On February 12 2014 04:56 Celial wrote: Hey, I'm looking for new jungler to spam but just don't know which champion...
I want a champ that has the option to both hardcarry and be a tank (not at the same time, mind you). It needs to be outside of the current fotm meta though, I know that Vi would fit exactly that description but she is either banned or picked every game. I also want to be able to either outright beat or safely escape popular junglers. I prefer a more farm heavy playstyle, but want decent ganks (so Shyvana is out).
I played a lot of Olaf recently, but I feel that while I can stay a (minor) threat in lategame with true damage, I really cannot pick up a struggling team on my back and carry it. Even if I do VERY well for myself. Pantheon, Vi, Wukong, Khazix, Elise, Olaf... etc all FOTM that I don't want to play. I like to play champions that are very rarely popular but still insanely strong (and do well even when behind), just like my favorite support Karma. Any ideas? Here's something you need to remember about soloq: There is no style points when it comes to elo or LP.
On February 12 2014 05:26 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On February 12 2014 05:08 JonGalt wrote: celial asks for non fotm champ and wei2coolman responds with... fotm champs. great post bro.
@celial what about jarvan? or darius! I always had a lot of fun jungling with him. I'm saying that's such a silly question. that's like asking for "I want a food that incorporates ground beef in a flat form, in between two pieces of bread, but it can't be a sandwich or a burger". beef meatballs in pita
On February 12 2014 05:26 Celial wrote:Show nested quote +On February 12 2014 05:12 turamn wrote:On February 12 2014 05:08 JonGalt wrote: celial asks for non fotm champ and wei2coolman responds with... fotm champs. great post bro.
@celial what about jarvan? Well I mean, look at what he is asking for. He is looking for something that can hard carry, tank or do damage, be relevant when behind... If a champion can do those things, they are probably already FOTM. Of the stuff you listed Celial, I'd try Jarvan and Xin Zhao. Both can tank up and can snow ball pretty hard early. I like Nocturne myself, but he's a bit less impact pre-six. Yeah just not at the same time, but efficient with different build paths. Jarvan sounds interesting, flag and ult can be still relevant (plus free armor on flag!). I don't think Xin can do that as well, although he probably leans more torwards damage. I feel like Xin is really strong in midgame skirmishes,but doesn't do much else. Doesn't Darius have huuuge mana problems?
Beats me. I don't play Darius. Xin does snowball pretty hard, but his damage definitely falls off. You need to build defensive items on him later or you just blow up. He's still got a useful ult that can separate the team and disengage or offer some peeling.
I've seen Xin's get so fed that they can afford Lizard Elder, Bork and Trinity, but they die immediately if they are focused. Jarvan is definitely a bit safer.
On February 12 2014 05:27 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On February 12 2014 04:56 Celial wrote: Hey, I'm looking for new jungler to spam but just don't know which champion...
I want a champ that has the option to both hardcarry and be a tank (not at the same time, mind you). It needs to be outside of the current fotm meta though, I know that Vi would fit exactly that description but she is either banned or picked every game. I also want to be able to either outright beat or safely escape popular junglers. I prefer a more farm heavy playstyle, but want decent ganks (so Shyvana is out).
I played a lot of Olaf recently, but I feel that while I can stay a (minor) threat in lategame with true damage, I really cannot pick up a struggling team on my back and carry it. Even if I do VERY well for myself. Pantheon, Vi, Wukong, Khazix, Elise, Olaf... etc all FOTM that I don't want to play. I like to play champions that are very rarely popular but still insanely strong (and do well even when behind), just like my favorite support Karma. Any ideas? Here's something you need to remember about soloq: There is no style points when it comes to elo or LP.
play Nocturne.
Enemy Nocturne went 13-1 in a game last night, he was literally unkillable (Golem, Triforce, Randuins, Spirit Visage).
Also sidenote, I would almost bet money that Vel'Koz somehow ends up being an OP jungler like Aatrox/Elise/Kha'Zix (who weren't played in that role for ages and then ended up being really strong in it).
Got utterly dumpstered in lane vs a Panth whom I had a first blood on as riven (then fucked up my entire lane by accidently taking a second level of e at 3 ;;;; ). It seemed like he's pretty fantastic vs Riven, with the ability to poke with spears, block and stun? I guess I need to crush the lane from 1 - 3 and then hope? Or am I just terrible? I'm really new so some matchups I just panic and get totally dumped on.
On February 12 2014 05:32 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote:Show nested quote +On February 12 2014 05:27 Gahlo wrote:On February 12 2014 04:56 Celial wrote: Hey, I'm looking for new jungler to spam but just don't know which champion...
I want a champ that has the option to both hardcarry and be a tank (not at the same time, mind you). It needs to be outside of the current fotm meta though, I know that Vi would fit exactly that description but she is either banned or picked every game. I also want to be able to either outright beat or safely escape popular junglers. I prefer a more farm heavy playstyle, but want decent ganks (so Shyvana is out).
I played a lot of Olaf recently, but I feel that while I can stay a (minor) threat in lategame with true damage, I really cannot pick up a struggling team on my back and carry it. Even if I do VERY well for myself. Pantheon, Vi, Wukong, Khazix, Elise, Olaf... etc all FOTM that I don't want to play. I like to play champions that are very rarely popular but still insanely strong (and do well even when behind), just like my favorite support Karma. Any ideas? Here's something you need to remember about soloq: There is no style points when it comes to elo or LP. play Nocturne. Enemy Nocturne went 13-1 in a game last night, he was literally unkillable (Golem, Triforce, Randuins, Spirit Visage). Also sidenote, I would almost bet money that Vel'Koz somehow ends up being an OP jungler like Aatrox/Elise/Kha'Zix (who weren't played in that role for ages and then ended up being really strong in it).
Yeah, I actually really like Nocturne right now.
You can power farm him to six and he clears pretty quickly with his passive. Golem > Triforce is a significant chunk of damage and then you can go standard tank items. Semi Global ult is awesome for taking advantage of over extends.
Spell shield is also godly right now with the increasing number of Gragas and Leblanc players. You can also use it to shield Elise CC or Vi Q if you get into a jungle skirmish with them.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On February 12 2014 05:40 Sufficiency wrote: Amumu best carry jungle.
I had an Amumu the other week build straight damage. Death Cap, Void, Wraith stone. Dude's ult was hitting for 1200 damage lol
So this Vel'Koz champion is aimed at the japanese market right?
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On February 12 2014 05:41 turamn wrote:I had an Amumu the other week build straight damage. Death Cap, Void, Wraith stone. Dude's ult was hitting for 1200 damage lol Can confirm, get carried loads by an AP mumu. It hurts man nobody expects to get insta chunked near death by an ult.
Eh, Vel'Koz is described as a glass-cannon, and while his passive means that his cooldowns will be moderate at worst (stacks can't last obnoxiously long to prevent easy zoning (think pre-nerf Starcall) so the cooldowns can't be too long either to let you cast more than once before stacks expire), I'd be surprised if he could clear without dying. Anyway, found him.
And there's nothing wrong with jungling Vi. Just do it from the day of her release and you're set, no FotM thing.
On February 12 2014 05:45 Fusilero wrote:Show nested quote +On February 12 2014 05:41 turamn wrote:On February 12 2014 05:40 Sufficiency wrote: Amumu best carry jungle. I had an Amumu the other week build straight damage. Death Cap, Void, Wraith stone. Dude's ult was hitting for 1200 damage lol Can confirm, get carried loads by an AP mumu. It hurts man nobody expects to get insta chunked near death by an ult.
Blah. AP Amumu is terrible. Max CDR Amumu with Randuin and FH is the best =3
amumu is real terror right now, very good choice if you want a non fotm champ that can carry easily but maybe he's still banned at low elo ?
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On February 12 2014 05:56 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On February 12 2014 05:45 Fusilero wrote:On February 12 2014 05:41 turamn wrote:On February 12 2014 05:40 Sufficiency wrote: Amumu best carry jungle. I had an Amumu the other week build straight damage. Death Cap, Void, Wraith stone. Dude's ult was hitting for 1200 damage lol Can confirm, get carried loads by an AP mumu. It hurts man nobody expects to get insta chunked near death by an ult. Blah. AP Amumu is terrible. Max CDR Amumu with Randuin and FH is the best =3 Pls, wraith > liandry > 1v5 ez pz.
So, now that Velkoz's kit is out.
Velkoz Malzahar duo lane.
I want to see the laser combo at least once. Please youtube, make my dreams come true.
On February 12 2014 03:45 chalice wrote:Show nested quote +On February 12 2014 03:38 phyvo wrote:On February 12 2014 01:56 cLutZ wrote: I think there was real value to Skarner not needing to have his E in the old kit. Its not even a 1 Point wonder now, which is really an important thing to have in most kits. I think if any ability is the one pointer W will be. There's no way you're going to level it over E when E gives you a better slow and damage while W only gives you a few more move % and survivability. Perhaps W could use a numbers tweak, the mobility on it was nerfed and without the AS it's actually possible that people will forgo it entirely for E. That's mainly a numbers problem. I still think it's a win from a design standpoint, movespeed rampup aside. see you're looking at it from some theoretical, and entirely subjective, viewpoint of what you think champion design should be. meanwhile people that actually want to play skarner are looking at it from a champion balance standpoint where they took one of the least played champions and made him even worse.
That is fine.
I still don't get why they changed the interaction on Skarner's Ult. It just needed to refund Flash if players got grabbed anyways...
VelKoz seems to me that he'd function a lot like Syndra in lane. Lots of bully potential with low cooldown abilities, but no mobility to reliance on a knock back to keep safe. Any highly mobile jungler should make him cry (eg Vi).
Run Aatrox jungle as he's probably the best jungler who isn't FotM. Can build full AD and survive on lifesteal or full tank and deal damage with W. Q and E are both exceptionally good at chasing and running away. Provides both hard and soft CC. Passive makes tower early dives easy and risk free.
On February 12 2014 05:27 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On February 12 2014 04:56 Celial wrote: Hey, I'm looking for new jungler to spam but just don't know which champion...
I want a champ that has the option to both hardcarry and be a tank (not at the same time, mind you). It needs to be outside of the current fotm meta though, I know that Vi would fit exactly that description but she is either banned or picked every game. I also want to be able to either outright beat or safely escape popular junglers. I prefer a more farm heavy playstyle, but want decent ganks (so Shyvana is out).
I played a lot of Olaf recently, but I feel that while I can stay a (minor) threat in lategame with true damage, I really cannot pick up a struggling team on my back and carry it. Even if I do VERY well for myself. Pantheon, Vi, Wukong, Khazix, Elise, Olaf... etc all FOTM that I don't want to play. I like to play champions that are very rarely popular but still insanely strong (and do well even when behind), just like my favorite support Karma. Any ideas? Here's something you need to remember about soloq: There is no style points when it comes to elo or LP.
Yeah but I'm by far not good enough at the game to switch seamlessly between different champions and perform well. Also, I mostly play duo queue nowadays as Karma support with my ADC buddy, so I don't get much practice in on jungle either. I like to focus on a single champion, so I get decent with it. It hurts when that champ is FOTM and banned or picked away from me all the time.
Nocturne sounds like a nice idea though. Will give Nocturne and Jarvan a try. Thanks guys <3
Edit: Ninjaken is the legendary Nocturne from NA soloqueue right? So going by his guide on solomid is advised?