[Patch 3.15] Yasuo General Discussion - Page 71
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Canada23833 Posts
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Czech Republic11293 Posts
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United States3359 Posts
On December 20 2013 11:13 Scip wrote: To me Yasuo seems underwhelming until he gets Statikk+IE. He can't lane top if his life depended on it, but maybe he can lane middle, not sure about that. Due to his dependance on crit items I would say jungling him would be undesirable, though I am not entirely sure. His jungling speed after Lizard Elder is probably pretty decent. If you have stuff like Malphite or Alistar I'd say he has really good teamfights. I would say this is pretty accurate from my own playing of him and seeing others play him. He also ganks sidelanes well, more specifically the duo lane because ad carries cant touch him because of wind wall, and also his ability to have an instant 1400 range knockup/nuke. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On December 20 2013 10:22 wei2coolman wrote: He won the 1v2, with no life steal, down 30 cs in comparison to lucian. He had 2 level advantage, but he was also missing his windwall. What I got from that vid the most though was, if the Q lands, best fucking use the ulti. Can't be picky with his engagements. It's also worth mentioning that the Annie/Lucian were retarded and clumped super close to one another so both of them got hit by every single Q. If they spread out so Yasuo couldn't hit them both with his Qs, they should've been able to win that. It's like if Oriana gets a 1v5 pentakill because the enemy team clumped into one tiny bush. The biggest issue I see with Yasuo is that he can't do shit against melee tops, so he's probably best in mid. But then he runs into the issue in that he sucks balls in teamfights unless your team has at least 1~2 other knockups. | ||
France45622 Posts
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Singapore5741 Posts
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Czech Republic11293 Posts
In unrelated news, jungle Kha'Zix is pretty awesome. It's like having a Kha'Zix and then 2 more solo laners, OP shit. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On December 20 2013 11:32 Alaric wrote: Doesn't it have more to do with the current meta, and if tankier teams/resist stacking came back, then the longer fights would reduce the issues with his ramp up time, and his ult's value would armour being preferred to HP. Dont we doubt the return of resist stacking? It seems like switching to an HP-Centric defensive meta is one of the Riot's stated goals that they actually succeeded at. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On December 20 2013 12:02 Scip wrote: Him sucking in teamfights unless you have 1-2 knockups isn't really an issue. Just pick him only when you have some extra knockups. In unrelated news, jungle Kha'Zix is pretty awesome. It's like having a Kha'Zix and then 2 more solo laners, OP shit. The changes to the W to slow max with 1 pt made him really strong. He was getting strong towards end of s3 as well. New jangle helped him as well. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
That % HP and Armor shred mixed with the CC and the free shield are like really strong. My Shyvana comfort pick been being banned / picked like all day since Season 4, so I been wandering alittle bit. Vi feels like really really good, actually. Its weird though, she has a very distinct lack of early pressure compared to some other Junglers I find. Maybe my lanes just suck, but I feel like I can't successfully gank until 6 even if someone is totally pushed without a ward. Or maybe I just bad, lol. I dunno, i usually outjungle the crap out of people early but on Vi i feel like it is reversed for some reason. That being said, i like her. | ||
United States983 Posts
On December 20 2013 11:27 Ryuu314 wrote: It's also worth mentioning that the Annie/Lucian were retarded and clumped super close to one another so both of them got hit by every single Q. If they spread out so Yasuo couldn't hit them both with his Qs, they should've been able to win that. It's like if Oriana gets a 1v5 pentakill because the enemy team clumped into one tiny bush. The biggest issue I see with Yasuo is that he can't do shit against melee tops, so he's probably best in mid. But then he runs into the issue in that he sucks balls in teamfights unless your team has at least 1~2 other knockups. Yasuo's ult is honestly icing on the cake. The whole 100% crit on 2 items thing is what makes him such a snowball champ. After shiv/IE he just builds tank and his autos will wreck carries all the way to lvl 18. As cool as 5 man ults look they are not necessary, just think of it as a gap closer tied to your whirlwind. Your lane criticisms are 100% on point though. In top his mobility is not strong enough against ganks or melee all ins from jax/riven/renek. If you put him mid then he is competing with Zed who snowballs nearly as hard and has a relatively very strong early game to back it up. Until Yasuo is the best pick in the game for a given situation he will always be a troll pick. | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
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Canada31494 Posts
Does anyone know if the icon you get for three Howling Abyss wins counts for Showdown? I'ma be gone for 2 weeks and may or may notr have internet so I don't know if I'll get it... | ||
United States20754 Posts
9109 Posts
![]() gitonmylevel | ||
United States20754 Posts
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United States7414 Posts
Argh, can't decide on snowdown skins. I love both Lulu and singed but I am only getting one, it'd be my first skin for both but I dunno which one I halp me choose. | ||
United States2396 Posts
On December 20 2013 15:15 Parnage wrote: + Show Spoiler + Argh, can't decide on snowdown skins. I love both Lulu and singed but I am only getting one, it'd be my first skin for both but I dunno which one I halp me choose. Lulu because so kawaii. Though honestly that Singed skin alone wants to make me try to learn him. | ||
Canada12499 Posts
you got cs? my only cs was vayne LOL | ||
Canada3367 Posts
On December 20 2013 12:56 WaveofShadow wrote: Fiddles so good in showdown...sit back and farm with crows all day and win, if you get good bounces go all in with hella OP cc + your partner. Does anyone know if the icon you get for three Howling Abyss wins counts for Showdown? I'ma be gone for 2 weeks and may or may notr have internet so I don't know if I'll get it... I'm almost positive that Showdown wins count for the icon. I already have said icon and I haven't done any ARAMs yet. I've only done Showdown and I have it. | ||
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