on potions its not even funny. He had the same problem before the nerf, but then at least you could have rely on orange W for sustain and get relevant earlier, now you just buy a lot of potions and you are afraid of everything early game. My experience with him is vastly different, I use cdr blues and 4% lifesteal, 21.9.0 and he clears like a champion, the inicial pots keep you full hp
On March 06 2014 04:05 Slusher wrote: his clear speed is so single target focused Tiamat rush clears the jungle much faster than spirit stone/lizard where on say kha you might get spirit stone for the mana you don't need it, and dblade/vamp will do more health wise, so your just better off opening Dblade and getting tiamat as fast as possible.
Like I said in my original post I think the nerfs made his full tank + trinity build kinda bad so he doesn't really do damage over time, thus a low ad item with a dot isn't really that amazing on him it's not "bad" but I'd much rather have the dblade level 1 and I'd much rather have the tiamat asap, so it really becomes an akward timing to buy it as a 3rd item when I want to be getting my LW/Bruta combo online so I can one shot people.
Rushing tiamat is interesting I wil definetly try it, I agree that I feel you speed up in everything when you get that item. lizard gives the money and allows you to heal on camps, but maybe a vamp septer might be enough for that
yea lifesteal quints are a must with the way Q works, I'm not sure why m2 is raping himself with pots
Arp Quints sound balling out of control on paper but the worth is not there.
On March 05 2014 21:25 schmutttt wrote: Remember when they tried to make Garen more 'late game'? I'd argue that was a nerf. Will be really sad if they wreck lee, will also make a lot of people further question their balancing.
Since Ghostclawer is working for Riot now(he came from Blizzard) hes going to ruin LoL with his balancing powers muahahahahahahahahaha. Sabotage I say 
Jokes aside I don't even know if hes doing anything in terms of balancing but it was pretty common to blame Ghostclaw for ruining the balance of WoW pvp and whatnot.
well WoWs balance team was Historically uninformed
Lee is one of the most stable jungler for an eternity.
chaning him because a few gold elos in soloqueue cant handle him is silly, imo.
But its riot, at this point i assume they intentionally try to ruin the gamebalance just to change the game around as much as possible.
United States23745 Posts
On March 06 2014 04:50 LaNague wrote: Lee is one of the most stable jungler for an eternity.
chaning him because a few gold elos in soloqueue cant handle him is silly, imo.
But its riot, at this point i assume they intentionally try to ruin the gamebalance just to change the game around as much as possible. If people wanna call out Riot for being incompetent, that's fine, because they've certainly made some questionable decisions, but saying they are doing this on purpose is a silly accusation.
On March 06 2014 04:57 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2014 04:50 LaNague wrote: Lee is one of the most stable jungler for an eternity.
chaning him because a few gold elos in soloqueue cant handle him is silly, imo.
But its riot, at this point i assume they intentionally try to ruin the gamebalance just to change the game around as much as possible. If people wanna call out Riot for being incompetent, that's fine, because they've certainly made some questionable decisions, but saying they are doing this on purpose is a silly accusation.
I would call them both silly accusations.
Most popular game in the world. Clearly incompetent.
United States23745 Posts
On March 06 2014 04:59 Ketara wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2014 04:57 onlywonderboy wrote:On March 06 2014 04:50 LaNague wrote: Lee is one of the most stable jungler for an eternity.
chaning him because a few gold elos in soloqueue cant handle him is silly, imo.
But its riot, at this point i assume they intentionally try to ruin the gamebalance just to change the game around as much as possible. If people wanna call out Riot for being incompetent, that's fine, because they've certainly made some questionable decisions, but saying they are doing this on purpose is a silly accusation. I would call them both silly accusations. Most popular game in the world. Clearly incompetent. I'm usually fine with their balancing decisions, but there has been some real headscratchers (the AA reduction on Top and Mid turret comes to mind.) Also them having the most popular game in the world has more factors involved than just their balance team :p
im fine with everything except champion remakes. I bought and play champs for a reason, stop changing them completely. I no longer play nasus or sivir or a whole multitude of other champs because they have warped their kits so much that they feel clunky instead of what im used to
gangplank is next I guess, I know they are going to ruin him for me too