Recall how originally he was basically supposed to be the Anti-Mage of LoL?
[Patch 3.15] Yasuo General Discussion - Page 69
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United States19573 Posts
Recall how originally he was basically supposed to be the Anti-Mage of LoL? | ||
United States35091 Posts
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United States1186 Posts
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Germany9118 Posts
On December 20 2013 06:35 Shelke14 wrote: The classic at school in a work group and someone asks to use your laptop for a second, leading you to telling them to hold on for a sec while you quickly delete your browser history and still cringe at the fact that what ever they type in google your porn sites don't show up..........: I'll show myself out i used a reg/system cleaner because i had a programm in my program list where the uninstall thingy was corrupt and never really uninstalled. And my manual tries didnt work. I ran it and i saw "deleting browser history", i quickly canceled it, but it still had half of my stuff deleted. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On December 20 2013 07:47 IamPryda wrote: Riot makes David Kim look like a genius. At least Morello hasn't done something as disastrous as the queen patch. Yet | ||
United States5635 Posts
On December 20 2013 08:03 Fusilero wrote: At least Morello hasn't done something as disastrous as the queen patch. Yet As someone who basically stopped playing SC2 after he finished the campaign, care to elaborate for me? | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On December 20 2013 08:07 phyvo wrote: As someone who basically stopped playing SC2 after he finished the campaign, care to elaborate for me? Basically early in 2012 a patch came out that increased the range of queens to five, it has often been regarded as one of the absolute worst things to ever happen to SC2. To the view of many it made zerg impenetrable early game as marine pressure was now getting kited to death and hellions would just be killed before any runbys could be pulled off. This lead to a drastic increase in stalled games where the zerg would amass the broodlord/infestor army which would often run over people without much resistance. It often made games more stale and predictable, the undisputed worst offender was post patch PvZ where the protoss struggled to break the zerg and they couldn't fight the broodlord/infestor army so their only hope was with an archon toilet which made zergs scared to engage and resulted in hour long stalemates that made everyone cry. It pretty much heavily stagnated the game and tipped the scales heavily towards the zerg in general. | ||
United States7572 Posts
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United States3106 Posts
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United States719 Posts
On December 20 2013 08:39 Kinie wrote: So here's a rather dumb question, but one that I feel needs to be asked. Kassidan is supposed to be the 'anti-mage' of LoL. Why not just change how his silence debuff works so that it applies only to people who have a mana/energy bar and on active items, and if its used on a resourceless champ with no active items it does an extra flat amount of damage? That's the kind of binary design Riot hates (power level fluctuates too hard solely based on what champion the enemy is playing). It's essentially has the same flaws as the old Wit's End which Riot took out of the game. | ||
United States3106 Posts
On December 20 2013 08:40 NotYango wrote: Kassadin is basically getting the pre-remake Eve treatment at this point--one aspect of his kit is really awkward for LoL's power level(in Kassadin's case, a 7/6/5s 700-range jump, in Eve's case, invisibility) but is also core to the champ's design, so it's really hard to just take it out of the game outright. So instead they're just neutering everything else in hopes that it shaves off enough power for the champ to be reasonable. That's the kind of binary design Riot hates (power level fluctuates too hard solely based on what champion the enemy is playing). It's essentially has the same flaws as the old Wit's End which Riot took out of the game. But why can't there be champs with a very specific skill set in league? I mean, Urgot is supposed to be an ADC, but if you ever see one he gets built as a bruiser type champ. I admit that there are issues with Kassidan's design, but sometimes you gotta break some rules or have exceptions that prove said rules exist. | ||
United States719 Posts
1) Ult costs % max mana rather than a fixed amount. This essentially means that Kassadin's mobility isn't scaling off you buying mana. That very concept is already pretty freaking awkward to handle given the state of mobility in general in this game. 2) Ult cost needs to be more front-loaded and scale less aggressively. Right now the gameplay of Kassadin's ulti doesn't reward the type of scenarios where the skill is most interesting. The cost of the initial jump is basically nothing--while being the most common use case, the most abusive, and the one with the least gameplay. You don't see Kassadin get to like 4+ jumps in normal practical scenario. Getting to higher jump counts requires foresight and planning because fights don't last that long. That foresight with your mana is the use case that should be rewarded, not case where you're just going into fights on 0 stacks and just using the low cost early jumps. | ||
United States19573 Posts
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Canada12499 Posts
On December 20 2013 04:39 Kinie wrote: There was someone asking about jungle Yasuo a few pages back but can't find the post. Its definitely viable, but the biggest issue is the first few levels are brutal on him. With his Q on a semi long CD, W being awkward and E only doing so much you eat a ton of damage for levels 1-4 or so. After he gets Spirit Stone though it gets a lot better. Personally I recommend going Golem into Atmas into Shiv, as those items are all fairly reasonable/good on him (golem for HP and tenacity, atmas for armor and crit, and shv for more MS and crit) AND they are all fairly cheap as well. If memory serves, I think the cost of those items combined is close to 7k, which is fairly reasonable for a jungler to get along with the 1k or so spent on boots. Probably me. I jungled him and did quite well, but non-existant gank presence had my lanes bitching. I got firstblood off a gank that I shouldn't have been able to make, but I can't count on getting retarded enemy mids every game. I went Elder Lizard into Shiv, then Randuins. Seemed to work pretty well, even when I had no gank synergy (no knockups on my team) and no magic resist (no scaling/items). I think that once it's refined he'll be a sick carry jungle in the right teamcomps. | ||
United States719 Posts
On December 20 2013 09:08 cLutZ wrote: Or they could make him into the AP Bruiser who scales off the enemy AP that he was meant to be. That still wouldn't change how fundamentally hard to manage his ult is as a skill in the context of the rest of LoL's power level. | ||
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United States15536 Posts Check out TL LoL's Preview of this weekend's portion of the Battle of the Atlantic, including the NA Promo Matches! You can even talk about it on Reddit! | ||
Canada12499 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
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